•old toy P»k4
• New (Indian) Porfum* (Registered.)
He Scent par excellence of the
PorfUmers throughout tho World.
A Bouquet of Indian Ploworo.
Patronised by H.M. Queen Alexandra
Perfume, Soap, Sachet.
I '^ m I vm a M I v:a
» j^ ft- I
S o -
i ^
» o
APRIL, 1903. F;\IMl I ll{^ liW I i! PMCt 9.
[Registered at the General Post Office, Melboiirne, for transmission by post as a newspaper.]
Review of Revinrx, .?fl/.j/M.
" Accurate=to=the=5econd."
. . WATCHES . .
For Discriminating People who want **The Best."
" All advertise watches, but no
one makes Avatches in Anieric.i
but the • Dueber-Hampden Com
pany.' Some make Watch
Movements, some make Watch
Cases; no one can guarantee a
watch who makes one-half ot
it only."
" Lever Set" and Cinnot "Set" in the Pocket. Made m the only factory
in the world where a complete watch (both case and movement) is made.
Every Watch Guaranteed (Case as well as Movement).
••The 400," The Ladies' Watch.
••John Hancock" 21 Jewels, The Oenttemen's Watch.
••Special Railway," 21 and 23 Jewels, for Railway Men, etc.
Look for the name ' Dueber " in the case.
Write for our " Guide to Watch Buyers."
F«r mutual advantass whan you writa to an aavartit»er piuasa mantiun i.i«i neview oi aviawa.
April 20, 190S'
1. "A bite to eat, mum; jest a bit"
(Continued on page iii.)
Lifht, Strong:, and Rab >it Proof.
Made of STEEL TUBE, with Malleable IRON
FITTINGS; with Galvanised Steel Wire wovet
on to the frames.
0ouCk)C)Cx)C C)uuuoCa
Weight of a 9-foot Gate under 50 lbs. Hinges, Catchet,
and Stops oomplete. Can be hung in a few minuUs.
Send for Illustrated Oatalogrue
of Fence, Qates, and Droppers.
Is a Necessity in Every Home. •*
Ready for
istant use
when received.
'No setting up
N 0 trouble.
You can have
It home i n
V o u r own
r-oom Turkish,
Russian, Hot
A i r, Vapour,
M e d i c ated,
P e r f u m ed,
.Mineral, Salt,
>uinine, Hop.
or Sulphur
Haths. Bene-
"ts and cures
"oesity, L a
Irippe, Neur
Igia, Rheu
MatisiD, Liver
n d Kidney
'" roubles,
; 1 o o d and
Skin Distases
"iires a hard
• Id with ono
■ath. These
'aths are
i g h 1 y en
n^^*i^iu«" *°«i ^"^^ eminent author..,. „ „.s Dr.^ Ruddock
Dr. Kellogg, Sir Erasmus Wilson, F.R.S.
PRICE, 258. and 45b.
Carriage paid to any Victx)rlan Railway Station, or Au«»
trallan and N.Z. ports.
Premier Buildings. 229-23J Collins ::*reet, Melbourne.
^Pf'iljo, 1^03.
Ci There's SECURITY in
Absolutely OUTB
They TOUCH the L I V E R ^"' "'" "" """■ '"'" ^*'-
Be Sure they are CARTER ''S
Is galranised after being put together. This
galvanises every rivet and bolt in its position.
protecting the bolts and the cut edges from
rust. ihis galvanising business is a great
feature— increasing the life of the MILL.
They have ball bearings, which is another
valuable point.
Bourke St., Melbourne. Pitt St., Sydney.
The ** Enterprise
Makes, Keeps and Restores
Beauty in Nature's own way.
The cup-shaped teeth have a suction
effect on the skin that smooths out
wrinkles, rounds out the beauty mus-
cles, and gives perfect circulation of
the blood.
It is so constructed that it treats
every portion of the face and neck per-
fectly, even to the "crow's feet" in
the comers of the eyes.
Sample Jar of "SKIN FOOD" /,
Given Away irlth each RoUm. 4/0
Rofler and Sample Jar - . Pott PrM
For mutual advantair«"v,,i;^,ryou^r1ii^o~a:n
Box 133, G.P.O.
advertiser please mention the Review of RevlewaT
April po, 190^.
2. " Certainly. I never refuse a genuine case."
(Continued on page vii.)
Ist.— The New MOULDED Records, made of a harder
material, which is more durable, and wears better than
the old type, is not damaged by handling, and is more
natural in tone, more distinct, and of exceptional loud-
2nd. — The new Model " C " Reproducer, for all ma-
chines (except Gem), which has two absolutely new and
important features, viz.: a built-up, indestructible dia-
phragm, very hignly sensitive, and a new form of
sapphire, shaped like a button, and so placed in the Re-
producer arm that the edge of the sappnire tracks in the
groove of the Record; the contact surface is very much
smaller than that of the old ball type, and in conse-
quence can follow the undulations of the Record without
that tendency to jump from crest to crest so often the
case with the old style. That harshness which has
hitherto characterised the reproduction of the Phono-
graph and kindred machines is now entirely overcome,
the result being a perfectly natural and musical effect
most pleasing to the ear.
In future the "Gem" will be equipped with the Model
B Automatic Reproducer, as previously supplied with
the higher-priced machines. This will materially improve
the reproduction of the Gem, both with the present style
and the new Moulded Record.
Universal C-iambers,
Telephone 506a
Alcoholic Excess
DRINK and DRUG HABITS and resultant Nervous Diseases eradicated at home
without inconvenience by
Assured results. Either sex. Adaptable to every case. Success testified by Officials of London Diocesan Branch ©f
THOMAS HOLMESt the famous North London Missionary, Author of "Pictures and Problems of the London Police
Courts," writes: "I wish to bear my testimony to the great value of your remedy. I selected only those cases that are
acknowledged to be at once the most difficult aiXi the most hopeless. In the lowest depths I met them. I soon saw the beneficial
effects of your remedy, their physical condition rapidly improved, their depression of mind passed away, they became bright and
hopeful— in fact, new men."
" The Treatment succeeds in ninety-seven cases out of a hundred. The Faculty acknowledges itself amazed at the
" marvellous success of this new remedy, which destroys the taste for alcohol and kindred drugs, making them absolutely
"abhorrent to the patient. A strong point about this proved cure is that it can be taken as ordinary medicine, and in no way
"Interferes with general habits, while the inebriate home becomes practically a thing of the past." — Whitbhall Riviiw.
"The Advertiser is able to adduce definite evidence that his method has had really good results." — Trcth.
REVIEWS" (London), in an Article entitled
are holding their own,"— says :—
Where the English
"For some years the Gold Cure as a remedy for inveterate drunkenness held the field. This American method of treatment,
'although achieving considerable success in many cases, is far from being a universal specific. It entails a long and costly
'treatment, involving subcutaneous injections and residence in an institute during the time of treatment. The competing
'•yttem to which I am now calling attention is simpler, and appears to be not less efficacious. The Tacquaru Company,
'although in its infancy, claims already to have effected a cure of nearly 3,000 cases of those who suffer from alcoholic excess.
" The Company has its own medical men, who examine every case, and who vary what may be called the supplementary
'ingredients of the specific according to the circumstances of the case with which they are dealing. Unlike the Gold Cure,
' it necessitates no subcutaneous injection, and patients can be treated in their own homes."
PamphlmtB, etc., can bo obtalneH from THE TACQUARU CO., 73 Amber ley House, ■
Norfolk Street, London, W.C., or front "Tacquaru," Box 133, G.P.O., Melbourne.
For mutual advantage when you writfl *« an advertiser please mentlo^ the Review of Reviews
April 20, IQ03.
Most people love Pets.
Most people have Pets.
Most people have Pet Corns.
All i> people wish they hadn't.
Why keep such
troublesome Pets
when . . .
is within reach of all.
P«8t Pre«, any Address, 1/-
Cbemtdt & S>cuddf0t,
TEL. NO. 1926.
with Com-
fort Abso.
lutely un
"Will do ALL THE COOKING- for a household
Every Apparatus fitted with the silent "Primus."
Prices from 38/6 to 7 ;-.
Corner of Collins and Swanston Sts.,
COUNTRY, for the Citizen and the Settler,
the Farmer and the Miner.
THE PAPER FOR THE HOME, with Excellent Fea-
tures of Special Interest to Both Old and Young.
Posted direct to subscribers in any part of the Aus-
tralian CommonAvealth:
Quarterly 3s. Sd.
Half-yearly 6s. 6d.
Yearly 13s. Od.
All Business Communications to be addressed to V^e iVIanaffer, "Weekly Times
Office, Melbourne.
with Its Larare and Widespread Circulation THE WEEKLY TIMES is an EXCELLENT
For mutual advantage when you write to an advertiser Diease mention the Review ot Reviews-
April 20, ipos.
Thb f amous remedy for
Has the Larg:est Sale o-f any Chest Medicine in Australia,
*'hose who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty ol
Bieathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief ; and to those who are subject to Colds on the
Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice,
and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become Chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where
"Coughs" have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a dose is generally
sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain.
Remember that every disease has its commencement, and Consumption
is no exception to this rule.
" Mr. W. G. Hearne — Dear Sir, — I am writing to tell you about the
wonderful cure your medicine has effected in my case. About three
years ago I began to cough. At first the cough was not severe, but it
gradnally got worse, and I became very weak and troubled with Tiight
sweats, pain in my chest, and great quantities of phlegm. On several
occasions there was blood in the expect^ra ed matter. I had been
treated by a doctor, who pronounced my case to be Consumption, and
various other treatmen's had been tried, but without benefit. It was
at this stage that I heard of your Bronchitis Cure, and sf nt to you for
a course of the medicine. When it arrived I was too ill to leave my
bed, but I commenced taking it at once, and gradually improved. I
am glad to say that the two lots of medicine you sent have effected a
complete cure, for which accept my very best thanks— Yours grate-
fully, "J. BLAIR.
"Westminster, Bridge-road, S.E , London."
" Dergholm, Victoria.
"Dear Sir, — I wish to add my testimony to the wonderful effect of
your Bronchitis Cure. I suffered fo>- nine months, and the cough was
BO dis'ressingly bad at nights I was obliged to get up and sit by the
fire. I had medical advice, and tried other ' remedies,' without avail.
I tried yours, and never had a fit of coughing after taking the first
dose, and though I have had but two bottles I feel I am a different
man, and the cough has vanished. You may depend upon my making
known the efficacy of your wonderful remedy to anyone I see afflicted.
" Yours faithfullv. JAMES ASTliURY."
"The Scientific Australian Office, 169 Queen-st., Melbourne.
" Dear Mr. Hearne, — The silent workers are frequently the most
effective, and if there is anybodv in Victoria who during the last few
years has been repeatedly working for and singing the praises of
Hearne's Bronchitis Cure, it is our Mr. Phillips. This gentleman,
some three years ago, was recommended to try vour Bronchitis Cure
by Mr. Barham, accountant, Collins-street, and the effect that it had
was so marked that he has ever since been continually recommending
it to others We are glad to add this our testimony to the value of
Hearne's m-st valuable Bronchitis Cure, which has eased the sufferings
of hundreds and hundreds of people even in our own circle of acquaint-
ance. Believe us always to be yours most faithfully,
"69 Queen-st., Brisbane, Queensland.
•' Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,— Please send us 36 dozen Bronchitis
Cure by first boat. We enclose our cheque to cover amount of order.
We often hear your Bronchitis Cure spoken well of. A gentleman told
us to-day that he had given it to a child of his with most remarkable
result, the child being (luite cured by three dosts.
" We are, faithfullv yours,
"THOMASON, CHATER & CO., Wholesale Chemists."
We, the undersigned, have had occasion to obtain Hearne's Bron-
chitis Cure, and we cert if v that it was perfectly and rapidly successful
under circumotiuices which undoubtfdy prove its distinct healing
power. Signed by the Rev. JOHN SINCLAIR, Myers-street, Geelong,
and fifty nine other leading residents.
Mr. Alex J. Anderson, of Oak Park, Charlesville, Queensland,
writes:— " After suffering from Asthma for seventeen years, and
having been under a great many different treatments without benefit,
I was induced to try Hearne's medicine for Asthma. After taking
three bottles of this medicine I quite got rid of the Asthma, and since
then, which was in the beginning of 1883 (15 years ago), I have not
had the slightest return of it. The medicine quite cured me, and I
have much pleasure in recommending it."
Writing again on the 4th April, 1899, he states:- "I am keeping
very well now. Never have the slightest return of the Asthma."
" I used your Bronchitis Cure for three of my family, and it cured
each of them in from one to three doses.- P. F. MULLINS, Cowie's
Creek, Victoria "
" Your Bronchitis Cure relieved my son wonderfully quick. I only
gave him four doses, and have some of the medicine yet ; but I am
sending for another bottle in case I should want it.— D. M'DONALD,
Trinky, via Quirindi, N.S.W."
" My wife is 82 years old, and I am 79, and I am glad to inform you
that your Bronchitis Cure has done us both a wonderful deal of good,
it having quickly cured us both.— R. BASSET, Strath Creek, via
Broadford, Victoria."
" I have used one bottle of your Bronchitis Cure with great benefit
to myself, as the smothering has completely left me.— (Mrs ) JOHN
RAHILLY, Glenmaggie, Victoria."
" I have finished the Bronchitis Cure you sent, and am amazed at
what it has done in the time. The difficulty of breathing has all gone.
—J. HARRINGTON, Bingegong, Morundah, N.S.W."
"I lately administered some of your Bronchitis Cure to a son ol
mine, with splendid effect. The cure was absolutely miraculous.— D.
A. PACKER, Quiera, Neutral Bay, Sydney, N.S.W."
"Your Bronchitis Cure, as usual, acted splendidly.— 0. H.
RADFORD, Casterton. Victoria."
"Kindly forward another bottle of your famous Bronchitis Cure
without delay, as I find it to be a most valuable medicine. — (Mrs.) J.
SLATER, Warragul, Victoria."
"I am very pleased with your Bronchitis Cure. The result was
marvellous. It eased me right oflf at once. -G. SEYTER, Bourke,
" Your medicine for Asthma is worth £1 a bottle.— W. LETTS, Hey-
wood, Victoria."
, "I have tried lots of medicine, but yours is the best I ever had. I
am recommending it to everybody. — S. STEELE, Yanko Siding,
" I suffered from Chronic Asthma and Bronchitis, for which I ob-
tained no relief until I tried your medicine, but I can truly say that I
am astonished at my present freedom, as a direct result of my brief
trial.— JOHN C. TRELAWNEY, Severn River, via Inverell. N.S.W."
" Last year I s'^-^ered severely from Bronchitis, and the doctor, to
whom I paid seven guineas, did not do me any good ; but I heard of
j'our Bronchitis Cure, and two bottles of it made me quite well.— H.
HOOD, Brooklands, Avoca-street, South Yarra, Melbourne."
" Please send me half-a-dozen of your Bronchitis Cure. This medi-
cine cured me in the winter, and has now cured a friend of mine of a
very bad Bronchitis. — A. ALLEN, Ozone House, Lome, Victoria."
"Your Bronchitis Cure has done me much good. This is a new ex-
perie.ace, for all the medicine I previously took made me much worse.
I am satisfied that the two bottles of Bronchitis Cure I got from you
have pulled me through a long and dangerous illness.— HENRY
WURLOD, Alma, near Maryborough, Victoria."
"The bottle of Bronchitis Cure I got from you was magical in its
effects —CH AS. WHYBROW, Enoch's Point, via Darlingitord, Vic-
" Upon lookii.^ through our books we are struck with the steady
and rapid increase in the sales of your Bronchitis Cure.— ELLIOTT
BROS., Ltd., Wholep^ile Druggists, Sydney, N.S.W."
Prepared only, and sold wholesale and retail, by the Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, Chemist, Geelong:, Victoria.
Smallsize, 28. 6d. ; large, 4s. 6d* Sold by Chemists and Medici'ie Vendors. Forwarded by post to any address when not obtainable looallr.
For mutual advantage when you write to an advertiser please mention the Review of Revlewst
Jflsron's Paieiii Stcenuindnijifs
Made in all sixes from £5 tos.
April 20, igo^.
My Mil is are imitated
by none Hundreds
of Testimonials re-
ceived. Eight Gold
Medals awarded.
A Friend in-nceJ,
A Friend ln-d:ed.
The First Cost
the Only Cost.
No Attention
Thp Best Invest-
uient for House,
at <:k,orGarde...
I make Wind-
mills a Special
Line, not a side
The Best Trough
Ever Invented.
Will not crack,
leak, rot, or rust.
All Lengths.
Write me your
Send for Catalogue
Patentee and Manufacturer,
Queen s Bridgre, SOUTH MELBOURNE.
The only article which really
affords nourishment to the
bair, prevents baldness,
greyness, preserves and
^ strengthens it for years.
" and resembles the oily mat-
ter which Nature provides
for its preservation, is—
fTids°"thi* l"^" ^^^" ^^^°^^« d^y and weak- Tt
polish, prevents 'an^'^Jrrests decay »L "■■'"»"'
pleasant fragrance to the brejth " ^""^ "
A,^f AsfcStores and Chemists for ROWLANDS'
^r,A m. A- '^t?,®"'"^o*'L'^ Permanent Cure for Blind
and Bleeding Piles SuflFerers should not fail to give
this valuable remedy a trial, it has cured thousands
of the very worst cases! Saved many a painful opera-
tion and given immediate relief from pain. " Pila '"
18 taken internally, and is specially recommended to
delicate constitutions. Price, 5s. per jar; postage Is
extra. Send for " Dr. Ricord's Treatise on P?lesTand
testimonia s free on receipt of stamped addressed en-
To Co obtainable at your chemist, apply direct
Ab^RA?'l^A°"'l^ ^^^" ?.^ ^°"^^^ Street. SOUTH
AUblRALIA— F. H. Faulding & Co., Druggists AAt^
cf\^ T^^^^f AUSTRALTA-F: H fauldintt
%' i ^""T^.^ S*""^^*' ^^^^^- N^^W SOUTH WALEbi
-J^. H. Faulding & Co., 16 O'Connell Street, Sydney.
>or 'n^^tiiir^d^^iiii^^^;;^^^^,^^^^
Write to-day for our Illustrated Catalogue.
Price, delivered, from 25/~ to 84/-.
advertiser please mention tne Rev.evT^rRi
April 20, 1903.
3. ! ! !
(Continued on page ix.)
■^E grant every purchaser of our ELECTRIC BELTS and
APPLIANCES a trial of Thirty Days before payment,
which \s fully explained in our " ELECTRIC ERA." Our
~ Electric Belts will cure all
NERVOUS and other DIS-
EASES in all stages, however
caused, and restore the
wearer to ROBUST HEALTH.
Our Marvellous Electric
Belts give a steady soothing
current that can be felt by the
wearer through all WEAK
a written guarantee with each
Electric Belt that it will per-
manently cure you. If it does
not we will promptly return
the full amount paid. We
mean exactly what we say,
and do precisely what we
_ promise.
NOTICE.— Before purchasing we prefer that you send for
our "ELECTRIC ERA" and Price List (post free), giving
illustrations of different appliances for BOTH SEXES, also
TESTIMONY which will convince the most sceptical.
German Electric Belt Agency,
(High Commissioner of Crete, etc., etc.) '
The Finest Dressing Specially Prepared and
Delicately Perfumed.
A Luxury and a Necessity to Every Modern Toilet.
Produces Luxuriant Hair. Prevents its Falling Off or
Turning Grey. Unequalled for Promotiug the Growth of
the Beard and Moustache. The Renownid Remedy for
Baldness. For Preserving, Strengthening, and Rendering
ihe Hair Beautifully Soft; for Removing Siurf, Dandruff,
etc., also for restoring grey hair to its Original Colour.
Full Description and Direction for nae in 20 Languages
supplied with every Bottle.
Is., 2s. 6cl., and ^8 times 28. 6d. size) 48. 6(1. per Bnttlo,
from Chemists, Hairdresfeers, and Stores all over the Work.
EDWARDS' "HARLENE" CO., 95 & 96 High Holborn, London, W.C.
For mutual advantage when you write to an advertiser oiease mention the Review of Reviews
April 20, igos-
All Functional Derangements of the Liver, Temporary Con-
gestion arising from Aicoholic Beverages, Errors in Diet,
biliousness. Sick Headache, Giddiness, Vomiting, Heartburn",
Sourness of the Stomach, Conscipation, Thirst,
Skin Eruptions, Boils, Feverish Cold with High Temperature
and Quick Pulse, Influenza, Throat AfTections and
Fevers of all kinds.
INDIGESTION, BILIOUSNESS, SICKNESS, etc.— "I have often thou£?ht of writing to tell
you what 'FE-UIT SALT' has done for me. I used to be a perfect martyr tn Indigestion and Biliousness.
About six or seven years back my husband suggested I should try ' FEUIT SALT.' I did so, and the
result has been marvellous ; I never have the terrible pains and sickness I used to have ; I can eat almost
anything now, I always keep it in the house and recommend it to my friends, as it is such an invaluable
pick-me-up if you have a headache or don't feel iuf-;. . '-ht. "Yours truly, (August 8, 1900)."
The effect of ENO'S < FRUIT SALT' on a. Diserdered, Sleepless, and Feverish Condition is simfAy
marvellous. It is, in -fact, Naf'ure's Own Remedy, and an Unsurpassed One.
CAUTION. — See capsule marked Eno*S * Fruit Salt.' Without it you have a Worthless Imitamon,
Prepared only by J. C. ENO, Ltd., at the « FRUIT SALT' WOR»<S, LONDON, by J. O. ENO'S Patent.
*or mutual advantase when you write to an advertisei piootse mention th« Review of Reviews.
April 20, 1003.
4. ! ! !
(Continued on page xi.)
Has gained a world-wide reputation for arresting the premature
decay, promoting the growth and giving lustre to the hair, li your
hair is falling off, try it. If it is thin, try it
Price 38.| 48.y 68. Postage 9cl. extra.
For Eczema, Riiigworm and all Parasitical Di eas s of the Headt '
for making Ha r gr w on Bald Pa.ches.
Price 5s. Postagre 9ci. extra.
HOLLAND'S NATURALINE for restoring Grey Hatr
to its original colour.
Acts qnickly, naturally, and effectively. Price 58. 6d. Postage 9d. extra.
Consult E. HOLLAND for all Diseases o-Fthe Hair.
Sold by all Chemists and by Washington Soul & Co., Pitt-st., Syanef>
E- HOLLAND, Hair Specialist,
**A PERFECT Food lor Infants.*'
Editresa of " Baby."
Over 70 Years* Established Ref uUtioh.
T \*2^Sn^^"*^^^y prepared and hiehly nutrfttou*.'^—
** Admirably adapted to the want* of infaata aod youne
pef«on«.''-Si» CHAS. A. CAMERON, OB., M.D.
Ex-President of the Royal Collie of
Surgeons, Ireland.
Woman's International Exhibition,
London, 1900.
Manufactnrers : JOSLA.H B. NEAVB A OC,
Fordingrbridge, England.
RUPTURE •''"'"
mu.%Mm ■ uaai^ without
operation, pain or dependence
Upon Trusses.
The only humane treatment
Immediate Relief and Permanent
Cure is obtained by my improved
combined treatment. Send for
Treatise, " Rupture and its Cure."
M.R.C.S-, BNG..
For mutual advantage when you write to an advertiser please mention the Kevi«w of Reviews*
April 20, 1903.
was marvellous. Being my next door neighbour, 1
saw her daily until she was quite well. 1 consider her
case a wonderful cure.
61 O'Grady Street, Albert Park. MARY FRY.
428 Church Street, Richmond,
15th August, 1902.
Mr. 8. A. PALMER,
Dear Sir, — About six years ago 1 became very ill,
suflfering from poverty of blood and general weakness.
My medical adviser ordered me to the Ararat Hospi-
tal. I remained there for one month, then
left, removing to Ballarat, where I became much
worse and very weak. About four years ago
1 returned to Melbourne, and eventually became so
weak I had to take to my bed, and remained there
eight weeks. Having read a great deal about Webber's
VITADATIO, I made up my mind to give it a trial.
The first bottle upset me very much, and I laid it
aside for a fortnight, then I called to see you at
Bourke Street, when you strongly advised me to con-
tinue it, stating that it would certainly cure me; so
I persevered, and after I had taken the fifth bottle
I began to feel much stronger, and, by continuing, my
health was completely restored. It is now three years
since 1 took the last bottle, and I can truthfully say
I would have been in my grave long ago had it not
been for VITADATIO. I can recommend it to any-
one suffering as I did, and hand you this to make
use of as you please for the benefit of other sufferers.
I will be pleased to answer any questions, either by
letter or personally, at above address — Yours faith-
I have known Mrs. Smith for a number of years,
and can truthfully certify that her statement is true
in every particular. She was very low and weak when
she commenced taking VITADATIO, and the effect
Drummond Street, North Carlton,
August 15, 1902.
I have suffered from internal abscesses on and off
for five years. On two different occasions I was in
the hospital; the first time was treated for Tubercu-
losis peritonitis, the second time for Tuberculosis
abscesses. I underwent two operations; was told
they had done all they could do, but could not cure
me, -and after 1 left used to suffer intense agony, and
could scarcely lift my hands to my head. I was in-
duced to give VITADATIO a trial, and took four
bottles, which gave no relief, but after the seventh
bottle I got relief, and continued taking, with the
result that after about eight or nine bottles an
abscess broke, and after a great discharge I got great
relief. Four weeks after this another abscess broke
and discharged, and after this my former health re-
turned. I have now had good health for two years,
and not the slightest indication of a return of the old
complaint. You are at liberty to use this as you
please. Hoping it may lead some other sufferers to
regain their lost health by taking VITADATIO,
I have known Mrs. Williams for ten years, and can
testify to the whole of the above statement. .
382 Station St., N. Carlton.
Head Office: Clarendon St. /V., South Melbourne.
(Retail Depot, 45 and 47 Bourke Street.)
The Price of Medicine is 5/6 and 3/6 per Bottle.
For mutual advantag* when you write to an advertiser please mention the Review of Heviews
April 2G, 1903.
5. " Well, I'm blowed!"
" Life."
Used at table and in cooking,
Cerebos Salt is not only
dainty and economical, but
it makes all tlie food more
strengthening; because it
contains the Bran Phosphates
(absent from White Bread)
out of which Nature forms
Nerve and Brain, Bones and
Teeth, and Healthy Blood.
From Grocers and Stores
Wholesale Agents:— Peterson &* Co.,
Contain no Cocaine or other Poisonous Drug.
and ALL Ai^ i ..^xiONS
of the THROAT
and LUNGS.
The Great Antiseptic
Remedy for the
Their Antiseptlo properties prevent fermentation of the food and are thus helpful in
Indigestion and Dyspepsia.
Sold by all Chemists, Tins 1/6, or by post on receipt of this amount in Stamps of any
State from the Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer,
G. HUDSON, Chemist, Ipswich, Queensland, Australia.
For mutual advantage when you write to an advertiser please mention the Review of Reviews
April 20, 190S'
/Bbetbobiet Xabics' dollege.
"If' there is a Colleire in Australia that trains its griris to be ladies it is tlie IMethodist Ladies'
Collegre."— A Parent in New South Wales.
"The best praise o-f the Collegre is that it trains its grirls in character. This is what a parent
values.''— A Victorian Parent.
THE COLLEGE consists of stately buildings (on
which nearly £40,000 has been spent), stand-
ing in Spacious Grounds, and furnished with
the latest and most perfect educational appli-
ances. It includes Gymnasium, Art Studio.
Swimm ng Bath, Tennis Court, etc.
THE ORDINARY STAFF numbers fifteen, and
includes six University Graduates, making it
the strongest Teaching Staff of any Girls'
School in Australia.
ACOOMPLISHMEIMTS.— The Visiting Staff con-
sists of eighteen experts of the highest stand-
ing, including the very best Teachers in Music,
Singing, and all forms of Art.
BOARD&R:^ are assured of wise training in so-
cial habits, perfect comfort, refined com-
panions, and a happy College life.
RELIGIOUS TRAINING.— Each Boarder attends
the Church to which her parents belong, and is
under the Pastoral Charge of its Minister.
Regular Scripture teaching by the President.
are attracted by the reputation of the College,
and by the pre-eminent advantages in Health,
Happiness, and Education it otters, from all
the Seven States,
SPECIAL STUDENTS.— Young Ladies are re-
ceived who wish to pursue Special Lines of
Study without taking up the full course of or-
dinary school work.
triculation Examinations, fourteen students of
the M.L.C. passed, out of seventeen officially
" sent up," and two of the unsuccessful missed
by only one point each! This is the highest
proportion of passes secured by any college.
There were no failures in Greek, Algebra,
French, German, Botany, Geography, and
Music, and only one in English and Physiology.
Thirteen " Honours " were obtained in English,
French, and German.
The following are unsought testimonials to me
work of the College, taken from letters of parents
received during 1901. They are samples, it may be
added, of scores of similar letters received:
A parent whose girls have been, for some years,
day-girls at the College, writes:
" Now that their school years are coining to an end,
it is a p^reat pleasure to me to be able to say what I
hope will be the life-long benefit they have derived from
being alumnae of the M.L.C. Their progress imply
repays my wife and myself for any sacrifice we have
made to secure them this great advantage."
A country banker, whose two daughters were re-
sident students, writes:
" 1 am satisfied that my daughters have the good for-
tune to be where they have every advantage that talent,
tone, and exceptional kindness can give to school-girls.'
From a country minister:
*' The College was a very happy home to our girl
for the two years she was there. ' She is never weary
telling us of the great kindness and care she always
A South Australian lady writes:
" I wanted my girl to be brought up amongst lady-
like companions, and to be happy; and I must con-
gratulate you on accomplishing what is not only my
desire, but what, I am sure, is the desire of hundreds of
other mothers as well."
Prom a parent whose daughters have been day-
" I look upon the M.L.C. as a real temple of purity,
kindness, and happy girl-life."
The "Young Man" (England):
" British readers will probably have but little idea
of the national importance of this institution. It has
earned the reputation of being one of the best High
Schools for girls, not in Australia only, but in all the
April 20, 1903.
When I tell you that I teach a different kind of exercise, something new,
more scientific, more rational, safer, and immeasurably superior to anything:
ever before devised, I am but repeating: what thousands of prominent men
and women are saying: for me who have profited by my instructions.
If you are not convinced from my previous advertising that my system of
Physiological Exercise will do all that I claim for it, the fault is in the advertis-
ing, and not in the system itself.
What is so strong as the testimony of others?
Mr. J. Logan Jones, Vice-Pres. and Secy, of Jones Dry Goods Co., of
Kansas City, Mo., U.S.A., after years of gradual but certain decline physically
and mentally, had a complete collapse. It was impossible for him to sleep with-
out medicine, and he went without natural sleep for the period of about ten
months. He tried the best physicians to be had, travelled almost constantly,
being unable to remain long in one place; took hunting trips in Colorado, and a
sea-coast trip to Northern Maine, with no appreciable results. He had been
constipated for sixteen or seventeen years, and had to take phj'-sic constantly,
never having a natural actioii. The following is an extract from a recent letter
to me: "A little over ten months ago I took my first exercise from you, and,
under the circumstances, consider the transformation a positive miracle. Will
say that I am getting to be q^jite a giant. I weigh more than I have ever
weighed in my life, and my muscular development is something wonderful. 1
sleep soundly, my digestion is good, constipation a matter of ancient history,
and do more work than I ever did in my life, and enjoy it all the time." What
could be more convincing, and do you wonder that he is enthusiastic? I could name hundreds of others who have
received similar results, but it would not make the system any better. If you will follow my instructions for a
few weeks, I promise you such a superb muscular development and such a degree of vigorous health as to for ever
convince you that intelligent direction of muscular effort is just as essential to success in life as intelligent mental
efEort. ,No pupil of mine will need to digest his food wi£h pepsin nor assist Nature with a dose of physic. I will
give you an appetite and a strong stomach to take care of it; a digestive system that will fill your veins with rich
blood; a strong heart that mil regulate circulation and improve assimilation; a pair of lungs that will purify
your blood; a liver that will work as Nature designed it should; a set of nerves that will keep you up to the
standard of physical and mental energy. I will increase your nervous force and
capacity for mental labour, making your daily work a pleasure. You will sleep
as a man ought to sleep. You will start the day as a mental worker must
who would get the best of which his brain is capable. I can promise
you all of this because it is common sense, rational, and just
as logical as that study improves the intellect.
I have no book, no chart, no apparatus whatever. My
system is for each individual; my instructions for you
would be just as personal as if you were my only pupil.
It is taught by post only, and with perfect success, rt-
quires but a few minutes' time in your own room just
before retiring, and it is the only one which does not over-
tax the heart.
shall be pleased to send you free valuable in-
formation and detailed outline of my system, its
principles and effects, upon application. This infor-
mation, which I furnish free, is M^ry interesting: and
cannot be secured elsewhere at any price.
Write at once.
ALOIS P. SWOBODA, 120 Washington St., CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A
For mutual advantage when you write to an advertiser Dieaee mention the Review of RevlewCi
April 20, 1^03.
something good to tell, there is no need to delude the unwary into reading an apparently
interesting story which proves to be a prelude to an advertisement. The startling story
and the thrilling "testimonial" do not add to the merit of the article advertised. If
you are troubled with
or other such ailments which arise from a Disordered Stomach imperfectly doing Its
work, you need not experiment with the many medicines so plausibly put before you— take
and you have a reliable remedy, proved by thousands of sufferers to be unequalled for
dispelling Disorders of the Stomach and Liver. It is not necessary to bring BEECHAM'S
PILLS before your notice surreptitiously, as they are openly recogrimended by those who
have found that BEECHAM'S PILLS will do all that is claimed for them— hence they have
the largest sale of any Patent Medicine in the World.
Sold Everywhere, in Boxes, price is* J id. {56 Pills) and 2s. 9d* (J 68 Pills).
Q, a
s a
I defy all
g -.3
For mutual advantage when you write to an advertiser please mention the Review of Ravlews.
April 20, 1903.
Boy: " You needn't come hanging around
me. I haven't got any peanuts."
Has Never Been Known to Fail to Cure Horses of
Sebastopol, Marck 4, 1902.
Dear Sirs,— We have used Solomon Solution for a.
number of years, for sore backs, girth galls, sore shoul-
ders, greasy heels, and for all kinds of wounds and^
apraing in horses and cattle. We have great pleasure
in recommending it. No stable should be without it..
Yours truly,
Price 2/6 and 5/- jar.
Obtainable of All Chemists, Storekeepers, Saddlers..
Patentees and Sole Manufacturers
eamerbury Cintcs,
The National Weekly IMag^azine of New
Sixty-eisht Pag^es, Illustrated.
Read by all classes of the community, in all parts of the
'L J
Subscfip.ion — Postage paid, per Annum, in advance :
New Zealand and Australia, 24/-; Gseat Britain 37/-
Cbe Cymiton Ciities Company Ctd.
ChHstchurch, New Zealand,
Agrents in Australia: GORDON & QOTCH Ltd.,
On Sale by all Booksellers and News Agents jT
For mutual advantsise wnen you write 10 an advertiser ptt:u»o mention tna Revi«>ww 01 kbvi...
April 20, ipo3.
Have far and away the LARGEST SALE OF ANY
CORSET, British or Foreign, in the World.
Compel the approval of Corset "Wearers everywhere,
Beyoiiti comparison the most perfect Corsets extant.
C^^l^i"!® unique principles of Corset manufacture.
^Jf their kind the most popular competitive speciality.
R epresentative of the highest standard of excellence.
Stocked in good assortment, command an immediate sale.
E ^-ch season marks an enormous increase in their popularity.
Thousands of Drapers recognise their unrivalled merit.
Sol<i by the retail Drapery Trade to over 4,000,000 wearers.
The Otaqo Witness
is one of the Best and Most Favourably Known of the Illustrated
Weekly Newspapers of New Zealand.
It has a wide circulation throughout the Farming, Pastoral, $
and riining Districts of the Colony, and is a J
Subscription in New Zealand, 25s. per annunr ; in Australia (except Queensland),
ajs. 6d. per annum ; Queensland, £1 15s.
»l ^ ^
Publishing Office, Dowling St., Dunedin;
and to be obtained throughout the Comminonwealth from QORDON
& QOTcH, News Agents.
For mutual advantage when you write to an advertiser please mention the Review of Reviews
April 20, 1^03.
1. " Quick, Marthy! run fer the cyclone-cellar.
Here comes a reg'lar ripsnorter. "
(Continued on page xix.)
The Great Cough Remedy.
Cherry Cordial
Relieves Lung Trouble quicker than any other
Patent Medicine.
tj" per bottle.
Sample bottle sent 1(4 per post
Wholesale Agents :
G. THORN E, Moorabool Street, Geeiong-.
J. McKAY & SONS, Ballarat.
A complete library for the children, of the
best nursery rhymes, fairy-tales, fables, stories
of travel, etc., that have ever been written for
the little ones, illustrated with 2,000 drawings.
Each set consists of 1,500 pages, in 24 books,
bound in 12 volumes, printed on stout paper,
with stiff cloth covers, and enclosed in a strong,
handsome, cloth-covered cabinet.
No greater happiness could be granted to
your little ones than an introduction to these
characters., and the host of queer animals — to
say nothing of giants, fairies, and other quaint
folk — that people this child's fairy-land.
And no other children's library supplies the
means as effectively as a Box of Books for the
Bairns. Children's literature of every land has
been laid under contribution. Every page is
illustrated, and the drawings throughout, num-
bering over 2,000, are original, and executed
solely for this series by the well-known chil-
dren's artists, Miss Gertrude Bradley and Mr.
Brinsley Le Fanu.
The Empress of Russia, in acknowledging re-
ceipt of a set for the little Grand Duchess,
writes* '' I am enchanted with the admirable
Sent Post Free to any address in Australasia on receipt of 10/-.
f*>r mutual aduanta^re when you write to an aHvertlser please nnentlon the Review of Reviews.
^U ,
Sole Australasian Ag^ents :
^ ---^ ~^*^^
•^•"^ ..^^\
Correspondence Invited.
Phcenix Foundry,
The Gospel of Strength
^^ ^2^ ^^ f^^ ^r^ ^^ 9^^
I. A Life-size Photo of Sandow's Arm, 2 ft. 6 in. long. II. Seven Beautiful Photographs.
And 126 pages on Physical Culture, written in Australia.
^^ ^^ ^r^ ^r^ 9^^ ^^ ^^
Posted to any Address in Australasia on receipt of 1/2 in Stamps or Postal Note
by T. SHAW FITCHETT, Publisher, 167-9 Queen Street, iVIelbourne.
For mutual advantacre wiran yeu wrl«« *o an advertiser oiease mention the Review of Review*
April 20, igos-
'f ^ ^-Q:
2. Scratching Jim (neighbour Jones' big roos-
ter): " Well, I thought I could get up a little
No Equal
The Most
The Most
12/6, 16/6,21/-
25/- to £20.
Of all
Ask for
The ' swan:
93, Cheapside, London, Eng.
Rev. Obokoe Sanderson, Huddersfleld, writes: —
" It is with very real pleasure I write you to say how
greatly my sou has benefited by talcing your Remedy
for Epilepsy. For years lie had suffered from this
terrible disease, and nothing seemed to do him much
good until I incidentally iieH,rd of > our Remedy, and
resolved to try it ; the effect lias been simply wonder-
ful. The attacks, which up to then had been fre-
quent and painful, ceased at once, and for a long
time now he has been entirely free from them. I
cannot express the joy and relief it has been to us to
feel that we could leave him without fear and allow
him to go without dread. He is altogether another
being. The old stupor and indifference have given
way to active interest and generally improved
mental conditions. Most cordially do I
recommend your Remedy to any who may
be suffering as my boy was."
Rev. James Puoh Perkins (Congregational
Minister), Norwich, writes: — "A friend of
mine suffered from Epileptic Fits from 1834,
when he was a missionary in India. Finding it
necessary to return to England and relinquish all
further hope of mission work, he tried many prescrip-
tions and remedies, but with no satisfaciion. In Nov.,
1891, he heard ot your Remedy, and iiniuediately tried
it, and has never suffered an attack since that time,
and has now fully recovered his health and spirits."
Rev. R. DoNALUsoN. A.M., T CO.. The Rectory,
Fintona, writes : — " I think it my duly to let you
know of a wonderful cure wrought by "Trench's
Remedy" on a case of Epilepsy in this parish. A
young man had suffered terribly with this disease for
6 years When I became acquainted with his case I
got your Remedy, and after using it as directed for
some months he got quite well. He is now able to
do the work of a strong man on the farm, and is full
of gratitude for his cure. Hoping that the sight of
this testimony may lead other sufferers to try your
Rev. T. R, Shanahan, P.P., Ballingany, Co
Limerick, writes:— "The Sisters of Mercy here have
asked me to write you a line (as they iire precluded by
their rules to do so themselves) to thank ycu for your
great charity and successful treatment of a poor girl
of this parish, whose malady and sufferings excited
their sympathy and compassion. To my knowledge
she was for years subject to severe fits of Epilepsy,
almost every week, nay, often t\>o or three times in
the same day. I thank God she Is now perfectly
cured by the mediciie "
Rev. G. Wkauham, Lew sham Road Baptist Church,
Greenwich, writes: — "I am extremely pleased to be
able to testify of the wondrous power of your
Remedy in connection with a lad whose case I have
known and watched for some eight years. He was
attacked by Epilepsy when about eight years of age.
Certain remedies were tried, but the attacks grew
worse, and ai length he was taken to one of the lead-
ing London specialists, who virtually pronounced
the case hopeless. The attacks afterwards so in-
creased in nuniberand st-verity that he becameaper-
fect wreck, idiotic and speechless. Some one
advised hi- tat her lo try ymii Remedy, which he did.
The effect was truly wonderful I Immediately the
attacks ceased, and in less than three months
his speech had returned, and he began to gain
ground rapidly. In a year he was so much im-
proved that a number of people could hardly believe
that lie was the same lad. He is now quite strong
and robust, and there is every reason to believe that
your Remedy very effectually keeps the disease
completely under. I feel bound, after what I have
seen to urge the friends of
Epileptics to lose no time in
giving your Remedy a trial"
The Ven. Archdn. O'Sulmvan, P.P.,
writes: — " I saw the girl for ihe second time a few
days ago, and sheassured me she got no return of th«
Epileptic Fits since she began to use your medicine,
though previously she got those Fits two or thre*
limes a week. It is more than twenty years since th«
poor girl became subject to this terrible disease, and
I congratulate you on having conquered one of ths
"opprobrium medicorum " by your skilful Remedies."
Rev. A. Mcli.WAiNE Methodist Minister), Longford,
writes: — "I have much pleasure in letting you know
that the young man to whom I recommended
your Remedy for Epilepsy is now quite well. H«
took the medicine, as you directed, and has bad aft
return of the disease. His iriends are very grat«>
ful to you as the means, under the dlvia*
blessing, of his complete recovery."
Rev. R. B. Lynch, Lilburne Vicarage.
Rugby, writes: — "I have great pleasure
in informing you of the remarkable cor*
effected by your Remedy for Epilepsy
in the case of a young lady who hail been suf-
fering severely from that illness for several years.
She had been under the treatment of all the first
doctors for the brain, but none of them gave her any
relief. Quite by accident we heard of your Remedy,
and from the day (Ijecem)ier 20 h, '94) she began te
take it she has never had a single attack. Previous
to this she had been subject to iwo or ihi'ee attacks
within 24 hours, occurring fortnightly, or after aay
excitenment, and was ill and disabled for days after;
now she is able to travel, sleep and go about by heiw
self, and is a different creature, bodily and mentally,
I cannot recommend too liiglily the efficacy of yonr
Treatment and Remedy for Epilepsy, and hope yon
will make whatever use you may think fit of this
letter in making more widely known your most re-
markable cure."
Many equally remarkable cases in Australia.
The Union lllanufacturinq A Agency Co., 359-361 COLLINS STREET, MELBOURNE.
for mutual advantage whan you write to an advartlaer please mention the Review uf Aeviewa
April 20, iQO^-
California Syrup of Figs is the one True Natural Laxative. It acts
gently, pleasantly and beneficially on the Kidneys, Liver, and Bowels,
and permanently overcomes Habitual Constipation.
VV^ords of Advice:
Ask for CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS, and see that
the package bears the well-known Name and Trade Mark
of the California Fig Syrup Co., the Manufacturers of the
only Original and Genuine. Imitations are numerous, but
as you value your health you cannot risk taking a substi^
tute. California Syrup of Figs is sold in Australia in two
sizes at 1/3 and 1/11. Worthless substitutes are often
offered at less as an inducement.
Of all Chemists and Stores.
California Fig Syrup Company, 32 Snow Hill, London, E.G.
Australia : 7 Barrack Street, Sydney.
For mutuAl advantage whan you write to an a«lverti83r please mention the Review of Reviews.
April 20, 190^.
1. Irate
to eating
waiters a
Patron: " Look here, you
Vou can't razzle-dazzle me.
in swell restaurants, and I
tip "
dingy hen-
I'm used
11 give you
(Continued on page xxiii.)
equal to that
prepared direct
from Coffee Beans.
A PROGRESSIVE DIETARY, unique in providing: nourishment suited to the srrowingr digestive powers
of YOUNQ INFANTS from birth upwards, and free from dangrerous ererms.
Milk Food No. i
Specially adapted to the first three months of life.
Milk Food No. 3
^■'~"^— ^^~""" Similarly adapted to the second three months of life.
The «« Allenburys " Malted Food No. 3
For Infants over six months of age.
The «« Allenburys
The «♦ Allenburys
Complete Foods,
needing the addition of
hot water only.
To be prepared for use by the
addition of COW'S MILK,
according to directions given.
No. 3 Food is strongly recommended for Convalescents, Invalids, the Aged, and all requiring a light and easily
digested diet. The " London Medical Record" writes of it that—" No Better Food Exists.'' —
PAMPHLET ON INFANT FEEDING Free on application to the Wholesale Depot, 495 BOURKE ST., MELBOURNE
Tliey Purify the Blood, and ae a Mild but efleotaal Aperient
•sr« anequalled, and beyond this, they brace up the nerves and let
• fMy organ in healthy action, thus ensuring complete restoration
to perfect health.
JTot Ladias of all Axes thej are inTaluaki*. Bold b? all Btoras. 1/>.
GtTM Pstmanent Relief hj fwinlcas conitflctiea ef the Nerres te
decayed teeth. Neutalglc Headache and all Nenre paina rcUcml.
GORDON STABLES, BBQ., M.D.R.N., aays: ••Nothinff »■
be oetter ; it banishes all pain and saTes the tooth.'*
Dk. G. U. JONES. D.D.B., F.R8., L.F.B.M.S., MJB : «*I hav* A
high opinion as to the action of Bunter's Nerrlne to allay pals.
It is doabtlass the best remedy for Tooth-ache."
For mutual advantage when you write to an advertiser please mention the Review of Review*.
April 20, igo^.
^ Infants
AND Invalids.
Benger's Food
I with Milk, forms a dainty, delicious, and
I most» easily digested cream. Infants thrive
I on it, and delicate and aged persons enjoy it.
I Benger's Food is sold in Tins by Chemists, etc., everywhere.
Granular Lids.
476 Albert Street, Melbourne.
T. Ra Procter would remind his Patients
throughout Australia that, having once measured their
eyes, he can calculate with exactitude the alteration
produced by increasing age, and adjust spectacles
required during life without further measurement.
|r)P9Cter*s Universal Eye Ointment as a family Salve has no equal; cures Blight, sore and inflamed E^ii^
Granular Eyelids, Ulceration of the Eyeball, and restores Eyelashes. 2/6, post free to any part of the Colonies
fl|> oareful housewife should be without Procter's Eye Lotion, more especially in the country places, m
>iflammatiou is generally the foremnner of all diseases of the Eye, An early application would cure and prevsaaO
ituQif further troubla with the Byes, Bottles 2/- and 3/6, post tree to any p»rt ct the Colonies.
¥or mutual advantage when you write to an advertiser please mention the Review of Reviews.
April 20, iQO^.
2. Chorus: " It's mine, boss — it's mine! Gim-
me! One fo' me!"
(" Judge.")
Irish Mo55.
The above preparation has the largest sale of
any cough medicine in Australasia. It is a safe
and valuable remedy for Bronchitis, Asthma,
Whooping Cough, and Chest Affections gene-
The " Irish Moss " is used largely by public
speakers and singers as a voice restorative. It
removes all huskiness, and increases the power
and flexibility of the voice.
In Large and Small Bottles.
I'REPARRO BY -.^— ^— -
Christchurch, N.Z.
ONLY . . .
ZITHER, or Piano Harp.
Grand Piano-like tone. Anyone who can read plays
it at sight. Observe the diagonally crossed strings, al-
most the same as in piano, the melody strings passing
over the chord strings. By means of this improvement
in construction the similarity and tone and volume of
the piano is produced. It is the easiest to learn of any
musical instrument in existence ; a child who can read
figures can play it at sight, although unacquainted with
music. The music is supplied on strong cards, which
are placed under the wires ; each note in the music is
by numbers, starting from 1, and the chords are indi-
cated by a capital letter, hence all one has to do to ren-
der the most difficult selections is to follow the numbers
and play on the strings iLdicated ; beautifully sweet
music is the result. The ease with which anyone can
learn to pJay well, the grand music you can produce,
makes it certain that no one will part with the "Aeolian
Harp" Zither. Its deep feympathetic tones penetrate
even those insensible to the charms of ordinary music •
PRICE.— Ebonised (beautiful black ) , piano finish , gold
decoration round tound h^le, 25 melody strings (com-
plete chromatic scale for two octaves), 5 chords (total 45
strings), 2 picks, key, case, and lot of figure music on
cards, 359., carriae-e paid (by parcels pobt) to any part
of Australia.
Size of "Aeolian Harp" Zither, 14 inches by 20 inches. Letters, accompanied by money order, in registered letter .should be addressed to
STAR NOVELTY COMPANY, Premier Buildings, 229-231 Collins Street, Melbourne,
For mutual advantage when yo" writ© to an advertiser oiease mention the Review of Reviews.
April 20, IQ03.
A Half-Guinea Picture for 7s.
by Albert Moore, entitled " Blossoms," measuring
28 J X 11} inches, and valued by many experts at
IDS. 6d., is offered for a limited period to " New
Idea " readers at is., post free.
Why are we practically giving this picture
away? Because we want to introduce to you our
wonderful set of pictures, "The Masterpiece Art
Series." We know if you see " Blossoms " you
will want the others. So it pays us to send it to
you for a few pence. The set consists of seven
portfolios, each containing at least twelve beautiful
plates, measuring 10 x 12, which are reproductions
of the world's famous pictures. These portfolios
(twelve pictures each) are sold at 2s. each, post
free. In addition to " Blossoms " there are eight
other collotypes, measuring 20 x 25 each, which we
sell for 2s. 6d. each, post free.
We don't want you to buy without knowing
more about them, so send twelve stamps for " Blos-
soms." With " Blossoms " will be sent a beauti-
fully illustrated sheet, giving sample reproductions
of the other pictures and full particulars.
Send now for " Blossoms," for this offer may be
withdrawn at any time.
By Albert Moore, R.A.
Original Collotype, measuring 28i x
m inches. Sent to any address for
One Shilling for a limited time only.
Address all Orders to
"The Nev^ Idea,"
167-9 Queen Street, Melbourne,
April 20, iQOj.
For mutual advantage when you write to an advertiser please mention the Review of Kevlews.
April 20, 1903.
Open to readers of ''The New Idea."
In the issue of ** THE NEW IDEA" for JUNE, the proprietors will throw open
to its readers — the women of Australasia — an engrossing PUZZLE COMPETITION,
with prizes valued at ii75. Twelve sets of puzzle pictures, representing well-known
towns in Australas ia, will be published in consecutive numbers of the journal. Prizes
will be awarded to the readers sending in the greatest number of correct solutions.
First Set of Pictures and fuii details will appear
in ^' Thie New Idea " for June.
FIRST PRIZE.— Magrniflcent Grand Upright
Lindahl Piano. Price, 100 Guineas. (Agents,
Buttons Proprietary Ltd., of Bourke St., Mel-
bourne.) This prize will be awarded to the reader
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correct solutions. We chose this instrument as be-
ing absolutely the best prize obtainable in Austral-
asia for 100 Guineas. This style of Lindahl Piano
is perhaps the finest instrument of its kind in the
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the Wertheim has no superior, and has been selected
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FOURTH PRIZE. -A High-grade Gramo-
phone, the most marvellous talking machine in the
world. It reproduces the human voice and all musical
instruments with lifelike accuracy. Six records are
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for mutual advantase when you write to an advertiser piease mention the Review of RevlewSi
Christ's Prayer After the Last Swpper ... Frontispiece.
Hktory of the Month 321
Humotsr of the Month 336
History of the Month in Caricature 339
A Ministerial Record 348
Australian Naval Defence 353
Is Australian Humour Extinct 357
A Picture of Waterloo 361
Cfiaracter Sketch :
" London the Step-mother, and the Stranger
Within Her Gates " 363
Some Books of the Month .368
** To Be Continued in Our Next'' 378
Leading Articles in the Raviews:
Is Man the Centre of the Universe? 384
Alcohol: Food or Poison? 384
The German Emperor on the Bible:
I.— The Kaiser's Creed 385
II.— Professor Harnack's Criticism.. .. .. 386
The Many Kaisers 387
The Irish Land Problem 388
"From Out of the Mist of Hell" 388
The Future American 390
The American Capture of the Orient Trade . . . . 391
An Armless Artist 392
Cardinal Rampolla: the Next Pope? 392
Mr. Balfour at Whittingehame 393
A Sketch of Victor Emmanuel III 394
The Canadian West and North-West 394
A Volcano in Eruption .395
The Career of the Tobacco Trust 395
Two Ways of Boring the Alps . . 396
The Biggest Social Experiment on Record . . . . 396
Sir John Gorst on Social Reform . . . . . . 397
How to Improve the Average Man . . . . . . 398
The Sultan of Morocco . . . .
President Roosevelt as " Tenderfoot "
Thirty Years in Paris
The Surgery of Light
How I Became a Novelist..
Venezuela: Under Which Eagle?..
The First Cradle of Greek Civilisation
Gambling at Monte Carlo , .
An Enormous Canal..
Motor Triumphans . .
The Reviews Reviewed:
The National Review
The Nineteenth Century . .
The New Liberal Review . .
The Fortnightly Review . .
The Contemporary Review
The Westminster Review . .
The World's Work
The Monthly Review
Blackwood's Magazine
Page's Magazine
The Engineering Magazine
The Pall Mall Magazine
The North American Review
The Atlantic Monthly
Lippincott's Magazine
The Century
Harper's Magazine
McClure's Magazine
Scribner's Magazine
The Cosmopolitan
Frank Leslie's Monthly . .
Gunton's Magazine . .
Foreign Reviews:
La Revue . .
The Nouvelle Review . .
The Revue de Paris . .
The Revue des Deux Mondes
The Dutch Magazines
Business Department:
The Financial History of the Month
.. 399
.. 400
.. 400
.. 401
.. 402
... 419
Editor, "Review of Reviews for Australasia/'
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The Nevif Woman's Home Journal
for Australasia,
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'o. Too;^.
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Eugene Burnand.]
[Copyright, 1902, by Photographische Gesellschaft.
These words spake Jesus, and lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said. Father, the hour is come; glorify thy
Son, that thy Son also may glorify Thee."— John xvii. 1.
.(By permission of the Berlin Photographic Company, London, W., who are the publishers of a large engraving, of
which the above are the central figures.
Editor: W. H. FItchett, B.A.. LL.D. Manager: T. Shaw FItchett.
Annual Subscription for Australasia, 8/6.
Vol. XXII. No. 4.
APRIL 20, 1903.
Price, Ninepence.
The political sensation of the
Political "^onth has been supplied by Tas-
Earthquake mania. The general election in
that island was practically almost a
revolution. It certainly supplies the one
instance known to political history in
which a Government has " gone to the
country " without a single member of
it returning from that pilgrimage into
the unknown. The "country," in this instance,
as far as Ministers are concerned, proved to be,
like death, a bourne from which no traveller
returned. An almost totally new House, in-
deed, emerges from the struggle. Eighteen
of the old members were rejected ; not a single
member of the new Parliament, except the
Speaker, has ever held oflfice. The election
^'wiped the political slate clean," in Tasmania,
with a thoroughness which has almost the
effect of a stroke of humour, and may well
serve as a political education to Australia at
large. Many explanations of this extraordinary
result are offered. Ministers were unpopular
alike for the money they spent, the retrench-
ments they proposed, and the taxes they un-
dertook to levy. The public debt under their
management increased in two years by
£682,041. They tried to remedy the finances
by an income tax of great severity, with a very
low untaxed margin, and they proposed to
trim with heroic scissors the salaries of all
Civil servants. They had failed, again, in
carrying out any plan for simplifying the
machinery of government.
But these, after all, are only what
The Reason may be called the secondary causes
**^'* of the political revolution in Tas-
mania. The elections in that
island simply make visible at one point a wave
of popular sentiment which is felt throughout
the whole Commonwealth, and which found
expression in Victoria in the Kyabram move-
ment, and in New South Wales in the Tarn-
worth election. That feeling is one of pro-
found discontent with the general drift of State
politics, and with the general policy of State
Parliaments. These Parliaments have shown
an exasperating reluctance to adjust them-
selves to the political conditions created by
Federation. They have loitered in the busi-
ness of reducing their own scale and cost.
They stand, as a rule, for extravagance in ex-
penditure. It vexes the common-sense of even
" the man in the street " to find himself the
member of a community of less than 4,000,000
people, burdened with fourteen Houses of
Parliament, most of them paid! All these
Parliaments, too, are clothing themselves
with the functions of a semi-diving pro-
vidence. They are pursuing the unhappy
citizen with legislation throughout every
department of life, and through all
his waking and sleeping hours. They are
burdening him in his down-sitting and in his
April 20 y 190^.
up-rising- with ever-multiplying inspections
and regulations. Fort^'-six members of the
New Zealand Parliament have just started on
a six weeks' cruise in the Pacific; and the
feeling of "the man in the street'' undoubtedly
is, that if the whole fourteen — or, including
New Zealand, sixteen — Houses of Parliament
could be put on board a ship, and despatched,
say, to the South Pole, it would be the great-
est possible service these bodies could render
the State !
But the "man in the street" does
Public not represent the highest form of
Feeling: wisdom ; and the feeling we here
describe is, of .course, absurd and
unjust ; yet it is certain that, temporarily, there
is a discord of sentiment betwixt the Parlia-
ments and the general community throughout
Australia. The Houses do not reflect the
mind of the people. The electors are anxious
for simpler forms of government ; less inter-
ference with private liberty ; a resolute
economy in public finance, and a suspension
of the policy of big loans and huge public
works. But the new conditions need new
men. The older politicians cannot readily
change their ideals, or learn new ways, or
evolve a new political conscience. So in all the
States the recent elections have dismissed
crowds of older members to private life, and
the process will certainly go on.
The new Tasmanian Cabinet is to
Tasmanian cousist of four men, the smallest
Policy Cabinet in the British E!mpire, but
quite larg^e enough for a commu-
nity numbering about one-third of the popula-
tion of Sydney or Melbourne. All are new to
office; and the Premier, Mr. Propsting, has
been less than five years in public life. The
chief features of its policy are: simplification
of State machinerv, retrenchment of public
expenditure, and stoppage of loans. Already
the Tasmanian pays more in the shape of in-
terest on his public debt than the member of
any other Australian State. He pays nearlv
four times as much, indeed, as the average
English citizen; although Tasmania has no
foreign policy, no inherited debt, and no huge
military and naval Budget! One feature of
Tasmanian retrenchment is that a severe re-
duction in the salaries of Civil servants forms
no part of it. The Civil Service in Tasmania
has not expanded to the enormous dimensions
known in the sister States, and the scale of
payments is not excessive. With an abso-
lutely new House, made up in the main of
business men and of young men, Tasmanian
politics may be expected to yield some refresh-
ing novelties.
The new, intense, and most whole-
Federai Ex- somc sentiment in favour of the re-
travagance ^^^^Jqj^ of public expenditure, and
of the public burdens, will certainly
make itself felt in the Commonwealth Parlia-
ment, and will colour Commonwealth legisla-
tion. It may well postpone for. a while the
creation of the Federal capital ; and postpone,
too, that legal luxurv the Federal High Court.
No doubt a final interpreter of Australian law
on Australian soil is, sooner or later, a neces-
sity. It would be a nearer and more acces-
sible, though probably not a cheaper, tribunal
than the Privy Council. But to set up a
Federal judiciary, at a cost of £30,000 a year,
would, in the present condition of Australian
finances, be an ofifence against reason. There
are six Supreme Court benches — all highly
paid, of great ability, and of the highest cha-
racter— already in existence. If a Federal
Court of Appeal has to be created, the six
Chief Justices of the States might form such
a Court. It would be a Court of unrivalled
character and ability; it would make scarcely
any addition to the cost of Federal administra-
tion, and could do its work without injury to
the legal business of the State Courts.
New South Wales has supplied some
"""w^rth ^^citi"R political incidents during
Election the month. One is the Tamworth
election, which has been described
as "the New South Wales Kyabram." Under
ordinary conditions a bye-election has little
significance ; but everyone realised that the
voting at Tamworth would make visible the
general drift of public sentiment in New
South Wales ; and never yet in the political
history of that State has a single elec-
tion been fought with so much energy
Review of Reviews, 20/J,/iU.
and by so many combatants. There were
three candidates, representing the three po-
Htical parties — the Government, the Opposi-
tion, and the Labour party — and the rush of
honourable members to the scene of conflict
suggests the gathering of the clans in "Young
Lochinvar" :
There was mounting 'niong Graemes of the Netherby
Forsters, Fenwickes, and Musgraves, they rode and
they ran.
At Tamworth itself during the days before
the election a stone could hardly be thrown
in any direction without hitting a member of
Parliament. Every balcony in the town was
occupied each night, and for many ihours
during the day, by perspiring orators. Thir-
teen Ministerialists, including seven Ministers,
fifteen members of the Opposition, and four-
teen members of the Labour party were per-
orating and canvassing simultaneously, or in
successive detachments, in Tamworth.
Roughly speaking, nearly one-half the New
South Wales Parliament was emptied, as if
out of a balloon, on the astonished electors of
Tamworth. As a result, the Labour represen-
tative polled only one vote in eleven, and the
Opposition candidate, Mr. Garland, was re-
turned by a majority of 137.
The Tamworth election will cer-
poiiticai t^^^^y make history. Ministers,
Warning indeed, afifect to regard the inci-
dent as "of no importance," and
the Labour party, with happy and irrespon-
sible rhetoric, announce that the position of
their candidate — at the bottom of the poll — is
a "moral victory" ! But the Tamworth election
is something more than a ripple showing
which way the tide runs. It will help to deter-
mine the flow of the tide! For the average
politician, like Providence as Napoleon under-
stood it, is apt to be on the side of the strong-
est battalion. Public sentiment in New South
Wales, as everywhere else throughout Aus-
tralia, is eager for a simpler form of State
Parliament, lighter public burdens, and no
more borrowing. The story of State politics
in New South Wales since Federation need
only be stated in the simplest form to be
Under Federation three great de-
Amazing partments were transferred from
Finance ^j^g State ; the public revenue was
increased as a result of the Federal
tarifif, and rose to £11,178,214, of which no less
than £2,053,126 was yielded by the sale or lease
of public lands — a reduction, that is, as far as
sales at least are concerned, of the national
estate. Yet new loans were floated — no less
than £4,890,000 in a single year — and
the expenditure, which averaged less than
£11,000,000, was expanded to something like
£15,000,000; or from £8 lis. 2d. per head to
£12 13s. 2d. The public debt of New South
Wales has been increased by £17,000,000 in a
little over three years ; and it is still increasing !
In nine months of the present financial year
the expenditure has exceeded the revenue by
over £700,000. This is, of course, the mere
irresponsible lunacy of extravagance. For no
other group of human beings in the civilised
world during the last two years has the ex-
penditure of government been so huge as for
the 1,400,000 inhabitants of New South Wales.
Sir John See told the electors of Tamworth
that he "regarded our huge public debt_as a
public credit ; because by it the Tamworth and
other railways were made possible." That sen-
tence gives an instructive glimpse of the state
of Sir John See's mind. The logic which suc-
ceeds in persuading itself that a huge public
debt is "a public credit" is truly remarkable.
It suggests the story of the enterprising Amer-
ican who, as a proof of his success, told in ex^
ultant tones that "when he began business ten
years ago he had not a cent, and now he owed
But aflfairs are to be mended.
The though the process is certain to be
Remedy glow and difficult, and to involve
much sufifering. A political "rake's
progress" of such velocity cannot be arrested
without a shock which will strain the whole
machine. Mr. Waddell, the New South
Wales Treasurer, startled the public by
delivering at Cowra a speech in which
he showed, at least, that he realised the
seriousness of the financial situation. He was
prepared, he said, to consider drastic schemes
of retrenchment, including "an all-round re-
April 20, IP03.
duction of salaries," a stern reduction in the
scale of old age pensions, etc. This announce-
ment has exasperated the Civil servants, who
complain that "we are now asked to pay for
Mr. O'Sullivan having kept the day-labour
boom going, and placated the Labour party up
to date." They have "had to see hundreds of
thousands of pounds thrown away in extrav-
agance, and are now required to recoup it out
of their salaries." Mr. O'Sullivan, as a mat-
ter of fact, has himself grown tired of what is
termed " the day-labour razzle." The rate of
pay on relief works for the unemployed has
been reduced from 7s. a day to 6s. ; where-
upon a number of the unemployed " struck " !
Mr. Waddell, When he made his speech,
spoke for himself, and not for the Cabinet ;
and Sir John See declines to either confirm or
disavow his views. Parliament is to be called
together, and he reserves any statement of
policy till the House meets. It is certain
that State politics in New South Wales are
likely to become very animated.
New Zealand is once more to enjov
New the luxury of a surplus, a surplus
Zealand -^hich Mr. Seddon announces will
be from £250,000 to £300,000. The
best proof of the solid and great prosperity
enjoyed by the colony, however, is found in
the circumstance that its population increased
last year by 20,000 persons; and this without
any State-aided immigration. The ugly fea-
ture in the Australian outlook, the sufficient
condemnation of many features in its policy,
is found in the circumstance that it has ceased
to attract immigrants ; and it is the avowed
policy of the Labour party to discourage im-
migration. Canada, on the contrary, is
eagerly competing for new population. It
has despatched fifty prosperous farmers to
lecture throughout Great Britain on the ad-
vantages that Canada oflfers. The first of the
fifty who arrived in London told a press inter-
viewer that he had landed in Canada twenty
years before, carrying his entire possessions
wrapped up in a pocket handkerchief ; at the
end of twenty years he was drawing £2,000 a
year clear from his wheat fields ! This is the
tale which will set the listening ears of Eng-
lish farm labourers tingling! It is expected
that at least 200,000 immigrants from Great
Britain will land in Canada this year. This
means the addition of, say, twenty new towns
of ten thousand inhabitants each planted on
Canadian soil in a single year. Over a million
emigrants leave Europe annually to settle in
new lands, and each immigrant is estimated
to be worth £100 to the land which receives
'him. What the Australian continent, with
its measureless spaces, needs is population ;
and the spectacle of a few great and crowded
cities perched on the edge of an empty con-
tinent, and warning the rest of the world off, is
one hitherto unknown to civilised mankind.
Victoria, to take only one case, is losing popu-
lation at the rate of 16,000 per annum. What
a satire on Victorian politics !
South Australia is reaping the re-
south ward of an early and courageous
Australia adjustment of both its finances and
its political constitution to the new
conditions under Federation. The drought
affected only part of the area of the State ; in
the south and south-eastern parts pastoralists
and farmers have had a splendid year, and the
high prices have, of course, turned the wheat
fields in these districts into fields of gold.
South Australia is not plunging into big loans,
or making doubtful social experiments. For
years, indeed, it has had the sanest financial
policy of any Australian State. The point of
equilibrium betwixt its income and its expen-
diture seems to be reached, and the horizon of
the State steadily brightens.
Mr. Russell, the Government As-
The Secret tronomer of New South Wales,
the Drought thinks he has discovered the secret
of Australian droughts. He has
the rainfall records for 1867- 1903, a period of
thirty-six years; he finds that they resolve
themselves into four alternating groups of
roughly nine years each, with an average rain-
fall of 29.47 inches, 21.64 inches, 28.39 inches,
and 20.24 inches respectively. This seems
to show, Mr. Russell argues, that droughts
come in cycles, and the cycles correspond with
the relations of the moon to the earth. The
moon to the south of our hemisphere means
good seasons; the moon to the north means
Review of Reviews, 20/^/03.
drought. This explanation has at least the
merit of simplicity; but is the demonstration
perfect? The area of facts observed is narrow ;
the alleged cause, if it is in operation, must
affect other lands than Australia, and there is
no proof that this is the case. Moreover, it
is easy to shuffle Mr. Russell's figures afresh,
and produce another and conflicting set of
cycles. A Scotch verdict of *' not proven"
must certainly stand against Mr. Russell's
If it were possible, indeed, to
RemedieB foi*^cast the arrival of a great
! drought, its evils would be half
destroyed; until this is done,
however, it is clear that the mischiefs
of a drought might be enormously reduced
by foresight and a wise use of the re-
sources which nature puts at man's disposal.
The valley of the Lachlan, for example, in a
wet season, resembles an arm of the sea. The
river expands into vast proportions; but the
mighty and fertilising floods are allowed to
flow unchecked into mere space. It is calculated
that a weir on the upper reaches of the Lach-
lan, at a cost of £250,000, would store for use
in dry seasons an enormous body of water;
and this would make possible a wide ribbon of
irrigation along the whole extent of the river,
which would serve as a resource against
drought and make it possible for the sheep-
owners to keep their flocks alive through rain-
less years. The water problem of eastern Aus-
tralia, experts declare, may be solved in the
valley of the Lachlan. It is certain that the
drought has burnt in, as in characters of fire,
some wholesome lessons on the imagination of
Australian stock-owners; and no future
drought will repeat the dreadful mischiefs of
the drought just ended.
The question of the naval defence
Naval of Australia, and of the part which
Defence Australians themselves are to take
in it, continues to supply the text
of a lively discussion on both sides of the sea.
The Federal Cabinet has announced that it
will stand or fall as a Government by the in-
creased naval subsidy; and though there is
certain to be a fierce Parliamentary debate on
the subject, it may be safely assumed that the
increased subsidy will be granted. For Aus-
tralians, it may be added, the question of
naval defence is not one of a little
more, or of a little less, cost. Even
when the subsidy has been increased the
naval contribution of each Australian per head
is a little less than thirteenpence, while for
each person in the United Kingdom it is 15s.
2d. ! The real matter in debate is, "Shall Aus-
tralia contribute only cash to her own naval
defence, or shall she, in addition, contribute
men?" Is she to have a real and living part-
nership in the fleet, and so make the fleet itself
part of the sea-education of her people, a help
to the development of a national interest in
maritime affairs?
For ourselves, we have no doubt
and ^ whatever as to the direction in
the Sea which Australian sentiment flows,
and will flow. A full-dress debate
on this subject was held in the Royal Colonial
Institute before a brilliant and representative
audience, with the Earl of Aberdeen in the
chair, and the best naval experts in the Em-
pire took part in the discussion. * Admiral Sir
N. Bowden-Smith, in the course of the debate,
paid the editor of this magazine a quite too
spacious compliment. He said : " He quite
understood the aspirations of Australians;
they had, he believed, been largely shaped by
that distinguished writer. Dr. W. H. Fitchett,
Whose book on Nelson was one that every
English boy ought to read." No one person
can pretend to have "shaped" Australian sen-
timent on this subject, but any person of aver-
age intelligence can interpret it. The question
has been obscured by a hundred irrelevant is-
sues. Men of straw have been set up and
knocked down by ingenious disputants with an
almost mournful waste of energy. No one
proposes, for example, that Australia shall
spend millions just now in buying or building
a fleet of her own. That the Imperial fleet is
a unit and must be under a single control ; that
Australia, under some conditions, might be
best defended by a battle fought, say, in Chi-
nese waters, are platitudes. No one dreams
of denying them. But without injury to those
venerable aphorisms it is quite possible for
Australia to make a contribution to the
April 20, 190^.
navy which would be worth more to the
Empire than any cash payment; and which
would, in addition, perfectly satisfy Australian
aspirations, and act as a tonic on Australian
Admiral Sir N. Bowden-Smith
The himself suggests one way. Let
Wiser Way ^ certain number of ships be pro-
vided by England, but be manned
and officered by Australians, and paid at Aus-
tralian rates out of Imperial funds; the ships
to form part of the Australian squadron and
be absolutely under the authority of the ad-
miral in command. Or let Great Britain build
a certain number of ships specially fitted for
Australian coast defence; swift boats, that is,
heavily armed ; but, since they are not intended
for long sea travel, of light coal capacity. Let
it be remembered that all the Imperial ships,
since they are intended for service in all seas,
sacrifice weight of armour and gun-power to
coal capacity. The Americans in the war of
1 812 won naval victories which set every
British captain betwixt Halifax and Ports-
mouth swearing, by building frigates
with the gun-power of line-of-battle
ships. And to-day if a British and American
ship-of-war of equal tonnage be compared, the
American will have nearly twice the hitting
power of the British ship. The British Ad-
miralty is at last admitting its own defective
policy in this matter, and is increasing the gun-
power of its ships. But ships built for coast
defence, which never move far from their coal
base, may easily carry a weight of armour and
a scale of guns impossible to ships built for
long sea travel. All this goes to prove that
Australian coast defence may be best served
by a section of the Australian squadron being
ships of a special type ; and these, supplied and
paid by the Imperial Government, might be
manned and officered by Australians and New
The labour problem is in its most
Labour Unsettled and trying stage in Vic-
Troubies ^qj.^^^ where the existing scheme —
that of the wages boards — is
hopelessly discredited, and no other scheme is,
as yet, definitely proposed. Evidence as to the
mischiefs wrought by the wages boards multi-
plies. They have raised the wages of a sec-
tion of the artisan class; but they have nar-
rowed the area of employment, they have un-
settled business, they have destroyed some in-
dustries altogether, they have widened the in-
terval betwixt employers and employed, and
they have swollen the great army of the un-
employed. The '' Age," the organ of the
Protectionist party, and which interprets, as
far as any one journal can interpret, the mind
of the working classes, is publishing a striking
series of articles on " The Industrial Situa-
tion.'' It gives statistics showing that \'\c-
torian manufacturers have lost since 1899
trade to the value of £800,000. This means,
of course, a great reduction in the amount of
labour employed, and a shrinkage in the wage
fund of the State. It. is proved, as far as
figures can prove anything, that the legislation
intended to serve the working classes of the
State has seriously injured them. Behind this
legislation were the most benevolent inten-
tions; but nature is very cruel sometimes to
mere " benevolent intentions."
The industrial unions of Victoria
A New ^j.g employinpf Mr. Tom Mann, at
Political , . , 1 ((
Leader a substantial salary, to organise
the labour forces " of the State for
a new campaign ; and Mr. Tom Mann's ideals
of future legislation are of a somewhat alarm-
ing character. He would reduce the work-
ing day to six hours, and impose a land tax
of such an actively progressive sort that, by its
means, " the whole of the unearned income
shall become the property of the State."
" There would be nO' poverty in the world,"
Mr. Tom Mann holds, " but for the monopoly
of raw material and machinery by the capital-
istic section." Here is a sample of Mr. Tom
Mann's teaching:
The question was. How inue|i of the total wealth
they produced were the workers entitled to receive?
Mr. Mann said the worker was entitled to the lot, after
expenses and State charges had been paid. He in-
cluded the brain-worker amongst the producers, pro-
vided his aim was to benefit the community, and main-
tained that no man who did not work (the man who
lived on the unearned increment, for instance) should
get anything. Amongst ideals the unions were to
strive for were the State ownership of the land and
nationalisation of the industries.
Mr. Tom Mann adds that :he is in favour of
'' solid anarchy ;" though he adopts a some-
what ethereal rendering of that ugly word
Rccicic <i( lleciixs. 2i)/.'i/ii.i.
'* anarchy." England sends us this new
authority on political economy, though the
pockets of Victorian working men pay him.
But Mr. Tom Mann's advent will certainly not
add to the industrial peace of Australia.
Victoria has got its new and
amended constitution. Representa-
tives of the two Houses met in
conference; and, after a long and
anxious debate, an agreement was reached,
was accepted by both Houses, and is reserved
for the Royal assent. The new constitution
is, of course, a compromise, and does not ex-
press fully the ideals of either party. The As-
sembly is reduced to sixty-eight and the Coun-
cil to thirty-five members ; woman's suffrage is
abandoned ; the franchise for the Council is re-
duced to £10 freehold and £15 leasehold per
annum; if the Council rejects a Bill the As-
sembly may dissolve on the question as an ap-
peal to the country; if the Council again re-
jects the measure both Houses are dissolved.
There are to be two dissolutions of the As-
sembly, that is, and one of the Council, as a
penalty for disagreement. The Civil Service
vote is represented by two members in the As-
sembly and one in the Council. Under the
new constitution the Council has the right of
suggesting amendments at every stage of a
money-bill. Both existing Houses are to be
dissolved for re-election on the new basis. The
constitution ought to work well, and the re-
duced Houses represent a certain financial
saving. But Parliaments are only means to an
end; and the real work of reform in Victoria
— the task of prudent finance and of healing
legislation, that is — has yet to be undertaken.
Great interest — much of it of a
Customs political sort — has gathered round
cutions in what is called " the Reid Cus-
toms case" at Brisbane. The
Customs Department instituted proceedings
against Robert Reid & Co., Ltd., for '' passing
false entries with intent to defraud." Mr.
Reid was a member of the Irvine- Cabinet, was
elected by both Houses of the Victorian Par-
liament to fill the seat in the Federal Senate
made vacant by the death of Sir Frederick
Sargood, and is a man of the highest com-
mercial standing. The case lasted twenty-
six days; the jury found against the defen-
dants on every count, and the judge imposed a
penalty of £50. Under ordinary circum-
stances such a verdict would drive its object
from public life ; but probably nine persons out
of every ten in Australia hold that at least Mr.
Reid's personal character emerges untouched
from the case. Under a new and complex
tariff, where the classification of goods is yet
in an embryo stage, a thousand disputes — dis-
putes representing mere conflict of judgment
amongst experts — are sure to arise. The Cus-
toms authorities try, naturally enough, to col-
lect the largest amount of duty possible, and
to classify all the multitudinous items of
modern trade under the heads which carry the
heaviest duties. The representatives of the
importing houses try to secure exactly oppo-
site results ; and in the struggle there are end-
less blunders on both sides, and much sharp
practice, it may be added, also on both sides.
Mr. Kingston has somehow suc-
Kingrston's ceeded in pouring gall into the re-
'^*'"tion*''*'lations betwixt his own department
and the trading community gener-
ally. He himself is not merely incorruptible,
but what may be called aggressively incorrupt-
ible; incorruptible after the type of Carlyle's
" seagreen incorruptible'" himself! But it
would be unfair to suggest that the triumphant
consciousness of his own excessive virtue tends
to make Mr. Kingston suspect the virtue of
everybody else. He fails as an administrator
— or, rather, he misses the success as an ad-
ministrator which his energy, honesty, and
mental power ought to win — for two reasons.
First, he is a lawyer, not a business man, and
he does not in the least understand that prime
secret of business success, the art of organisa-
tion; the art of choosing able men, and then
trusting details to them. Mr. Kingston does
everything himself ! A great bank, or a great
newspaper, run by Mr. Kingston, and on the
methods employed in the Federal Customs,
would simply come to a standstill. Then, by
some mental peculiarity, Mr. Kingston is un-
able to distinguish betwixt the relative sizes of
things. He cannot see that trifles are trifles.
He treats them as if they were Alps!
April 20, 1^03.
All this helps to explain the tumult
which rages at the Federal Cus-
toms: the incessant disputes, the
outcries, the accusations, the
prosecutions! The Customs Department
succeeded, after twenty-six days' trial at
Brisbane, in securing a verdict against
Robert Reid & Co. ; that firm has paid £90,000
in duty, the amount in debate was little over
i8o, the fine imposed was £50. In another
prosecution against the same firm in Adelaide,
the verdict of the court was against the Cus-
toms Department, with costs. Another prose-
cution was begun against the great firm of
Sargood, Butler & Nicol; the ofifence was a
clerical error in a transfer certificate for im-
ported goods consigned to a town in another
State ; it was discovered by the firm itself ; the
amount involved was 8s. 6d. A prosecution
was, however, instituted; was cancelled by the
department ; was begun afresh "by a mistake,"
and was again cancelled. Prosecutions by
the Customs Department have lost all mean-
ing, and even convictions are without much
moral weight, under the present administra-
tion; and this is a public misfortune.
The wave of sentiment in New
Prohibition Zealand against the liquor traffic
still runs strongly, and is of great
volume. The official figures of
the voting at the last local option poll are
striking: — 148,449 votes were recorded in
favour of continuing existing licenses — includ-
ing one district, that of Clutha, where the vote
(1,368) was for restoration of the licenses can-
celled at the poll taken in 1899 — 132,240 for re-
duction, and 151,524 for no license (including
2,245 votes cast for non-restoration in the
Clutha district). This shows a narrow,
but clear, majority in favour of prohibi-
tion. It will, of course, need an over-
whelming majority to make prohibition,
as a general policy, effective; meanwhile
the temperance sentiment is registering itself
in^ the annual election of the licensing com-
mittees. These have been captured in great
numbers, and the restraints on the trade are
being drawn steadily tighter. There will be
no " dead letter !' in future amongst the regu-
lations affecting public-houses. It seems pro-
bable that at the next general election three
of the great cities of New Zealand — Welling-
ton, Dunedin, and Christchurch — will declare
in favour of prohibition. In New Zealand,
as in Ontario, the sentiment in favour of try-
ing some heroic remedy for the dreadful mis-
chiefs of the liquor traffic is gathering over-
whelming strength.
At the moment we go to press the
st*^t State Premiers are in conference,
Premiers and are discussing a very wide area
of subjects indeed ; ranging from
" the control of the Murray river waters " to
" the establishment of a Federal Government
printing office;" from "the question of the rela-
tive precedence of Federal and State officials
to that of " the creation of a Federal capital "
and " the federation of State loans." The
annual conference of State Premiers serves
many uses, and it promises to become a per-
manent part of the machinery of government.
There is, however, just a little danger, at the
present moment — when the relations betwixt
the Commonwealth and the States are new,
undefined, and somewhat exasperated — that
the conference of Premiers may become a
centre of hostile influence, a weapon of offence
and defence against the Federal Government
Someone has suddenly remembered
that there is a stain of suspicious
colour on the fair face of a " white
Australia." The brown man of
Asia and the black man of the South Sea
groups may be kept out by a sufficiently
severe legislation ; but what about the sooty
Australian aboriginal himself? New Zea-
land has 40,000 Maoris ; but Australia has
some 160,000 aboriginals. There are 70,000
in Western Australia, 50,000 in South Aus-
tralia, and 25,000 in Queensland. The total
number of coloured people of other races in
Australia — Kanakas, Chinese, etc. — is about
50,000; so that the Australian blackfellow
contributes a splash of suspicious colour to the
Australian complexion three times as big as
that of all the other coloured races put to-
gether! Australia is still distressingly far
iMixed Tints
Review of Rei:iewit, 20/i/().l.
from being- white. In Western Australia, ap-
parently, the problem of the wise and humane
treatment of the blacks has not yet been solved.
The Australian aboriginal has not the endur-
ing fibre and the fighting energy of the New
Zealand Maori ; but he is capable of being both
civilised and Christianised; and he is entitled
to the most generous consideration from the
white race which has taken his continent from
LONDON, March 2, 1903.
The King opened Parliament in
openfris ^tate on February 17. The King's
» ..'*^ Speech was long, and calls for
Parliament,...^ ^ "'
little comment. The programme
of legislation promised contained four princi-
pal measures and seven minor Bills, to which
Ministers were constrained, in the debates on
the Address, to add three others — one dealing
with the Housing Question, the second plac-
ing restrictions on the immigration of unde-
sirable aliens, and the third amending the law
against frauds on the Stock Exchange. The
King's Speech list of promised Bills was as
follows :
(1) An Irish Land Bill.
(2) An Education Bill for London on the lines of the
general Education Bill of last Session.
(3) A Bill to give effect to the Brussels Sugar Con-
(4) A South African Loans Bill.
(5) A Bill to deal with the Port of London.
(6) A Scotch Licensing Bill.
(7) An Amendment of the Law of Valuation and
(8) A Bill to regulate the Employment of Children.
(9) A Bill to deal with adulterated Dairy Produce.
(10) A Savings Bank Bill.
(11) The Eeform of the Patriotic Commission.
Dr. Macnamara secured the firs*-
Opening place for his amendrfient calling
Debates attention to the Housing Question.
He scored a great success. Mem-
bers on both sides of the House supported
him in his criticism of the omission of all
reference to the vital question of the housing
of the people from the King's Speech. Of
the urgency of the question there can be no
doubt. There are in London over a million
persons living in rooms too small to secure
decency and health to their inmates. Twenty-
six thousand are living six in a room, 9,000
" Town Crier,"] [Birmingham.
Stage Manager Balfour (excitedly): "Now, you imps and
demons, keep out of sight, or you'll spoil the grand open-
ing spectacle."
seven in a room, and 3,000 eight in a room.
These rooms are small for the most part, mere
styes for human beings degraded to the level
of swine. The insufficiency of healthy houses
in the country is notorious. The Act passed
to facilitate the erection of houses has been a
total failure. The period allowed for the re-
payment of loans is too short. A Committee
reported in favour of extending the period
from thirty or forty to seventy or eighty years.
So strong was the feeling in favour of Dr.
Macnamara's motion that Mr. Long was com-
pelled to promise to bring in a Bill, and even
then the amendment was only defeated by a
majority of 39, the nominal Ministerial ma-
jority being 120.
Mr. Keir Hardie followed with an
The \3n- amendment, proposing to add to
employed ^]^g programme of " the Session :
''Such measureor measures as would
have empowered the Government and local
administrative authorities to acquire land for
cultivation, and to set up undertakings where-
by men and women unable to find employment
in the ordinary labour market might be profit-
ably set to work." He set forth his case with
much care and earnestness. He estimated
the numbers of workers now unemployed at
400,000. " In Manchester, according to the
Trades Council, the police reported that, all
sleeping accommodation being filled, every
night 2,000 houseless wanderers slept in brick-
fields and in the open air." His amendment
April po, Ji}0^.
Photo by].
was rejected by a majority of 40. Its prin-
ciple was, however, approved by two represen-
tative Conferences held in London. The first
dealt solely with the unemployed of London.
It was presided over by the Chairman of the
County Council. The second, a National
Conference, was held at the Guildhall, where it
sat for two days. The latter passed several
resolutions, one of the most important of which
was the first, which declared:
That the responsibility of providing for the unem-
ployed in each district should be undertaken jointly
by the local authorities and by the Central Govern-
ment, and that such legislation should be introduced
as would empower both central and local authorities
to deal adequately with the problem.
Both Conferences were practically unanimous.
But it is doubtful whether the Government will
even consent to receive a deputation on the
The tide was now running strongly
whittaker against the Government, and it
Wright showed no tendency to turn when
the scandalous case of Mr. Whit-
taker Wright came on for discussion. Mr.
Whittaker Wright was the financial genius
whose exploits with the London and Globe
brought down Lord Dufiferin's grey hairs with
sorrow to the grave, and ruined thousands of
innocent victims. It was admitted that he had
issued a fraudulent balance-sheet with intent
to deceive. But it was alleged that to make
such an act criminal it must be with intent to
deceive either shareholders or creditors, where-
as the worthy Whittaker Wright only intended
to deceive prospective investors. The law
officers of the Crown refused to prosecute, and
Mr. Lambert moved an amendment express-
ing regret at this refusal. The House was
righteously angry, and it would have gone
hard with the law officers if Mr. Balfour had
not intervened. He threw all the blame on
the law, and promised to bring in a Bill to
amend it. Even after this promise had been
made, the Government only escaped defeat by
a majority of 51. We have not heard the last
of that case yet. Immediately after this divi-
sion, an amendment was moved objecting to
the retention of directorships m trading com-
panies by Ministers of the Crown. Again Mr.
Balfour intervened, but this time his majority
sank to 38. On the first four divisions since
the recess the nominal Ministerial majority
of 120 had sunk to an average of 42.
The great debate on the Address
The took place on Mr. Beckett's motion
Debate declaring that our present military
system was unsuited to the needs
of the Empire, and that no proportionate gain
had resulted from the recent increase in mili-
tary expenditure. Mr. Beckett stated six ob-
jections to the Army Corps scheme. " First,
it was based on a wrong principle; secondly,
it was not suited to the real needs of the coun-
try; thirdly, it was enormously costly;
fourthly, it did not remove the defects which
the war in Africa had clearly shown to exist;
fifthly, it was not adapted to this country;
and, sixthly, it had no real existence." Mr.
Brodrick, in reply, said that he had added
54,000 men to the regular army in the last six
years, and if the House liked to save five mil-
lions a year it could put the army back to the
old figure. Mr. Balfour, who wound up the
Review of Reviews, 20/Ji/03.
two days' debate, declared thai if the House
wanted a smaller army it must instal another
Government. As no one on the Unionist side,
not even Mr, Winston Churchill, wished to
see the Liberals again in office, and as the
Irish Nationalists, with a keen anticipation of
favours to come, refused to vote against the
Government, the amendment was rejected by
a majority of 116. It was stated in the debate
that if we include the military budget of India,
we spend £51,000,000 on the army and
£30,000,000 on the navy.
For the first, and possibly the last,
'*'*'® time the Irish amendment to the
"^TJ-^:: Address was an elaborate exchange
of compliments. Both landlords
and tenants are hoping that the phenomenal
spectacle of their agreement — ^even although
it is an agreement to loot the British Treasury
— will soften the hard heart of John Bull and
induce him to loosen his purse-strings. The
only speech in the debate of any importance
was Mr. Morley's. He calculates that the
Irish tenant now oays £4,000,000 a year in
what are termed second-term rents. To in-
duce him to buy, the Conference proposed a
reduction of 20 per cent, and the land as a
free gift a<- the end of a term of years. He
will pay, therefore, £3,200,000. The landlord
will lose £800,000 a year, which is to be made
good by the State. Mr. Morley, however,
thinks that the extreme sum asked from the
Treasury would only be from £400,000 to
£600,000. In round figures, we are to gua-
rantee a loan of £100,000,000, and make a free
gift over and above of £22,000,000. That may
be all right; but why should the present ten-
ants, many of whom are landgrabbers and
worse, be set up as landlords at the expense
of John Bull, without any regard being paid
to the interest of the landless labourers and
others who do not happen to have grabbed
land, and many of whom have been the vie
tims of eviction ?
Another debate upon the Address
undesir- ^^^^^^ted a promise from the Min-
abie Allen isters to take measures to check
the influx of undesirable aliens into
this country. What these measures must be
" Westminster Gazette.]
The Dragon dances to the Irish harp played by a Geral-
dine St. George.
it is at present impossible to say. Probably it
will turn out that the only aliens whom it will
be possible to exclude will be the foreign pros-
titute and her owner. This can hardly be de-
scribed as protection for a native industry,
but there is no doubt as to the extent to which
the foreigner has driven the native off the
stree'ts. According to a remarkable census
taken in Oxford Street, Piccadilly and the
neighbourhood, there were 233 foreign girls
and only 43 natives. Many of these women
are to all intents and purposes the chattels of
"souteneurs" and bullies who live upon their
earnings. If the foreign bully and white-slave
owner could be kept out, not many foreign
girls would come in. The traffic in young
women is carried on every day between
Europe, Africa, and America. Vigorous ef-
forts are being made by the National Vigilance
Association to suppress it, but the evil is one
which it is much more difficult to deal with
than appears at first sight, owing to the ignor-
ance and innocence of the unfortunate victims,
who firmly believe that they are going to re-
spectable and lucrative situations, and who
wake up with horror to find themselves at the
other end of the world, and nothing before
them but the dread alternative of starvation or
^ ^^. The little war which England and
Settlement ^
ot the Germany have been waging against
Venezuelan Ygj^g^iiela was brought to a close
Question ^
in the middle of last month by the
signature of the Protocol, which provided,
first, for the immediate payment of what are
April 20, jcjoj
Photograph by]
[Elliott & Fry.
called first-line claims; secondly, for the re-
ference of other claims to a mixed Commis-
sion composed of one Venezuelan, and one
Briton or German, as the case may be, who,
if they disagree, shall refer the question to an
umpire appointed by President Roosevelt;
thirdly, for the reference of any question as to
the distribution of the Custom House reve-
nues assigned for the payment of these claims,
in default of arrangement, to the Hague Tribu-
nal. The publication of the official documents
proves that, contrary to the statement of the
Ministers, the first proposal to go to war
against Venezuela was made by Germany to
England on July 23, ten days after the retire-
ment of Lord Salisbury. They further proved
that, so far from the United States being taken
into our confidence and consulted before any-
thing was done, nothing was said to the Go-
vernment at Washington until Germany and
England had made their pact and decided upon
war, for blockade is war, on however limited
a scale it may be conducted. That we have
got out of the mess is due, in the first case, to
the United States Government, and, in the
second place, to the existence of the Hague
Tribunal. The one satisfactory feature of the
whole thing is the almost universal disgust
which has been excited, even among the sup-
porters of our Government, at their refusal to
use these two great instruments for the peace-
ful settlement of disputes before, instead of
after, embarking upon a perilous joint-stock
appeal to arms against an American Republic.
President Roosevelt, Mr. Secretary
Well-earned Hay and Mr. Bowen deserve to be
y'^*i°''^J[^ heartily congratulated upon the
skill with which they have man-
aged to avert the dangerous complications
that might easily have ensued if the American
Government had been less cautious and reso-
lute. The great danger which they had to
avoid was that of being forced into the ac-
ceptance of a position which would have ap-
peared to the jealous, susceptible South Ameri-
cans as the assumption of authority over the
southern half of the Western Hemisphere.
The belief entertained in some quarters that
the Germans intended to use this Venezuelan
trouble as an occasion for making a frontal at-
tack upon the Monroe Doctrine does little
credit to German statescraft. If Germany
desired to upset the Monroe Doctrine, it would
be done by a flank attack, and the first move
would be to tempt the United States to take
up a position of authority in South America, .
which would immediately have provoked the
South American Republics to unite on a Mon-
roe Doctrine of their own, for resisting the
overshadowing power of the United States.
Germany would then have found convenient
opportunity for appearing on the scene as a
protector of South American independence.
If the Kaiser entertained any ^ch design it
was frustrated by the resolute refusal of Presi-
dent Roosevelt to accept the position of arbi-
trator. The President not only foiled this
manoeuvre, but, by insisting upon the dispute
going to the Hague Tribunal, added enor-
Review of Keviewft, 20/4/OS.
mously to the prestig^e of the Court whose
authority the German Government re-
gards with but half-concealed jealousy and
distrust. At the same time he secured an
emphatic recognition of the Monroe Doctrine
from Great Britain and a tacit acceptance of
the same principle by Germany. The Ger-
man Ambassador at Washington is said to
have declared that his Government had no
hostility to the Monroe Doctrine, while Mr.
Balfour went much further, and almost in so
many terms accepted it on the part of his Go-
vernment. He said :
The Monroe Doctrine has no enemies in this country
that I know of. We welcome any increase of the in-
fluence of the United States of America upon the Great
Western Hemisphere. We desire no colonisation, we
desire no alteration in the balance of power, we desire
no acquisition of territory. We have not the slightest
intention of interfering with the mode of government
of any portion of that continent. The Monroe Doc-
trine, therefore, is really not in the question at all.
Mr. Secretary Root, Mr. Lodge,
Alaskan and Mr. Turner have been nomi-
^<*"™' nated as the American members of
mission • 1 /-.
the mixed Commission of six
which will examine into and report upon the
vexed question of the Alaskan frontier.
There is not even a pretence on the American
side that the Commissioners will approach the
question with an open mind. It is frankly
asserted in many quarters that the Senate
would never have accepted the treaty if there
had been any doubt as to the determination of
each and all of the American Commissioners
to support the American contention through
thick and thin. No provision is made for the
decision of the question by an umpire in case
the British Commissioners are equally reso-
lute in upholding the claims of Canada. Un-
less, therefore, one of the British Commis-
sioners goes over to the American side the net
result of the investigation will be a report of
hopeless disagreement. It will, however, be
some gain if the Commissioners should draw
up in brief compass a clear statement of the
reasons which led them to disagree. We
should then have an authoritative statement of
the case for each party, and the air would to
that extent be cleared. More than this it
would be idle to hope for.
The moral justification for the
The New presence of European authority in
Slavery rtropical AfHca is the suppression of
the slave trade and the extirpation
of that sum of all villainies, slave-raiding. But
what if it be true, as many authorities allege,
that the only result of the advent of the armed
European is to introduce a new and still more
infernal system of slave-raiding, and to estab-
lish under the protection of our arms of pre-
cision a new slavery more ghastly than any-
thing described in " Uncle Tom's Cabin " ?
Out of the mist of conflicting assertions there
is gradually looming distinct before the moral
consciousness of the world the fact that the
Congo Free State — formed but the other day
Photograph by] [Lafayette.
April 20, rpos-
with the loftiest professions of philanthropy,
for the purpose of ^ivinp^ freedom to the Afri-
can, and of securing- free trade to all European
nations — ^has degenerated in seventeen years
into a vast slave State, whose economic basis is
forced labour, whose fiscal system is one of the
strictest monopoly, and whose authority is
maintained by cannibal levies who terrorise,
massacre and eat up (literally) the unfortunate
tribes Whom they are supposed to protect.
One very melancholy feature about the Congo
business is the extent to which the Baptist
Missionary Society, or some of its repre-
sentatives, have built a moral zareba round the
new slavery, so that it appears to some as if
the horrible massacres and tortures by which
alone the Congolese can be compelled to
" bring in rubber '' were perpetrated under the
protecting shield of these devoted missionaries
of the Cross.
The Austro-Russian Note which
The .
Austro- has been so long m preparation
"'J'®®'^" was formally presented to the Porte
on February 21. It formulated a
long string of reforms which, in the opinion of
all the signatories of the Treaties of Berlin
and of Paris, ought to be introduced into
Macedonia. The Sultan furnished the best
evidence of their worthlessness by gaily ac-
cepting them one and all without note or com-
ment, and as if still further to advertise their
real character he is said to have declared his in-
tention to apply them to his other European
provinces. The precious scheme contains as
its chief feature the appointment of a Turkish
Pasha as Inspector-General for a term of three
years. He is to have authority over the local
governors, and on emergency he is to have the
right to employ Turkish soldiers and Bashi
Bazouks on his own initiative. As every such
Pasha at the end of three years must look for
his promotion to the Sultan, it is tolerably cer-
tain that if he employs Ottoman troops on his
own initiative it will not be tO' curtail the right
of rapine which the Sultan enjoys in Mace-
donia, but to consolidate and extend it. The
police and gendarmes are to be recruited from
Mohammedans and Christians in due propor-
tions, and organised by Europeans who will
have no independent authority. The Sultan
is to compel the Albanians to abstain from
murder and pillage. There is to he an amnesty
for political offences, and a speedy trial for all
criminals. Finally, local expenses are to be
a first charge upon the budget of each vilayet.
And that is all. In the name of the prophet
— figs! What is needed is that the Powers
agree to compel the Sultan to let them hang
a Pasha and appoint a European governor,
with absolute power to use Turkish or other
troops to maintain order ! Even a Turkish
Pasha like Rustem might do if he had a secure
tenure of office. But now everything will go
on as before. There will be only a few empty
proclamations the more. Macedonia cannot
be reformed by wastepaper, and the Mace-
donians will have to continue as before to
suffer the horrors of the regime to which they
were thrust back at Britain's bidding.
Mr. Chamberlain told the Cape
The Empire Jq^j^ Chamber of Commerce on
thecoionics February 23 that he was anxious
for the future of the Empire :
** The burden laid on the Mother Country was
becoming more than it can bear. ... I ask
for nothing except that you shall contribute your
full share to the defence of the Empire and South
At present we are spending sixty-one millions
sterling upon our Imperial naval and military
forces. Every penny of this is paid by forty
million taxpayers in these islands. Outside
these islands, in Canada, Australia and South
Africa, there are ten million British subjects
who enjoy all the benefits of our expenditure
equally with ourselves, but so far from paying
their " full and fair share " of the bill their con-
tributions do not amount to more than 10 per
cent, of it. On the principle of community of
sacrifice, every British subject, whether living
in Great Britain, Ireland, or the self-govern-
ing Colonies, should contribute equally to the
cost of the army and the navy. Reckoning our
colonists in round numbers to be ten millions
strong, they ought to pay on this reckoning
£11,000,000 a year into the Imperial ex-
chequer. As they will not listen for a mo-
ment to any such proposal, it is no wonder
Mr. Chamberlain is anxious as to the future.
Review of Rerinrs. 20/'t/03.
The answer of the
^^ mf*'.^* - Colonies is very
the Colonies -^
Say simple. They say
that they have at
present no voice in the direc-
tion of the affairs of the Em-
pire, and it is monstrous to
ask them to tax themselves
for the maintenance of an
Army and Navy over which
they have no control. Arma-
ments depend upon policy,
and if the Colonies have no
voice in framing our policy,
they will never consent to
contribute equally with the en-
franchised Britons to met the cost of the arma-
ments necessary for its execution. Mr. Wise,
the Attorney-General for .Australia, last month
made a strong protest against the Venezuelan
policy of the Government because it had been
entered upon without any consultation with
the Colonies. He quoted the resolution
passed by the Colonial Premiers last year:
"That so far as may be consistent with the con-
fidential negotiations and treaties with foreign
Powers, the views of the Colonies affected
should be obtained, in order that they may be
in a position to give adhesion to such treaties,"
and asked how this could be reconciled with
the action of the Imperial Government in
plunging into war with Venezuela without
even sounding a single Colonial Government
as to its views on the matter?
There was no mention of old age
Labour Bill pcusious in the King's Speech, but
^enston^^ the demand for them grows in
volume and definiteness. The Na-
tional Committee of Organised Labour met in
Birmingham early in the month, and approved
"A Bill to Provide Pensions for the Aged."
The first and chief clause runs :
1. The Treasury shall, on and after the first day of
October, in the year of our Lord 1903, cause to be paid
5s. a week to every British subject, male or female, ap-
plying in the appointed way, and certified to be not less
than sixty-five years of age, excepting such persons as
(a) are domiciled outside the United Kingdom; (b)
were born outside the United Kingdom and have re-
sided less than twenty years in the United Kingdom
prior to application; (c) are under police surveillance;
or (d) have, on conviction of crime, been sentenced to
deprivation of pension.
The pensioner secures certificate from Regis-
trar and Superintendent-Registrar of Births
and Deaths in his district and draws his pen-
sion from the nearest money-order office. So
long as he may become chargeable to the
Guardians his pension is transferred to them.
Conviction of crime entails forfeiture of pen-
sion during term of sentence. The Bill was
backed bv Mr. John Burns, Mr. T. Burt, Mr.
C. Fenwick, Mr. J. Wilson (Durham), Mr. R.
Bell, and Mr. C. Shackleton, but was flung in
the balloting to a remote and impossible date.
Official Liberals dreaming of Labour alliances
are slowly — very slowly — ^waking up to the
popular mandate in favour of pensions.
The First get people out of the Black
First step in jj J bcforc you think of rebuild-
London ^ ,
Housing ing it. That is an obvious prin-
Reform ^.jpj^ when stated, but it has taken
housing reformers in London a long time to
realise it. Thanks, however, to Mr. Charles
Booth and the Browning Hall Conference on
Housing, the public has been induced to see
that an adequate, and therefore unified, system
of locomotion under public control is the first
step to the solution of London's housing diffi-
culties. On the 7th of last month was an-
nounced the appointment of a Royal Com-
mission to inquire generally into the means for
improving locomotion and transport in Lon-
don, and more particularly "as to the desira-
bility of establishing some authority or tri-
bunal to which all schemes of railway or
April 20, 1^0^.
tramway construction of a local character
should be referred, and the powers which it
would be advisable to confer upon such a
body." This central authority is precisely
what the municipal bodies of Greater London,
convened by Mr. Booth a year ago, unani-
mously urged the Government to appoint.
Is the President Roosevelt created a mild
s"^Mn' sensation last month by writing a
Race letter to an authoress who had
Dying Out? gQ^j^^g^j a notc of alarm as to the
voluntary avoidance of maternity by American
women. In this epistle he says that " the
Americans are committing racial suicide."
President Roosevelt says :
Those who shun their responsibility through a desire
for independence, ease and luxury commit a crime
against the race, and should be objects of contempt and
abhorrence to all healthy people. If men shirk being
fathers of families and women do not recognise that
the greatest thing for women is motherhood, the nation
■has cause to be alarmed about the future.
President Eliot, of Harvard, following in the
same strain as President Roosevelt, says that
Harvard graduates have on an average only
two children each. This he attributes to late
marriages, and he suggests a shortening of the
years devoted to study, so that a professional
man could conclude his training at twenty-
five. It is not only Harvard graduates who
are limiting their families. The birth-rate in
1850 in the United States was fifty-six per
1,000. In 1900 it was forty-seven. It would
have fallen much more but for the foreign im-
migrants, who at first multiply and increase
like rabbits. The average American family in
1900 was three children. Twenty years ago it
was four or five. The same phenomenon is ob-
servable in Great Britain and in Australia. The
truth is that the human race has learnt that
conception does not necessarily follow union,
but it has not learnt that if the race is not to
decay it is the imperative duty of every healthy,
intelligent pair to breed up to the maximum
that they can afiford to produce, rear, feed, and
educate. ' .i^ . ?liO
The masterpiece of Mr. G, F. Watts, R.A., a bronze cast of which is now being taken for erection on the Matoppo
Hills as a memorial to Mr. Rhodes. The figure stands twelve feet high.
(Photograph by F. Hollyer, Pembroke Street West.)
Review of Reviews, 20/k/OS.
The humour of the month contains nothing bet-
ter than the chapter in " F.C.G.'s Froissart, 1902,"
which deals with the doings of Sir Dickon Seddon.
It is of special interest to New Zealanders:
Of the journey that Sir Dickon Seddon made from
Maoriland to Africa, how he conversed with the
lord de Kitchener, and how he hastily departed
from Africa, and sailed to England.
Xow let us leave somewhat to speak of the adven-
tures of a certain Sir Dickon Seddon, the which are a
great marvel, as I shall shew you. Now, Sir Dickon
Seddon was of great puissance, by reason of kis push-
fulness, in the island wherein he dwelt, the name of
which, as I have been informed, is Maoriland. It lieth
in an ocean on the other side of the world, and belong-
eth to -England, howbeit it hath its own governance.
And of this governance Sir Dickon Seddon was chief
He was a knight of great spirit, and had so great belief
in himself that it was a wonder to all men, for he
would say to those around him, " Things are not well
with the realm of England, nor will be until Sir
Dickon ruleth the roast."
When King Edward the Seventh made preparations
for his crowning he caused invitations to be sent to
every part of the kingdom, even beyond the seas, bid-
ding the chief men of every land to journey to London
that they might attend him at Westminster on the
day appointed for the Coronation.
Even had it not been so I trow that Sir Dickon
Seddon would have gone there, for he greatly desired
that he should not be overlooked. Of a truth he did
not journey straight to England, but caused the ship
in which he sailed to be steered first to Africa, being
minded to see how it fortuned that the war in that
country still continued, and had not been made an end
" I will look into this business," quoth he, " for
meseemeth that the English are not bestirring them-
selves as they ought to do, and are not fighting against
these Dutch rebels as felly as I would have them do.
They are too pitiful; let them entrust the ordering of
the war to me and to my Maories, and we will riglit
speedily roll over the land and crush these pestilent
Dutchmen. By St. Jingo but I will have no con-
ditions for their surrendering themselves."
In this wise spake Sir Dickon Seddon, and he sent
messengers before him to Africa and to England, saying,
" Thus and thus hath Sir Dickon Seddon spoken."
April 30, ipoj.
land, and dance a war-dance to give countenance to the
When Sir Dickon Seddon arrived at the place where
the lord de Kitchener was encamped with his army,
he set himself to hold converse with him, and when
he found where his tent was within the camp, ht
betook himself thitherward. Now, the lord de Kit-
chener was seated therein planning how he might
build more castles if it should fortune that the con-
ferences with the Dutch should be made an end of
without peace, and he was sore amazed when Sir
Dickon Seddon presented himself demanding to know
if he wanted more mutton from Maoriland for the
When the lord de Kitchener answered him nay,
Sir Dickon said that it rather behoved him to have
said Yea, seeing that it would have gone hardly with
the Mother country if her children from Maoriland
had not made great sacrifices to save her from the
Dutch in Africa.
Moreover, he charged the lord de Kitchener that he
should not entertain any terms with the Dutch rebels
without taking counsel with him. Sir Dickon.
Now what reply the lord de Kitchener made to this-
I cannot of a surety tell, but it has been shewed me
that Sir Dickon Seddon made a sudden end of speak-
ing, and departed with great haste for his ship, saying
Now you must know that in
Maoriland they set great store by
sheep, the wool thereof they send
abroad for profit, and the meat they
send to England where it has been
sold for Scottish mutton, as it has
been told to me.
Sir Dickon would have' had those
in England to buy no other mutton
but that which came from ]\l;iori-
land, saying, " Wherein is the profit
of having a Motherland if she buy
not that which her children have to
So when Sir Dickon Seddon ar-
rived in Africa incontinent, he set
out to journey up the country to
find the lord de Kilchener. And
whensoever he encountered any of
the English army by the way, he
demanded of them to know whether
they had yet made peace with the
Dutch, charging them stoutly that in
no wise should they yield anything
to their enemies.
" Wherefore should we sacrifice
that which we have striven so hard
to gain?" quoth he.
Then would he paint his face in
the manner of the men of Maori-
Review of Reviews, 20/Ji/OS.
that he might well have deemed he was anywhere but
on English land.
Of the further marvellous adventures of Sir Dickon Sed-
don, how he counselled Sir Joseph de Birmingham
and others in England and the end thereof.
Anon Sir Dickon Seddon continued on his viage to
England, for he held that the King could not rightlj^
be crowned if he were not there at the appointed
time. And when his ship had taken land in England
he hastened on shore and went straightway to London.
Here he was received with great honour, and the King
sent to him horses and servants richly apparelled in
scarlet and gold, whereat Sir Dickon Seddon was
mightily pleased, saying to himself, " The King doth
well to honour me in this wise, for of a surety this
realm could not continue without me."
And Sir Dickon Seddon rode to and fro in England
in state as though he had been a Prince, telling the
people everywhere what they should do if they desired
to prosper. Moreover, he counselled them that they
should make haste to wake up and see to it that no
other mutton should be allowed to be brought into
the country save only that from Maoriland.
He spake in this wise also to Sir Joseph de Bir-
mingham, saying, " Thus and thus should the Mother
country do if she would continue in the love of her
When Sir Dickon Seddon had thus spoken many
times. Sir Joseph de Birmingham answered that it
behoved not children to teach their mothers the art of
obtaining nutriment either from eggs or mutton.
Sir Dickon was sore vexed that they of the govern-
ance in England gave so little heed to ms counsel, for
he was full of marvellous opinions. Howbeit he dis-
simuled the matter, avowing that he would still con-
tinue to love the Mother country, and when the King
had been crowned, as I have herebefore shewed you,
Sir Dickon Seddon journeyed back to Maoriland across
the seas.
And thereafter whatsoever thing was devised or done
in England, Sir Dickon Seddon would say, "Of a
surety this was done on the counsel that I gave to Sir
Joseph de Birmingham and others in England."
Sir Robert Ball, in " Good Words," well illustrates
his contention that astronomy, of all the sciences, most
expands the imagination. He writes on the scale ot
the visible neavens, and endeavours to make less in-
conceivable the stupendous distances of the stellar uni-
At this time such an article as appears in " Pear-
son's Magazine " dealing with the life of the Sultan,
cannot fail to be of interest. The deepest impression
given by the sketch is one of sincere pity and com-
miseration for the ruler of Turkey, who is also, in the
opinion of many, one of the ablest diplomatists of the
Two of the articles of interest in the "American
Historical Review " for January are concerned
with the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth cen-
tury; there is an admirable survey of the literature of
the Lutheran movement in Germany by Prof. James
Harvey Robinson, while Prof. Herbert D. Foster writes
on "Geneva Before Calvin (1387-1536): The Ante-
cedents of a Puritan State."
The late Monsieur de Blowitz is the subject of a spe-
cial sketch in "Macmillan's." It appears that when De
Blowitz was asked to act as temporary correspondent
to the " Times" he asked to see a number of the
"Times," as he had never before seen it! The story
is told of the discreditable means by which he secured
an advance copy of the Berlin Treaty. Blowitz thought
of himself as an ambassador rather than a journalist,
and the -v^^iter regards this as a most pernicious de-
In the "Nuova Antologia " (February 1) Signora
Rosselli describes the recent revival throughout Italy
of female home industries of an artistic nature — lace-
making, embroidery, weaving, etc. — thanks to the ener-
getic enterprise of various Italian ladies. Already two
exhibitions of artistic female handiwork have been
held in Rome, and it is now intended to open a per-
manent depot for the sale of the goods. There is a
long character sketch of Andrew Carnegie, with a re-
view of his book, " The Empire of Business," which
has been translated into Italian; while General Luchino
dal Verme reviews De Wet's " Three Years' War,"
paying a high tribute to his generalship and strategy,
and protesting against the tendency in some quarters
to decry him as a mere guerilla leader.
The " Civilta Cattolica " (February 7) does its best
to dislodge Italy from its unhappy pre-eminence as the
mother of regicides. It has drawn up an exceedingly
interesting table of all the assassinations of monarchs
and presidents, both attempted and successful, for the
last hundred years, beginning with the murder of the
Emperor Paul and ending with Rubino's attempt
against King Leopold. In all seventy-three crimes
are tabulated, and undoubtedly, taken over so wide a
field, Italy is responsible for no more victims than
other nations; but the fact remains true that the most
notorious regicides of recent years whose crimes have
been due to Anarchist doctrines — Caserio, Luccheni,
and Bresci— are all of Italian birth. One remarkable
fact emerges from the table. The crimes against
heads of States in the second half of the nineteenth
century were four times as numerous as in the first
half. The mid-February number contains a laudatory
analysis of the Jesuit Pere Fontaine's much-discussed
volume " Les Infiltrations Kantiennes et Protestantes
et le Clerge Francais."
340 THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS. April 20, i()0_:t.
" Bulletin."]
Review of lieoiews, 20/4/03. CARICATURES OF THE MONTH.
Journal," Detroit.]
John Bull; " Ain't 'e got a 'orrible temper
Plain Dealer," Cleveland.]
April 20, 1903.
iray take
' Free Lance."]
Zealand (to King Dick): "It's a rather ticklish job, Dick, and wants careful handling,
a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink."
Remember, you
N.Z. " Free Lance."]
(Mr. Seddon said this Pacific cable compact was the first partnership New Zealand had had with the Common-
wealth, and, under the circumstances, it would probably be the last.— The Premier at Christchurch.)
Mrs. Premier Dick (to Mrs. Premier Toby): " It won't do, Toby. You've broken the agreement, and the part-
nership is hoff. 'Enceforth we are hutter strangers."
.Review of Reviews, w',/03. CARICATURES OF THE MONTH.
'^ AX's-v r-'
Herald," New York. J
April 20, 1(^0^.
Abdul Hamid (to Doctors Nicolas and Franz Josef): "Thank vou so much! I'll have this made up, and— er-
(aslde) put it away with the others!"
(By permission of the proprietors of London " Punch )
Review of lieiiews, 2o/i/o3. CARICATURES OF THE MONTH.
World," New York.]
John Bull: " Come out o' that, you blooming idiot!'
Herald," New York.]
April 20, 1903.
" Westminster Gazette."]
Mrs. Britannia Bull: " Good gracious, John, what on earth have you been doing with yourself?"
John Bull: " All right, my dear; I've only been muddling through a little mess. What does it matter as long
I come home right side up?"
Mrs. B. B. : " It matters a good deal, sir! I've got to do the mending!"
" Westminster Gazette."]
John Bull: " What I want to know is this, Mr. Brodrick— Am I an Island? or am I a Continent? If I'm an Island,
I want a big Navy and a small Army. If I'm a Continent, I want a big Army and a small Navy. I can't afford
to be an Island and a Continent too!"
Review of Reviews, 2o/.i/o3. CARICATURES OF THE MONTH.
' New York Journal."]
" I vender vere iss my dog Chonny! I hope he dit not
deserted me yet alretty!"
New York Journal.'"]
" Scn:e Day She'll be Mine!"
Herald, ' New York.]
April 20, 1^0^,
Copyright, 1902, by Photograph ische Gesellschaft.] [By permission of the Berlin Photo Company, London, W
The frontispiece of the " Review " this month
contains the three central figures of a great pic-
ture by the Swiss painter, Eugene Burnand, which
has been on view at Messrs. Dowdeswell's Gallery
in London, and was exhibited at the Salon in Paris
last year. The subject challenges comparison
with the famous " Last Supper " of Leonardo da
Vinci which is now fading away, but which for
four hundred years and more has been regarded
as the supreme effort of art in portraying one of
the most memorable scenes in sacred history. That
a modern painter should have ventured to give us,
not the Last Supper, indeed, but a picture of our
Lord and the eleven disciples, as Jesus pronounced
the final benediction before He went out to His
betrayal, is a welcome proof that courage, not to
say audacity, has not died out from the modern
world. Opinions will differ as to the success with
which Mr. Burnand has rendered the features of
Jesus. The central figure is, perhaps, too conven-
tional to please many, but the artist could hardly
be blamed for having followed the generally ac-
cepted type. There will be less criticism of the
figures of the eleven apostles. Judas had gone out
from the presence of his Master, but each of the
other apostles is rendered with extraordinary skill
arid individuality. The players at Oberammergau,
who were all made up more or less on the figures
in Leonardo da Vinci's picture, were not more life-
like and more ruggedly real than these fishermen
of Galilee who stand on the right and left of our
Lord. The whole picture is very remarkable, and
likely to become a great favourite. It is Mr. Bur-
nand's first success in the realm of sacred art. He
was first known as a landscape and animal painter.
From this he turned his attention to historical
paintings, thereby achieving considerable recog-
nition in his own land. One of his pictures, "The
Flight of Charles the Bold," was bought by the
Swiss Government and hung in the Castle of Chil-
lon. It was not until he was about fifty years of
age that he turned his attention to the theme by
which he has achieved so remarkable a success.
The picture, which is reproduced in miniature at
the head of this page, is a publication of the Berlin
Photographic Company.
Review of Reviews, 20 /It/OS.
Australia does not provide for her boys so many
fascinating "Log Cabin to White House" stories of
industry and success as the United States of
America did when that great countiy was making
its early history; but the political success of the
Hon. John Greeley Jenkins, Premier of South Aus-
tralia, bears a marked resemblance to the exam-
ples which were set American boys by some of the
Presidents. Little did Mr. Jenkins dream, when,
with his three elder brothers, he roamed the woods
of Susquehanna, in Pennsylvania, that he would
become Prime Minister of a large and important
British State in the Southern Seas, and that Le
would live to establish a record for the State in
the length of his term of Ministerial office. Few
men who have been only twenty-five years in any
of the States can boast of having spent more than
twenty of them in the service of the public in
this manner: Two years a councillor in an im-
portant suburban corporation, two years mayor o"
the town, sixteen years in Parliament for the one
district, including ten years ninety days in Minis-
terial office.
The record of Ministerial service in S.A. to
Mar'^h 3i, 1903, is:
Hon. J. G. Jenkins 3,740
Rt. Hon. C. C. Kingston 3,641
Senator T. Playford 3,55r)
Sir Frederick Holder 3,421
Sir Arthur Blyth 3,247
Sir John Cockburn 3,025
Sir J. C. Bray 2,910
Hon. Lavington Bonython . . . . 2,663
Sir Henry Ayers 2,429
Hon. J. H. Gordon 2,185
Personal History*
Mr. Jenkins was born in County Susquehanna,
Pennsylvaria, on September 8, 1851, and on leav-
ing school entered the office of a large publishing
firm, for whom he was soon commissioned to
travel in various parts of the United States and
Canada. At the age of twenty-six he was sent
out to exploit South Australia, and he landed In
Aaelaide in April, 187S, unknown to anyone. To-
day, if he landed, nine out of every ten persons
would recognise him, and he would greet the ma-
JGri{y as personal friends. He has the reputation
of knowing more men and women in South Aus-
tralia than any other man. The publication with
which he first began business was " Our Fir=t
Century," an American history, but he soon began
business on his own account, and imported a larga
number of English and American books, and then
he abandoned that, to take the position of man-
ager of the Picturesque Atlas Company, in S.A.
In the meantime he had been taking an active part
in literary society work. He became president of
the Literary Societies' Union, and second Premier
in the Union Parliament, which was established by
the literary societies. As representative of Park-
side Ward, in the Unley Corporation, and then as
Mayor of Unley, which has now a population of
20,000, he had further abundant opportunity for
political training. In the Union Parliament his
ready tongue and smart repartee had helped to
make him an able debater, much feared by oppon-
In May, 1886, he sought a seat for the re-
presentation of East Adelaide, a vacancy having
occurred by reason of the resignation of Mr.
George Button Green, but Mr. Jenkins was badly
beaten by Mr. J. T. Scherk. The contest served
to bring him prominently before the public, and
when, in the succeeding April, he stood for Sturt,
Photo by Duryea, Adelaide.]
April 20 y yos
the chief polling place being Unley, he was re-
turned at the top of the poll. He was in the
same honourable position at the elections in 1890,
but in 1893 he was beaten for the senior seat by
Mr. T. Price, the leader of the Labour Party, and
he secured the junior seat by twenty-one votes
from Mr. H. Adams. That was the year that the
Labour Party became a force to be reckoned with
in Parliament, for every Labour candidate was
successful with the exception of Mr. Adams, who
later on entered the Legislative Council. At ail
times. He was Minister of Education and of Ihe
Northern Territory from March 2, 1891, till Janu-
ary 6, 1892, when he succeeded the Hon. W. B.
Rounsevell as Commissioner of Public Works; he
held the office until June 21, 1892, when the Holder
Ministry took office. On the formation of tha
Kingston Ministry, in 1893, Mr. Jenkins was ap-
pointed Government Whip; but early the follow-
ing year, when the Hon. T. Playford went to
England as Agent-General, Mr. Jenkins took his
old position as Commissioner of Public Works, in
subsequent elections Mr. Jenkins has topped the
poll for Sturt, but last year the districts were le-
arranged, and the Premier ran third for Torrens,
the name of the amalgamated districts of Sturt
and East Torrens.
Years of Office.
Mr. Jenkins' first Ministerial appointment was
in Mr. Playford's Government, which, during a
life of two years, was reconstructed five or six
succession to Mr. Holder. The Kingston Minis-
try went out on December 1, 1839, having been
defeated by one vote, and the Solomon Ministry,
known as the " Week " or " Weak " Ministry, took
office for seven days. Then Mr. HolderV
Government, which was practically the. Kingsto\
Government without Mr. Kingston, came in, and
Mr. Jenkins held the portfolio of Chief Secretary.
With a keen eye to the future, the representative
of Sturt did not stand for the Federal Parliament.
Rei-iew of Reviews, 20/^/03.
He was content to take the more responsible po-
sition of Premier of S.A., in succession to Mr.
Holder, who, of course, advised the Governor to
ask Mr. Jenkins to form a Ministry.
In every walk of municipal and political life U
may be claimed that Mr. Jenkins has been a suc-
cess. Personally, he has no enemies, and is one
of the most popular men in the State. He is the
life of a Parliamentary party, and a most enter-
taining host, especially if his guests are ladies, la
the House he can
suit his mood to
the occasion. As
leader of the
Government in a
time of much dif-
ficulty, he has of
late adopted a
serious tone in
his speeches, but
many members
recall with plea-
sure their delight
at listening to his
smart speeches.
Seldom has the
member who in-
terjected escaped
the ever-ready,
witty retort, and
more often than
not he has had to
laugh with the
House at his own
discomfiture. His
position as Pre-
mier has brought
him before all
sections of the
community, and
he has been able
to adapt himself
to his surround-
ings with a facil-
ity possessed by
few. He is as
much at home
cracking jokes before
brokers and business
siding at a meeting
tian Temperance
he is a
a gathering of share-
men as he is pre-
of the Women's Chris-
Union. Like Mr. Kingston,
teetotaller, and he was a founda-
tion member of the Leopold Masonic Lodge, in
which intoxicants are tabooed at the banquets In
favour of tea, coffee, and temperance drinks.
It is now well known that Mr. Jenkins might
have had his services to the State rewarded with
a knighthood, but that he intimated to Lord Ten-
nyson that he did not desire, at that time, to ac-
cept such an honour. An amusing story is told
in connection with the aftair. When questioned
as to the truth of the rumours that were current,
the Premier replied: "What would I do with it?
If I retired into private life it would follow me;
if I went into the wilds of Africa it would be
there, and when I got to the cemetery it would
still stick to me."
What Office
Has Taugfht^
Mr. Jenkins has
not had so long
a Parliamentary
career as some of
the other mem-
bers of both
Houses of the
State Legislature,
and some o f
the State's repre-
sentatives in the
Federal Par 1 i a-
ment, but he has
had exceptional
opportunities o f
forming opinions
on the different
phases of Austra-
lian political life
he has witnessed.
Though he was
busy preparing
for a trip to Syd-
ney to attend his
third Premiers'
Conference, h e
readily consented
to give some
of his ideas for
the " Review of
Reviews for Aus-
tralasia ":
" What changes
have I observed
in Australian politics? Well, oae of the principal
changes that I have observed in all the States is the
greater care and attention which is evidently being
given by Ministers to the various departments un-
der their control, and the deeper interest that is be-
ing manifested in the actions of Ministers and
members of Parliament by the electors. This has
been more apparent since the necessity for in-
creased taxation has been brought so prominently
before the public. Another change I have ob-
served is the introduction of direct taxation on
April 20, IQO^.
land and income, not only in S.A., but in the other
States. One of the causes of that taxation was the
dropping off in the receipts for the sale of land, re-
ceipts which should never have been allowed to
go into general revenue. Another cause was the
expenditure of borrowed money — in some instances
— upon works that were not directly reproductive.
The interest on these loans has had to be met
annually out of revenue from other sources.
"The general .drift of legislation? Well, that
Is a very wide question. I should say, though,
that the general drift of legislation throughout
Australasia is undoubtedly liberal. The South
Australian record will show this. We passed
adult suffrage in 1893, and it has since been adop-
ted by the Commonwealth, New South Wales, and
Western Australia. Then there was the ' Free
Education ' Act, the arbitration and conciliation
laws, the recognition of the eight hours system,
and its adoption in Government employment, the
general assistance of the producers, in the matter
of storing and shipping produce, and endeavouring
to find markets, and the assistance of the people
in other respects where private enterprise has
failed. Where the Government have stepped in,
they have generally been successful."
The Politicians of S»A.
" How do the politicians of to-day compare for
ability with bygone politicians?"
" That is rather a difficult question to answer,
and I would rather not be placed in the position
of judge. No one can deny that the removal of
such men to the Commonwealth Parliament as
the Right Hon. C. C. Kingston, Sir Frederick Hol-
der, the Hon. Thomas Playford, Sir John Downer,
Mr. P. McM. Glynn, and Mr. V. L. Solomon, has
robbed South Australia of able debaters and men
of ability; but their places have been filled in the
local Parliament by many new men who are rap-
idly gaining experience, and are ably filling the
positions to which they have succeeded. It
may not be out of place to say a
word in reference to the late Sir John Bray, who
was a colleague of mine in the Playford Govern-
ment as Chief Secretary, and who in my earlier
Ministerial life gave me some very good advice.
It is questionable whether any politician ever held
office in South Australia who could seize a point
more readily, and debate it with more ability and
tact than he."
" What is there in South Australian politics that
tends to political stability?"
" Up to ten years ago the Ministerial changes
were much more frequent than they have been in
tile last decade. Between 1856 and the present
time there have been forty-three Ministries in
South Australia, the average life of each being
about one year and six weeks. The long continu-
ation in office of the Kingston Ministry, from
June, 1893, to December, 1899, was in a measure
due to the general support given by the Labour
Party, which came into political power in 1893.
It was understood that the members of the Party
were not to accept Ministerial office, but this un-
derstanding was evidently departed from at the
defeat of the Kingston Government, for three of
those who were returned as Labour men voted
against the Government, and one of them took
office in the succeeding Government. Then, when
a week later the Government was thrown out,
Mr. Holder asked Mr. Batchelor, the leader of the
Labour Party, to accept the portfolio of Minister
of Education, and he did so. Another thing which
has tended to the stability of Ministries for the
last few years is the loyal support which has been
given by the agricultural members, in consequence
of the care and attention that have constantly been
given by the various Ministerial departments to
the advancement and encouragement of the pro-
When asked to mention the principal legislative
measures that he had been connected with, Mr.
Jenkins replied: " Every liberal measure which
has been passed during the la«t ten years." He
went on to point out that these included the
Free Education Act, which he introduced; woman
suffrage; the eight hours system; the Act under
which the produce depot was established; indus-
trial legislation, and, more lately, the Constitution
Amendment Act, under which the Legislative
Council was reduced from twenty-four members
to eighteen, and the House of Assembly from fifty-
two to forty-two; the Outer Harbour Act, which
provides for the expenditure of up to £500,000 on
a harbour for ocean-going steamers, at the mouth
of the Port Adelaide River, and the Transconti-
nental Railway Act, under which it is intended to
complete the railway to the Northern Territory,
on the land-grant system. The beneficial effect
of the Constitution Amendment Act, In which
South Australia showed an example to the other
States, was shown last session, when more than
the usual amount of work was done in about two-
thirds of the time ^f former sessions.
Review of Reciews, ZO/k/OS.
Of all the arguments put forward by the oppon-
ents to Australian naval development, the favour-
ite Is cost. It is wonderful how this card is
played again and again, no matter how clearly
and plainly the falsity of the argument is demon-
strated. Nevertheless, only a few days ago Mr.
Seddon made the appalling statement that an
Australian Navy would cost something over three
millions to start, and over a million a year
to maintain. This estimate was put forward as
the alternative to the acceptance of the scheme,
costing £200,000 a year, which our representatives
at the Conference in London, last year, promised
and vowed for us. It is an estimate in its mod-
esty characteristic of the great New Zealand Pre-
mier, who is nothing if not modest, and it has the
additional charm of having " nothing to do with
the case." It is worth ventilating. Once well
understanded of the people, and, perad venture, Mr.
Seddon will be compelled to look round in those
rich turnip fields of his for one of another shaye
to hollow out and frighten us with.
What Wc Don't Want»
An " Australian Navy " means Australian in-
dependence—that is the plain English of
it. How far off from that evil ideal we
are, we who believe in the naval develop-
ment of Australia as a direct Imperial duty, we
need scarcely affirm. An Australian Navy is no
more possible than an Australian King or Aus-
tralian Emperor, Sultan, or President, or Panjan-
drum. The sea is one, and upon it there cannot
be two independent sea forces under one Empire.
There is the British Navy — frequently miscalled
the Imperial Navy — and Australian ships or squad-
ron, or even fleet, in the years to come, would
only he a working portion of it, and constitute
the addition that would justify its "Imperial"'
title. An "Australian Navy" means an independent
force, directed to independent action (or inaction),
and this is only possible to an independent Gov-
ernment. For in one sea, as in one field of cam-
paign, there must be one scheme and one com-
mand. An Australian ship or ships would not,
therefore, be a Navy, but an addition to the Em-
pire's sea forces. Such an addition might be
great or small; at least we will give ourselves the
credit of making it proportionate to our means,
with some due appreciation of our necessities, and
the added load to the Empire's sea responsibilities
incurred by our existence. As has just been said,
such an addition, such a contribution by Aus-
tralia may be great or small; but. says Mr. Seddon,
you cannot do this, you can make no contribution
In ships which are Australian (or New Zealand),
because an "Australian Navy" would cost three
millions, or a dozen millions, and some other huge
sum to maintain.
Why stop at three millions? Mr. Seddon and
his school (there are more than a few in Austra-
lia) evidently mean that if we did any portion
of our sea defence we must do the lot, undertake
the whole of our naval defence, and relieve the
Mother Country completely of this responsibility.
His estimate is possibly based on the cost and
maintenance of ships of the Royal Navy in those
waters. We may parenthesise here, to remark
that £3,000,000 would provide a fleet capable of
making very small mincemeat of the ships of the
Royal Navy in these waters to-day. This, how-
ever, by the way.
Puzzlc-hcadcd Arithmetic*
Why may we not supply a portion of the fleet
for our naval defence? We can only surmise
that, for some reason or another, co-operation Is
judged to be impossible. We may, without con-
ceit, credit ourselves with the capacity to turn out
efficient ships. Fairly competent in other lines
and departments of life. It Is curious If we
are a sort of naval " colour-blind " In sea work.
This, as Euclid says. Is absurd, and we can only
conclude, as the corollary to Mr. Seddon's state-
ment, that co-operation between ships manned by
Australians and ships of the Royal Navy is Im-
For the same reason, Mr. Seddon's " three-mil-
lion fleet " would, It must be supposed, be equally
Incapable of acting in concert with those East
Indian and China squadrons that we hear are to
rally to the aid of the Royal Naval Squadron in
these seas should we ever be seriously threatened.
And this, again, leaves with us as the only possible
deduction — and we present It without reserve ro
Mr. Seddon — that, for safety, we must have a fleet
equal to the strongest afloat in the world. It Is
quite evident that a three-mlllioa fleet would be
powerless against France or Russia, or Germany
— who to-day Is, of all Powers, the most peevishly
hungry for over-sea possessions. But out of this
horrible danger we are to be saved by payment of
that quite too ridiculous trifle of £200,000 a year,
to provide one second-class cruiser, and two of our
dear old friends of the Auxiliary Squadron, who
have been with us so long, to be used as training
April 20, 190S'
There is really something puzzling in antipo-
dean mathematics when applied to defence. The
Admiralty can make us quite safe for £200,000;
but if we of Australia take a hand in it,—" Well.''
says Mr. Seddon, no small authority in making the
Empire safe, " it can't be done, let me see, under
£3,000,000 odd. first cost, and about Wz millions
maintenance." Really, a man with his experience
in Empire-saving might have given us a slightly
lower quotation.
The Logfic that Proves Too Much.
But, seriously, the absurdity of this " cost argu-
ment " can best be seen by applying it to our land
defences. Now who, for instance, would put for-
ward, as a serious reason for doing away with our
land forces and paying the Imperial Government a
lump sum for our land defence, that a complete
army for a land like this, if gauged by population,
and compared with, say, Holland, would cost us
some millions; or, if gauged by extent of territory,
and compared with Russia, would cost something
more than even the President of the New Zealand
Empire Salvage Company would care to quote?
Here Is another parallel: In point of time and
distance. Western Australia, though connected by
impassable land with the main centres of Aus-
tralian resources and population, is yet further
than New Zealand; nevertheless. Western Aus-
tralia maintains a defence force according
to its means and capacity. There would
be far more reason to say to that State,
" Disband your defence force; it is useless.
Why, an army to protect you would cost several
millions! You can't do any real good with It in
an emergency." W.A. would, however, immedi-
ately and sensibly reply that they could make a
small attack impossible; that if threatened more
seriously, they could co-operate with any forces
Australia Felix sent to her assistance; and If her
Eastern neighbours, in their turn, were pressed,
they would lend their aid, to the best of their
power and numbers.
Similarly, the British War Office might, with
some reason, argue the absurdity of any Austra-
lian military forces, using precisely the same ar-
gument that any armed strength we could raise
would be useless against the millions of France,
Russia, or Germany. That, while the Empire ex-
isted, Australia would be safe from over-sea In-
vasion, and the only proper and sensible policy
was, clearly, general disbandment, and payment of
a sum Into the Imperial Treasury. That If the
Empire lost her sea supremacy and fell, nothing
but an army far exceeding anything we could
raise would save us, and we must. In fact, b» lost.
The Secret of It.
Now, In that contention there is fact and un-
assailable logic. Why, then, are we not so ad
vised? Why do not the War Office say, "Disband
your land forces"? And how should we meet
such a proposal? We say at once, " Our land
forces can make a small raiding attack impossible,
and, moreover, if you are ever hard-pressed in
the East, we have a force in Sir Ed. Hutton's field
army, specially designed and organised to aid you."
This the War Office know, and have used evevy
means to bring about, and is a very sufficient rear-
son why the War Office do not advise what, on the
face of it, seems so logically sound. The great
difference — and we have at last arrived at It— is
that the War Office accept and appreciate Aus-
tralian co-operation, be it with a thousand men„
or ten thousand, or whatever we can spare, and
the Admiralty do not. They will have none of it.
have persistently set their faces against it, and
have lost no opportunity, during the last fifteen
years, to repress any tendency in that direction,
and to dwarf our naval arm. The War Office say,
" Do all you can, and join us." The Admiralty
say, " Do nothing, but pay us." The Admiralty's
message to us, through Admiral Sir L. Beaumont,
was to disband and abolish all our sea forces.
Australia's naval claws were actually becoming
visible; they must be pulled out. If, they say
in effect, you want to do anything in the way
of naval defence, you must do it all by yourselves,
and we won't have any hand in it whatever.
Latterly, at the suggestion of Sir Ed. Barton,
pressed, no doubt, to show some sign of a feather
or two cast into our side of the balance, the privi-
lege has been conceded to Australia of the training
of Australian seamen in one of the subsidised
ships, and the forming of a reserve for service in
the Empire's fleet.
Again, using the parallel of the land forces,
the present proposal, agreed to by Sir Ed. Barton,
would, if applied to land forces, mean the dis-
banding of all our regiments, corps, and the pay-
ment of a subsidy for defence by regiments of the
regular army. Into one of those regiments Au-s-
tralian private soldiers would be enlisted, and a
militia reserve for general army service would be
open to about 500 Australians. It is needless to
comment upon the reception which such a pro-
posal would meet with, or the unpleaslng time
which our representatives would experience upon
their return, after signing a draft agreement to
that effect. Could our Prime Minister, in hi3
highest sugar-coating flight, have been equal to
administering that pill to an Australian audience?"
He would have tried nobly, but the imagination
fails to picture the result. And yet a proposal
Review of Reviews, 20/^/08.
on exactly parallel lines is calmly agreed to in
London for our sea defences! Truly extraordin-
ary, this, when it is remembered that, as a matter
of fact, our sea are our only defences — only by
sea are we assailable. It is amusing to think it is
one and the same Cabinet which has established
such a proprietary over the oceans that surround
our shores, as to levy duty on every glass of grog
drunk on a dirty night, and every yard of can-
vas drawn from the store-room to patch a sail,
that elects to do its defence duty over those seas
by payment of a cheque to the Admiralty!
Unircal Objections*
For the time, and we humbly apologise, we have
wandered away from Mr. Seddon. We return
to his estimate, and the why and the wherefore
of its immensity; and it will be easy to show how
that inflated absurdity can be pricked, and shrink
to a sum that will admit of our doing our due
share as Australians, a vigorous branch of the
Empire, and in the only way proper to an aver-
agely manly people.
Mr. Seddon, we see, estimates for a complete
navy, which we do not want any more than a
complete crown or throne or kingdom, and as-
sumes we must, of ourselves, undertake the whole
weight and cost of the Empire's sea-defence in
these waters. This is presumably because the
Idea of Australian ships — one or two or three or
six, or whatever we can raise as a part of the
British fleet in these seas, i.e., under the command
of the Admiral on the station — is objected to by
the Admiralty; and that once we (of Australia)
manned ships, the Royal Navy would gather up
its skirts and leave us to be eaten up. Why this
determined exclusiveness towards Australia?
There can be but two reasons for the Admiralty
objections, other than mere prejudice: Firstly, if
the ships are inefficient and worthless; or, sec-
ondly, if command and control over them are not
complete. The first, I think, we may put aside—
we have no fears as to our competence. The
second is a solid objection, but one which it is
entirely in our hands to remove.
What Must be Made Clear*
There must be no flaw in the Admir-
al's command. Ships, sea work, naval work
generally, is no child's game. Ships com-
missioned and placed under the Admiral
for service should so remain till paid off. They
must be no play-ground for the fussy, meddlesome
gentlemen in Parliament— like that horror of all
headmasters, the fussy mother of a spoiled boy
at a public school. The command and direction
of all operations, and all the details of defence.
must be in the hands of the Commander of the
Fleet. If he cannot command and administer
his fleet, dismiss him. A clear understanding,
an Act of Parliament, if necessary, to that effect—
if our Legislatures can exercise the self-denial
to refrain from meddling— will, there is little doubt,
remove the great objection, and I believe, with
some confidence, the only one to co-operation — i.e.,
to common service by Australia with the Empire's
fleet — ^to a fusion of forces so complete as, when
required, to be one fleet, one organisation. It
knocks the bottom out of the latest New Zealand
estimate. It would lead directly to the attain-
ment of the object in view — viz., ships manned
and officered, crews raised and trained by Aus-
tralia—a purpose to be achieved with i>atience
and work, within something considerably less than
the period included in the recent draft agreement.
That Australia shall furnish and produce sea-
power, and not be its mere purchaser, will be to
develop the most valuable race trait we have
inherited, if, to borrow a term from our cousins,
we are to hold our end up in the Pacific.
This development and training will react with
tenfold benefit in the many ways of special value
to a sea people and sea traders, markedly in the
improvement of the mercantile marine, and all
the branches of Industry which it feeds and Is fed
by. We shall, too, acquire something of that
sense of responsibility which to-day is one of our
serious lacks; and, lastly and sordid considera-
tion, we can do all this easily with the means
which we can command, notwithstanding — we
say it tremblingly — Mr. Seddon.
This is intended to be the first of a series of
articles designed, hopefully and modestly, to throw
some light on the question of greatest Importance
to be considered by our Commonwealth Parlia-
ment. It Is hoped that the question of cost, ard
the wild and extravagant statements made for in-
terested or party or prejudicial purposes, may be
made plainer, and Its ridiculous fallacies exploded.
The big statements of millions refer to our pos-
sible requirements as an independent nation, rely-
ing on our own resources. They, as we show,
"have nothing whatever to do with the case," and
in no way concern us. We are concerned only
with the cost of doing such part of our defence
as we are able, and Is our due, as a portion of the
Empire — ^to which It Is our pride to belong,
and in which we will be no lagging burden and
care, but a strong help. Such we can accom-
plish well within the amount which it Is proposed
to subsidise others to do, rather than do ourselves.
The persistent taunts that we will neither pay for
our safety, nor are fit to undertake any share of it
for ourselves, must cease.
April 20, ip03.
Out Place in the Line*
Finally, it Is important to bear in mind that
world conditions are changing with extraordinary
rapidity, markedly so those which bear directly on
the world's naval problem. Of its realisation by
those In authority we bear daily. The old order
is, Indeed, changing In all naval questions. What
better evidence of an awakening to actual facts
can we have than the position assigned to Aus-
tralia In the diagram on the Empire's defenco
problem, which heads the first of a series of ar-
ticles recently published with all the support and
authority of the " Times " (London) , and discussed
In the House of Commons? Here we have Aus-
tralia centrally placed Immediately in rear of the
line of the Empire's strategic front — the only
white race so placed by many thousands of miles.
Other instances we have in the report of Sir
Edward Grey's committee on the Naval Reserve.
Australia's great strategic Importance, and the
value of our position in the Pacific, is
here referred to, and clearly laid down.
We have another In the great deputation that
waited on the Prime Minister of England, to con-
sider the question of food supply in war, and, there
Is little doubt, must lead to still greater naval ef-
fort by the Mother Country, if she Is to be safe In
war. With Naval Estimates already at the limit
of the taxpayers' capacity, where is the additional
sea force, which the Empire must acquire or die,
to be obtained? Mere mention of these great in-
fluences and impelling forces, in contrast to the
recent draft agreement that so dwarfs Australian
naval growth, and makes us a charge on an Em-
pire already over-burdened, Is sufficient.
Future articles will deal with the defence worth
of our proposed bargain — or lack thereof; strategi-
cal conditions peculiar to Australia; and, finally,
a scheme of actual and true co-operation, for
getting most worth in defence out of our joint
money, material, and resources — Imperial, or,
rather, Royal Naval and Australian.
In the " Sunday at Home " the Rev. A. R. Buckland
writes on the late Archbishop of Canterbury. He
concludes an appreciative review of his life thus:
** With all allowance for failure, Frederick Temple
still remains one of the most lovable and one of the
strongest figures in the modern history of the English
" Cassell's " for March is a very readable number.
Noticed elsewhere is Mr. Moore's sketch of President
Roosevelt's early days in the West. Mr. Ward Muir
lets one see what Monte Carlo is like, within and
without. Mr. Holmes describes certain remarkable
beds, the most remarkable of which is the great Bed
of Ware, now in the Rye House, about twelve feet
square, and capable of accommodating twenty-four
persons. Mr. Dolman, L.C.C., writes on the training
of a London fireman. Mr. Randal Roberts gives
effective photographs of football crowus.
Franciscan students will turn at once in the " Ras-
segna Nazionale " (February 1) to Professor G.
Grabinski's important article on recent Franciscan
studies. He agrees with Professor Mariano in de-
ploring what he calls the " subjective rationalism of
M. Sabatier," but differs considerably from Mariano
in the latter's estimate of the Franciscan Order and
the extent to which it has been faithful to the Fran-
ciscan ideal. Another interesting article of an ex-
ceptionally good number describes the friendly under-
standing that exists between Governor Taft and Mgr.
Guidi, the new Apostolic delegate to the Philippines,
t>ointing to a speedy solution of the vexed religious
question. In its mid-February issue the " Rassegna,"
although distinctly anti-clerical, denounces cremation
with extreme vigour of language as " a barbarian in-
stitution, contrary to hvunan nature, contrary to
hygiene, contrary to the sentiment of all pious and re-
fined souls, and contrary to progress and to civili-
sation." There is an excellent sketch of the late
Cardinal Parocchi, who was for many years among the
The most noteworthy article in the " Deutsche Re-
vue " is contributed by Professor Vambery. In this
paper he gives full rein to his Russophobe feelings.
He deals with England's position in Asia — ^and es-
pecially in India— in relation to the other great Powers.
He prefaces the article with a few general remarks
upon the universal envy which every Power has for
a successful neighbour, and the determination which is*
inherent in each to destroy its neighbour, even if no
benefits accrue to itself thereby. He points out that
when England began to extend her Empire in India,
all the other Powers were otherwise engaged, and for
the moment took no notice, and were even friendly to
the scheme. Before long, however, they woke up to
the fact, and Russia especially began to press forward
her policy of Asia for Russia. Then follows the de-
scription of Russia's movements to secure this aim.
Professor Vambery, of course, puts the very worst
possible complexion on the intentions and actions of
Russia. It is not worth while entering into his views
on the subject. They are held by so many in Great
Britain, and have been so often brought forward in
needless scares. The Professor then proceeds to prove
that France's aim in Indo-China is equally inimical to
Great Britain. (Jerman relations with England in the
near East are next dealt with. We are told that al-
though the Governments of the two countries are
very friendly — ^a secret treaty having even been hinted
at — the German people hate England even more than
do the Russians. The conclusion of this lugubrious ar-
ticle will appear next month. A rather interesting
article is that by Otto Gentsch, chief post-office in-
spector, upon the progress of wireless telegraphy— spark
telegraphy, as it is called in Germany.
BevitiM of Reviews, J0/4/«i.
The Australian has invaded the realm of litera-
ture with a light heart, and with a courage which
is almost astonishing. It might have been said
in advance that the Australian would have not
much taste for literature, and no time at all to
devote to it. He has — if not better, yet — more ur-
gent and practical business to attend to than the
task of either writing books or reading them. He
has a whole new continent to occupy and civilise.
He has railroads to build, rivers to bridge, cities
to create, territories as vast as kingdoms to bring
under the plough, or to populate with flocks and
herds. A very youthful community, with an
estate so vast and undeveloped on its hands, might
be supposed to have better things to do than to
hammer out rhymes, and label them " poetry,"
or write tales and call them novels. Yet the
Australian, as a matter of fact, shows a quite sur-
prising taste for books. He betakes himself to
literary pursuits with a smiling audacity which
might almost make a philosopher weep, or a cynic
grin. He produces and consumes more square
feet — or, rather, acres — of newspapers per head
daily than any other member of the human family.
And he has written more verse, and produced
more volumes — considering his extreme youth —
than anyone in advance could have believed to be
Australian Literature*
And Australian literature, it may be said in all
seriousness, is really of a very respectable quality.
The best Australian journals compare with the
best papers of any land. Whether there is any
real divine spark burning in Australian verse has
yet to be proved; but the verse itse^: stretches out
in linear miles; and very good verse it is. If it
nas chiefly to do with horses — if the cadence or
galloping hoofs is to be heard in about every third
verse of Australian poetry yet written — this 's
hardly to be wondered at. The youthful Australian
is still at what may be called the horse-riding
stage. But in any list of minor poets — let us be
modest and say poets of the fourth class — drawn
up to-day, at least half a dozen Australian names
would have to be included. And can any meditat-
ing philosopher tell us what there is in the Austra-
lian mind that effloresces so diligently, and at so
many points, into rhyme? In the realm of flction,
too, Australians have already done good work.
"For the Term of His Natural Life" and "Robbery
Under Arms " are two of the most striking tales
modem flction knows.
The Missingf Gift*
But there is one literary element, the
most precious of all, which seems to be
absolutely non-existent in the Australian
mind. It is the element of humour! Is
there any other quality in literature which
adds so much to the happiness of mankind,
or for which the world is willing to pay more?
What would we not give to-day for another Dick-
ens, a second Thackeray, a Mark Twain redivivust
Now, the Australian ought, on many grounds, to
possess the supreme gift of humour. He comes
of a humorous stock. He possesses the divine
gift of youth, with its lightheartedness, its fresh-
ness of vision, its capacity for easy laughter. He
is delivered from the imprisoning conventions of
the old world. He is not ice-bound in habit. He
carries a lighter burden of care than the rest of
the human family. The humorous reading of life
ought for him to be easy. Why, then, have we not
evolved at least an Australian Dooley, if not an
Australian Dickens? We need not, perhaps, ex-
pect an Australian Thackeray. Thackeray's hu-
mour was of what may be called the middle-aged
type. It flourished ingihe atmosphere of a club.
No breath of open air,'^tif pulse of simple nature,
stirs in it. But we cugi.. to develope a humour of
our own, with the brightness of Australian sun-
shine in it, and the freshness of Australian winds.
A Melancholy Pilgftimage.
Yet where shall the weary reader turn in the
realm of Australian literature to flnd one gleam
of humour? Not to Australian poetry! The
Australian rhymster is incapable of a Joke in
verse. Not to Australian flction! Is there a
single humorous character an Australian novelist
has yet produced? The present writer knows of
none. He is told that " On Our Selection," by
rteele Rudd, almost succeeds in being amusing.
He has a vague notion, too, that the author of
" Seven Little Australians " makes valiant efforts
in the direction of humour. But, then, he has
never read one of her books. He is a tired Aus-
tralian already; why should he run the risk of
being still more hopelessly tired? And— without
making any rude personal references — is there
any more distressing experience the human mind
can know than that of watching a dull person
trying desperately to produce a joke? Some of
the most melancholy literature a long-suffering
world has had to endure is not seldom that which
is labelled " humorous." The average funeral
sermon is mere frisking gaiety itself comi>ared
with some of the works of "humour" inflicted on
mankind by more or less eminent writers, whom
politeness forbids us to mention.
But will any reader of these lines come to the
help of a tired Australian, and tell him on what
April 20, 1903.
patch of Australian soil he may find the flower of
pure and unforced humour blossoming? To that
spot he will make, tired as he is, an instant and
rejoicing pilgrimage! Most of our papers, to
their credit, be it said, make a gallant effort, once
a week, to be entertaining; and sometimes a tran-
sient success rewards these efforts. The present
writer recalls an article, entitled " A Peck of
Pickled Poets," which appeared many years ago
in the " Queenslander;" and the flavour of those
pickled poets lingers on the delighted palate still.
It was a bit of humour as genuine as any to be
found in Dickens, or Thackeray, or Mark Twain.
But who wrote it, and why he never wrote any-
thing else as good, are questions to which there
is no answer.
The '^ Humorous ^. Journals.
We have a whole section of the Australian press
devoted to humour; and, alas! the saddest forma
of literature extant are, as a rule, these same hu-
morous journals. Such ancient jokes; toothless,
bald-headed, rheumatic, unvenerable! Such
leaden attempts to be sprightly! Such contor-
tions, intended for smiles!
Many people, we suspep*. will quote the "Bul-
letin " as an example of s cessful, deliberate, and
Industrious humour. A:, j it may be frankly ad-
mitted that " Hop " has, in caricature, the gift of
genuine and exhaustless humour. He has more
than a touch of satiric genius. He is worthy
to take his place beside the delightful " F.C.G."
of the " Westminster Gazette," or with E. T. Reed,
or Bernard Partridge of London " Punch." But!
then, " Hop," alas! is not an Australian. He is
an American, borrowed and acclimatised. Whether
Phil May is an Australian the present writer is too
tired to remember; but in any case he has emi-
grated, and now flourishes under alien skies.
Carrington, in far-off days, made the pages of Mel-
bourne "Punch" gay with his pencil, and is the
only caricaturist who might have vied with
"Hop." But he has visibly lost his gift, or for-
gotten how to use it.
As for the special literary quality of the "Bul-
letin," it cannot be called humour, though it not
seldom succeeds in being wit— of the vitriolic
sort. The "Bulletin" has many literary gifts; but
its humour is of the mechanical sort; so mechani-
cal, indeed, that an age which has produced one
machine to make sausages and another to turn out
bricks, ought to be able to invent a third which
would produce "Bulletin" paragraphs automati-
cally. The " Bulletin " humour may be reduced
to a formula. It is always personal. It consists in (1)
robbing its object of the ordinary conventional pre-
fix—just as Mr. Morley, in his foolish days in-
sisted on spelling "God" with a small "g-"
(2) fixing a derisive label on its victim; (3)
supplying him with the basest possible
motives; (4) denying him the possession of the
faintest spark of intelligence. Good temper la
an essential element of humour; but good temper
is certainly not to be found in the category of
literary virtues possessed by the " Bulletin." it
permanently groups mankind into three classes:
(1) rogues, (2) fools, (3) the editor of the " Bul-
letin"! Now, this is convenient; but it is hardly
scientific; it even ends by becoming fatiguing.
No! a tired Australian emerges from the columns
of the " Bulletin " a little more tired than he
plunged into them. He finds there a little wit;
a good deal of verbal smartness; gleams of shrewd
logic; the worst possible opinion about everybody
discussed; but no touch of humour. And if this
quality is not to be discovered in the " Bulletin,"
where else in Australian literature shall it b«
The Satire of Our Politics*
It would be wandering into more serious realms
— realms too trying for the feet of a tired Aus-
tralian— to say that Australian politics are a final
and damning proof of the entire absence of hu-
mour in the AustrjiVxn mind. A population of
four millions which endures — and even pays for —
fourteen houses of Parliament — leaving out the
two New Zealand Houses— must be as destitute of
the sense of humour as an oyster! And per-
haps the most active of all our political sections,
the Labour Party, is the one which is the most de-
plorably and visibly bankrupt of humour. In
every Australian city the wail of the unemployed
is to be heard. It has become almost impossible for
an Australian boy to learn a trade. A handful of
people, sprinkled on the edge of an almost un-
known continent, cannot find work enough for its
hands, or food enough for its stomach. And yet,
for at least a quarter of a century, the Labour
Party has shaped Australian politics, and has
toiled at the business of making Australia
" a paradise for the working man." And this is
the sort of paradise they have made for them-
selves! Yet it never occurs to the Australian
working man that his politics are hopelessly mud-
dleheaded! What an entire bankruptcy of hu-
mour this argues.
Why Not an Australian Dooley?
But, to return to less perilous realms, why
should we not produce, if not another Dickens —
for which we have not, perhaps, enough of the
Cockney; or another Thackeray— for which we
have not enough of the clubman — yet an Austra-
lian Mark Twain, or an Australian Dooley without
the dialect? Mr. Dooley proves that the Chicago
Irishman keeps, under alien skies, his natural
faculty for a joke, though he fiavours It with
American irreverence. But the Sydney or Mel-
Review of Reoiews, wM/os. js AUSTRALIAN HUMOUR EXTINCT?
bourne Irishman, somehow, loses both his dialect
and his jokes. Is it something in the Australian
climate, or in Australian politics, that is fatal
to the sense of humour? Why is it that when he
breathes the Australian air a Scotchman parts
company with his " wut," an Englishman with his
humour, and an Irishman with his imagination?
And how is it that the Australian, compounded of
the best elements of English and Irish and Scotch,
somehow has no gleam of the humour which runs
through all three of those varieties of the human
stock? Is Australian humour dead, or is it not
yet born: this is what a tired Australian wants
to know?
Some Expert Opinions*
We have invited the opinions of a few experts
In Australian literature on the subject upon which
our too emphatic contributor writes; and these will
be read with interest. — Ed. " Review of Reviews
for Australasia."
What " Hop," the Greatest of Australian
Caricaturists, says:
•* Hop," of the "Bulletin," very courteously gives
his opinion on Australian humour; his contribu-
tion shows that there is as much humour on t':..*^
point of his pen as even in the tip of his inimitable
pencil. He writes:
" It seems to me that one's judgment in such a
matter as the existence or otherwise of humour
in a national literature might be subject to, or
influenced by, varying conditions. The point of
view, the frame of mind, the state of health, the
working order of the digestive organs of him who
sits in judgment— all or any of these might in-
fluence the verdict, or afford good and suflBcient
reasons for appeal therefrom. Before I accepted
anyone's opinion as final I should like to know
where he had been the night before, was he suf-
fering from toothache, gout, corns, or paralysis of
the platysma myoides (the muscle which controls
the upward or downward action of the angles of
the mouth), at the time he wrote his article on
' The Missing Australian Humourist.' I have
known want of appreciation of humour to yield
to medical treatment. To make jokes, one must
be healthy — and inspired. To see them he must
be healthy. To criticise the same requires the
prescience of an archangel. For no mortal know-
eth what humour is made of. Melancholy has
been articulated, bone by bone; but the Burton
has not yet been born to pick a joke to pieces, to
see what is inside it. As well attempt to dissect
a kookaburra to find the funny-bone! If a man
is really tickled in earnest, he will not have the
presence of mind to analyse his sensations for
" I have been tickled by Australian writers, and,
speaking personally, I do not recognise that hu-
mour is the missing link in our national litera-
ture. But whether any such thing as a national
humour — a humour that is racy of the soil — exist!
here, is open to question. Australian humour,
like an Australian Navy and Imperial Federation,
is, at present, very much * in the air.' Do not
understand me as saying that our people are want-
ing in appreciation of humour. On the contrary,
they are as keen in their relish of a good joke .ig
they are quick to recognise any other good thing;
but at present they are content to buy their jokes
as they do their shoelaces, their locomotives and
their cutlery — in the cheapest market. In other
words, the formula (if I may use the word) of our
jokes is based upon imported models, and net
quite indigenous. A national humour! Why,
we are yet far from being a nation. We are still
fearfully and wonderfully English, and our ideals
(humorous included) are based on somebody else's
Glorious Past. It is hardly surprising, then, that
some of our ideals are a misfit. We encase our
obstinate Anglo-Saxon heads in a section of pol-
ished stove-pipe, in torrid climes, because, syn-
chronously, other Anglo-Saxons wear the same
head-gear in higher latitudes. We turn up our
trousers at the ankles when the cable tells us
that it is raining in London. Again, our Par-
liaments are modelled, more or less, after that (f
Great Britain, and the debates of the former are
a mimicry of the ' Commons,' and regulated by a
Speaker in a full-bottomed wig, who looks afe
much like Mr. Pitt as he can (wig and weather
permitting), and settles points of order or disor"^r
* according to May.' The average ' Colonial ' Pu/-
liament, like the wig, is a misfit. Blame not,
then, the ' Colonial ' joker of jokes if his quips
and quiddities savour of Fleet Street, or if the local
cartoonist, when he is told that his pictorial sat-
ires are ' quite in the spirit of " Punch," ' blushe*
a gratified blush.
" Humour we have, both in pen and pencil, bui
not a strictly national variety as yet. And the
reason Is not far to seek. Humour thrives best
under hard conditions, a fact well understood by
Chas. Dickens when he drew the character of
Mark Tapley. The cheerful image stands out
best against a dark background. No doubt the
so-called American humour first took root in the
shadow of the gloomy temple of Calvinism which
the Pilgrim Fathers reared upon Plymouth Rock,
and, strangely enough, some of Its greatest ex-
ponents sprang from that austere race. The
genial Autocrat of the Breakfast-table lived and
laboured and died almost within the sound of the
' waves ' that ' dashed high ' on the ' stern and
rock-bound coast ' where the ' Mayflower ' landed
April 20y 1^03.
its passengers. ' Mark Twain ' has done his best
work at his home in Connecticut, whose pastures
are composed mostly of cobble-stones, and where
the cattle wear steel-pointed noses.
" It would seem, conversely, that life under ea^y
and pleasant conditions is not favourable to the
development of a national humour, and it may be
that, up to now, we have had too royal a time
of it. Perhaps another seven years' df^'^srht, a
few more bank failures, a civil war or so, a Rus-
sian or a Chinese invasion, combined with an earth-
quake or two, would bring us to regard life as a
good joke. When the time comes for Australia
to take her place among the nations thstt make
history — and jokes — when she shall come to pos-
sess a humour that is racy of the soil, its high
priests shall spring from that aoil, and sit at their
own feet. A land that can boast of the only bird
that laughs naturally need not despair. The
kookaburra is by no means a bird of evil omen,
and if we take this hint from nature we may
yet live to laugh at jokes of our own manufac-
ture, and keep the money — and the humour — in
the country."
Some profane persons may doubt whether
newspapers are literature. Without, however, dis-
cussing that delicate point, the head of a great
Australian journal must be expected to have some
competent knowledge of Australian literature. One
of the most experienced and successful of Austra-
lian journalists is Sir Langdon Bonython, and his
opinion was invited on the subject of Australian
humour. Sir Langdon Bonython says: "Yes, on
consideration, I believe it is quite true that there
is a lack of humour in Australian writers. I can-
not recall one that possesses that priceless gift in
any marked degree. I grant, too, that the absence
is curious, and certainly not capable of easy and
offhand explanation. The absence of humour, too,
is remarkable amongst our public speakers.
Where a public speaker has a distinct gift of hu-
mour, as in the case of the Hon. G. H. Reid, or the
Hon. J. G. Jenkins, the Premier of South Aus-
tralia, these are not of Australian stock, one being
a Scotchman and the other an American. Perhaps
humour, both in Australian literature and Austra-
lian poetry, may emerge in time; but at present it
is practically non-existent, and I am quite unable
to offer any theory which may explain that dis-
tressing fact."
Mr. H. G. Turner, of Melbourne, whose knowl-
edge of Australian literature is unrivalled, says:
" Your quest for the missing Australian humour-
ist crossed my path here, where I am rusticating
away from my library. I own some 250 volumes
of Australian fiction and verse, and under other
circumstances might have delved in that mine for
exhibition specimens, probably without suitable
recompense. Speaking, therefore, from the gen-
eral impression left by much reading, I would day
that Australia has not produced any writer entitled
to take a leading rank as a humourist, in the high-
est sense of that much misused word. Of rollick-
ing, riotous, reckless fun we have abundant ex-
ponents, both in volume and in broadsheet; and
Young Australia has been so schooled to laugh at
squalid makeshifts that their ridiculous presenta-
tion, in an illustrated volume, seems to reach tne
perfection of humour. This is because Young
Australia does not know that biting satire, cynical
contempt of the characters dealt with, and too
often an openly defiant disregard of the decencies
of social life is a very different thing to that
humour which has been aptly called ' the salt of
life ' — humour that laughs with the people it deals
with, not at them; that leaves no rancour, and is
ever called up with a smile. Most of our comic
scribes have drawn their inspiration from the
Rabelaisian school, enlivened with a little up-to-
date patter of recent Western American scribes,
and a personal cynical bitterness born of uncon-
genial surroundings. Perhaps the nearest ap-
proach to a humourist that we have had was the
man whose verdict on the ' weird melancholy '
of Australian surroundings is so widely quoted—
Marcus Clarke. In some of his short stories, such
as ' Holiday Peak,' and others, there is a refine-
ment of humour quite exceptional, and in the
musings of the ' Peripatetic Philosopher.' he is
never coarse, though too obviously cynical. But
the fact remains that the kindly, genial humour of
the gentle ' Elia,' the wise witticism of the dear
old Autocrat of the Breakfast-table, and the deli-
cately refined imagery which often surrounds the
humour of Robert Louis Stevenson, have found
no followers or imitators in the land of our adop-
tion. Seeing what strong meat is furnished
weekly for the Australian palate by a so-called
comic press, I fear that anyone bold enough to
model his style on the names mentioned would
be derided as * namby-pamby.' "
Mr. A. G. Melville, speaking as a publisher, says:
" I would say that humour is not so much a
missing element as one that will in time make
itself more apparent. So far, Australians have
treated literature from the more serious aspect,
yet in more recent days Lawson in. his 'While
the Billy Boils,' Davis in his ' On Our Selection,'
and 'Banjo' Paterson in his * Billy Magee,' show
that the elements of humour are not wanting.
The graver and abiding humour of the great
English writers will no doubt appear in Auatralla
later on."
Review of Reviews, 20/k/OS.
Conan Doyle is giving, in the "Strand Maga-
zine," some new exploits by Brigadier Gerard.
They make very excellent reading, of course; but
in the February number he gives a picture of
Waterloo, as seen through a Frenchman's eyes,
which is brilliant and impressive in the highest
degree. Says Brigadier Gerard:
" A sight lay before me which held me fast, as
though I had been turned into some noble eques-
trian statue. I could not move, I could scarce
breathe, as I gazed upon it. There was a mound
over which my path lay, and as I came out on
the top of it I looked down the long, shallow val-
ley of Waterloo. I had left it with two great
armies on either side, and a clear field between
them. Now there were but long, ragged fringes
of broken and exhausted regiments upon the two
ridges, but a real army of dead and wounded lay
between. For two miles in length and half a mile
across the ground was strewed and heaped with
them. But slaughter was no new sight to me
and it was not that which held me spellbound. It
was that up the long slope of the British position
was moving a walking forest — black, tossing, wav-
ing, unbroken. Did I not know the bearskins
of the Guard? And did I not also know, did not
my soldier's instinct tell me, that it was the last
reserve of France; that the Emperor, like a des-
perate gamester, was staking all upon his last
card? Up they went and up — grand, solid, un-
breakable, scourged with musketry, riddled with
grape, flowing onwards in a black, heavy tide,
which lapped over the British batteries. With
my glass I could see the English gunners throw
themselves under their pieces, or run to the rear.
On rolled the crest of the bearskins, and then,
with a crash which was swept across to my ears,
they met the British infantry. A minute passed,
and another, and another. My heart was In my
mouth. They swayed back and forwards; they
no longer advanced; they were held. Great
Heaven! was it possible that they were breaking?
One black dot ran down the hill, then two, then
four, then ten, then a great, scattered, struggling
mass, halting, breaking, halting, and at last shred-
ding out and rushing madly downwards. * The
Guard is beaten! The Guard is beaten!' From
all around me I heard the cry. Along the whole
line the infantry turned their faces, and the gun-
ners flinched from their guns.
"'The Old Guard is beaten! The Guard re-
treats!' An officer witn a livid face passed me
yelling out these words of woe. ' Save yourselves!
Save yourselves! You are betrayed!' cried an-
other. 'Save yourselves! Save yourselves!'
Men were rushing madly to the rear, blundering
and jumping like frightened sheep. Cries and
screams rose from all around me. And at that mo-
ment, as I looked at the British position, I saw
what I can never forget. A single horseman stood
out black and clear upon the ridge against the last
red angry glow of the setting sun. So dark, so
motionless against that grim light, he might have
been the very spirit of Battle brooding over that
terrible valley. As I gazed he raised his hat high
in the air, and at the signal, with a low, deep
roar like a breaking wave, the whole British Army
flooded over their ridge, and came rolling down
into the valley. Long steel-fringed lines of red
and blue, sweeping waves of cavalry, horse bat-
teries rattling and bounding — down they came on
to our crumbling ranks. It was OTtr. A yell of
agony, the agony of brave men who see no hope,
rose from one flank to the other, and in an in-
stant the whole of that noble army was swept
in a wild, terror-stricken crowd from the field.
Even now, dear friends, I cannot, as you see, speak
of that dreadful moment with a dry eye or with a
steady voice.
"At first I was carried away in that wild rush,,
whirled off like a straw in a flooded gutter. But
suddenly, what should I see amongst the
mixed regiments in front of me but a
group of stern horsemen, in silver and grey, with
a broken and tattered standard held aloft in the
heart of them! Not all the might of England and
of Prussia could break the Hussars of Conflans,
But when I joined them it made my heart bleed
to see them. The major, seven captains, and five
hundred men were left upon the field. Young
Captain Sabbatier was in command, and when I
asked him where were the five missing squadrons,
he pointed back and answered: 'You will find them
round one of those British squares.' Men and
horses were at their last gasp, caked with sweat
and dirt, their black tongues hanging out from
their lips; but it made me thrill with fride to see
how that shattered remnant still rode, knee to
kuee. with every man, from the boy trumpeter to
thto farrier-sergeant, in his own proper place.
Would that I could have brought them on with me
as an etcort for the Emperor! In the heart of
the Hussars of Confians he would be safe Indeed.
But the horses were too spent to trot. I left
April 20, 1907;.
them behind me, with orders to rally upon the
farmhouse of St. Aunay, where we had camped
two nights before. For my own part, I forced my
horse through the throng in search of the Em-
" There were things which I saw then, as 1
pressed through that dreadful crowd, which can
never be banished from my mind. In evil dreams
there comes back to me the memory of that flow-
ing stream of staring, screaming faces, upon
which I looked down. It was a nightmare. In
victory one does not understand the horror of war.
It is only in the cold chill of defeat that it is
brought home to you. I remember an old Grena-
dier of the Guard lying at the side of the road
with his broken leg doubled at a right angle.
' Comrades, comrades, keep ofC my leg! ' he cried,
but they tripped and stumbled over him all the
same. In front of me rode a Lancer officer with-
out his coat. His arm had just been taken off
in the ambulance. The bandages had fallen. It
was horrible. Two gunners tried to drive through
with their gun. A Chasseur raised his musket
and shot one of them through the head. I saw a
major of the Cuirassiers draw his two holster pis-
tols and shoot first his horse and then himself.
Beside the road a man in a blue coat was raging
and raving like a madman. His face was black
with powder, his clothes were torn, one epaulette
was gone, the other hung dangling over his breast.
Only when I came close to him did I recognise that
it was Marshal Ney. He howled at the flying
troops and his voice was hardly human. Then
he raised the stump of his sword — it was broken
three inches from the hilt. " Come and see how
a Marshal of France can die!" he cried. Gladly
would I have gone with him, but my duty lay else-
where. He did not, as you know, find the death
he sought, but he met it a few weeks later, in
cold blood, at the hands of his enemies.
" There is an old proverb that in attack the
French are more than men, in defeat they are less
than women. I knew that it was true that day.
But even in that rout I saw things which I can
tell with pride. Through the fields which skirt
the road moved Cambronne's three reserve bat-
talions of the Guard, the cream of our army. They
walked slowly in square, their colours waving
over the sombre line of the bearskins. All round
them raged the English cavalry and the black
Lancers of Brunswick, wave after wave thunder-
ing up, breaking with a crash, and recoiling in
ruin. When last I saw them the English guns,
six at a time, were smashing grape-shot through
their ranks and the English infantry were closing
In upon three sides and pouring volleys into them;
but still, like a not)le lion with fierce hounds
clinging to its flanks, the glorious remnant of
the Guard, marching slowly, halting, closing up,
dressing, moved majestically from their last battle.
Behind them the Guard's battery of twelve-pound-
ers was drawn up upon the ridge. Ev->ry gunne}'
was in his place, but no gun fired. ' WL/ do
you not fire?' I asked the colonel as I passed.
' Our powder is finished.' ' Then why not re-
tire?' ' Our appearance may hold them back for
a little. We must give the Umperor time to es-
cape.' Such were the soldiers of France.
" Behind this screen of brave men the others
took their breath, and then went on in less desper-
ate fashion. They had broken away from the
road, and all over the countryside in the twilight
I could see the timid, scattered, frightened crowd
who ten hours before had formed the finest army
that ever went down to battle. I with my
splendid mare was soon able to get clear of the
throng, and just after I passed Genappe I overtook
the Emperor with the remains of his Staff. Soult
was with him still, and so was Drouot, Lobau, and
Bertrand, with five Chasseurs of the Guard, their
horses hardly able to move. The night was fall-
ing, and the Emperor's haggard face gleamed
white through the gloom as he turned it towards
" * Who is that?' he asked.
" * It is Colonel Gerard,' said Soult.
" ' Have you seen Marshal Grouchy?'
" ' No, Sire. The Prussians were between."
" ' It does not matter. Nothing matters now.
Soult, I will go back.'
" He tried to turn his horse, but Bertrand seized
his bridle. 'Ah, Sire,' said Soult, ' the enemy has
had good fortune enough already.' They forced
him on among them. He rode in silence with
his chin upon his breast, the greatest and the sad-
dest of men. Far away behind us those remorse-
less guns were still roaring. Sometimes out of
the darkness would come shrieks and screams and
the low thunder of galloping hoofs. At the sound
we would spur our horses and hasten onwards
through the scattered troops. At last, after rid-
ing all night in the clear moonlight, we found that
we had left both pursued and pursuers behind.
By the time we passed over the bridge at Charlerol
the dawn was breaking. What a company of
spectres we looked in that cold, clear, searching
light, the Emperor with his face of wax, Soult
blotched with powder, Lobau dabbled with blood!
But we rode more easily now, and had ceased to
glance over our shoulders, for Waterloo was more
than thirty miles behind us. One of the Emper-
or's carriages had been picked up at Charlerol,
and we halted now on the other side of the Sam-
bre. and dismounted from our horses."
Review of Reviews, tO/i/OS.
** It cannot be denied that the outside air and framework of London is harsh, cruel, and repulsive." — De Quincey.
London is the biggest conglomeration of houses
the world has ever seen. For mere hugeness,
London is the giant of this Barnum show of a
world. Like most giants, she suffers from her
monstrosity. She is a province covered with
houses, it is true; but is she a city? She is a
conglomerate of twenty-seven boroughs and a
couple of cities; but is she an organism? Muni-
cipally and educationally, London is becoming
organic. But socially she is still inorganic. Like
the earth in the first chapter of Genesis, social
London is without form, and void, and darkness
is upon the face of the deep.
What poem, not even excepting Wordsworth's
lovely sonnet on Westminster Bridge, has done for
London what Byron — to take only one example —
did for Rome?—
O Rome, my country, city of the soul.
Lone mother of dead Empires.
The Step-Mothef City*
What poet has embodied in his verse a living
conception of London, that cold step-mother of an
Imperial race? What painter has given us the
soul of the great city on canvas? What sculptor
has ventured to portray London in marble or in
bronze? Parisian artists revel in giving form
and shape and substance to their conception of
the French capital. Round the Place de la Con-
corde sit on thrones the sculptured eflBgies of the
great cities of France; but who has ever seen a
statue symbolical or emblematic of London? There
is no such thing. The monster on the Thames is
shapeless, formless, even sexless. For who is
there who can say with authority whether Lon-
don be a he, a she, or an it?
London, the capital of the Empire on which
the sun never sets, the financial centre of the
world, and the key of India, is, like Jerusalem of
old, the city to which the tribes go up. It is not
a holy city, like Mecca. But it is the pilgrim
shrine of the English-speaking world. The seat
of Government and the mart of commerce, it Is
also the centre of our art, our music, and our lit-
erature. Here are the courts where justice Is ad-
ministered in the last resort to one-fourth of the
human race, and hither, despite its ill-dredged
river and mismanaged port, come the ships from
all the Seven Seas. It is the greatest of all world
centres. Yet it is itself without a centre, appar-
ently without a heart, and to the stranger with-
in its gates it is as stony-hearted a step-mother as
was Oxford Street in the days when De Quincey
declaimed against it for " listening to the sighs of
orphans and drinking the tears of children."
London is splendidly equipped for the purpose
of giving hospitality to all her visitors. " You
can find everything In London if you only know
where to look," was the verdict of one whose pur-
chases were more varied than those of Mr. Pier-
pout Morgan. There are more well-appointed re-
sidence.'^ in London and in the suburbs, where gen-
erous hospitality could be given without conscious
sense of strain to our kith and kin from beyond
the sea, than in any other city in the world. And
never before, at any period in our history, were
there so many occupants of these houses so sen-
sible of the obligation to show hospitality to stran-
gers from over the sea, especially to those who
come to do reverence to the august shrines of our
colonising race. Never were there more resources
available for hospitality, never was there so much
keen appreciation of its importance as a factor
in the making and the keeping of Empire.
The Charm of London*
Within the four-mile radius from Charing Cross
are massed the accumulated treasures of many
generations of scholars, antiquaries, artists, ex-
plorers, and men of science. In the British Mu-
seum is hoarded the loot of vanished civilisations,
side by side with the latest products of contem-
porary genius. In the National Gallery the poor-
est citizen can gaze at leisure upon the master
pieces of the masters of every school of art. From
the walls of the National Portrait Gallery look
down the most authentic pictures of the men and
women whose valour and whose piety, whose
genius and whose sagacity, have been the precious
material out of which this realm of England has
been fashioned. In the Natural History Museum
is the most complete collection of all the creatures
which Inhabit this planet. Earth and air and sea
have been scoured to bring together representa-
tives of all these Innumerable tribes or species of
the subjects of Man over whom he has dominion,
but of whose very existence the most of us are
April 20, 190^.
unaware. In South Kensington are stored up the
best products of human skill, the finest specimens
of the marvellous ingenuity and tireless industry
of the human race. In Piccadilly, the book of
the rocks, whereon is inscribed, as by the finger of
God, the indelible history of the world, is open for
all to read. Everywhere in lavish profusion are
heaped together the treasures of art and of science,
the choicest handiwork of the craftsman, the most
glorious achievements of human genius.
Nor Ti"it only in these storehouses of treasures
for which the world has been ransacked that Lon-
don is rich. More attractive than museum or
picture gallery are the great buildings in and
around which cluster the romantic and tragic as-
sociations of a thousand years of history. The
Tower, with its dungeons, in the East; the great
hall of Westminster in the West; St. Paul's in the
City, and the august temple of reconciliation
and of peace where our kings are crowned and our
heroes are laid to rest — these possess a fascina-
tion which naught but age can give, and which
time enhances rather than impairs. London is
full of places hallowed in history or in song. The
labyrinthine maze of her streets is like a vast pa-
limpsest of stone on which scores of generations
have written the story of the comedy and of the
tragedy of their lives. Opposite this grey build-
ing was smitten off the head of a faithless and
perjured king. Here in the Temple Gardens were
plucked the Red and White Roses which became
the badges of York and Lancaster in the bloodiest
of our Civil Wars. There once blazed the fires of
Smithfield; here stood the pillory in which the pa-
triot and the prostitute were alike exposed to the
gibes and insults of the mob; and not so far away
the ruins of the prison whose name is for ever
radiant with the saintly glory of the love and com-
passion of Elizabeth Fry. From this inn Chau-
cer's pilgrims started on their immortal joum3y
to Canterbury. Near by, one William Shakespeare
superintended the performance of his own plays.
But to the most of those who come up to town
the living dog is preferred to the dead lion, and
they are apt to be more interested in the mansions
of the millionaires who rule the Rand from Park
Lane than in the tombs of the Crusaders who rode
steel-clad across Europe to wrest the Holy Sepul-
chre from the Infidel. To them London is in-
tensely alive. Beneath her smoke canopy dwell
all the men whose names have been familiar to
the colonist or to the provincial since his child-
hood. From his distant home they seemed to
dwell afar off as gods upon some sky-piercing
Olympus. But when he comes to town he jostles
with his demigods in the street. He may sit next
to the Commander-in-Chief In church, and listen
to the sermon of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Mr. Balfour may whiz past him in his motor-car,
aa he stands gaping at Mr. Chamberlain. That
was Mr. Gladstone's house. Lord Salisbury lives
in that street, and there is Lord Rosebery's man-
sion cheek by Jowl with that of Alfred Harms-
worth in Berkeley Square. The Horse Guards sit
motionless at the gates of Whitehall; the Lord
Mayor's coach, with its quaintly liveried foot-
men, drives past our windows down the Embank-
ment; to the merry marching music of fife and
drum step out the British Grenadiers; Dukes and
Duchesses, popular novelists and pretty actresses,
famous barristers and eminent divines, whom they
had read about all their lives, as we read about
Richard the Lion Heart, and John Hampden, sud-
denly take life before their eyes, and stepping
down from their pedestals mingle with us as men
among men. We see Mr. Balfour watching the
Lord Mayor's Show from the vantage ground of a
coster's barrow, or we meet Mr. Morley walking
sedately down Pall Mall to eat a modest chop at
the Athenaeum.
The amusements of London are more univer-
sally attractive even than its celebrities. London
has not the Roman Colosseum. But it has the
Hippodrome. The Wild West attracts its thou-
sands to Olympia. Earl's Court is a popular Ely-
sium, and the Crystal Palace a dream of fairyland
come true. The Zoological Gardens are a micro-
cosm of the whole world of animated nature, and
the Gardens at Kew are famous throughout the
None of these attractions — no, not all of them
put together — equal the charm of the crowded
streets, the brilliant shops, the whole palpitating
life of the myriad denizens of the busy hive of
men unveiled before the eyes of the onlooker.
A Stony Solitude*
And yet, and yet, with all these accumulated
glories and charms to interest, to excite, to thrill
and to amuse, London is to thousands of her visi-
tors a stony wilderness, dreary and forbidding, the
memory of which, in after years, is as a night-
mare. For the heart of man and of woman re-
coils from solitude, and nowhere is mortal so
much alone as in the heart of a great city in which
he does not know a single friend.
The simple fact of the matter is that London is
to the strangers within her gates an absentee hos-
tess. When they arrive there is none to bid
them welcome. When they depart there is none
to bid them God-speed. There is no one who
is charged with that first duty of a hostess— to
make her guests feel at home, to show them aboat
the premises, and to introduce them to the other
guests, or to the members of the household. And
as a result, every year there arrive thousands of
RevietD of ReiHews, iO/i/OS.
men and women with their hearts yearning for
sympathy, and their minds full of memories of the
old home and the motherland, who depart shaking
her dust from off their feet in disappointment
and disgust. Motherland, indeed! Nay, only
a stony-hearted step-mother! Never again! And
so, one by one, are severed these invisible silken
links of sentiment, which are more potent than
ironclads or army corps to hold the Empire to-
gether, to knit the race into one great family,
whose members encompass the earth, but who in
thought ever gather round the common hearth-
stone of their ancestors. This need not be so.
This ought not to be so. And, thank God, there
are signs not a few that it is not going to be so
much longer!
The Comingf of the Hostess*
In Coronation year, almost for the first time in
our history, there was visible some widespread
awakening to the duties of hospitality on the part
of the citizens of London to the strangers with-
in our gates. It is true that the arrangements
were imperfect, spasmodic, and inadequate. But
it is the first step that counts, and it was a great
thing to have made a beginning. The efforts to
make our Colonial contingents feel at home were
very successful. Thanks largely to the efforts of
Miss Brooke Hunt and other public-spirited la-*
dies, a club was provided, wherein our Colonials
in uniform could feel at home, where they could
meet their friends, enjoy games, read the papers,
and receive invitations from those who were de-
sirous of showing them hospitality. Besides this
organised effort for a special class there was a
great deal of spontaneous private hospitality on
the part of residents in London and in the suburbs.
Colonials and others were invited to spend the
week-end with hosts to whom they needed no
other introduction than the fact that they were
our kith and kin, in London alone and friendless,
at a period of great national rejoicing. There
were also dinners and lunches, receptions and
garden-parties, not confined, as in ordinary times,
to personal friends and acquaintances, but to
which the stranger within our gates was made
heartily welcome. All this was good. Good in
itself, but better still as a prophecy of things to
come. For what was done sporadically and fit-
fully at a time of national festivity, will hereafter
be done systematically at all times. The begin-
nings may be humble, but the progress will be
steady and continuous, until the happy day will
dawn when every stranger within our gates will
be sure of a hearty welcome, and London, from
being the churlish step-mother, will be known as
the most hospitable of hostesses in the whole wide
At present that ideal is a long way off; but
we are groping towards it. There are various
clubs being organised for the purpose of carrying
on this work, and there are several organisations
which have for some time been busy in this direc-
tion. I will take these various agencies in their
There are the offices of the various Agents-
General. Some of these are very good from this
point of view, others not so good. The best
Agents-General do their utmost to make visitors
from their respective colonies comfortable in Lon-
don. They supply them with information as to
where they can find other Colonists; they provide
a reception-room with books and papers; they
have a poste restante for their own people; they
act as " Inquire Withins " incarnate, and where
they can they introduce these Colonists to hos-
pitable homes. But although all this is admir-
able, it is not hospitality shown by the Mother-
land to her children from over sea. It is an or-
ganisation created by the Colonists themselves,
at their own cost, and out of their own resources
to help their own people to find their way about
London with ease. Much the same remark may be
made about the various Colonial clubs and insti-
tutes. First of these is the Royal Colonial Insti-
tute; but this institution exists for the benefit
of its own members. To join it one must pay an
entrance fee and an annual subscription. This is
all right, but it stamps the character of the Insti-
tute as a self-helping organisation for the con-
venience of its own members. It does not profess
to be, and from its constitution it cannot under-
take the duties of organising or dispensing the
hospitality of London.
The Colonial Club, which is about to shift to
more commodious premises — at present occupied
by the Chess Club — is exclusively confined to Co-
lonials. Only those who are Colonial born, or
who have solid interests in the Colonies can be-
come members. The annual subscription is £3
3s. Distinguished Colonial visitors are admitted
as honorary members for three months. After
that time they pay a nominal fee of half-a-guinea.
It was in the rooms of this club that the Aus-
tralian Commonwealth Bill was drafted. The
club, which has now over seven hundred members,
gives farewell dinners to newly-appointed Gover-
nors on their departure, and does a good work in
helping to make Colonists feel at home in London.
But it does not aspire to be more than a Colonial
Club for Colonials in London.
The Victorian League, which was founded in
1901, and which first became generally known m
1902, Is more like the kind of institution that is
wanted. Some public-spirited ladies from the
Antipodes last month started an Australasian Club
April 20, 1^03.
In Bond Street. All these are good, and will fa-
cilitate the working of the Social Centre which
London will in the future evolve. But they
do not even profess to be such a centre.
The office of the Victoria League is at Dacre
House, Victoria Street, Westminster. The Coun-
tess of Jersey is its president. Lady Tweedmouth
its vice-president; Mrs. Alfred Lyttelton is hon.
secretary. The league is busied with a good deal
of work foreign to this article. Bui Its entertain-
ment sub-committee, of which Lady Frances Bal-
four is the hon. sec, is doing just the kind of
work for which I am pleading in this article. In
the report issued July last year they say:
Many people in England desire to mark their grati-
tude for the generous kospitality extended to them
when visiting any of the Colonies by showing a like
hospitality to visitors to this country. The work of
this committee has been crowned with the most grati-
fying success. A large number of people have shown
real eagerness in entertaining, and have spared no
trouble to make their parties agreeable. That they
have succeeded in pleasing our visitors from the
Colonies there is abundant testimony. Numbers of
letters of thanks have been received in the office, and
many spoken and written words of appreciation
offered to different members of the committee. The
only difficulty lay in the numbers, for, although the
committee kept strictly to the plan of inviting those
only who had been introduced to them by letters from
personal friends, there were something over 1,100
visitors recommended in this way. The committee
may congratulate themselves, notwithstanding, »n
having preserved the personal character of the hos-
pitality offered through their medium. The com-
mittee consists of:
The Lady Brassey.
The Lady Edward Cecil.
Mrs. H. Chamberlain.
Viscountess Cranborne.
Lady Dawkins.
Mrs. Laurence Drummond.
Lady Duff.
The Countess of Jersey
Hon. Mrs, Alfred Lyttelton.
The Duchess of Marlborough.
Lady Ommanney.
The Lady William Seymour."
A Dream that May G>me True.
What is wanted is the creation of a Social Cen-
tre in London, an institution which would be to all
the strangers within our gates what the hostess of
a country house is to her guests, or, if you like,
what a good head waiter is to those who stay in
a first-class hotel. This is no new idea with me.
Many a time have I discussed it with Cecil Rhodes
and Lady Warwick. It was one of the first
and most indispensable things to which were to
be devoted some of the Rhodes millions. Mr.
Rhodes, who ever took a large view of things,
used to say that »ome time he would try to se-
cure Dorchester House as the centre of Imperial
hospitality in town, and rent Warwick or some
other famous castle nearer London in order to
afford Colonials and Americans an opportunity of
experiencing something of the charm and romance
of a sojourn in some great historic pile, not ab
tourists but as welcome guests.
Mr. Rhodes, alas! is no more with us, and his
millions are allocated to other purposes. But the
conception is so sound and the need so great that
I do not despair of finding some millionaire who
will rear for himself a monument more lasting
than eternal brass by supplying the necessary
funds for founding and endowing the institution
which would make the hospitality of London fa-
mous throughout the world.
And this is how Iftiave dreamed it might be accom-
plished. In the neighbourhood of Charing Cross
stands — in my vision of the days to come — a
stately building dedicated to the Service of the
Stranger within our Gates. It is the seat of the
organised hospitality of London. The ground floor
would be let as a restaurant on a scale at present
unknown in the world. It would be an interna-
tional restaurant and cafe, where every nation-
ality within our gates would find its national
dishes served by its compatriots. A spacious stair-
case would lead the stranger to the receptioa-
rooms and offices on the first fioor. The doors
would be open night and day, weekday and Sun-
day, all the year round. The janitors, chosen for
their courtesy and pleasant demeanour, would re-
ceive each stranger as if he were an invited guest.
Within, a hostess selected for her sympathetic and
intuitive tact would welcome the visitor with cor-
diality, and when he left bid him a kindly God-
speed. From her presence, nimble pages would
conduct the visitor to the registration bureau,
where he would enter particulars as to his name,
home address, London address, state the probabls
duration of his stay, and enter particulars as to
the object of his visit, and whether or not he
wished for introductions to English homes. He
would find his letters at the Poste Restante with-
out having to go to St. Martin's-le-Grand. At
the central bureau polyglot secretaries would take
pleasure in acting as living incarnations of " In-
quire Within about Everything." Round this
would be grouped sections devoted to facilitating
the stranger's quest for lodgings and hotels, to
furnishing him with all available information as
to trains and steamers, and to directing him as to
how to make the best use of his time, either in
pursuit of pleasure or the despatch of business*
Colonists would find directories of all those from
their particular colony resident in London, and
the German, French, or other European would find
affable and intelligent clerks able to place at their
disposal the fullest procurable lists of addresses of
Review of Reviews, 20/4/OS.
their compatriots in London. Everything that a
stranger could desire to make him free of the re-
sources of the city would be at his elbow. Whether
he wished to book seats for the theatre, to buy
tickets for a tour round the world, or to pur-
chase a guide-book, he would not need to leave the
building. Members of the staff, whether ladies
or gentlemen, would be delighted to place them-
selves at his disposition, and to discharge all the
duties of hospitality as if they were the hosts and
hostesses of welcome guests.
On the second floor the visitor would find a spa-
cious reading-room and library full of cosy cor-
ners and pleasant windows. On the tables would
lie all the best papers and periodicals of the world.
On the shelves would be all the best books and
portfolios of pictures that exist to describe and
illustrate the antiquities, the museums, the pic-
ture galleries, and the objects of interest in Lon-
don and in Britain. Intelligent and courteous li-
brarians would deem it a pleasure to procure
whatever book or picture was sought upon their
shelves. Around the reading-room would be
grouped drawing-rooms, conversation-rooms, smok-
ing-rooms, and all the conveniences of a first-
class club.
On the third floor, which, like the others, would
be reached by a lift starting on t'iS flrst floor, he
would flnd all the organisation foi- the facilitation
of social intercourse for rendering accessible all
the best that London has to ofl!er her visitors.
There would be made up every day lists of those
who wished to be conducted by competent ciceroni
to the museums, art galleries, historic edifices, etc.,
of the metropolis. At present, with the exception
of a few — not above a dozen annually — pilgrim-
ages conducted by the Positivists, there are liter-
ally no organised attempts to make the treasures
of our galleries and museums intelligible to the
visitor. Every day parties, conducted by lectur-
ers, specially trained for the service, would start
for the Abbey, for St. Paul's, and for the Tower.
Every day parties would be made up for the Bri-
tish Museum, for South Kensington, for the Na-
tional Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, the
Tate Gallery, etc. Arrangements would be made
for facilitating visits to the Houses of Parliament,
and perhaps, in the case of some, for securing in-
vitations to tea on the Terrace.
Here were a dozen telephone closets free to all
visitors, for communicating with subscribers in
any part of London. Another section was de-
voted to Hospitality, where a competent staff was
constantly busy in arranging that no stranger in
London should find him or her self without in-
vitation to the home of some of the citizens. In-
vitations to lunch, to tea, to dinner, and to break-
fast, to "at homes," receptions, dances, picnics
were filled in and issued with care and discrimina-
tion. Where, from any reason, private hospital-
ity failed, public receptions were organised, in
public buildings, where all sorts and conditions of
men and women met together for social inter-
course. This department had succeeded at last
in converting the Imperial Institute into a great
social centre. Wealthy citizens vied with each
other in undertaking the expense of providing
these entertainments, where all classes, from
Royal Dukes to poor tutors and struggling mu-
sicians, met on a footing of perfect equality. None
were overcrowded. The reception was never al-
lowed to degenerate into a mob. All who accep-
ted invitations understood that they were expec-
ted to enter into conversation with any other
guests without the formality of an introduction.
It was the democratisation of social intercourse.
On the fourth floor the Correspondence Club
demanded the constant activity of a large staff of
despatching clerks. Every week thousands 'it
letters were received and despatched to member*
who preferred to make acquaintances in the flrst
Instance behind the mask of anonymity. A co-
pious but strictly private dossier of all the mem-
bers was kept, so that the Conductor could with
the utmost facility discover and pair correspon-
dents who were unable to make their own selec-
But it is unnecessary to elaborate in more de-
tail the many ways in which such an institution
could minister to the wants of the stranger with-
in our gates. With careful and intelligent or-
ganisation and adequate funds the Social Centre
would from the very flrst effect a marvellous
change. The Step-mother City would disappear,
and in its place would stand the gracious and hos-
pitable hostess, who by the co-operative effort of
hospitable cltize»s would be able to remove the
reproach of churlish inhospitallty and secure to all
the lonely and friendless and strangers In our
midst the blessing of an open door Into an English,
April 20, IP03.
A Scientific Demonstration of the
Existence of the SouL*
The magnum opus of Mr. Myers is before us at
last. Nearly thirty years devoted with single-
souled earnestness to the investigation by scien-
tific methods of the greatest of all the problems
which confront mankind have had the welcome
result of establishing on sure foundations the
truth of the oldest of all faiths— the existence of
the soul after death. The transcendent import-
ance of the conclusions set out in these fourteen
hundred closely printed pages need not be insisted
upon. As Mr. Myers himself says:
"They affect every belief, every faculty, every hope
and aim of man, and they affect him the more inti-
mately as his interests grow more profound. Whatever
meaning be applied to ethics, to philosophy, to religion,
the concern of all these is here."— Vol. I., p. 33.
Without further preface I will condense and
extract, by the kind permission of Messrs. Liong-
man, Green & Co., as copiously as the limits of my
space will permit, the contents of this book, which
Is not merely the book of the month, or the book
of the year, but may well deserve to be considered
the book of our time. I will, as far as it is pos-
sible, use Mr. Myers' own words, merely extracting
and recombining his sentences with due reference
to the numbered paragraph from which the ex-
tract is taken.
The Aim of the Book.
" In about 1873 — ^at the crest of perhaps the high-
est wave of materialism which has ever swept over
these shores — it became the conviction of a small
group of Cambridge friends that the deep ques-
tions thus at issue must be fought out in a way
more thorough than the champions either of re-
ligion or materialism had yet suggested. To my-
self, at least, it seemed that if anything were
knowable about the unseen world, that knowledge
must be discovered by no analysis of tradition and
by no manipulation of metaphysics, but simply by
experiment and observation, simply by the appli-
cation to phenomena within us and around us of
precisely the same methods of deliberate, dispas-
sionate, exact inquiry which have built up our
actual knowledge of the world which we touch and
handle. We determined to institute an inquiry,
resting upon objective facts actually observable,
upon experiments which we can repeat to-day, and
•" Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death."
By Frederic W. H. Myers. In two volumes, pp. 700 and
€60. (Longmans, 42s. net.)
which we may hope to carry further to-morrow —
an inquiry based on the presumption that if a
spiritual world exists, and if that world has at
any epoch been manifest or even discoverable,
then it ought to be manifest or discoverable now
(para. 107).
" My one contention is that in the discussion of
the deeper problems of man's nature and destiny,
there ought to be exactly the same openness of
mind, exactly the same diligence in the search for
objective evidence of any kind, exactly the same
critical analysis of results as is habitually shown,
for instance, in the discussion of the nature and
destiny of the planet upon which man now moves
(p. 101). Yet it is strictly true to say that mai.
has never yet applied to the problems which most
profoundly concern him those methods of inquiry
which, in attacking all other problems, he has
found the most efficacious. The method of mod-
ern science — that process which consists in an in-
terrogation of Nature entirely dispassionate, pci
tient, systematic; such careful experiment and cu-
mulative record as can often elicit from her slight-
est indications her deepest truths — this method has
never yet been applied to the all-important pro-
blem of the existence, the powers, the destiny
of the human soul (p. 100). Even among Chris-
tians, whether from apathy or from fear, no one
has made any serious attempt to connect and cor-
relate their belief with the general scheme of be-
lief for which science already vouches. They
have not sought for fresh corroborative instances,
for analogies, for explanations; rather, they have
kept their convictions on these fundamental mat
ters in a separate and sealed compartment of their
minds — a compartment consecrated to religion or
to superstition, but not to observation or to ex-
periment. It is my object in the present work
to do what can be done to break down that ar-
tificial wall of demarcation which has thus far
excluded from scientific treatment precisely the
problems which stand in most need of all the aids
to discovery which such treatment can afford (p.
101). In carrying out this design, I also attack
critically the belief that all, or almost all, super-
normal phenomena are due to the action of tht»
spirits of the dead. By far the larger proportion
as I hold, are due to the action of the still em-
bodied spirit of the agent or i)ercipient himself "
(p. 106).
Such being his aims and methods, what are
the conclusions at which he has arrived?
Review of Reviews, 20/4/03. SOME BOOKS OF THE MONTH.
The Problem of Human Personality.
" I begin by stating briefly the two views of
human personality, viz., the old-fashioned, com-
mon-sense view that my personal identity im-
plies continued existence and conscious unity of
the self, and the newer view of experimental psy-
chology that there is no unity of personality, no
entity, no soul — in short, nothing but a mere
co-ordination of a certain number of states having
as their sole common basis the vague feeling of the
body (pars. 109-110). I believe that certain
fresh evidence can now be adduced which closes
the immediate controversy by a judgment more
decisively in favour of both parties than either
could have expected. All that the co-ordinators
say in their analysis of the Self into its constitu-
ent elements must be unreservedly conceded. On
the other hand, the new evidence affords the parti-
sans of the unity of the Ego, for the first time,
with the strongest presumptive proof that the Ego
can and does survive the crowning disintegration
of bodily death. It is an unhoped-for ratification
of their highest dream (p. 111).
The Conscious and the Unconscious Self.
" The conscious self of each of us does not com-
prise the whole of the consciousness of the faculty
within us. There exists a more comprehensive
consciousness, a profounder faculty, which for the
most part remains potential only so far as regards
the life of earth, but from which the consciousness
and the faculty of earth life are mere selections,
and which reasserts itself in its plenitude after
the liberating change of death (p. 111). I con-
ceive that no Self of which we can here have cog-
pisance is in reality more than a fragment of a
larger Self, revealed in a fashion at once shifting
and limited through an organism not so framed as
to afford a full manifestation (p. 112). Our con-
sciousness at any given stage of our evolution is
but the phosphorescent ripple on an unsounded
sea (p. 115).
A Helpful Analogy.
"I compare man's gradual progress in self-
knowledge to his gradual decipherment of the na-
ture and meaning of the sunshine which reaches
him as light and heat indiscernibly intermingled.
Optical analysis splits up the white ray into the
various coloured rays which compose it. The
limits of our spectrum do not inhere in the sun
that shines, but in the eye that marks his shining.
Beyond each end of that prismatic ribbon are ether
waves, of which our retina takes no cognisance.
Beyond the red end come waves whose potency we
still recognise, but as heat and as light. Beyond
the violet end are waves still more mysterious,
whose very existence man for ages never sus-
pected, and whose intimate potencies are stin but
obscurely known. Even thus, I venture to affirm,
beyond each end of our conscious spectrum ex-
tends a range of faculty and perception exceed-
ing the known range but as yet indistinctly
guessed. The phenomena cited in this work carry
us, one may say, as far onwards as fluorescence
carries us beyond the violet end. The X rays
of the psychical spectrum remain for a later age
to discover (p. 117).
" I doubt whether we can say of telepathy any-
thing more definite than this: * Life has the power
of manifesting itself to Life' (p. 634). We see
that telepathy — the communication of impressions
of any kind from one mind to another, indepen-
dently of the recognised channels of sense — may
act upon each definite type of sensation in turn,
or may generate vague impressions not referable
to any special organ of sense. The hypnotic
trance assists, but is not essential to its action.
There is a fairly continuous transition from spon-
taneous to experimental telepathy (p. 631). I can-
not accept Sir W. Crookes' suggestion that tele-
pathy is due to brain waves; it does not fit the
facts (p. 633). The evidence has led me to a
different treatment of veridical phantasms. In-
stead of starting from a root conception of a tele-
pathic impulse merely passing from mind to mmd,
I now start from a root conception of the dissoci-
ability of the Self, of the possibility that different
fractions of the personality can act so far in-
dependently of each other that the one is not
conscious of the other's action (p. 638).
" Telepathy and telaasthesia — ^the perception of
distant thoughts and of distant scenes without the
agency of the recognised organs of sense —
those faculties suggest either incalculable exten-
sion of our own mental powers or else the influ-
ence upon us of minds freer and less trammelled
than our own. These faculties of distant communi-
cation exist none the less, even though we refer
them to our own subliminal selves. We can in
that case affect each other at a distance telepathi-
cally; and if our incarnate spirits can act thus
in at least apparent independence of the fleshly
body, the presumption is strong that other spirits
may exist independently of the body, and may
affect us in a similar manner (p. 114). To prove
that telepathy implies a spiritual environment
would be at once to lift our knowledge of the Cos-
mos to a higher level. To prove that man sur^
vives death would also be to transform and trans-
figure the whole life here below (p. 124).
Telepathy as Love.
" As we have dwelt successively on various as-
pects of telepathy we have gradually felt the con-
ception enlarged and deepened under our study.
April 20, 1903.
It began as a quasi-mechanical transference of
ideas and images from one to anotlier brain. Pre-
sently we found it assuming a more varied and
potent form, as though it were the veritable in-
fluence or invasion of a distant mind. Its action
was traced across a gulf greater than any space
of earth or ocean, and it bridged the interval
between spirits Incarnate and discarnate, between
the visible and the invisible world; there seemed
no limit to the distance of its operation or to the
intimacy of its appeal. Love, which (as Sophocles
has it) rules ' beasts and men and gods ' with
equal sway, is no matter of carnal impulse or of
emotional caprice. Love is a kind of exalted
but unspecialised telepathy, the simplest and most
universal expression of that mutual gravitation
or kinship of spirits which is the foundation of
the telepathic law (p. 1,004).
From Telepathy to Spirit Return.
" The vague question of former times as to ap-
paritions at the moment of death narrows down
to the more precise question: Are these still co-
incidences, is there still evidence showing that a
phantasm can appear not only at but after a man's
bodily death, and can still indicate connection with
a persistent and individual life? To this distinct
question there can now be given, as I believe,
a distinct and affirmative answer. When evidence
has been duly analysed, when alternative hypothe-
ses have been duly weighed, it seems to me that
there is no real break in the appearance of veridi-
cal phantasms or in their causations at the mo-
ment of bodily death, but rather that there is evi-
dence that the self-same spirit is still operating,
and it may be in the self-same way. Telepathy
looks like a law prevailing in the spiritual as well
as in the material world. And that it does so pre-
vail I now add is proved by the fact that those who
communicated telepathically with us in this world
communicate with us telepathically from the other.
Man, therefore, is not a planetary or transitory
being; he persists as very man among cosmic and
eternal things (p. 124).
What Has Been Proved.
" I will here briefly state what facts they are
which our recorded apparitions, intimations, mes-
sages of the departing and departed have, to my
mind, actually proved: (a) In the first place, they
prove survival pure and simple; the persistence
of the spirit's life as a structural law of the uni-
verse; the inalienable heritage of each several
soul. (b) In the second place, they prove that
between the spiritual and the material worlds an
avenue of communication does, in fact, exist; that
which we call the despatch and the receipt of tele-
pathic messages, or the utterance and the answer
of prayer and supplication. (c) In the third place.
they prove that the surviving spirit retains, at
least in some measure, the memories and the loves
of earth. Without this persistence of love and
memory should we be in truth the same? To
what extent has any philosophy or any revela-
tion assured us hereof till now? The above
points, I think, are certain if the apparitions and
messages proceed in reality from the sources which
they claim. On a lower evidential level comes
the thesis drawn from the contents of the longer
messages, which contents may, of course, be in-
fluenced in unknown degree by the expectation m
of the recipients or by some such infusion of ■
dream-like matter as I have already mentioned.
That thesis is as follows. I offer it for what It
may be worth: Every element of individual wis-
dom, virtue, love, develops in infinite evolution to-
ward an ever-highering hope; toward 'Him who la
at once thine innermost Self, and thine ever unat-
tainable Desire.'
The Possibility of Communicating with the
" Here, more than anywhere, the need of actual
experiment is felt. For experiment would mean
the enlistment of the departed in conscious and
willing co-operation: and, in fact, such experiment
turns out to be actually feasible. There is a pos-
sibility of inducing a spiritual hearing, and a
spiritual picture-seeing or reading, and also a
spiritually-guided writing and speech. Both our
sensory automatism and our motor automatism
may be initiated and directed by intelligence out-
side our own. Apparitions may flash their sig-
nals, automatic script will lay the wire. For,
however inchoate and ill-controlled these written
messages may be, if once they have been received
at all we can assign no limit to their development
as the expression of thought that passes incor-
poreally from mind to mind (p. 125).
" Here we reach a point which has become with-
out my anticipation and — as a matter of mere sci-
entific policy — even against my will the principal
nodus of the present work. This book, designed
originally to carry on as continuously and coher-
ently as possible the telepathic hypothesis, has
been forced unexpectedly forward by the sheer
force of evidence until it must now dwell largely
on the extreme branch of the subject. For in
truth during the last ten years the centre of gra-
vity of our evidence has shifted profoundly. With
the recent development of trance phenomena we
seem suddenly to have arrived by. a kind of short
cut at a direct solution of problems which we had
till then been approaching by difficult inference
and laborious calculation of chances. What need
of computing coincidental death-wraiths — of ana-
lysing the evidential details of post-mortem ap-
Review of Reviews, 20/Ji/OS.
paritions — if here we have the departed ready to
hear and answer questions and to tell us frankly
of the fate of souls? Must not our former results
seem useless now in view of this overwhelming
proof? Our previous disciplined search has been
by no means wasted, but it seems to me now that
the evidence for communication with the spirits of
identified deceased persons through the trance
utterances and writings of sensitives apparently
controlled by those spirits is established beyond
serious attack (p. 126).
Results of This Truth.
" The reader who may feel disposed to give his
adhesion to this culminating group of the long
series of evidences which have pointed with more
and more clearness to the survival of human per-
sonality and to the possibility for men on earth
of actual commerce with a world beyond, may
feel, perhaps, that the desiderium orbis catholici,
the intimate and universal hojye of every genera-
tion of men, has never till this day approached so
near to fulfilment. There has never been so fair
a prospect for Life and Love (p. 127). Assuredly
this deepening response of man's spirit to the Cos-
mos deepening round him must be affected by all
the signals which now are glimmering out of night
to tell him of his inmost nature and his endless
fate. Who can think that either Science or Reve-
lation has spoken as yet more than a first half-
comprehended word? But if in truth souls de-
parted call to us, it is to them that we shall listen
most of all. We shall weigh these undesigned co-
incidences, we shall analyse the congruity of their
message with the facts which such a message
should explain (p, 128).
An Appeal to Scientific Men.
" Curiosity, candour, care — these are the in-
tellectual virtues: disinterested curiosity, unselfish
candour, unlimiting care. These virtues have
grown up outside the ecclesiastical pale. Science,
not Religion, has fostered them. The remedy
lies in inculcating the intellectual virtues, in teach-
ing the mass of mankind that the maxims of the
modem savant are at least as necessary to salva-
tion as the maxims of the medieval saint. But
in order to attract help, even from scientific men,
some general view of the moral upshot of all the
phenomena Is needed (p. 1,000).
" These discoveries should prompt, as nothing
else could have prompted, towards the ultimate
achievement of that programme of scientific dom-
inance which the ' Instauratio Magna ' proclaimed
for mankind. Bacon left the realm of ' Divine
things ' to Authority and Faith. I here urge that
that great exemption need be no longer made. I
claim that there now exists an Incipient method
of getting at this Divine knowledge also, with the
same certainty, the same calm assurance with
which we make our steady progress in the know-
ledge of terrene things. The authority of creeds
and Churches will thus be replaced by the author-
ity of observation and experiment. The impulse
of faith will resolve itself into a reasoned and re-
solute imagination, bent upon raising even higher
than now the highest ideal of man (p. 1,001). The
time is ripe for the study of unseen things as
strenuous and sincere as that which science has
made familiar for the problems of earth (p. 1,003).
The Rapture of Certainty.
" I confess, indeed, that I have often felt as
though this present age were even unduly fa-
voured, as though no future revelation and calm
could equal the joy of this great struggle from
doubt into certainty, from the materialism or ag-
nosticism which accompany the first advance of
science into the deeper scientific conviction that
there is a deathless soul in man. I can imagine
no other crisis of such deep delight. Endless
are the varieties of lofty joy. In the age of Thales
Greece knew the delight of the first dim notion of
cosmic unity and law. In the age of Christ
Europe felt the high authentic message from a
world beyond our own. In our own age we reach
the perception that such messages may become
continuous and progressive, that between seen and
unseen there is a channel and fairway which fu-
ture generations may learn to widen and to clarify.
Nay, In the infinite Universe man may now feel,
for the first time, at home. The worst fear is
over; the true security Is won. The worst fear
was the fear of spiritual extinction or spiritual
solitude; the true security is in the telepathic law
(p. 1,003).
The State of Souls After Death.
"Firstly, and chlefiy, I at least see ground to
believe that their state is one of endless evolu-
tion in wisdom and in love. Their loves of earth
persist, and most of all those highest loves which
seek their outlet in adoration and work. Yet
from their step of vantage-ground in the uni-
verse, at least, they see that It is good. I do not
mean that they know either of an end or of an
explanation of evil. Yet evil to them seems les&
a terrible than a slavish thing. It is embodied
in no mighty potentate; rather it forms an iso-
lating madness from which higher spirits strive to
free the distorted soul. There needs no chastl-ae-
ment of fire; self-knowledge is man's punishment
and his reward; self-knowledge and the nearness
or the aloofness of companion souls.
" In that world love is actually self-preserva-
tion; the Communion of Saints not only adorns
but constitutes the Life Everlasting. Nay, from
the law of telepathy it follows that that commun-
April 20, 190S.
ion Is valid for us here and now. Even now the
love of souls departed makes answer to our In-
vocations; even now our loving memory — love is
itself a prayer — supports and strengthens those
delivered spirits upon their upward way. No
wonder; since we are to them but as fellow-
travellers shrouded in a mist. ' Neither death
nor life, nor height nor depth, nor any other
creature' can bar us from the hearth-fire of the
universe, or hide for more than a moment the
inconceivable oneness of souls (p. 1,010).
A Corroboration of the Christian Faith.
" Has any world-scheme yet been suggested so
profoundly corroborative of the very core of the
Christian revelation? Jesus Christ ' brought life
and immortality to light.' By His appearance
after bodily death He proved the deathlessness of
the spirit. By His character and His teaching
He testified to the Fatherhood of God. So far,
then, as His unique message admitted of eviden-
tial support, it is here supported. So far as He
promised things unprovable, that promise is here
renewed. I venture now on a bold saying; for
I predict that in consequence of the new evidence
all reasonable men, a century hence, will believe
the Resurrection of Christ, whereas in default of
the new evidence no reasonable men, a century
hence, would have believed it.
" We have shown that amidst much deception
and self-deception, fraud and illusion, veritable
manifestations do reach us from beyond the grave.
The central claim of Christianity is thus con-
firmed as never before. If our own friends, men
like ourselves, can sometimes return to tell us of
love and hope, a mightier Spirit may well have
used the eternal laws with a more commanding
power. There is nothing to hinder the reverent
faith that, though we be all ' the children of the
Most High,' He came nearer than we, by some
space by us immeasurable, to that which is in-
finitely far (p. 1,010).
A Word to Christians.
"To the Christian we can apeak with a still
more direct appeal than to scientific men. ' You
believe,' I would say, * that a spiritual world ex-
ists, and that it acted on the material world
two thousand years ago. Surely it is so acting
still! Nay, you believe that it is so acting still;
for you believe that prayer is heard and answered.
To believe that prayer is heard is to believe in
telepathy — in the direct influence of mind on mind.
To believe that prayer is answered is to believe
that unembodied spirit does actually modify (even
if not storm-cloud or plague-germ) at least the
minds, and therefore the brains of living men.
From that belief the most advanced " physical "
theories are easy corollaries.' — (Vol. ii., p. 306.)
The New World-Religion.
" So now also it seems to me that a growing
conception of the unity, the solidarity, of the hu-
man race is preparing the way for a world-religion
which expresses and rests upon that solidarity,
which conceives it in a fuller, more vital fashion
than either Positivist or Catholic had ever
dreamed. For the new conception is neither of
benefactors dead and done for, inspiring us auto-
matically from their dates in an almanac, nor of
shadowy saints imagined to intercede for us at
tribunals more shadowy still; but rather of a hu-
man unity, close-liEked beneath an unknown sway,
wherein every man who hath been or now is
makes a living element, inalienable, incorporate,
and imperishably co-operant, and joint-inheritor
of one infinite Hope.
Prayer to the Dead.
"Not, then, with tears and with lamentations
should we think of the blessed dead. Rather, we
should rejoice with them in their enfranchisement,
and know that they are still minded to keep us as
sharers in their joy. It is they, not we, who are
working now; they are more ready to hear than
we to pray; they guide us as with a cloudy pillar,
but it is kindling into steadfast fire. Nay, it may
be that our response, our devotion, is a needful
element in their ascending joy, and as God may
have provided some better thing for us, that they
without us should not be made perfect. — (Vol. ii.,
p. 303.)
" I wish to show that so far from our needing
to suppose that an answer to prayer is an inter-
ruption of the natural order of things, many an
swers to prayer are, on the contrary, manifest ex-
tensions— not natural developments — of perfectly
familiar phenomena. We already have life, and
by disposing our spirits rightly we can get more
life. We already have friends v/ho help us on
earth; those friends survive bodily death, and
are to some extent able to help us still. It is for
us to throw ourselves into the needed mental
state — ^to make the heart-felt and trustful appeal.
To the benefit which we may thus derive, no the-
oretical limit can be assigned; it must needs grow
with man's evolution. For the central fact of
that condition is the ever-increasing closeness of
the soul's communion with other souls " (lb., p.
^14.) w. T. STEAD.
A Modern Froissart/
This is the second volume of Mr. Gould's " Frois-
sart," the first of which appeared last year, and
which at present is the sole humorous historical
*" F. C. G.'s Frolssart, 1902." By F. Carruthers Gould, I
(T. Fisher Unwin,) 112 pp, 3s, Gd, a
Review of Reviews, 2o/i/o3. SOME BOOKS OF THE MONTH,
annual produced in the English language. It was
a happy thought which led Mr. Gould, whose ad-
mirable cartoons in the " Westminster Gazette "
have secured for him an undisputed right to the
position held for many years by Sir John Tenniel,
to write and illustrate the chronicles of our time
in the quaint phraseology of the chronicles of Sir
(Remount Records.)
John Froissart. The new volume is quite up
to the high standard of the first, and higher praise
it would be impossible to give it. There are
twelve chapters, v/hich enable him to gossip with
pleasant humour upon the leading incidents of the
year, from the Coronation to the Remount Com-
mission. Upon the latter subject he is very
amusing. " I have been informed the English
knights and squires purchased all the animals
that were brought to them that had four legs.
And if it fortuned that they refused any animal
(Remount Records.)
April 20, IP03.
because It bore only three legs, then that same
animal was brought to them again at night and
sold. . . . Among those who murmured there-
at was a certain knight, Sir Blundell de Maple,
who had great knowledge of horses. Quoth he,
' Marry, but they had better have sent towel-horses
to Africa than the animals that they have bought
In Frankfurt, and Buda Pesth, and Judea.' "
There is an excellent chapter, which describes
the adventures of the New Zealand Premier in
Africa and In England. It is admirably illus-
trated with cartoons of Sir Dickon Seddon, show-
ing how he painted his face in the manner of
the men of Maoriland, and danced a war-dance
to give good countenance to the soldiers. There
Is a delightful picture showing how Sir Dickon
Seddon " demandeth to know if the Lord de Kit-
chener hath need for more mutton for the Eng-
lish Army In Africa," with its companion picture,
showing how the Lord de Kitchener answereth Sir
Dickon Seddon by the summary process of kick-
ing him out of his tent, when Sir Dickon departed
In haste. We are further told of the marvellous
adventures of Sir Dickon when he rode to and
fro in England in state, as though he had been a
Prince, telling the people everywhere what they
should do if they desired to prosper, for he was
full of marvellous opinions. After Sir Dickon
Seddon journeyed back to Maoriland across the
seas, this veracious chronicler saith, "And there-
after whatsoever thing was devised or done in
England Sir Dickon Seddon would say, 'Of a surety
this was done on the counsel that I gave to Sir
Joseph de Birmingham and others in England.' "
(Coronation Records.)
Near by is the account of how a great monster,
called " The Spearpoint Drorgan," came across the
sea and sore affrayed the English. " Now, this
Drorgan was as puissant on land as on water, for
it was both a Drorgan and a Sea-Fish, and for
this reason it was also called the great combine.
It was a terrible monster, which seized all the
ships that could not avoid it, yet It spouted out
streams of gold to pay for them, so that no man
received hurt or damage thereby."
Of course, Joseph's journey to Africa is described
at length. Also the visit of the Boer Generals to
London. " Sir Joseph went to Uganda to see the
Lion and the Unicorn, to the end that when he
returned back to England he could the more read-
ily discourse about the wild beasts that guard the
Crown of the Empire," and so forth and so forth.
But no extracts from the letterpress can give even
a faint idea of the excellence of this book unless
it is accompanied by the charming sketches, which
in the manner of medieval chroniclers illuminate
nearly every page with good-humoured satire. As
usual, Mr. Gould is best when he is delineating
Mr. Chamberlain, but he is very good with the late
Archbishop, and also with Mr. Seddon. His pic-
ture of Dr. Clifford preaching on horseback to
the people Is also very happy.
Review of Reviews, 20/4/OS.
Zola's Last Word/
Down with the Roman Catholic Church.
In this bulky novel we have the last complete
work from the pen of Emile Zola. It is the third
of four which he had planned to write. The
first was " Fecondite," the second "Labour," the
third " Truth," and the fourth " Justice." He
had begun " Justice " before he died, but it was
only a beginning, and we are therefore justified in
regarding "Truth" as the last word which he had
to address to the men of his generation. The
story of " Truth " has obviously been suggested
by the Dreyfus case. But it is a parable rather
than a narrative. Dreyfus was the victim of mili-
tarism; Simon, the murdered Jew in " Truth," is
the victim of clericalism. The principle, however,
of both is the same. A young and beautiful boy,
the nephew of a Jewish teacher in a secular school,
of the name of Simon, was found one morning
strangled, death having resulted from his vain at-
tempt to resist a felonious outrage perpetrated on
him by a member of one of the religious orders of
the Church of Rome, who taught a religious school
in opposition to the secular school of which Simon
was the head. When the body is discovered, two
other brothers of the Order are present, who piok
up a copy of a newspaper which had been rolled
up into a ball and thrust into the boy's mouth
to prevent him crying out. Inside this ball
was a copy-book heading of the kind used in
This copy-book heading was issued to the chil-
flren both in the secular and in the religious
schools, and in the corner was a mark ' indicating
which school issued it. The clerical brother who
first discovered the roll of paper and the incrimin-
ating strip recognised that it bore in the corner a
mark showing that it had been issued in the cleri-
cal school. He promptly tore this corner off and
destroyed it. Then, in order to avert suspicion
from themselves, they accused Simon of having
murdered his nephew, and on the strength of some
scrawl on another corner of the copy head they
satisfied a jury, inflamed by the anti-Semite agi-
tation, that it bore the initials of Simon. All the
members of the religious order conspired together,
as their military counterparts did in the Dreyfus
case, in order to secure the conviction of Simon.
He is convicted and sent to the equivalent of the
Devil's Isle. There he remains until, in the
course of time, his innocence is completely de-
Gorgias, who was the criminal, makes full con-
fession, and shortly afterwards meets with his de-
•" Truth.'
By Bmile Zola. Translated by E. A. Vize-
serts at the hand of an assassin, while a well-
aimed thunderbolt from the sky delivers the world
from the pollution of the presence of his fellow-
The importance of the book lies in the fact
that it is Zola's last word, and that he has left
us, as it were, his last solemn declaration of faith
that Gambetta was right when he declared, " La
clericalisme, voila I'ennemi." According to Zola,
that the whole nation could be so carried away by
savage prejudice as to doom an innocent man to
a living grave was apparently due to the baleful
influence of the Roman Catholic Church. The
following passage does not need the alteration of
a single word to be printed as Zola's explanation
of how it was the military conspiracy against
Dreyfus came so near to be crowned with success:
How came it that the mentality of the masses was
no higher than that of mere savages? Had not the
Republic reigned for thirty years, and had not its
founders shown themselves conscious of the necessities
of the times by basing the state edifice on scholastic
laws, restoring the elementary schools to honour and
strength, and decreeing that education henceforth
should be gratuitous, compulsory, and secular? . . .
The people of to-day relapsed into the brutish degrada-
tion, the dementia of the people of yesterday, amidst
a sudden return of ancestral darkness. What had
happened then? What covert resistance, what sub-
terranean force was it that had thus paralysed the
immense efforts which had been attempted to extricate
all the humble and suffering ones from their slavery
and obscurity? As Marc put this question to himself
he at once saw the enemy arise — the enemy, the creator
of ignorance and death — the Roman Catholic Church.
... It was that Church which, with the patient
tactics of a tenacious worker, had barred the roads, and
gradually seized on all those poor, dense minds which
others had tried to wrest from her domination. . . .
And all those children were young brains won over to
error, future soldiers for the religion of spoliation and
cruelty which reigned over the hateful society of the
The concluding chapters of the book describe
Zola's picture of the millennium which is to come,
when the Roman Catholic Church has been de-
stroyed. Simon is brought back from captivity.
His enemies attempt in vain to blow into a flame
the dying embers of race fanaticism. He attri-
butes the change to the fact that education had
been entirely freed from Roman Catholic influence.
He says:
And now that Rome was vanquished, that the con-
gregations were disappearing, that not a Jesuit would
soon be left to obscure men's thoughts and pervert
their actions, human reason was working freely. . . .
The simple fact was that the people, being now edu-
cated and free from the errors of centuries, were be-
coming capable of truth and justice.
One great feature of the emancipation of the
human race from the dominion of Rome is the
emancipation of women:
April 20, 190^^.
Woman, being freed and raised to equality with man,
■vrould render the sexual struggle less bitter, impart to
it some calm dignity. . . . They were emancipated
from the Church; they were no lonj^er possessed by
base superstition and the fear of hell; they no longer
feigned a false humility before the priest; they were no
longer the servants who prostrated themselves before
men, the sex which seems to acknowledge its abjection
and which revenges itself for its enforced humility by
corrupting and disorganising everything.
It Avas necessary to impart knowledge to woman
before setting her in her legitimate place as the equal
and companion of man. That was the first thing
necessary, the essential condition of human happiness,
for woman could only free man after being freed herself.
As long as she remained the priest's servant and ac-
complice, and instrument of reaction, espionage, and
warfare in the home, man himself remained in chains
incapable of all virile and decisive action.
His last word takes the form of a triumphant
pean over the final discomfiture of the Roman
Catholic Church, which with prophetic eye he sees
in the near future:
Rome had lost the battle; France was saved from
death, from the dust and ruin in which Catholic na-
tions disappear one after the other. She had been rid
of the clerical faction which had chosen her territory
as its battlefield, ravaging her fields, poisoning her
people, striving to create darkness in order to dominate
the world once more. France was no longer threatened
with burial beneath the ashes of a dead religion; she had
again become her own mistress, she could go forward
to her destiny as a liberating and justice-dealing power.
And if she had conquered, it was solely by the means
of that primary education which had extracted the
humble, the lowly ones of her country districts, from
the ignorance of slaves, from the deadly imbecility in
which Roman Catholicism had maintained them for
Sir Walter Besant as a Prophet."^
" 'As We Are and As We May Be ' Is," s^ys the
author of the preface to the book, " the exposition
of a practical philanthropist's creed, and of his
hopes for the progress of his fellow-countrymen.
Some of these hopes may never ba realised; some
he had the great happiness to see bear fruit, and
for the realisation of all he spared no pains. The
personal service of humanity that in these pages
he urges so repeatedly on others he was himself
ever the first to give."
This volume contains some of the collected es-
says of Walter Besant; there are twelve of them,
beginning v/ith " The Endowment of the Daugh-
ter," and ending with a paper on " The Associated
Life." Most of them deal with social problems;
but there are two—" The Land of Romance " and
" The Land of Reality " — which were lectures de-
livered in connection with his tour in America.
There are three delightfully gossipy papers about
the East End of London. The chief interest of the
book, however, lies in those papers in which Sir
Walter Besant ventures to forecast the future.
A Bodeful Vision of What May Be.
In a paper entitled " From Thirteen to Seven-
teen," v/hich was written sixteen years ago, he
pleads for paying moro attention to the education
of boys and girls after they leave elementary
schools. Here is a doleful forecast of what may be*
We may readily conceive of a time when — our manu-
factures ruined by superior foreign intelligence and
skill, our railways earning no profit, our carry inoj trade
lost, our agriculture destroyed by foreign imports, our
farms \^^thout farmers, our houses without tenants —
the boasted wealth of England will have vanished like
a splendid dream of the morning, and the children of
the rich will have become even as the children of the
poor; all this may be within measurable distance, and
may very well happen before the death of men ""vho
are now no more than middle-aged. Considering this,
as well as the other points in favour of the scheme
before us, it may be owned that it is best to look after
the boys and girls while it is yet time.
The Future of the English-Speaking Peoples.
One more prophecy and I have done. In his lec-
ture entitled " The Land of Reality," he concludes
with a vision of the future of the English-speaking
Before many years the United Kingdom must in-
evitably undergo great changes: the vastness of the
Empire will vanish; Canada, Australia, New Zealand,
South Africa will fall away, and will become inde-
pendent republics; what these little islands will become
then I know not.
Something better and more stable, however, may yet
come to us, when the United States and Great Britain
will be allied in amity as firm as that which now
holds together those Federated States. The thing is
too vast, it is too important to be achieved in a day,
or in a generation. But it will come — it vnll come; it
must come — it must come; Asia and Europe may be-
come Chinese or Cossack, but our people shall rule
over every other land, and all the islands, and every
The indestructible fraternity of the whole En-
glish-speaking races was a watchword to which
Sir Walter Besant was ever faithful. The book
from which we have given these extracts is full of
admirable common-sense and a generous enthu-
siastic optimism, which makes it very pleasant
reading when we are inclined to sit in doleful
dumps. Here at least is a message from a man
with his feet planted upon the bed-rock of solid
facts who ever kept his eyes fixed en the stars.
*" As We Are and As We May Be." By Walter Besant.
(London: Chatto & Windus.) 314 pp. Gs.
The Lord of the Dark Red Star.*
The Tncarnatfon of Satan.
Mr. Eugene Lee-Hamilton, who has hitherto
only been known as a poet, makes in this volume
*" The Lord of the Dark Red Star." By Eugene Lee-
Hamilton. (Scott Publishing Company.) 296 pp. 63.
Rnview of Reviews, 20/i/03.
a very remarkable venture into the field of histori-
cal romance. " The Lord of the Dark Red Star "
is very much more than an historical romance; it
is a daring attempt to present to the public a
kind of diabolical gospel of the incarnation of the
Lord of Hell. The hero is Ezelin, the Imperial
Vicar of Emperor Frederick 11. , who let Hell loose
and kept it going in Northern Italy. We have the
whole thing here in the compass of a compara-
tively short novel. There is the diabolical an-
nunciation, in which Adalhita, who plays the role
of the Virgin Mary in this black Gospel, and who
was so intensely evil that she attracted Satan from
hell. The scene in which the Devil visits her,
and Ezelin is begotten, is indeed a gruesome hor-
ror. The Devil's bride, whose locks were like
black adders, and whose cheek was white as
the death-fed mushroom, that grows where murder
rots. At midnight, nine months before the birth
of Ezelin, sue crouched by the open window of
the castle, looking out into the dead darkness,
round which moon-struck wolves had howled for
three nights. Down in the castle moat nine
witches sing the nuptial hymn of horror; as the
thunder growled ever louder, a vampire shriek
stabbed the darkness; while the ghouls were
prowling round the castle, and fleshless souls mut-
tering in her ear, she heard her name echoed in the
thunder peal, and mighty wings sounded around
her like the roar of a tempest-churned sea. Lord,
who art thou?" she cried, and the voice answered.
" I am Satan."
Nine months after this, Ezelin was born, " very
man of very fiend," even as Christ was " very God
of very man." Ezelin was Hell's incarnation.
In appearance he was only a small, pale man, rid-
ing upon a black horse; but within that pale tene-
ment dwelt a Satanic soul. To him the sight of
pain was like strong wine, and when it meant
the spread of fear it flushed and intoxicated his
soul. The characters in the story are very vividly
drawn; the witch-mother, the saint-like wife, and
Fra Luca stand out with vivid distinctness. So
also does the second wife, who bore the child de-
dicated before his birth as a sacrifice to Satan,
in return for which was promised lo Ezelin the
crown of Northern Italy. There is no need to tell
the whole story here, excepting to say that Satan
was cheated of his grandson by a surreptitious
baptism by Fra Luca, and instead of Ezelin obtain-
ing the crown of Northern Italy, he was stabbed
In the back by an assassin who did the bidding of
his second wife. It is a weird story of great im-
aginative power, in which even the shadowy forms
of Death and Sin, who time and again throw the
dice for the soul of Ezelin, have a certain dim but
distinct personality of their own. What purpose
the author had in writing this stcry it is difficult
to say; it is neither pleasant nor profitable for
the mind to dwell upon scenes of carnage and tor-
ture, but no one can deny its daring and originality.
"Karl of Erbach."
The author of "My Lady of Orange" possesses id
a high degree the storyteller's gift. He can weave
a plot, invent character, and describe battle inci-
dents so that they seem to live. " Karl of Er-
bach" appeared as a serial in "Longman's Maga-
zine," under the title of " Prince Karl;" it is now
published in volume form, with a slightly changed
title, as " a tale of Lichtenstein and Solgau," by
the great publishing house of Longmans, Green
& Co., in their " Colonial and Indian Library "
series. The tale has all the essential elements of
interest. It is a story of the Thirty Years' War.
There is love in it, adventure, sorrow. The poli-
tics of the two tiny States are interwoven with
the fortunes of the hero and the heroine. His-
torical characters appear on the stage: Pere Jo-
seph de Tremblay, Richelieu's Capuchin friend and
diplomat, and Bernhard of Weimar, the pupil of
Gustavus. The contest is one of wit, as well as
of sword blades, and in the long run love triumphs
in the fashion always welcome to novel readers.
Altogether, " Karl of Erbach " is a nne example of
historical fiction.
'' By the Ramparts of Jezrcel/'
Mr. Arnold Davenport, the author of this tale—
another of Longmans' " Colonial and Indian Li-
brary" series— has at least the merit of literary
courage. He boldly sets his plot in a Biblical
atmosphere, and sets on the stage a cluster of
Biblical characters, including Jezebel, Elisha, Ben-
hadad, etc. One of the heroines is a daughter of
the prophet Elijah; Jezebel represents the worship
of Moloch, and is painted as a woman of transcen-
dent beauty and no morals. Mr. Davenport not
only adorns his pages with "patches of purple
rhetoric," his whole book is one long purple stain
of rhetoric; love scenes, storms of battle, priestly
plots, scenes of sensual idol worship — all are pain-
ted in very high colours indeed.
"The Way of Cain."
This book belongs to " The Sportsman's Library
of Fiction," issued by George Routledge & Sons,
Ltd. It is a tale of murder, and of the pursuit of
the murderer, of suspicions fixed on the wrong
man, of the arts of the amateur detective. The
v/hole makes up a picture of a human soul yield-
ing to temptation and reaping the bitter harvest
of wrongdoing.
April 20 y ipo^.
[We give some extracts from the serial under this title, which appears in the English " Review of Re-
views," and in which current events are translated into personal terms.— Ed. " R. of R. for A."]
The Comxngf of the Rainsu*
"There now!" exclaimed Marion, as she settled
her patient comfortably on her pillows, " you are
as pretty as a picture!"
Sina smiled up at her weakly from a background
of vivid red; when she could no longer spare the
water for washing she had covered her pillows
with cheap twill, rather than have her dainty soul
vexed continually by the dingy linen. Her face,
childishly small and large-eyed, looked up, white
as parchment, from a cloud of lustreless black
hair, and her little hand opened and shut on the
gay counterpane, as if grasping after something.
"It is so hot!" she complained in a tiny bird-
like voice. Sina was very small and bird-like in
evers^hing. It was diflSicult to associate her with
heroic ideas. Yet little Sina had faced and fought
more hardship and danger than falls to the lot of
fifty average men. " The air seems to scorch my
lungs," she added with a gasp. " But I don't
mind, I don't mind anything, Marion, now that
you're here."
"Oh! but I mind!" retorted Marion, stooping to
give her an admonitory pat on the thin cheek.
"What will Lewis Gore say to me if his wife is ill?"
Sina laughed feebly. "Poor old dear!" she
said. " You know, Marion, it is such an odd
thing, but I feel as if I had been away somewhere
from Lew for ever so long. And what helps the
feeling out is that he has a great hole in his
coat, and no buttons on his shirt. Now how
can that have happened!"
" S-s-s," exclaimed Marion, in hasty reproof.
" I told you, Sina, you are not to talk. Shut your
eyes and determine to sleep. You must, or baby
will be ill."
A soft bundle of dingy white stirred feebly on
the pillows, and a little cry came from it. Marion
shook her head at Sina, and lifting the bundle
gently on her arm, set the door a little wider,
and stood in it swaying from one foot to the
other. Sina's brilliant eyes followed her with a
look of perfect satisfaction.
" Sing, Marion!" she said, entreatingly. "Hymns,
M-m-m — if you only knew how I have longed to
hear somebody sing for these eighteen months
Marion nodded at her severely, and pointed to
the baby; then, balancing herself lightly from one
•" The Story of the Seven Years' Drought," of which
this is the sequel, appeared in the February " Review of
Reviews for Australasia."
foot to the other, she began to sing. Her voice
was curiously deep and soft, and had an emo-
tional thrilling quality very sweet to listen to,
such a voice as one hears on the wild coast of the
West, when the Irish girls sing their Litany to the
Blessed Virgin, or when Highland lasses join in
the Psalms. So great had been Marion's grief,
that the very fount of song seemed dried with-
in her. But at another's need she found it
springing full and clear. Softly she sang at first,
rocking the child in her long arms, with her eyes
on that small dark face lying against the scarlet
of the pillows. Then, little by little, her own
pain was soothed and comforted by the touch of
the tiny creature she held so close. She felt
no longer her fierce motherhood, robbed and de-
solate, but resigned and prayerful, though long-
ing still. Her voice rang out into the torrid night
in the cry of the Psalmist, " Lord, hear the voice
of my complaint;" and Dick, by the empty water-
tanks with Lewis Gore, told himself, with a
swelling heart, that " Marion was over the worst
of it now: thank God for that!" She had dropped
the greater portion of her own heavy load in
stooping to carry another woman's. For forty-
eight hours she had kept Sina from slipping back
into that no-whither where she had wandered
before the baby came; kept her by sheer force of
will and strength of mind to the world of every
day and the little soul who needed her. Sina was
rational now, the only thing necessary was sleep,
and sleep she could not.
Lewis wandered about with Dick at his elbow,
torn between hope and fear, and Marion fought
the enemy single-handed, as was her wont. The
over-bright eyes were blinking in the candle-light,
dropping every now and then; little by little she
sank into snatches of uneasy slumber, her thin
face and hands twitching painfully. The heat
was intolerable, the electricity-laden silence
pressed down on the narrow calico-lined room
with the weight of a mountain. It seemed to
volume in by the loosely-hung door, and hang on
to the limp swish of Marion's holland riding-habit
as she patiently swayed to and fro with the baby,
her soft notes falling into an abyss of awful
quietude and calm.
Suddenly she stood with the song frozen on her
lips. Sina was sitting bolt upright, her eyes, with
the brilliant pupils distended, staring into space.
Review of Reviews, W/k/OS.
her thin scarlet lips apart, her shadowy hair trail-
ing cloud-like around her wasted shoulders.
"Listen! listen!" she exclaimed, with one
transparent hand raised in warning. " Oh, lis-
ten! The rain! the rain! Oh, cool and sweet
at last! The rain, the blessed, blessed rain!"
Marion went swiftly to the bed, and laid the
child down, then gently forced her back upon the
" Lie down, dear," she said, commandingly, "and
do not wake baby again. Do you hear, Sina?"
Sina looked away into some far-off land, and
talked of rain, rain. Marion flew to the muslin-
covered packing-case which did duty for table,
and snatched up her most treasured possession,
what remained of a large bottle of eau-de-Co-
logne, and lifting the heavy masses of black hair,
poured it down the back of the sick woman's
head. She sighed gratefully, and half closed her
eyes, then opened them again, and would have
spoken, but Marion imperiously forbade a word,
then, stooping to pick up the ever-necessary palm-
leaf fan, found herself suddenly confronted by the
keen blue orbs of Lewis Gore, looking out of his
high-featured face, with a positive terror in their
Sina instinctively divined his presence. "Lew,"
she murmured — " Lew, do you hear the rain?"
A spasm of pain contorted Lew's features, and
he answered, with unconscious exaggeration of
his customary drawl. " Of course I do," he said.
" Don't be vexed with my little girl, Mrs. Penrhyn.
Many a night we've sat together listenin' for the
rain; an' now it's come! — teems an' pours, as
old Sallie Maguire would say."
He went cautiously across the gaping ironwood
floor, and turned with elaborate dissimulation at
the door. " My word," he exclaimed heartily,
"this will do the country good!" and vanished
into the darkness of the verandah.
Sina turned on her pillow with a sigh of en-
tire satisfaction, and closed her eyes again.
Marion, with a quick look after Lewis, pulled
down the mosquito net, tucked it in, and went to
the head of the bed, and there she stood for what
seemed interminable hours, fanning her patient,
while she concentrated every fibre of her being in
the determination that she should sleep. Rigid
and motionless, with the palm-leaf turning in her
strong fingers, she looked down on the tiny face,
with its two brilliant spots of colour on the hol-
low cheeks, and the great eyes, that would open
and wander, only to close fiickeringly again and
again, till the final struggle left Marion victorious.
Sina's head turned comfortably on the pillow, and
her thin red lips closed in the long tremulous sigh
of that profound sleep which follows on sheer
physical exhaustion. Marion stooped to listen to
the long, regular breathing, the palm-leaf fluttered
down, and she became all at once conscious that
her spine was as water, and her knees were knock-
ing together with weakness. She walked softly
to the table, steadying herself by the wall, and
sipped a grudging mouthful of the cooling drink
she had prepared from the luscious fruit of the
prickly pear for Sina, then, placing the candle in
the basin, went out on the verandah.
The heat rose up against the homestead, and
submerged it in a succession of great waves. The
vast impermeable silence lay dense and unbroken
on hill and plain, a deserted, burnt-out world.
She shut her hot eyes, and pressed her palms on
the hardwood slabs behind her, her figure tense
with pain, her head thrown back, fighting with a
horrible illusion which persuaded her she had been
fiayed alive, and every nerve lay raw and tingling
to the electric air. As she wrestled with this
agony, a sound, a sensation almost, so faint,
vague, and remote did it seem — the mere sugges-
tion of an echo — smote upon her inner senses,
and instantly the horror fell away from her, and
she became her own brave self again. Swiftly
and noiselessly she fled towards the sound of
Lewis Gore's voice. He rose as she came, and
thrust out his hands as if to ward ofC a blow.
"Don't," he exclaimed, hoarsely; "wait a bit;
you don't know Sina. She'll be all right in a
while — to-morrow, perhaps. Give her time, Mrs.
" My dear man," said Marion, quietly, " Sina is
all right; sleeping like a lamb. What I want to
tell you is, she did hear the rain. It is coming-
just listen, will you!"
With a bound both men were out in the open
straining their ears for the far-off sound. Lewis
Gore cleared his throat several times, and spoke
" Got some dust in 'em, those froggies," he said,
unsteadily; " but they're singing out as if they
meant business — eh, old man?"
He slapped Dick on the back weakly, and turned
quickly to the house, laughing to himself softly
as he went.
" Poor chap," remarked Dick, " his nerves are
clean gone to pieces."
Then he suddenly buried his face in his hands,
and stood silent.
Marlon clasped her fingers across his arm and
waited, and clear and distinct across the void
of silence came the faint sound of croaking — the
frogs in some dried-up swamp awaking from the
semblance of death to welcome the coming rain.
The darkness deepened till it was almost palpable,
and that dim croaking seemed to float through the
silence of inflnite space. A brooding weight of
atmosphere oppressed them, the milky smoke of
April 20, IQ03.
the bush flres crept upwards through the hot air
In snaky wreaths, and across the heavens stretched
an arch of appalling magnificence from which ter-
rific fires descended and enwrapped them in blind-
ing flame. Marion fled back to the sick-room;
Dick followed her and brought a chair to the
wide-set door, that he might have her near.
A sudden puff of wind came whirling by, scat-
tering dust and leaves. The hobbled horses
whinnied softly. A cow lowed in the darkness
uneasily, and was faintly answered by her feeble
calf. A blaze of sudden crimson showed Lewis
standing by the step, every line of his hard face
alight with joy.
" D'ye hear that?" he cried, shrilly.
The cicadas had begun to fiddle, and nearer and
nearer came the frog-chorus; till from among the
faded honeysuckle at the verandah post came
a little whispering pipe from some tiny green crea-
ture awakened to an unhoped-for salvation.
There was a brief period, during which a mighty
rushing wind swept through the high heavens,
driving the tumultuous masses of lightning-riven
cloud in fiery grandeur before it, while the scrub
lay motionless, and the plain cracked and gaped
for the rain. Then the wind came down, and the
world broke into mad rejoicing over the breaking
drought. The trees tossed their branches against
it as the wind hurtled through them with incred-
ible shriekings and wild outcry. The frog-chorus
swelled into thunderous proportions, the cicadas
shrilled fiercely, and a flock of parrots, scared
survivors of the innumerable multitude, flew
weakly fluttering with the gale. Then all at once
the whole earth seemed to stagger and recoil with
some terrific impact. Great globes of linked
fire fell downwards on the plain and licked the
smoking ground. The gums seemed rocking, in
the sound, and for one instant the hurricane stood
aghast, and once more there was silence. Again
heaven and earth reeled with the thunder-shock,
the wind tore out and away, and there was a sud-
den sense of breaking bonds, of moist, cool, fra-
grant earth-mould and ferny deeps, and then like
the sound of multitudinous hurrying feet came
the susurration of the rain sweeping through the
darkness, bringing with it all the wild, exulting
chorus of rejoicing creatures, bird and beast, rep-
tile and insect. Every wild creature that had
survived the drought came forth and gave thanks
and drank deep.
Dick rose and stretched his hands out into the
solid wall of descending water. Marion bent over
the verandah rail and let it beat on her bare head
and soak her habit.
"Oh, Dick!" she said, with a little bitter cry,
" if it had only been a month sooner." Dick
bent towards her and lifted her right hand.
" It had to be," he said, heavily, *' and it is in
time for poor little Sina. Let us be thankful for
Sina, Marion."
All night long the rain beat in soothing cadence
on the shingle roof, binding Sina and her baby m
a deep slumber, and when her eyes opened again,
the ground was already showing a faint mist of
green above the ochre. All the sky was hidden
in drooping grey and a full-mouthed peal came in
measured strophe from the rapidly filling swamp
in the ten-acre paddock, while a bell-bird sat on
a high tree and chimed a merry song for her de-
" Oh, Marion!" she sighed. " Isn't that good to
listen to? And I think you are the best woman
in the world. How good of you to give my baby
your pretty long clothes!"
" He deserves them, you foolish little person,"
said Marion, " and there will be no need to
harry the lowlands for him, the grass is growing."
Dick beckoned to her at the door. " I am going
to meet the mail," he said, cheerfully. " Old
Fearon passed through this morning; he says it
has been raining on the watershed for a week.
The teams have gone up, Marion, and the mail is
due this morning. Like old times, is it not?
Just think, we have had no mails for seven
-" Oh, do go," exclaimed Marion, eagerly, " and
hurry back. I would like some letters."
Dick lingered for a moment. " There is some
tea, too," he remarked. " I went down to the
store on Sunday with the shepherd. I know how
you miss your tea."
Marion wa.tched him ride away, his burly,
square-set figure swinging loosely in the saddle,
his holland coat flapping around him, and a whim-
sical smile turned up the corners of her sad
mouth as she recalled another picture of him, the
Dick Penrhyn of her beautiful love-story, im-
maculate in pink, crossing the fioor at her first
ball, with his strong face aglow at the sight of
her. Her melancholy eyes smiled at the memory,
and clouded with pain as she remembered her
loss. The boy with his father's kind eyes and
generous heart.
It was evening before Dick came back, drenched
to the skin, but looking as if years had fallen off
him. He had great news. The teams were
through, and the mail man had heard that Billy
had saved some of the sheep, and was sowing
He changed into dry clothes, and sat down en
the arm of Marion's squatter's chair.
"I have great news!" he exclaimed — "astound-
ing news! Francis is coming out to us. He left
London on the ninth of January. We may reas-
onably expect him about the middle of March."
lievieic of Reviews, 20/Jt/OS.
"Francis!" ejaculated Marion in amazement.
" What would Francis do on a sheep station? Be-
sides, 1 thought Rosamund and he "
" Rosamund," interrupted Dick, dryly, " is going
to be married."
"Good gracious!" exclaimed Marion, "can that
be true? I know she — whom is she going ti
" Skeffington the Oil King," replied Dick, with
the same dry accent. " Lady Gordon laments in
five pages that Rosamund is engaged to a man
with no manners and f.ve millions!"
" She will be very unhappy," remarked Marion
slowly. " I know she loves Francis."
" Well, if she is," replied Dick, " the fault will
not be with Francis. I think she has had the
opportunity of happiness on five hundred a year
with him. Francis has given away all his im-
mense fortune to some charity, ana only retained
his mother's money. He is coming out to learn
sheep-farming. I am very glad for his sake, for
I always thought if he were a poor man we might
expect great things from him. We may do so
now. Comparative poverty will simply be the
making of him. As for Rosamund, I never pre-
tended to understand her. She is too complex
for the average intelligence."
" I am sorry — sorry for Rosamund," exclaimed
Marion, softly; " she has missed the most beauti-
ful thing the world can offer."
Dick looked at her troubled face with a short
laugh. " Don't worry, Marion," he said, sugges-
tively; " it is a long time till the end. Let
Rosamund buy her soul. For, between you and
me, she has none yet. When she is attuned to
suffering she will be nearer happiness."
" Look," said Marion, " how wonderful!"
She pointed out across the wide expanse of roll-
ing plain, along which the gums, blackbutt, and
stringybark arrayed themselves in the rain, their
white and brown trunks crowned with sullen grey.
A great shaft of sunlight shot up behind a scrub-
covered hill, showing its irregular outline vague
and high in a whirling robe of white light. The
distant mountains shouldered themselves forward,
gigantic and threatening, under a canopy of purple
cloud. Suddenly a dazzling array of brilliant tints
surged off the earth — blues and greens and un-
suspected browns and yellows, a long line of pal-
pitating colour, which drove itself against the
grey of scrub and sky, and broke in lines of ir-
regular light into dim forest recesses and drift-
ing cloud.
Then a great blaze of fiery crimson shot sky-
ward from the farthest mountain heights. In an
avalanche of chromatic fire it fell, and came whirl-
ing and rolling in cloudy torrents towards the
plain. Down, down, down, tossing and foaming
in wheeling fire, till the young greenness of the
earth seemed to shrivel at its touch. All at once
it was snatched back, and was gone. The clouds
drifted low and grey, the shingle roof dropped a
curtain of crystal drops on the shrunken honey-
suckle, and from a drifting rift the crescent moon
looked down on the satisfied ground, drinking,
drinking still.
The British Grenadiers: New Style*
Her Majesty's Theatre was crowded with a bril-
liant audience, intent upon seeing the dramatic
representation of Count Tolstoi's story " Resur-
rection." Those liked it best who knew least of
the Count, and of the great story of infinite pathos
in which he has embodied the latest and ripest
result of the profound studies of a lifetime. The
genius of the actress who played the part of
the luckless Maslova, which had from the firbt
interested, now enthralled the house. Apart from
her, the chief interest of the play to many of those
present seemed to be the picture which it afforded
of the sombre melancholy and brutal horror of
convict life in Siberia.
The curtain had fallen on the third act. The
tense strain relaxed, and a buzz of conversation
filled the house.
Colonel Fred Gordon, a tall, handsome soldier,
bronzed with the African sun, with Lady Sidney
and a Russian friend, Prince Boris, was seated
in the centre of the stalls. Prince Kropotkin
flitted to and fro, full of interest in the success of
the play, and rejoicing in his innermost heart
that sentiments so humane and doctrine so sub-
versive of all Governments should be proclaimed
from a London stage. Here and there were a
few Russians, but for the most part the audi-
ence Avas the ordinary well-to-do crowd in the
stalls and boxes, and the average theatre-goer in
the pit and gallery.
" What brutes these Russians are," said a young
exquisite with an eyeglass, in the next row, loud
enough for all the neighbourhood to hear.
Prince Boris, who was sitting next Colonel Fred-
erick, flushed slightly.
The Colonel tried to divert his attention by ask-
ing if the Prince had ever seen Count Tolstoi.
" Once," he replied, " and I am glad he is not
here. He did not write ' Resurrection ' to hear
his country insulted."
" Oh, never mind," said Lady Sidney. " What
does It matter what such a creature says?"
But the creature, who was standing with his
back to the stage, continued to hold forth to the
gaily-dressed ladies of his party in a drawling
voice and a somewhat affected lisp.
April 20, Tpo3.
" Really, they are too awful for anything. It's
bad enough on the stage, but the reality, by Jove,
is far worse. Why, they flog their soldiers with
the knout in Russia. Fancy that! Just fancy
an English private being flogged by his officers!
They're brute beasts, slaves they are, that's what
I call 'em."
Fortunately for everybody, the curtain rising
on the fourth act silenced a discourse which
Prince Boris could not have endured much longer.
The audience settled into silence. But the
young man with the eyeglass and the drawl did
not sit down.
Those behind him whose view of the stage was
obscured, cried impatiently, " Sit down, sit down!"
But he continued standing. Impatience gave
way to anger, and the voices crying, "Down, down,
sit down in front!" became clamorous. Suddenly,
in a momentary lull, there piped out a shrill voice
from the pit:
" Let the poor chap alone! He can't sit down.
Don't you see he is one of the Grenadier Guards?"
Instantly there burst out a roar of Homeric
laughter. The actors on the stage were momen-
tarily forgotten; the woes of Maslova, the suffer-
ings of the Siberian chain-gang were momentarily
swept out of sight and out of mind. The laugh-
ter and cheering were renewed as the offender,
with his lady companions, quitted their stalls and
left the house.
As the house was settling down again. Prince
Boris, with a bewildered air, began: "Why
this ?"
But he stopped, for Colonel Fred was preparing
to leave the box. A bright red spot blazed in
his cheek, and with a hurried and hardly articu-
late apology he left the theatre.
The Russian turned to Lady Sidney. " The
Colonel— is he ill?"
" No," said Lady Sidney, in a whisper. " Only
upset. Wait till the play Is over."
The last act dragged interminably. But it came
to an end at last, and as they rose to go, Colonel
Fred reappeared. He was himself again.
" I've come to take you to supper at the Carl-
ton," he said. " So sorry I had to leave you, bu:
I really couldn't help it."
" You must excuse me, Fred," said Lady Sidney,
" I must be off home. Besides," she added, in
an undertone, " I should be in the way."
The Colonel pressed her hand. " Sir George
will be there," he said. " He promised to Join
us, and bring with him your cousin the editor."
After seeing Lady Sidney into her carriage the
two men sauntered down to the Carlton, where
they found Sir George and the grizzled Gordon
awaiting them.
The Colonel led his friends to a table, and they
were just taking their seats, when his eye lighted
upon the young dude who had figured so coji-
spicuously in the theatre sitting between two lady
companions. The champagne was flowing freely,
and all three were flusaed and excited.
" Waiter," said the Colonel, " we won't sit here,
give us another table." They followed him to
the other end of the supper room. When they
settled down the Colonel began:
" It's too bad, my dear Prince," he said, " to
fuss like this. But I cannot stand that young
cub and his companions."
" It matters not," said the Prince. " Ignorant
he is, and his companions also. But what meant
that laughter in the theatre when they went out?"
The Colonel was silent for a moment. Noting
his moody looks. Sir George asked if there had
been a scene.
" No," said the Russian; " not a scene, but a
laugh. That young man with the women was
rude to my country, and there would have been
a scene if he had not stopped. But then "
" Fact is," interrupted the Colonel, " it's thai,
cursed ' ragging ' case come up again. It's always
coming up, but never, I think, quite so awkwardly
as to-night."
Prince Boris looked puzzled. " ' Ragging *
case?" he said. "What means 'ragging'? I
don't understand."
" With your leave," said the editor, " I will ex-
plain to the Prince."
" Excuse me," said the Colonel. " The truth
is," said he, somewhat ruefully, " it's a bad busi-
ness, a thorough bad business. We all say that.
Not one of my brother officers but admits it. But
to have it thrust in your face in the theatre like
that was more than flesh and blood could stand.
As an old Guardsman I never thought it would
come to this."
" Really, my friend," said the Prince, " I am
more in the dark than ever. What means this
'bad business'? Is 'ragging,* then, so bad, and
what has it to do with Guardsmen?"
"Not a bit of it," said the Colonel, defiantly.
" ' Ragging ' is all right. Never a fellow gets
' ragged ' unless he jolly well deserves it. What
are we to do with the unlicked cubs handed over
to us to make men of if there was no ' ragging'?
No, no! don't tell me that it is bad business. It
is good business — necessary business. Without
it where would be our regimental system? And
what have we left in the Army but the regimental
system? The War Office is rotten. Bobs, poor
old Bobs, is weak as water, and a mere cipher
at that. Brodrick pokes his nose into every de-
tail of matters he does not understand. Our
Revie^c of Reviews, so/i/os. '^ XO BE CONTINUED IN OUR next:
Army Corps are phantoms. Our regimental sys-
tem is the one good thing we've got left."
" And the regimental system is built on ' rag-
ging ' as its chief corner-stone," said Sir George.
The Colonel eagerly assented, and the two men,
finding themselves in accord, chummed together
and lit their cigars.
" Allow me. Prince," said the editor, seeing the
others were absorbed in their own talk, " just to
explain what they are talking about."
" I shall be delighted, sir," said the Russian. "I
thought I knew something about it before we be-
gan to talk, but now I understand nothing."
"Ragging," he began, "is a slang term describing
the rough justice administered among the subal-
terns in a regiment by their comrades. The boya
who enter our Army, especially the Guards, are
many of them badly spoiled before they take to
soldiering. Rich, idle, and self-indulgent, they
put on side "
" Excuse me," said the Prince, " but the term is
unfamiliar. How 'put on side'?"
" When a fool poses as if he were superior to
other people, and puts on airs as if he was made
of better clay than his neighbours — we call that
' putting on side.' These lads, unlicked cubs, as
the Colonel calls them, have to be licked into
shape. Their fellow subalterns put them through.
If one is slovenly, haughty, dirty, or caddish, if
he disregards the unwritten law of the mess, or
if he does any of the thousand and one things
unworthy of an officer and a gentleman, he gets a
' ragging,' and it does him good. They are all
big boys together. They hold their own informal
court-martial and execute their own sentences.
Usually this works very well. But in the Grena-
dier Guards there were too many raw subaltemf?,
and the few who tried to maintain their authority
were more vigorous than judicious."
" This ' ragging ' then," persisted the Russian.
"What does it consist In?"
" Usually a fine paid in champagne. Some-
times the culprit is pummelled and thrown aboat
by his comrades — mere rough horseplay. Some-
times, if the lad has put on more ' side ' than is
tolerable, he is stripped of his clothes, and learns
by experience how little of dignity there is in-
herent in man until the tailor comes to his aid."
" But what meant, then, the cry in the theatre
that a Grenadier Guardsman could not sit down?"
The editor smiled grimly. " Because in the
case of ' ragging ' which has recently come before
the public, it is said one of the Grenadier Guards-
men was ' ragged ' by being divested of his
breeches, and fiogged with a knotted cane till the
blood came, and sitting down for days after be-
came impossible."
" What! " said the Prince, " an English officer
submit to such an indignity! In Germany, or
in Russia, much blood would have been spilt be-
fore such an outrage could have been possible.
In Russia our very peasants are revolting against
flogging as an intolerable outrage on the dignity
of man."
" That is all very well," said the Colonel, sud-
denly resuming his part in the conversation, " for
you to say that, but in Russia you don't under-
stand fagging in public schools."
By which," said the editor, " the son of a duke
may have to make the toast for the son of a
"Mon Dieu!" said Prince Boris. "What next?
But of course the fustigated officer is turned out
of his regiment!"
"Not in the least; flogged to-night, he takes
command of his men to-morrow."
The Prince gave a long low whistle. " And they
obey him?" he said. " But what was his offence?"
" No one knows, but everyone tells a different
tale. The friends of the boy who was flogged
say he was spanked because he was too ab-
sorbed in the study of military history. The
friends of the floggers say that it had more 10
do with the Gaiety Girls and the Guards' Club
than with Caesar's Commentaries."
" All that I could learn when I got back from
India," said Sir George, " was that the Duchesses
got hold of Bobs, and Bobs sacked the Colonel,
and the Admiral, who is uncle of one of the lads,
wrote to the papers, and that there has been a
huge row all round, in the Service and in the
papers, and Heaven only knows where it will
" Well, my friends," said Prince Boris, " I think
it would not be well — not quite well — for you to
read the German or Russian papers for some time.
I fear they will not soothe your amour propre."
"A fig for your papers!" said the Colonel.
" Look here. Prince. ' Ragging ' is a long sight
better than duelling, and a good thing does not
become a bad thing because some silly young fool
goes too far."
But as the Russian bade them good-night and
the three friends were left alone, the Colonel
sighed, and said, bitterly: " I wish they'd have
stopped short of flogging. But why should all the
dirty linen of the Army be washed in every news-
paper? I never knew such a leaky War Office."
" Or such a weak Commander-in-Chief," said
Sir George.
" I'm afraid," said the editor, " Rhodes was not
far wrong when he said our Society had gone
rotten at the top."
Is Man the Centre of the Universe?
Probably. By Alfred RosscI Wallace.
Are we going to come back to the old familiar
theory of the universe, according to which man was
the centre of all creation, the sun, the moon, and the
stars being the convenient street-lamps created for his
convenience? The discovery of the immensity of this
sidereal universe led to the belittling of the import-
ance of man. We seemed to become as insignificant as
cheesemites seated upon one of the minor planets in a
universe which contained one hundred million worlds.
"What is man that Thou art mindful of him?" was the
inquiry which gained in force with every improvement
of the telescope. As system after system was revealed,
each fresh discovery seemed to make more utterly un-
thinkable the old theory which had its expression in
the Book of Genesis. But now an article which Alfred
Russel Wallace contributes to the March number of
the "Fortnightly" gives us hope that our good conceit
of ourselves is about to be revived, and that we are
going to come back to the old faith by the very latest
and most approved scientific road. For if Dr. Wallace
is correct, there is a strong presumption that we are,
after all, the centre of the whole universe. He main-
tains that there is no reason to believe that the stars
are infinite in number. He says that the increased size
and power of the telescope, and that powerful engine
of research the photographic plate, alike lead to the
same conclusion— namely, that we are piercing to the
outer elements of the starry system. The total number
of visible stars from the first to the ninth magnitude
is about 200,000. If they increased in number on to
the seventeenth magnitude at the same rate that they
increased from the first to the ninth, there ought to
be 1,400,000,000 stars visible through the best telescope,
instead of which there are not more than 100,000,000.
As our instruments reach further and further into
space they find a continuous diminution in the number
of stars, thus indicating the approach of the outer ele-
ments of the stellar universe. If the universe is not
infinite, but has limits, where is its centre? He says
that the new astronomy has led to the conclusion that
our sun is one of the central orbs of a globular star
cluster, and that this star cluster occupies a nearly
centra,l position of the exact plane of the Milky Way.
Combining these two conclusions, Dr. Wallace states
definitely that our sun is thus shown to occupy a posi-
tion very near to, if not actually at the centre of, the
whole visible universe, and therefore in all proba-
bility is the centre of the whole material universe. This
conclusion, he maintains, has been arrived at gradually
and legitimately by means of a vast mass of precise
measurements and observation by wholly unprejudiced
workers. Not only are we the hub of the universe,
but Dr. Wallace thinks that there is grave reason to
doubt whether life could have originated and have
been developed upon any other planet. It was neces-
sary that for hundreds of millions of years the surface
temperature should never for any considerable time
fall below freezing point, or rise above boiling
point. None of the other planets appear to
possess this and other fundamental features which
have made life possible on the earth. Among
these features he maintains that the importance of vol-
canoes and deserts has never been properly appreciated.
Without volcanoes and without deserts we should not
have had tliat uninterrupted supply of atmospheric
dust without which the earth would have been un-
inhabitable by men. Our position, therefore, without
the solar system is as central and unique as that of
our sun in the whole starry universe. He sums up
his conclusions as follows:
" The three startling facts — that we are in the centre
of a cluster of suns, and that that cluster is situated
not only precisely in the plane of the Galaxy, but also
centrally in that plane, can hardly now be looked upon
as chance coincidences without any significance in
relation to the culminating fact that the planet so
situated has developed humanity.
" Of course, the relation here pointed out may be a
true relation of cause and effect, and yet have arisen
as the result of one in a thousand million chances oc-
curring during almost infinite time. But, on the other
hand, those thinkers may be right who, holding that
the universe is a manifestation of Mind, and that the
orderly development of Living Souls supplies an ade-
quate reason why such a universe should have been
called into existence, believe that we ourselves are its
sole and suflSicient result, and that nowhere else than
near the central position in the universe which we oc-
cupy could that result have been attained."
If Dr. Wallace be right, it is obvious what an im-
portant bearino: his conclusion will have upon the
whole field of theological thought.
Alcohol: Food or Poison ?
M. Dastre, in the second February number of the
" Revue des Deux Mondes," attacks this old, yet ever
new, problem. The subject is perhaps of more im-
mediate interest in France, where the spread of drink-
ing habits among all classes of the population, due in
part at least to the unfortunate system of practical
free trade in liquor, has excited the alarm of all
thoughtful minds. M. Dastre, at any rate, succeeds in
showing that the question whether alcohol is good or
bad, useful or injurious, is by no means capable of a
direct answer. Everything depends on the quantity
absorbed, the condition of the drinker, and the pro-
portion of pure alcohol contained in the liquor con-
sumed— indeed, M. Dastre shows us that alcohol can
be at one time a medicine, at another a poison, at
another a stimulant, and at another a food. We might
add the fact that on occasion it may be used to
produce depression! The extreme view of the teetotal-
ers is that alcohol is always a poison, and they deny
that it has any hygienic or alimentary value. This is,
of course, disputed by physiologists; but, unfortunately
for the theorists, it is found that the limit of dose
beyond which alcohol becomes a poison is in practice
almost always passed, and thus the abuse of this sub-
stance is continually sapping the intelligence, the
morality, and the character of humanity, and enor-
mously increasing the total volume of crime. M.
Dastre tells us that when the use of alcohol has become
a habit it degrades the organism instead of maintaining
it, so that there is really no place for alcohol in a
rational diet except in insignificant quantities.
Review of Reviews, 20/4/OS.
The German Emperor on the Bible.
Revelation and the Higher Criticism.
Dr. Harnack, the well-knoAvn German scholar, has
pubhshed in the " Preussischer Jahrbucher " for March
an article in which he criticises the Emperor's recent
remarkable manifesto on the subject of the bearing of
Higher Criticism on the authority of the Bible. In
order to understand Dr. Hamack's article it is neces-
sary to print the article which the German Emperor
caused to be published in the " Grenzboten," and to
preface the latter with a brief explanation as to hoAv
the controversy arose. Professor Delitzsch having re-
cently lectured before the Kaiser upon the result of
recent discoveries in the ruins of Babylon, took occa-
sion to express his own opinions as to the effect of
these discoveries upon the authority of the Bible narra-
tive. Professor Delitzsch merely stated the conclusions
which many scholars have arrived at as to the Baby-
lonian origin of what is popularly called the Mosaic
cosmogony and the laws of the Jews. According to
the literal interpretation of the Pentateuch these laws
were directly delivered to the Jews on Mount Sinai.
The discovery of ancient libraries in the ruins of Baby-
lon brought to light the fact that hundreds of years
before the law was delivered to Moses on Mount
Sinai similar laws had been reduced to writing on the
tablets which are now being unearthed from the buried
libraries of Babylon. The fact that the Emperor
listened to such a statement of the relation between
Babylon and the Bible created considerable ferment
among the orthodox in Germany. To allay this ex-
citement and to guide his people in the paths of
truth, the Emperor wrote and caused to be published
the following remarkable manifesto, in which he
solemnly reproves Professor Delitzsch, and lays down
his own Royal and Imperial theory of the manner of
Divine revelation.
The form of the Emperor's manifesto Avas a letter
addressed to Admiral Hollmann on February 15. It
appeared in the " Grenzboten," and was published in
translation in the " Times " of February 21.
We omit the opening passages, in which he explains
how he came to listen to Delitzsch's discourse, how
he regretted that Delitzsch, abandoning the note of
mere historian and Assyriologist, had indulged in
hypotheses very nebulous or daring. The theologian
Delitzsch, he says, ran away with the historian, and
fed him, among other things, to deny the divinity of
Christ, a matter in which his standpoint is diametric-
ally opposed to that of the Kaiser, who thinks it a
grave mistake to trace revelation to purely human
€lements. The Emperor then sums up his view of the
Higher Criticism, whose conclusions he evidently
thinks should be kept from the common people.
Spare the Pagodas of Terminology!
" What Mr. Delitzsch did was to upset many a
cherished conception or even mental picture (Gebilde)
with which these people link ideas that are sacred and
dear to them; he indubitably shook, if he did not re-
move, the foundations of their belief. That is an
achievement which only a mighty genius should venture
to attempt, but for which the mere study of Assyri-
ology is not enough to qualify anyone. Goethe has
dealt with this subject in a passage where he expressly
points out that people when they are dealing with a
large and general public ought to be careful not to de-
molish even ' pagodas of terminology/ The excellent
professor, in his zeal, rather forgot the principle that
it is really very important to make a careful distinc-
tion between what is appropriate to the place, the
public, etc., and what is not. As a theologian by pro-
fession he can state, in the form of theological trea-
tises, theses, hypotheses, and theories as well as con-
victions which it would not be proper to advance in a
popular lecture or book."
Revelation of Two Kinds. — No. 1: Continuous.
Proceeding to discuss the doctrine of the revelation
of God to man, the Kaiser says:
" I distinguish between two different kinds of reve-
lation— one continuous and to some extent historical,
and one purely religious, a preparation for the later ap-
pearance of the Messiah.
" With regard to the first kind of revelation I have
to say that there is to my mind not the slightest doubt
that God constantly and continually reveals Himself in
the human race, which is His own, and which He has
created. He has ' breathed His breath ' into man-
that is to say, He has given man a part of Himself, a
soul. He follows with fatherly love and interest the
development of the human race; in order to lead it and
to advance it further. He 'reveals' Himself, now in this
now in that great sage, whether it be priest or king,
whether it be among heathens, Jews, or Christians.
Hammurabi was one of these, and so were Moses, Abra-
ham, Homer, Charlemagne, Luther, Shakespeare,
Goethe, Kant, the Emperor William the Great. These
He has sought out, and of His grace judged them
worthy to perform in accordance with His will glorious
and imperishable achievements for their peoples, both
in the spiritual and in the physical sphere. How many
a time did my grandfather expressly and emphatically
maintain that he was only an instrument in the hand
of the Lord! The works of great spirits have been
bestowed by God upon the peoples in order that they
may model their development upon them and may con-,
tinue to feel their way through the confused labyrinth
and the unexplored pathways of their earthly lot. God
has certainly ' revealed ' Himself to divers persons in
divers ways corresponding to the position of a nation
and the standard of civilisation it has attained, and
He still does do so in our day. For just as we are
most overwhelmed by the grandeur an« might of the
glorious character of the creation when we contem-
plate it, and, as we contemplate, marvel at the great-
ness of God which it reveals, as surely may we recog-
nise with gratitude and admiration in everything really
great and glorious which an individual or a nation does,
the glory of the revelation of God. He thus acts
directly upon us and among us.
No. 2. — Religious, Culminating in Christ.
" The second kind of revelation, the more strictly re-
ligious, is that which leads up to the appearance of our
Lord. From Abraham onwards it is introduced slowly,
but with prescient vision, infinite wisdom, and infinite
knowledge, or else mankind would have been lost. And
now begins that most marvellous operation, the revela-
tion of God. The seed of Abraham and the nation de-
veloped therefrom regarded with iron consistency the
belief in one God as their holiest possession. They
were obliged to cherish and foster it. They were dis-
integrated during the captivity in Egypt; Moses welded
together the separate fragments for the second time,
and they always persisted in their endeavour to pre-
serve their ' monotheism.' It is the direct interven-
tion of God which makes it possible for this people to
emerge once more. And so the process continues
April 20, 1903.
through the centuries until the Messiah, foretold and
announced by prophets and psalmists, at last appears.
This was the greatest revelation of God in the world.
For He appeared in the Son Himself; Christ is God;
God in human form. He delivered us; He inspires
us; He attracts us to follow Him; we feel His fire
burn in us, His compassion strengthen us, His dis-
pleasure destroy us; though, at the same time, we feel
that His intercession rescues us. Assured of victory,
relying on His word alone, we endure labour, scorn,
wretchedness, distress, and death; for we have in Him
the revealed word of God, and God never lies.
The Old Testament and Its Defects.
" That is my view upon this question. For us Evan-
gelicals in particular the word has through Luther
become our all, and as a good theologian Delitzsch
ought not to forget that our great Luther has taught
us to sing and to believe, * the word they must allow
to stand!' It is to me self-evident that the Old
Testament contains a number of passages which are
of the nature of purely human history and are not
* God's revealed word.' There are purely historical
descriptions of events of every kind which are accom-
plished in the political, religious, moral, and spiritual
life of the people of Israel. For example, the act of
the giving of the law on Mount Sinai can only sym-
bolically be regarded as inspired by God, inasmuch as
Moses was obliged to resort to the revival of laws
which perhaps had long been known (possibly they
originated in the codex of Hammurabi) in order to
draw and bind together the structure of his people,
which in its composition was loose and hardly capable
of offering any resistance to outside pressure. The
historian may be able by aid of the sense or the words
of the text to establish at this point a connection with
the laws of Hammurabi, the friend of Abraham, and
the link would perhaps be logically correct; but this
would never invalidate the fact that God prompted
Moses and to this extent revealed Himself to the people
of Israel."
The Kaiser's Credo.
" The conclusion which I draw from the whole mat-
ter is as follows:
" (a) I believe in one God, Who is one in substance.
(Ich glaube an einen, einigen Gott.)
" (b) In order to set God forth we men require a
form, especially for our children.
" (c) This form has hitherto been the Old Testament
as at present handed down to us. This form will cer-
tainly undergo considerable alterations under the in-
fluence of research and of inscriptions. That does not
matter, and another thing which does not matter is
that much of the nimbus of the chosen people will dis-
appear. The kernel and the contents will always re-
main the same— God and His dealings.
"Religion Avas never a product of science; it is an
effluence of the heart and being of man arising from
his relations with God.
" With cordial thanks and kindest regards always,
your faithful friend, " William I.R."
As might have been expected, this remarkable de-
claration of faith met with considerable criticism in
Germany, and Dr. Harnack himself felt called upon to
deliver himself of the article from which the follow-
ing are the salient passages:
Professor Harnack's article in the March number of
the " Jahrbucher " was translated in lengthy summary
in the " Times " of February 26. Dr. Harnack re-
marks that " the Babylonian origin of many of the-
* myths and legends of the Old Testament ' has long^
been recognised, and that in the general opinion of
scholars * this fact has been recognised as fatal to the
popular conception of the inspiration of the Old Testa-
ment.' "
It is, however, going much too tar to say that on
this account the Old Testament has now become worth-
less. But the traditional forms in which the Old
Testament has been authoritatively handed down to u»
are urgently in need of alteration.
The Unity of Revelation.
Professor Harnack expresses his agreement with the
Emperor when he asserts that the revelations of God
to mankind are persons, and above all great men, whose
individuality and power constitute their secret, but he
rejects his theory of two Revelations. He says:
" There can be no question of two (separate) revela-
tions, for surely religion, moral power, and intellectual
knowledge are most closely connected. There is, on
the contrary, only one revelation, the instruments of
which doubtless differed from each other and continue
to differ altogether in respect of their character and
their greatness, their calling, and their mission. If
Jesus Christ loses nothing of His peculiar character
and His unique position when He is placed in the line
of Moses, Isaiah, and the Psalmists, He likewise suffers
no loss when we regard Him in the line of Socrates, of
Plato, and of those others who are mentioned in the
Emperor's letter. The religious contemplation of his-
tory can only, in fine, attain unity when it delivers and
raises to the position of children of God mankind,
whom God leads forth out of the state of nature and
emancipates from error and from sin. This is with-
out prejudice to the view that the history of God in
Israel represents the specific line in ancient times.
The Distinction or the Divinity of Christ?
" The Christian community must reject every esti-
mate of Christ which obliterates the distinction be-
tween Him and the other masters. He Himself, His
disciples, and the history of the world, have spoken
in such clear terms on this point, that there ought to
be no room for doubt; and in His word He still speaks
to us as clearly as in the days of old He spoke to His
disciples. Yet the question may and must be raised
whether the rigid formula, * the Divinity of Christ,' is
the right one. He Himself did not employ it; He
selected other designations; and whether it was ever
adopted by any of His disciples is, to say the least,
very doubtful. Nay, the early Church itself did not
speak of the ' Divinity of Christ ' without qualification ;
it always spoke of His ' Divinity and humanity.' ' God-
manhood ' is, therefore, the only correct formula, even
in the sense of the ancient dogma. This formula im-
plies the almost complete restoration of the * mystery '
which, in accordance with the will of Christ Himself,
was meant to be preserved in this question. Of the
truth that He is the Lord and the Saviour He made no
secret; and that He is so was to be experienced and
realised by His disciples in His word and His works.
But how His relationship to His Father arose, this H«
kept to Himself and has hidden it from us.
" God Was in Christ."
" According to my reading of history and my own
feeling, even the formula 'Man and God' (Godman-
hood) is not absolutely unexceptionable, for even thia
formula trespasses upon a mystery into which we are
not allowed to look. Nevertheless, this formula may
Review of Revincs, 20/^/03.
well remain, since it really does not profess to explain
anything, but only protects what is extraordinary from
profanation. The Pauline phrase, ' God was in Christ,'
appears to me to be the last word which we can utter
on this subject after having slowly and painfully
emancipated ourselves from the delusion of ancient
philosophers that we could penetrate the mysteries of
God and nature, of humanity and history.
A Vision of Reunited Christendom.
" * If ye love Me keep My commandments ' ; ' thereby
shall every one know that ye are My disciples if ye love
one another'— it is more important to meditate on
these words and to live in accordance with them than
to put into formulae what is incomprehensible and
venerable. And, moreover, the time will come and is
already approaching when Evangelical Christians will
join hands in all sincerity in confessing Jesus Christ as
their Lord and in the determination to follow His
words; and our Catholic brethren will then have to do
likewise. The burden of a long history, full of mis-
understandings and replete with formulae which are as
rigid as swords, the burden of tears and of blood,
weighs upon us; yet in that burden there is vouchsafed
us a sacred inheritance. The burden and the inheritance
seem to be inextricably linked together, but they are
gradually being severed, although the final 'let there
be ' {sic) has not yet been uttered over this chaos.
Straightforwardness and courage, sincerity towards one-
self, freedom and love — these are the levers which will
remove the burden. In the service of this exalted
mission the Emperor's letter is also enlisted."
The Many Kaisers.
There is an article by " Scrutator " in the March
" National Review," which, though decidedly anti-
German, nevertheless expresses a great deal of truth as
to the real character of the Kaiser Wilhelra II.
" Scrutator " regards the Kaiser as a psychological
study, and sees the explanation of his vagaries in his
" multiplex personality," the symptom of which is that
the individual affected pursues contrasted courses at
one and the same time. There is something protean
and extraordinary in the Kaiser's temperament, and
just as he is— in external dress— private individual,
hussar, British admiral, the wearer of a dozen uniforms
all on the same day, so he is mentally the friend and
enemy of everything at the same time.
The Pro-anti-British Kaiser.
The Kaiser, " Scrutator " points out, has always been
pro-British and anti-British. The anti-British Kaiser
sent the Kruger telegram, and when the war broke out
hinted at Hamburg that if the German fleet had been
ready there would have been intervention. The pro-
British Kaiser abandoned the Boers, and sent money
to the Indian Famine Fund, with the remark that
" blood was thicker than water." The anti-American
Kaiser dreads the nightmare strength of the United
States; he risks a rupture at Manila; the pro- American
Kaiser sends his brother Prince Henry to flatter and
coax the American people. In his relations with
France and Holland there has been a pro- and an anti-
" But the pro-British, the anti-British, the pro-
American, the anti-American, the pro-Russian, the anti-
Russian, the pro-French, and the anti-French Kaisers
do not exhaust the catalogue. There is the Christian
Kaiser who declared that * the foundations of the Em-
pire are laid in the fear of God '; that * whosoever does
not base his life upon faith is lost ' ; that * only good
Christians can be good soldiers '; who preaches sermons
on board the Imperial yacht; who has conferred upon
the Almighty the distinction of being the special ally
of Germany, in words which certainly astonish the
reverent world, and who has graciously beatified the
old Kaiser Wilhelm and Frederick the Great. Side by
side with this Kaiser stands the ruler who directed his
troops, when embarking for China, to give no quarter,
to kill all they met.
" Time and space fail us to exhibit side by side the
Socialist Kaiser and the Kaiser who punishes strikes
with penal servitude, instructing his soldiers that they
must be ready to fire on their own kinsmen at his be-
hest; the poet Kaiser, author of the quaint ode to
Aegir; the dramatist Kaiser, the terrible volubility of
whose letters and telegrams drove his collaborator,
Signor Leoncavallo, into the mountains of Italy, where
he might at least have rest from these messages; the
theatre-critic Kaiser; the artist Kaiser, who draws
everything, from pictures of the armed Michael to dia-
grams of battleships; who produces a perfect shower of
memorial cards, postcards, paintings; who dictates the
rules of their profession to German artists; who is,
in a word, omniscient and omnipotent, but whose works
must not be criticised under penalty of lese majeste;
the crusader Kaiser, who made a pilgrimage to Jerusa-
lem, and, while speaking in that thrice holy spot of his
devotion to the sendee of the Redeemer's cause, at the
same time complimented the Sultan, though that poten-
tate's hands were then red with the blood of the
Armenians, and avowed friendship with him; the abso-
lutist Kaiser, who has written "Sic volo, sic jubeo, regis
suprema voluntas,' and who has said * There is one law
only, and that is my will'; the soldier Kaiser, who
turns out garrisons, rehearses manoeuvres, and com-
mands the most formidable army the world has ever
seen; the sailor Kaiser, who knows every detail of hia
fleet and who is persistently pressing for its increase,
who dismisses admirals, captains, and lieutenants where
they fall below the standard which he sets, and who
orders Venezuelan bombardments, ' pour embeter les
etats Unis.'
" But the real puzzle has yet to be solved. Which
of all these twenty odd Kaisers is the real one? That,,
perhaps, the history of the next few years may reveal. "^
Anti-British De^i^ns.
Mr. 0. Eltzbacher comes out with a strong anti-Ger-
man blast in the March " Fortnightly Review." "Ger-
man Colonial Ambitions and Anglo-Saxon Interests "
is the title of his paper, but it is in reality nothing but
an attack upon Germany, of the type to which we have
lately been so accustomed. German hatred, says Mr.
Eltzbacher, dates back fifty years, when the Germans
began to look for colonies and found that we had got
them all. The recent anti-British outburst was not a
spontaneous movement of irresponsible public opinion,
but an agitation which was kindled, fanned, and in-
furiated so that at last it got quite beyond controL
The movement emanated from the Government an 4.
those near it, and was assisted by the intellectual
leaders of the nation at the universities.
Official and unofficial Germans are now considering
the question whether it is possible to wrest suitable
territory from Great Britain and America. They re-
gard Great Britain as a senile nation which is declin-
ing, and the United States as a young and vigorous
nation whose political future and military potentialities,
seem unlimited— unless, indeed, their progress be su*-
April 20, 190^.
rested by force. The Germans wish to tackle Great
Britain, the weaker body, first; and German funds
have been lavishly spent in America in order to create
bad blood between Great Britain and the United
Germany is completing her plans by touting for
French support. M. Lockroy, thrice French Minister
of Marine, during a recent visit to Germany, was al-
lowed to inspect the German fleet and dockyards, even
to the smallest details. In order to make invasion
easier, she has made official and semi-official attempts
Avithout number to entice or coerce Holland into a
closer union with the Fatherland.
The Irish Land Problem^
Mr. H. W. Nevinson contributes to the March "Con-
temporary Review " a paper on the Irish Land Settle-
ment, entitled " The Chance in Ireland," in which he
sets out the exact manner in which the agreement be-
tween the two parties will work, provided the Govern-
ment comes to their aid as expected:
" Deduct 10 per cent, for his estimated cost of collec-
tion at present, and he must receive a sum which will
seinire him £9 a year if invested at 3 per cent., or at
3J per cent, if guaranteed by the State. That is to
say, he must receive £300 or £277 as the case may be;
in other words, in round figures, he must receive thirty-
three years' purchase of £9 in one case and thirty
years' purchase in the other; or if his gross income of
£10 be taken as a basis, he receives thirty years' pur-
chase in the one case and twenty-eight in the other.
Anyhow, the landlord comes off well. Probably there
is not an estate in Ireland that would fetch thirty
years' purchase in the open market. The Congested
Districts Board gave sixteen years' purchase for the
Dillon estates. The ruling price lately has been a
little under eighteen years.
" The tenant's position under the example given is,
unhappily, clear only on one point. He now pays £10
as his second-term rent, and as he is to obtain from 15
to 25 per cent, reduction on that, we may put his pay-
ment at £8 a year, that £8 being made up of interest
and sinking fund."
A Landlord's Suggestions.
" A Landlord " contributes to the " National Re-
view " a paper entitled " A Final Irish Land Measure."
He maintains that the first principle upon which any
new Land Bill, not avowedly compulsory, should be
based is the conversion of judicial rents into perpetui-
ties. All rents fixed since the Act of 1896 should be
converted into perpetuities. In future, if the present
system should continue, rents will, other conditions re-
maining the same, be fixed solely with regard to prices.
" A Landlord " regards as the second important
principle that a tenant purchasing under the new Act
shall pay, at any rate for the first ten years, an annuity
equivalent to the rent which is purchased. Any pur-
chase measure founded upon these two principles need
not make any further demands upon public credit than
those to which it is pledged under the existing lar.<^
In the " Strand Magazine " Frank Broaaoent writes
very entertainingly upon " The Flight of a Golf Ball,"
as studied in a course of experiments conducted by
Mr. Harry Smith and himself. A series of photo-
graphs does much to explain the letterpress.
" From Out of the Mist of HeU."
Pictures from Macedonia.
In the " Contemporary Review " Dr. Dillon writes of
the Macedonian atrocities and the futility of Turkish
reforms. He describes scenes which, as he truly says,
come to us " like deadly visions from out the plague-
polluted mist of hell."
I.— By Dr. E. J. Dillon.
He ridicules the idea that the Sultan will execute any
of the reforms recommended in the Austro-Russian
" All these reforms — with the exception of the ad-
ministration of the provinces by the Ottoman Bank —
have over and over again been decided upon and an-
nounced by the Sultan, but they have always remained
on paper."
The Turk, while promising to carry out reforms, is
preparing to fight:
" The best Turkish generals have been appointed to
the chief strategic positions in the country; All Riza
Pasha — who served for several years in the Prussian
Army, and will probably be commander-in-chief in the
future war — is at the head of the province of Monastir
and Mehmed Hafiz in Uskub."
What is Going On in Macedonia To-day.
Dr. Dillon quotes from the reports of Madame Bakh-
metieff, the American wife of the Russian Consul at
Sofia, and from the official report of M. Westman, Rus-
sian Vice-Consul at Philippopolis, details of atrocities
enough to make the blood run cold. He says that one-
third of the male population of one of the best behaved
districts in Macedonia has been compelled to fly the
" The Russian Vice-Consul at Philippopolis, M. West-
man, crossed over into Macedonia in order to verify the
incredible statements of many of the fugitives, and the
startling results of his investigations were sent to the
Foreign Office in St. Petersburg. Among other in-
teresting facts he tTiere informs his Government that a
belt of territory thirty versts broad, running parallel
to the frontier, typifies the abomination of desolation:
the churches have been defiled and the villages partly
burned to the ground, while the inhabitants have fled
no one knows whither.
" M. Westman declares that he saw women who had
run away to save their honour and their lives, and were
huddled together in mountain fastnesses where the snow
lay several feet deep, and the wretched creatures were
in an almost naked state. Some of them, he adds, had
trudged along on foot, floundering in the snows for
twenty consecutive days with no shred of clothing but
their chemises. Forty of the women who reached
Dubnitsa and who were cared for by Madame Bakhme-
tieff, were about to become mothers. Most of these
misery-stricken women and men were almost naked,
wasted to skeletons, with dull, sunken eyes and pinched
cheeks. Several were mutilated or disfigured, and the
livid welts, the open wounds, the horrible marks of the
red-hot pincers with which they had been tortured
were witnessed by all.
How the Turks Torture Women and Children.
" One of the women in Dubnitsa, who seemed more
dead than alive, was asked by the kind-hearted lady
why she looked so utterly crushed in spirit, now that
the danger had passed, and life, at any rate, was safe.
Amid tears and sighs and convulsive shiverings of the
body the poor creature told the sickening story of how
Review of Reviews, 20/^/03.
her brother had had his head cut off before her eyes,
after which she had to stand by while the ruffians
chopped up his body into fragments. Several wit-
nessed the agony of their tender daughters— children
from ten to thirteen— and heard their piercing cries as
the men who wore the Sultan's coat subjected them to
nameless violence. Numbers of the children suc-
cumbed to these diabolical assaults, their last looks
being turned on their helpless parents or their smoking
homes. In one place two children— one aged eighteen
months, the other four years— had their skulls split
open by the soldiers. Other little boys and girls were
deliberately and methodically tortured to death, while
a place was assigned to their fathers and mothers where
they were forced to listen to the agonising screams,
and watch the contractions of the tender bodies each
time that the once pretty faces were slowly lowered into
the fire, into which Turkish pepper had been plenti-
fully scattered. This is in truth a form of torture
wliich only a devil could have invented, for long before
death releases the tiny mite, the eyes are said to start
from their sockets and burst.
The Evidence of an American Lady.
" We have the authority of Madame Bakhmetieff—
who travelled about in deep snow with the thermometer
at 22 Celsius below freezing point, to bring succour to
the fugitives— for saying that two priests of the villages
of Oranoff and Padesh were tortured in a manner
which suggests the story of St. Lawrence's death. They
were not exactly laid on gridirons, but they were hung
over a fire and burned with red hot irons. In the
village of Batshoff, thirty-two peasants were beaten al-
most to death in the presence of the district chief
(Kaimakam) of Mehomia. In the village of Dobro-
nishtshe, the superintendent of the police, Eyoob
Eflfendi, violated three little girls whose names have
been taken by Madame Bakhmetieff. In Dobronitsky
the soldiers stripped thirty women to the waist, while
the head of the police was standing by, and having sub-
jected them to various indignities, led them in that
plight through the streets. A sub-lieutenant, Ali
Effendi by name, ravished three women m GodlyefF.
Reshid Bey, a captain, deflowered a girl in Nedobinsk,
and then violated the daughter-in-law of the parish
priest of Dobronishtshe."
Lord Beaconsfield's " Peace with Honour " is costing
these poor girls dear.
XL — By an Anti-Btdgarian.
In the " Nineteenth Century " Mr. G. F. Abbott
writes on Macedonia and the Revolutionary Commit-
tees. His article is chiefly valuable because it con-
tains a translation of the rules and regulations which
govern these revolutionary bands. Mr. Abbott makes
the most, or the worst, of the case against the Mace-
donians. He says:
" Macedonians as a distinct and homogeneous ethnic
group do not exist. What actually exist are a Greek
population in the south of the province, a Slavonic
population in the north, a mixed and debatable con-
geries of nationalities and dialects in the middle, a few
Wallachs here and there, and Mohammedans sprinkled
everywhere. The whole thing strikes the traveller as
an ethnological experiment conceived by demons and
carried out by maniacs — not devoid of a mad sort of
humour. Add that the Slavs themselves do not al-
Vv'ays know whether they are Servians or Bulgarians,
and, if the latter, whether they are Schismatic or
Orthodox, or, if Schismatic, whether they wish to see
the country independent or part of the Bulgarian
Principality, and you have a fairly acciirate picture of
a state of things presented by no other part of the
globe of equal dimensions."
It is, perhaps, not to be wondered at that the revo-
lutionary organisation should be subject to splits and
" At the annual congress, held last August, the ad-
herents of Sarafoff refused to recognise MM. Michail-
ovski and Zontcheff as heads of the Committee, and on
being excluded from the sittings proceeded to form a
Committee of their own."
But although they differ on the question of annexa-
tion versus independence, they agree as to their modus
" Zontcheff and Sarafoff and their respective ad-
herents, however, believe that they can induce Europe
to intervene by provoking a massacre, and it is not at
all impossible that their calculations may prove correct.
The Porte is incapable of sustained and vigorous
The Committees raised their funds by blackmail en-
forced by murder, and he asserts that it was they who
kidnapped the American missionary Miss Stone:
" The Central Committee not long since issued pos-
tage stamps with the figure of Macedonia as a woman
in chains and the legend ' Supreme Macedonia Adrian-
opolis Committee.' These stamps were purchased by
patriots and used in addition to the ordinary stamps,
the proceeds of the sale going to feed the insurrection-
ary movement."
III.— By Sir Charles Johnston,
Sir Charles Johnston contributes to the " North
American Review " a very painful but vigorous paper,
describing the story of the last six months of the hor-
rors of Macedonia. Sir Charles Johnston asserts that
five-sixths of the inhabitants of Macedonia are Bul-
garians, which is certainly an over-estimate. He
rightly saddles England with the chief responsibility
for the present abominable state of things, and that it
was England aided by Austria which re-enslaved Mace-
donia in order to give Lord Beaconsfield the chance of
boasting that he had obtained " Peace with Honour "
at the Berlin Conference.
The presiding genius of the Macedonian committees,
he says, is Colonel Zontcheff, former officer of the Bul-
garian Army, an enthusiast "svith a zealous readiness for
martyrdom; he has been thrown into prison again and
again, but always emerges. The rallying centre of the
Macedonian insurrection is to be found in the Monas-
tery of Mount Athos. The chief buttress of Turkish
power is to be found in the eight hundred thousand
Mussulman Arnauts, who resemble our Highlanders of
two centuries ago. Before the end of last September
every Bulgarian village in the province of Monastir
rose in arms. The Arnauts raided both the Mace-
donians and the southern borders of Servia.
The leader of the Bulgarians in the field was Colonel
Jankoff, who had three thousand men directly under
his orders. The whole country was in a state of siege.
In the second week in October Colonel Jankoff issued
a proclamation declaring that the whole of Macedonia
was ablaze. He concluded by declaring that the free
Balkan peoples purchased their liberty at the cost of
streams of blood. " Let us follow their example; free-
dom is not bestowed as a gift, it must be won. We,
who join in the insurrection for human rights and the
life worth living, call upon you Christian people to en-
force your leaders to support our sacred rights. Know
April 20, igo^.
that we will not lay down our arms until we have ob-
tained the privileges which have been promised us, and
secured the freedom of Macedonia."
The Turks poured Asiatic tribes into Macedonia
through Salonika, and suppressed the insurrection by
sheer weight of numbers. When the snow fell hostili-
ties were suspended, but murders and outrages of all
kinds came on. In Uskub murder is such a common
occurrence that people have agreed not to speak of it;
the normal life of the city could not go on without it.
Sir Charles Johnston concludes his paper by saying that
the real cure lies in the liberation of Macedonia, and
the responsibility for that cure lies with the two
nations, Austria and England, who thrust once liber-
ated Macedonia back again under the iron heel of the
IV.— What is f^ttded.
The " National Review " for March contains a well-
written article, signed " Diabantos," on the subject of
Macedonian Reform. The writer maintains that the
following are the fundamental requirements of the
" Protection of the Christian against the Moslem,
without giving the Christian majority of two to one
the means of thereby obtaining the ascendency; pro-
tection of the peasantry of all races and religions
against the officials, without thereby unduly weaken-
ing the executive or reducing the revenues; protection
of the provincial administration against the Central
Government, without injuring the prestige or power of
the Empire."
"Diabantos" quotes Sir H. D. Wolff to the effect
that the only hope of Turkey lies in decentralisation;
and he points out that the Padishah was never so
powerful as when he was the head of a feudal State.
The railroad and telegraph, which put an end to the
relative independence of the provinces, put an end
also to their comparative prosperity. The writer
urges that the present administrative division of Mace-
donia into three vilayets should be retained, as it
breaks up the Bulgar majority of the population, and
balances the sections against the three rival races-
Serbs in Kossovo, Greeks in Monastir, and Turks in
Salonika. He says that the governors of these vilayets
should be subordinated to a Governor-General whose
appointment would be for a fixed term and should be
approved by a majority of the Powers.
The Future American.
The " Century " for March has three articles deal-
ing with the future population of the United States.
M. Gustave Michaud states the problem. According
to the last census, more than one-half of the white
population of the United States consists of immigrants
since 1835 and their descendants. What is now the
larger half is very prolific; the lesser half has a de-
creasing natality. With the immigrants, therefore,
lies the future of the United States.
Three Types of the WTiite Man.
The white race is divided by ethnographers into the
Baltic or Teutonic, the Alpine, and the Mediterranean
or Ligurian race. The Baltic race occupies Scandi-
navia, the British Isles and North Germany; the Al-
pine covers the plateau of Western Asia, the mountain
ranges of Asia Minor and Europe. The Baltic, like
the Mediterranean, have a long and narrow skull; they
are tall, have blue eyes, light hair, and a narrow nose.
They are enterprising, persevering and willing workers,
highly moral, fearless, orderly and cleanly. The Al-
pine skull is broad and short, the eyes grey, hair chest-
nut; they are mostly of smaller stature and of broader
girth. They are conservative, inartistic, meditative,
home-lovers, industrious, not eager to become rich, and
fond of simplicity. The Mediterranean have dark
eyes and hair, lesser stature, slender in body, are
highly emotional, less persevering, easily stirred to en-
thusiasm and easily discouraged, instinctively courteous,
lovers of art and rest and pleasure.
The Product of These Three Factors.
The Baltic almost exclusively peopled the United
States up till 1835. Between 1835 and 1890 the per-
centages of immigrants were: Baltic 87, Alpine 10,
Mediterranean 3; from 1890 to 1900: Baltic 53, Alpine
32, Mediterranean 15; from 1901 to 1902: Baltic 35,
Alpine 42, Mediterranean 23. The Baltic proportion
is thus steadily dwindling. The Alpine and Mediter-
ranean are in the ascendant. The vnriter, therefore,
infers a deep and manifold modification, but not a de-
terioration of the national character. Physical changes
will be the widening of the skull, the decrease of the"
stature and an increased number of the brunette type.
The mental changes will be the decline in enterprise
and " push," in the pursuit and display of Avealth,
greater love of abstract knowledge, and an addition to
the artistic temperament. The writer asks whether
artificial selection is possible, and, after a sneer at
military selection, which kills the fittest and leaves the
undersized, the humpback, and the idiot at home for
purposes of reproduction, suggests that the United
States should continue the selective process in regard
to immigrants— the physically unfit, the mentally less
capable, and the morally degraded should be excluded.
Professor F. H. Giddings is not alarmed by M. Mi-
chaud's forecast. English language and English law
will, he says, continue their sway, but the blend of
the three great white types will, he confidently antici-
pates, make a people strong and plastic, conservative,
and progressive. As precedent, he adduces the case
of the English people, which was created " by an as-
tonishing admixture of the three great racial varieties
of Europe."
Mr. J. A. Riis describes the process of selection re-
commended by M. Michaud as it is now carried out at
Ellis Island. He is quite confident that as long as the
schoolhouse stands over against the sweat-shop, clean ■
and bright as the flag that flies over it, we need have
no fear for the future.
In the March " Pearson's Magazine " are given four-
teen pages containing reproductions of the portraits
from the " Book of Beauty," together with some
of the contributions by eminent men and women which
accompany the portraits of fair women in the original
Herbert Vivian gives some descriptions, illustrated
by photographs, of " Brigands in Real Life," in the
March " Strand Magazine." From his account these
brigands, who inhabit the Balkan States, seem to have
many of the characteristics of the old English hero,
" Robin Hood," and to enjoy, as he did, th^ support of
the poor. To help the poor and rob the rich seems to
be the maxim in the Balkans as well as in Sherwood
Review of ReiHews, 20/i/OS.
The American Capture of the Orient
Mr. Harrington Emerson contributes an article to the
March " Engineering Magazine " in which he explains
how it has come about that America is securing the
trade of the Far East:
"A few years ago steamers no longer fit for the At-
lantic or Indian service were sent to the Pacific as
being quite good enough for all requirements. With
the exception of the ' Empresses/ built for the Cana-
dian Pacific Railroad, there was not, until the Spanish-
American war, a first-class steamer on the American
Pacific. Now, the largest steamers ever constructed in
American waters, and — ^with one exception, the * Ced-
ric ' — the largest steamers ever built, have been ordered
for the Pacific Ocean trade."
New York to San Francisco via Suez.
What has brought about this change? asks Mr.
Emerson, and answers his question as follows:
" Exports to the Orient must come from the eastern
■and southern States — railroad iron and other equipment,
mining machinery, tobacco and cotton — and for these
goods the usual railroad rate across the continent is
prohibitive, as it costs almost twice as much to send
boxed goods from New York to San Francisco as from
New York to London, and thence by steamer direct to
Puget Sound via the Suez Canal, the Straits, Hong
Kong and Yokohama. . . . Before there could be a,ny
hope of a large increase in Pacific coast exports and
imports the whole railroad situation had to be changed,
and this is what has happened."
The first railroads pushed to the Pacific were built
to enrich the promoters rather than to make money out
of the operation. It was not until Mr. James J. Hill
made and developed the Great Northern Railroad that
different methods were introduced. He built not for
the sake of bonds or subsidies, but for the immediate
and prospective traffic. He made his terminus at
Seattle, on Puget Sound, by far the best harbour on
the Pacific Coast. He formed an alliance with the
great Japanese line— the Nippon Yusen Kaisha, a line
in ocean tonnage ranking among the foremost in the
world— and began to divert a part of the tea and silk
trade from the Canadian Pacific and the " Empress
Line " to his own railroad.
A Great Combine.
At first he had to regard the other trans-continental
Knes as rivals, but
" with dramatic unexpectedness the Northern Securities
Company was formed, identifying these three roads
(the Northern Pacific, the Great Northern and the
Burlington), with the deliberate intention of diverting
the cotton exports, of the United States to Asia by way
of Atlantic and European ports to the ports of Puget
Sound. The temporary and apparent rivalry between
the combination of the northern and of the southern
roads was but an episode. It is not a question as to
whether Puget Sound ports shall not be favoured in
trans-continental rates compared to San Francisco, or
whether the Great Northern shall carry fruit from
Southern California to Chicago, but whether the un-
limited trade of Eastern Asia shall pass to Europe by
Pacific American steamers and American railroads, or
continue to go by way of the Suez Canal."
The New Steamers.
Mr. Hill then proceeded to build the largest ships in
the world. Mr. Emerson says:
" By building the largest ships in the world, even
though they run under the more expensive American
register, by filling the west-bound cars at a rate little
more than the cost of handling, Mr. Hill knows that he
can turn the export trade with Western Asia from its
300-year-old way past India to the direct Pacific sea
route past Alaska. Before these new ships were ordered
experts were sent to Scotland, Ireland and Germany, to
absorb all that could be learned of modern mammoth
shipbuilding; and to escape from all hampering tra-
ditions of the past, an entirely new company, the
Eastern Shipbuilding Company, was formed to con-
struct them, and took the contract before even the site
was purchased on which the new yards were to be es-
These steamers are 630 feet long, 73 feet wide, with
a displacement of 37,000 tons. Each steamer can carry
1,200 troops, and the cargo capacity exceeds 20,000 tons.
Some of the hatches are large enough to admit a com-
plete locomotive. Horse power of 11,000 will maintain
a speed of 14 knots.
To Capture the Australasian Trade.
There is little doubt that the whole of the trade be-
tween the Eastern States and the Orient will now go
by these new lines of steamers running in connection
with the great trans-continental railways, instead of
going, as now, via Europe and Suez. Nor is this all:
" The Nortnern railroads have quoted a rate of 8 dols.
a ton for the transport of Government supplies from
Chicago to the Philippine Islands. Return rates have
been quoted on move from Australia and New Zealand
which make it probable that the imports from British
Australasia to Boston, New York and Philadelphia will
come by the Pacific overland route instead of through
Canada versus United* States.
The Canadian railroads, however, will offer serious
" From an American point of view there is one
shadow in this bright light of future American supre-
macy on the Pacific, and that is the rivalry of the Ca-
nadian roads to the north. One of these already in full
operation, the Canadian Pacific, runs from ocean to
ocean. The other, the Grand Trunk, is now building
to Port Simpson, the most northern seaport in British
Columbia. Both these roads command rich wheat
belts; both of them tap exceedingly rich and very good
coalfields; both of them as they approach the Pacific
Coast pass through timber lands of the same general
character as the heavy forests of Washington and Ore-
gon. The Grand Trunk will have six advantages over
all its American competitors. It will stretch from At-
lantic to Pacific under one management, and can make
its own through rates, while none of the American roads
extends further than Chicago, and it will further con-
trol ocean steamer connections at both ends; it will be
the latest built road, with latest and most consistent
equipment; its Pacific terminus. Port Simpson, a mag-
nificent harbour on the Alaskan border, is nearer by
500 miles to Asia than is Puget Sound or Vancouver,
yet the road itself is as short as any other trans-conti-
nental line; it escapesentirely the climb and heavy
grades over the Rocky Mountains, which do not extend
as far north as its line; its wheat belt extends from
Manitoba unbrokenly to a region that is west of Van-
April 20, 1903.
couver, a gain in local agricultural lands of nearly 1,000
miles over the American lines; and it will, by the lo-
cation of its terminus, monopolise the whole of the
enormous and rapidly growing Alaskan traffic."
Mr. Emerson concludes his valuable article as fol-
"The heavy capitalisation and the merger of the
northern roads will in the end prove advantageous, not
only to them, but in far greater degree to all the
people of the United States, as it will necessitate the
development of every local resource, and also bring
about a diversion of the world's Oriental trade from the
Atlantic to the Pacific, from European to American
control, and thus quicken into being a thousand indus-
tries not yet conceived."
An Armless Artist.
In the March number of the " Magazine of Art "
there is a short article on Mr. Bartram Hiles, the arm-
less artist:
" Mr. Hiles, says the writer, nourished the desire to
become an artist from his early childhoood, a desire
strengthened by a natural gift for drawing. At eight
years of age, however, he was deprived of both his arms
in a tramcar accident at Bristol, a catastrophe suffi-
cient to crush the strongest desires and ruin the hopes
of any man. But recovery from the shock brought
back the aspirations of the child, and far from aban-
doning his intention, Mr. Hiles decided to fulfil it by
learning to draw with the mouth. Two years of effort
enabled Mr. Hiles to write by this means with free-
dom, and to draw so well that he obtained a first-class
certificate for second grade freehand. In six years
from the date of the accident he had acquired such
facility in this extraordinary method of work that he
could accomplish with ease most things that we do with
our hands. He attended the art classes at the Merchant
Venturers' Technical College at Bristol, at which he
passed successfully in all the examinations, including
that for modelling. A course of study in landscape
painting — in which he received valuable help from Mr.
E. Matthew Hale, R.W.S. — enabled him at sixteen years
of age to paint a landscape sufficiently well to find its
place on the walls of the Bristol Academy of Fine Arts,
and even to find a purchaser. A National Scholarship
of a hundred guineas brought him to London, and dur-
ing his two years' attendance at the Royal College of
Art his trophies included one silver and two bronze
medals. A visit to Paris completed his studies, and his
subsequent work included a series of wall-paper de-
signs, ' one-man ' exhibitions of water colour drawings
in Bristol and London.
" Some of the water colours were acquired by Queen
Victoria, and Her Majesty Queen Alexandra, Mr. Wal-
ter Crane, and other collectors and connoisseurs, when
we drew attention to the plucky young artist a few
years ago. Mr. Hiles has been content to have his
work judged on its merits, without asking any allow-
ance on his handicap, and in this manner has exhibited
at the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours,
the Royal Society of British Artists, the Dudley Gal-
lery, and elsewhere.
" Much of his landscape work has been produced
under the influence of the late E. M. Wimperis, but it
is not without individuality. His method of work is
to make quick studies from Nature, either in pen and
ink or sepia, for the scene and the effects of light and
shade, and from them to paint his picture.
"As a rule his landscapes are small in size, but he
has painted some as large as 4 feet by 2 feet. There is
no hesitancy in the work, little weakness to betray the
fact that it is produced in an abnormal manner; it is
only when the facts are known that wonder is aroused,
and we acknowledge admiration for the man who ha«
so bravely conquered adversity.
" In his designs for wall-papers, cretonnes and tapes-
tries— so well has he trained his tongue and lips to
fulfil some of the purposes of his lost limbs— there is
the same unfaltering firmness of line and freedom of
touch that prevail in successful designs produced by
artists who work in the ordinary manner. His record
is surprising and extraordinary, and reveals a strength
of character almost unique in the annals of art."
Cardinal Rampolla: the Next Pope?
In the " Nouvelle Revue " is a striking article oq
Cardinal Rampolla, whom many thoughtful observers
of Papal politics regard as the next Pope. Alone
among the twenty Cardinals who habitually live in
Rome, Prince Rampolla is a living force in the govern-
ment of the Roman Catholic Church, and he is openly
called by his enemies as well as by his friends " The
Vice-Pope." Further, and this is perhaps more signi-
ficant, among the Roman populace he is simply known
as " The Cardinal."
Cardinal Rampolla is, from the ecclesiastical point of
view, still young — that is to say, he is on the right side
of sixty, for he was born on August 27, 1843. He be-
longs to one of the oldest of Italian patrician families^
and seems to have made up his mind to become a priest
when still quite a child. A mere accident caused him
to be entered at the Vatican Seminary, where his re-
markable intelligence caused him to be early noted as
one destined for preferment; he took orders at twenty-
three, and shortly after Pius IX. made him a Canon of
St. Peter's. By the time Rampolla was thirty he had
entered diplomacy, and was attached to the Spanish
Nunciature. The Spanish Papal Nuncio was Simonei,
and a short absence made by him gave Rampolla his
chance, for just then Spain was being torn in two by
the Carlist war, and the young Italian priest played his
difficult part between the tv^o parties with extraordi-
nary intelligence and astuteness. This brought him to
the notice of another great Papal diplomat, the present
Pope, and it was thanks to his efforts that Rampolla
was finally made Papal Nuncio at Madrid, and together
the then new Pope and Rampolla managed the diffi-
cult arbitration case concerning the Caroline Islands.
Shortly after this episode Leo XIII, sent for his young;
coadjutor to Rome, where he has now been the Papal
Secretary of State for fifteen years.
The fact that Cardinal Rampolla has kept his great
position so long is perhaps the most remarkable proof
of his marvellous ability; the more so that the aged
Pope — now ninety-three years of age — is, of course, sur-
rounded by many who would ardently desire to wield
the immense power which has necessarily fallen into
the hands of the " Vice-Pope."
Cardinal Rampolla is tall, slight and dark, full of
energy, and blessed with the charming manners and
high-bred courtesy which seems to be the birthright
of great Italian patricians. His suite of apartments
is situated on the third floor of the Vatican, above
those of the venerable Leo XIIL, and both suites
command a marvellous view over the Eternal City.
Review of Reviews^ 20/4/03.
The Cardinal rises at daybreak, and after having said
mass in his private chapel he reads over his private
letters, and then sends for his secretary, who submits
to him the innumerable despatches and documents
which have to be shown to the Pope. Then comes
breakfast, after which the Cardinal takes a brief rest,
followed by his daily audience with the Pope. Then
follows perhaps the most fatiguing duty of the day —
that of the reception of visitors, who belong to all
classes and to all countries, and who are generally re-
ceived by his Eminence in his study. Like an Ameri-
can editor. Cardinal Rampolla is the servant of all
men; it is not necessary to make an appointment in
order to see him, but twice a week, on Tuesdays and
on Fridays, his doors are only opened to the Diplo-
matic Corps. At one o'clock he has his lunch.
As to the Cardinal's political views, they are known
to be, at any rate outwardly, of the most anti-Quirinal
order. In this he is quite unlike the late Cardinal
Parocchi, who was most desirous of seeing a reconcilia-
tion effected between the Vatican and the reigning
house of Savoy. Cardinal Rampolla is believed to be
the determined enemy of the Triple Alliance, because
the latter guarantees the possession of Rome to the
King of Italy. As regards social questions the Cardi-
nal is said to be an opportunist, but on the whole
he has shown himself the champion of Christian
At the present moment his Eminence is giving a
great deal of thought to the Higher Biblical Criticism,
and it is by his advice that the Pope lately named a
commission, whose difficult duty it is to go into the
whole question of the Scriptures.
At the end of his most remarkable article M.
Raqueni gives a hint of what will probably come to
pass — namely, that Cardinal Rampolla will not be the
next Pope, but the Pope after next; indeed, it is prob-
able that Leo XIII.'s actual successor will be the
humble and godly Cardinal Gotti, an aged churchman
who has been a student rather than a diplomat.
Mr. Balfour at Whittingchame.
Mr. Robert Machray contributes to the March
number of the " Pall Mall Magazine " an interesting
illustrated paper on " The Prime Minister at Whittinge-
hame." Mr. Balfour was born at Whittingehame on
July 25, 1848, he being only the third of his line.
The builder of Whittingehame was his grandfather,
James Balfour, who made a large fortune as a con-
tractor in India. But the Balfours came of good
family, the successful contractor being second son of
the Balfour of Balbirnie of that day.
Of the environs of Mr. Balfour's home Mr. Machray
" It is from the parapet of the old feudal tower of
the Douglases that the best view of Whittingehame
House, the estate and the surrounding country can be
obtained. Seen from this coign of vantage the pros-
pect is delightful, beautiful, enchanting; there is no-
thing severe, nothing savage, nothing on a very grand
or terrific scale — * here is no frowning majesty of
nature.' For the most part, the landscape, if one may
so speak of it, comes down in a succession of lowering
ridges from the Lammermuir Hills to the sea, with
everywhere trees and cultivated fields and wide-spread-
ing pastures. Whittingehame House itself stands on
one of these ridges, the old keep on another; between
them is a lovely glen, through which there flows a
sparKling trout stream."
From the top of the tower you can catch glimpses
of the Firth of Forth and the historic Bass Rock. The
house itself was built in 1818 from the designs of
Smirke, who built the Royal Exchange:
" The edifice is of light grey sandstone, similar to
that of which a gi-eat part of the new town of Edin-
burgh is constructed, and still retains its original purity
of colour. But the house can^ hardly be described as
beautiful or exceptionally interesting from an archi-
tectural point of view. It does convey, however, an
effect of spaciousness combined with solidity. Its
eastern front is Grecian in style; its western is not on
classic * lines,' but is perhaps more pleasing than the
The house, says Mr. Machray, is not beautiful, but
it stands in the midst of grounds which are particu-
larly beautiful, and its gardens have long been famous
in the county:
" To come to the interior of Whittingehame House.
There is no great hall, with the usual decorations of
armour and weapons and trophies of the chase; but
there is, running the length of the building, a fine long,
high-ceiled corridor, with pillared archways at inter-
vals, the general effect of which is delightful. On the
west side of the corridor are Miss Alice Balfour's bou-
doir, the drawing-room, the music-room, and the li-
brary; on the east side, Mr. Balfour's study, the bil-
liard-room, the dining-room, and the smoking-room.
Most of the public rooms are large, square or right-
angled, with lofty ceilings, and the principal tone of
colour on the walls is for the most part yellow or yel-
lowish, which, combined with the great height of the
windows, renders all these rooms very bright and
cheerful. The paintings and other pictures are mostly
modern, consisting mainly of family portraits. The
library is the largest room in the house — it is a really
noble room, light and spacious. Its walls, from floor
to ceiling, are lined with books — books of all sorts, but
the majority are books of the kind which make books
a substantial world. The frivolous book will be found
to have been relegated to the smoking-room — and Mr.
Balfour does not smoke. The library is the room in the
house which is perhaps most used; but it is certainly
not used for purposes of study only, for on one of the
tables are to be seen boxes of children's games and
packs of picture playing cards and the like, all for the
delectation of Mr. Balfour's nephews and nieces, who
are often at Whittingehame, and with whom and to
whom he is Prime Minister in quite a special sense."
Mr. Balfour's study, says Mr. Machray, is character-
istic of the man. It is dedicated to his favourite
literature, his favourite art and his favourite sport.
It is full of books, for Mr. Balfour has said, " I am
never tempted to regret that Gutenberg was born."
Within easy reach of Mr. Balfour's hand is a shelf on
which is a fine edition of Rudyard Kipling, above
which is another fine edition of R. L. Stevenson. Mr.
Balfour's favourite art is music, and the next most
prominent object in his study is a grand piano, to
which is attached a pianola. " Music is the most
democratic of the arts," said Mr. Balfour. Finally, in
Mr. Balfour's study are two stands of golf clubs. Golf
is played in the grounds of Whittingehame; but not by
Mr. Balfoui-, who goes over to North Berwick and
puts up at a private hotel there when he is bent on
the ancient and royal game.
April 20, 1 90s.
A Sketch of Victor Emmanuel III.
Mr. Sidney Brooks contributes to the " North
American Review " a very sympathetic sketch of the
present King of Italy, v/hom he declares to be a real
strong king, who will not only lead but control, who
will not hesitate to command when suggestions fail,
and who will see to it that his commands are obeyed.
The half-despised prince of three years ago is now the
sheet anchor of the nation's best hopes. He has the
combined powers of an American president and an
English premier, and he holds them for life; he is be-
sides a crowned king. The dagger which slew his
father saved Italy from civil war, and gave a new
lease of life to the monarchy. No one suspected
when King Humbert fell that his son, a little man
whose hobby was coin collecting, and who spent most
of his time travelling in foreign parts, was capable of
assuming at once the mastership of the whole
The King's Boyhood.
As a boy he was delicate and over-driven in his
studies by the Queen; from this he was saved by his
father. Mr. Brooks says:
" For his son to grow up a nervous, impressionable
boy, averse to open-air life, and absorbed in his books
as though he were qualifying for a professorship, was
a development so far from welcome to the stout-
hearted Savoyard that it stirred him out of his con-
BtitluStionol inertia into action. He interfered de-
cisively, confiscated the books, and almost drove his
eon out-of-doors, there to ride and shoot and yacht
and harden himself, Ine change has done its work.
Victor Emmanuel III., though neither so tall nor so
muscular as his father and grandfather, has the wiri-
ness and endurance that belong to the House of Savoy.
He can sit for hours in the saddle without feelinj^
fatigued, and he has the rarer capacity for going long
without food. Years of ocean life and hard exercise
on shore have dispelled the fear, at one time not un-
justified, that he might fall a victim to consumption.
It was not only his studious habits that gave his
father some disquietuae. He showed as a youth a
haughtiness and self-will even more alien to King
Humbert's nature, and was frequently punished for his
escapades by being put under arrest and banished to
lonely fortresses. Even as late as 1896, just before his
marriage, when he was in his twenty-sixth year, he
was sentenced by his father to a month's confinement
for upbraiding Crispi. In the army, which he entered
at eighteen, he made himself felt as a keen, if bookish
soldier, and an exacting disciplinarian. But both court
and people agreed in thinking him of little account. A
etudent-prince who is also undersized and frail-looking
is never a popular prince."
The Rights and Duties of a King.
But no sooner had he reached the throne than in
his first speech to his Parliament he electrified Italy.
His father obstinately refused to be anything but a
constitutional King of the most do-nothing tyre-
But in his first speech from his throne Victor
Emmanuel III. sounded a very different note:
" May monarchy and Parliament go hand in hand.
. . , Llnabished and steadfast I ascend the throne,
conscious of my rights and of my duties as a King.
Let Italy have faith in me, as I have faith in the des-
tinies of our country, and no human force shall destroy
that which, with such self-sacrifice, our fathers builded.
It is necessary to keep watch and to employ e\'ery
living force to guard intact the great conquests of unity
and of liberty. The serenest trust in our liberal charter
will never fail me, and I shall not be wanting, either
in strong initiative or in energy of action, in vigorously
defending our glorious institutions, precious heritage
from our great dead. Brought up in the love of re-
ligion and of the fatherland, I take God to witness of
my promise that from this day forward I offer ray
heart, my mind, my life to the grandeur of our land."
His second speech was emphatic. What a blessing
it would be if Lord Rosebery, for instance, would take
to heart the following declaration:
" In Italy, no man does his duty. Fr»m the highest
to the lowest the laissez faire and laxity are complete.
Now it is to the accomplishment of their several
duties that all, without distinction, must be called. I
begin with myself, and am trying to do my duty con-
scientiously and with love. This must serve as an
example and a spur to others. My Ministers must help
me in everything. They must promise nothing that
they cannot certainly perform; they must not create
illusions. Him who fulfils his duty, braving every dan-
ger, even death, I shall consider the best citizen."
Deeds, not Words.
Mr. Brooks says he has not only spoken well, he has
acted in the spirit of his words:
" But do his actions accord with his clear-edged
words? They do. He began well by calling to power
the veteran Liberal, Signor Zanardelli. That in itself
was a proof that repression and revenge were not to
be his policy, and that when he spoke of reform he
meant it. He went on to reorganise and considerably
reduce the royal household; he made thorough inspec-
tions of the public institutions and military depots in
Naples and Rome, praising and blaming as seemed
right; he broke down the barrier that formerly kept
King and politicians apart, and now he gives audience
to public men once every day; he took from the first
an active share in Cabinet councils, and has done all
in his power to stimulate and brace up his Ministers.
It was by his personal intervention that the excava-
tions in the Forum are now being continued. It was
his influence that probed the Casale trial to its depths
of infamy, that insisted on the Mafia and its archleader,
Palizzolo, being brought to justice. To him and his
energy and inflexible sense of duty it is largely due that
reform is no longer in the air, but on the statute-book,
that a beginning is being made towards an impartial
administration of the laws."
Mr. Brooks' account of the King is one of the best
that has ever appeared, and we most heartily hope
that he is right in believing that Victor Emmanuel, by
his breadth of comprehensive sympathy and insight,
his serious cultivation, and his manly and determined
temperament, is worthy the great position to which he
has been called.
The Canadian West and North -West»
In the " Journal of the Royal Colonial Institute "
Mr. Hickman gives some interesting details as to the
value of the vast undeveloped lands of the North-West
of Canada:
" The Pacific coast has its great salmon and halibut
fisheries, the latter almost imdeveloped. British Co-
lumbia has mineral wealth incalculable; infinite stores
of coal, gold, lead, silver and copper; resources in lands
for orchards and vineyards, in vast forests of gigantic
Review of Reviews, tO/i/OS.
trees; and such resources in scenery as have been
given to no other country.
" The resources of the plain lands are still more in-
describable. They too are underlaid with great beds of
coal that in many places is dug out of the banks of the
rivers by the settlers. The Mackenzie district seems to
give indications of being one of the world's greatest
petroleum-bearing regions, and natural gas has been
obtained in large quantities here, as well as much fur-
ther south, where Medicine Hat in Assiniboia has put
in a municipal natural gas system. In the north the
herds of Barren Ground caribou and musk oxen are
countless, and the lakes, of which no man knows the
number, teem with fish."
As to the agricultural possibilititM, Mr. Hickman
states that out of the 345,000,000 acres in the districts
of Assiniboia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Athabasca,
some 257,410,000 acres still remain to be disposed of
by the Government. What will not be the output of
wheat when this vast extent of agricultural land is all
A Volcano in Eruption.
In the " Scottish Geographical Magazine," Mr. R.
Blake White tvills of his experiences on the Purace
volcano during the eruption of 1869. This volcano is
situated in the Republic of Colombia, and is one ot
the giants of the Andes, being over 15,000 feet in
height. The ascent itself proved too much for some
of Mr. White's companions, but finally an encampment
was formed some 13,000 feet above sea level. In the
evening the volcano was a thing of beauty:
" The fireworks were impressive enough in the day-
time, but after dark they were marvellous, and, I must
«ay, appalling both to the sight and to the ear.
The Eruption at Close Quarters.
"The whole crater was ablaze; roaring flames shot
up from it one thousand feet; they rushed up with
herce violence; they did not * lick ' or ' swirl ' as com-
monplace flames do, but looked just like what they
were — a mighty gas jet under enormous pressure.
Above the flames a column of steam, white, red, orange,
yellow, blue, green, of all colours, illuminated by the
glare, followed the mad upward rush of the flames for
another two thousand feet at least, and then began to
break in billowy masses, which seemed to be capped by
a opreading black cloud. Perhaps it was only black by
contrast, for it was the seat of a most wonderful display
of lightning, forked, zigzag, and flash, which did not
cease for an instant. Possibly the roar of the volcano
prevented one's hearing thunder — at any rate it was not
distinguishable. I supposed the electricity to be gene-
rated by the steam, remembering the kettle spout ex-
periment of our first lessons in physics. The earth
shook with a continuous tremor, caused clearly by the
rushing forth of the mighty jet of gas and steam, but
altogether I felt pretty sure that we ran no great
danger where we were."
The next day the ascent was resumed, and the edge
of the crater reached. This only by hard work:
" We could only struggle up twenty or thirty yards at
a spurt. At last I thought I should have to give in.
I was half asphyxiated, and my eyes were smarting
badly. Lying on the ground, I felt a strong breeze,
and, peeping up through my fingers, I saw some jutting
stones. I guessed it was the edge of the crater, so I
took a good breath of fresh air, and made a rush for it.
Sure enough, it was the crater's edge, and I dropped
sharp on my hands and knees, for I had no wish to
fall into it. I cannot adequately describe what I saw.
Such an immensity of flame is beyond description. The
noise must have been awful, but I did not hear it, for
I was too busy looking. I concentrated all my faculties
in the endeavour to see the how of that fearful thing,
and this is what I saw.
Looking Down into the Crater.
" The bottom of the crater looked dark, a dull red.
The rush of gas and steam was invisible; there was no
condensation, no flame. All the fire was aloft. Two-
thirds of the way up from the apparent bottom the
enormous violence of flame leapt skywards in a furious
rush. From that pomt, the centre of combustion, the
flames darted downwards. How they flashed down,
how they recoiled, how the mighty tongues of fire
eeemed to aim at penetrating the awesome chasm which
they could not reach, and how splendid were their
colours! All the colours of the spectrum were visible.
As a blowpipe expert, I thought, ' There's copper, so-
dium, strontium, potassium, magnesium, chromium,
nickel, everything that colours a flame!' The flashing
and darting of the flames was something like what one
sees at times in the aurora borealis."
That the afltair was not all child's play, besides the
danger from the fire and lava, is proved by the effect
of the gases:
" Next morning, on reaching for the handkerchief
that had served me as a respirator the previous day,
and which I had hung up to dry, it fell to shreds, com-
pletely burned by the acid gas. The black check in
the ends of my plaid had turned yellow, though the
fabric was not hurt. I had a nasty pricking away
down in my left lung, and now, thirty-three years after
this trip, every doctor that examines me says I have a
little patch of lung dried up and adhering to the pleura.
I only mention this as a warning to volcano explorers
not to underestimate the corrosive power of volcanic
The Career of the Tobacco Trust.
There is a good account of the extraordinary growth
of the tobacco trust by Earl Mayo in the March
"Frank Leslie's." Mr. Mayo thinks the achievement
of Mr. James B. Duke, the head of the tobacco com-
bination, in bringing the bitterly antagonistic com-
peting firms together was in some respects even greater
than Mr, John D. Rockefeller's in founding the Stand-
ard Oil Company, because the latter had the advantage
of starting his plans in the infancy of the industry.
No trust except the Standard Oil Company exercises
so complete a monopoly as the tobacco combination.
Like Mr. Rockefeller, Mr. Duke's start toward his
present imperial position in the tobacco trade was
made from very small beginnings, and the Duke firm's
entire output could be carried in a handbag in 1865.
After the Philadelphia Centennial, the growth of
cigarette manufacture in the United States was very
rapid, and by 1890 had grown to a product of two
billions a year. W. Duke & Sons were one of the
largest manufacturers, but there were half a dozen
struggling neck-and-neck for 8uprema:;y. The most
lavish advertising and premium schemes were used.
"At one time the competition had rjached a point
where a coupon, a coloured reproduction of a photo-
graph, and a card bearing a representation of a flag,
done in colours, were all given away Avith a five-cent
April 20, ipo^.
box of cigarettes." Notwithstanding the bitterness of
the antagonism, Mr. Duke succeeded, in 1890, in form-
ing the American Tobacco Company, and brought into
it all the large rival concerns. From cigarette manu-
facture, Mr. Duke went on to capture, by the hardest
fighting imaginable, the pipe-tobacco and chewing-
tobacco markets. In establishing the fame of the
" Battle-Axe" brand of chewing tobacco, $4,000,000 was
sunk, but since then $12,000,000 has been earned.
To-day there are two great manufacturing corpora-
tions, the American Tobacco Company and the Con-
tinental Tobacco Company, the first making cigarettes,
the second plug tobacco, and dividing the pipe tobacco
between them. A subsidiary company, the American
Snuff Company, makes 15,000,000 pounds of snuff a year.
The Tobacco War in Great Britain.
Mr. Mayo describes the Homeric battle in England
of the American tobacco interests, led by Mr. Duke,
against the Imperial Tobacco Company, composed of
the leading British houses, hastily organised to repel
the American invader. This fight culminated in Mr.
Duke's offer to give to the retail dealers all the profits
of his company for four years and $4,000,000 besides,
without even exacting that the dealers should refuse
to handle his rival's wares. Immediately after this
curious proposal, the American and British interests
" got together," and there was much jubilation in Eng-
land over the defeat of the invader; but Mr. Mayo says
that the net result of the agreement was that the
Imperial Company surrendered the entire foreign mar-
ket to the Americans, and gave them an interest in its
own business as the price of peace.
The Retail Trade.
Finally, the great combinations under Mr. Duke had
got practical mastery of the manufacture of tobacco in
all its forms. Now people are asking themselves if the
f trust is determined to be its o\vn retailer as well, be-
cause an ominous new concern, the United Cigar Stores
Company, has appeared on the horizon. No less than
$500,000,000 worth of tobacco is sold every year, a
trade prize worth working for. The Cigar Stores Com-
pany has started four hundred stores in the best loca-
tions, and is constantly expanding. The officials say
they have nothing to do with the tobacco trust, and
that they are simply trying to bring the business of
cigar and tobacco selling to an orderly and economical
basis. But the retail dealers are sure the trust is try-
ing to swallow them throng- this new mouth. Where the
retail dealer will not be bought out, one is apt to see
a magnificent shop of the United Cigar Stores Company
opened up next door. If sumptuous fittings do not
capture the trade, the big store may sell some favourite
brand of 15 cent cigar for 6 cents a piece, and these
tactics of course will soon see the small dealer's end.
Two Ways of Borinj^ the Alps.
The longest tunnel in the world, the St. Simplon
tunnel, is the subject of an admirable sketch by Mr.
H. G. Archer in " Cassell's Magazine." When open for
traffic in May, 1904, it will be 12^ miles long, the St.
GotLard being 9|, the Mont Cenis 7|, and the Arlberg
6^. Perhaps the most pleasing feature in the sketch is
the witness it bears to the vastly greater care taken of
the workmen in this than in any of the preceding bores.
Strange to say, one of the most formidable dangers to
the health of the navvies is the intense heat of the
tunnel, the temperature having risen as high as 123
degrees Fahrenheit. A valuable illustration of the
progress of civilisation is supplied by the contrast which
Mr. Archer draws between the arrangements at St..
Simplon and the arrangements at St. Gothard:
The Inhuman.
"At the latter the workmen were miserably housed
in wretched wooden shanties. Professors described the
tunnel itself as a veritable hell, continuous labour in its
pestiferoue atmosphere being almost certain death for
the young. Owing to the air, vitiated by the perpetual
explosion of dynamite, the smoke from hundreds of
reeking oil lamps, and the exhalations from the bodies
of men and horses, being insufficiently renewed, to-
gether with the entire absence of sanitary appliances,
80 per cent, of the miners suffered from a form of tri-
chinosis consisting of microscopic worms in the intes-
tines. During the eight years the tunnel took to make,
no less than four hundred lives were lost, either from
' tunnel worm ' or from pneumonia, the latter original
ing through the sudden change from the hot galleries,
to the cool Alpine atmosphere outside, while another
two hundred were killed or maimed by explosions and
passing trucks.
The Humane.
" Things were managed better at the Arlberg, but
it has been reserved for the Simplon directorate ta
inaugurate, with their refinements, a new era in the
history of social science. To obviate the risk of pneu-
monia, large dressing halls are provided at either en-
trance. On emerging from the galleries, the men are
compelled to enter these halls, which are ready heated
for their reception at the temperature which they have
just left, and to stay therein for half an hour while the
temperature is gradually cooled down to that prevail-
ing outside. The men are conveyed into and out of
the tunnel in trainloads, and the space between the
tunnel exits and the platforms where they alight is'
roofed over and boarded in, so that no chill may be
contracted on this short portion of the journey. The
halls are equipped with baths, hot and cold douches,,
etc., and here the men take off their mining clothes^
which are at once hung up in heated rooms to dry,
ready for the next day's work. Adjacent are canteens,,
under official control, and selling nothing but the best
food and liquor at nominal prices. Excellent hospitals
have been provided, in case of accident or illness; and,
lastly, in order to minimise the risks of accident inside
the tunnel, the trains are run by time-table and pro-
tected by signals, while the narrow-gauge contractors^
track is laid at one side, thus leaving plenty of room
for pedestrians."
The Biggest Social Experiment on
In the American " Review of Reviews," Mr. Wellman.
describes the great scheme of profit-sharing adopted by
the United States Steel Corporation. He says:
"An occurrence of tremendous and far-reaching im-
portance is the success of the United States Steel Cor-
poration's wage-earners' investment and profit-sharing
" The directors of the Steel Corporation offered 25,000
shares of stock to their 168,000 employes. The books
were to be kept open thirty days. No one dared beheve
that within this month, while the plan was so new,
while all sorts of prejudices or fears might deter sub-
scribers, and while the great mass of employes would
still be studying and thinking about the offer wh4ch to.
Review of Revieuos, tO/k/OS.
them must have seemed somewhat novel and com-
plicated, all or even one-half of the proffered stock
would be taken up. Yet, when the books closed on
Saturday evening, January 31, it was found that the
25,(X)0 shares offered had been subscribed for more
than twice over. Twenty-seven thousand six hundred
and thirty-three employes had subscribed for 51,125
shares. This was success — success complete and sur-
"Almost exactly one-sixth of the vast army of em-
ployes of the corporation had declared that they wished
to become owners of the securities of the company for
which they work. Best of all, the very men who, it had
been feared, would not take kindly to the project — the
men who stand bare-bodied in front of the furnace fires,
or like magicians handle the glowing rails or bars of
molten metal, or delve in the gloomy mines, or watch
the myriads of machines, or keep the books in the
offices — have most eagerly responded to the company's
" Nearly one-sixth of all the employes of the Steel
Corporation have thus become purchasers of the pre-
ferred stock of the company, to the extent of $4,500,000
par value. Of this sum, $4,000,000 is taken by employes
whose earnings range from $500 or $600 a year upward
to $2,500.
" If such a result as this can be attained at the first
trial, within a single month — if the restraint of prejudice
and of lack of acquaintance with a new project can be
overcome to so great an extent in so short a time —
thoughtful men are asking. What may not be done in
the future? What are the ultimate possibilities of the
plan in this single corporation? And as applied to all
great industrial corporations? If $4,500,000 of good divi-
dend-paying securities may be disposed of to the actual
workers for one corporation in one month, is it not pos-
sible to dispose of hundreds of millions of such safe and
standard securities to the employes of hundreds of in-
dustrial corporations in the course of a year? And if
this can be done — if ownership of our great industrial
combinations can be spread out among the men who
work for them, if aggregations of capital may thus be
democratised, are we not finding herein a natural and
easy solution of the industrial, political, and social
problems which to many keen eyes appear to be rising
like a cloud above the national horizon?
Business Perils.
" The chief danger threatening a vast corporation
whose work is carried on by an army of 168,000 men is
lack of individual interest. It is the danger of heavi-
ness and inertia, of ruts and stagnation. Men must be
stimulated to individual initiative and greater efficiency.
The way must be found to bind them to the corpora-
tion with stronger ties than those of mere salary — or
wage-earning. Men must have a stake in the success
of the company higher and better than a simple desire
to hold their places. We must make a great democracy
of this business, not an autocracy, nor even an oli-
" The members of the Finance Committee saw at once
that their plan must be divided into two main branches.
One was to interest a large number of employes by
inducing them to become permanent stockholders. The
other was to engage the services of presidents, officer^
managers, and superintendents, and all others charged
with responsibility, on a profit-sharing basis. It was
early perceived that at the present time it v/ould not
be practicable to apply profit-sharing directly to the
great number of men who work with their hands
throughout all the ramifications of the corporation's
activities. But profit-sharing was indirectly included
in the offer made to these employes, and of which such
a large number have already availed themselves. In
other words, the company's proposal was to share
profits with all employes who would demonstrate their
interest and thrift by buying the company's stock.
Consequently, the great bulk of the stock set aside for
purchase by employes was offered to the men who earn
the smallest salaries. This was done by dividing the
168,000 employes into six classes, according to their
salaries: Class A, over $20,000 a year; Class B, $10,000
to $20,000, down to Class E, $800 to $2,500 a year, and
Class F, under $800 a year — and then by limiting the
amount of stock employes could take to the following
proportions of their annual salaries: Class A, 5 per
cent.; Class B, 8 per cent.; Class C, 10 per cent.; Class
D, 12 per cent.; Class E, 15 per cent.; and Class F, 20
per cent.
" One of the directors of the Steel Corporation, in
speaking of the programme to secure popular or widely
distributed ownership of its shares, pointed to the fact
that in France hundreds of thousands of workmen and
peasant farmers are owners of the stock of the Credit
Foncier, Credit Lyonnais, and other banking and indus-
trial corporations.
" The second or direct profit-sharing part of the Steel
Corporation plan is also based upon the principle of
democracy. The company proposes to distribute among
its responsible men 1 per cent, of the net earnings if
the net earnings during the present year shall exceed
$80,000,000 and be less than $90,000,000, and to increase
the sum distributed one-fifth of 1 per cent, for every
$10,000,000 added to the net earnings. If during this
year, as is not unlikely, the net earnings reach the total
of $140,000,000 the sum distributed among the men who
have helped make that great success will be $3,150,000.
This is profit-sharing on a great scale. At the present
time, there are in the employ of the Steel Corporation
and its subsidiary companies approximately 1,750 men
who receive salaries in excess of $2,500 a year, divided
as follows:
"Twelve with salaries of $20,000 a year and over,
including the $100,000 salary of the president of the
corporation itself.
"Fifty from $10,000 to $20,000 a year.
" Two hundred from $5,000 to $10,000 a year.
"Fifteen hundred from $2,500 to $5,000 a year."
Sir John Gorst on Social Reform.
An Appeal to tlie Tory Party.
Sir John Gorst is unmuzzled and no mistake, and a
very good thing it is for all those who care for social
reform that the ablest member of the Tory party has
at last regained a position in which he can devote his
capacity to the service of the people. When he re-
signed the vice-presidency of the Council a new and
much-needed force was added to the ranks of the party
of progress, of which it stood sorely in need. Last
month he made several speeches, in Parliament anJ
out of it, that seemed to indicate that in him we have
a leader who means to force the pace. And in the
" Nineteenth Century " for March we have a veritable
manifesto from his pen summoning the Tory party to
take up the cause of social reform.
The Tories and Social Reform.
He begins his paper by declaring:
April 20, ipo3.
" The happiness and welfare of the people have al-
ways been a vital article of the Tory creed, just as im-
portant as the maintenance of our Constitution and
the defence of our Empire."
He recalls, much to the disgust of many of his late
colleagues, the fact that they put forward Social Re-
form as their alternative to the Liberal programme of
Home Rule, and asks:
" How, then, is the obligation of the Tory party to
be fulfilled? Experience shows that social reforms are
not likely to originate spontaneously in the public de-
partments of the Central Government."
He then passes in review the various agencies by
which the cause of Social Refonn might be promoted.
From Whence Will Come Our Help?
The constitution of our public offices, he remarks,
does not promote these qualities which are requisite
for the creation of schemes of new legislation.
" Neither are public departments likely, under pre-
sent arrangements, to be stimulated into the proposal
and construction of great measures of social reform by
their Parliamentary heads. These are seldom, if ever,
selected for their previous knowledge of the matters
with which their department has to deal."
No initiative and little help is to be expected from
them. Neither can we look for much assistance from
the Central Government. Social reforms have for the
Government peculiar perils of their own:
" It is the nervous dread of producing electoral difli-
culties that has prevented successive British Govern-
ments from dealing frankly with the recommendations
of the Berlin Labour Conference,"
How This Government " Desires " Reform.
Sir John Gorst was the representative of the British
Government at that Conference, and he reminds us
that the result of their discussions at Berlin was the
drawing up of a number of clear and definite proposi-
tions relating to the labour of children and young
persons in industries and mines. If they had been
adopted by the Government and carried into law the
result would have been a useful and substantial mea-
sure of Social Reform. The Government declared that
they regarded these reforms as desirable. But in the
following year the Government, which had declared
through Sir John Gorst that it desired these reforms,
brought forward a Factory Bill in which it refrained
from proposing to give effect to the reform which would
have raised the limit age in English factories from ten
to twelve:
" The limit of eleven was, however, imposed upon
them by a vote of the House of Commons. No at-
tempt has ever been made by any British Government
of either party— and both parties have held office since
the Berlin Conference — to bring up the conditions of
labour of children and young persons to the 'desirable*
Berlin standard."
Royal Commissions and Select Committees have
proved equally barren of results. Select Committees
in 1895 and 1896 were also helpless in discovering and
recommending any permanent remedy for dealing with
the question of the unemployed.
The Breakdown at the House of Commons.
Where, then, must the reformers look for help? —
" Can they look for much help from the modem
House of Commons? The answer is that for purposes
of legislation the House of Commons has become almost
effete. The machine is out of order, and will no
longer work. After a generation of perpetual change
in its rules of procedure, the House of Commons is a
far less efficient instrument for law-making than it was-
thirty years ago."
He illustrates the impotence of the House of Com-
mons by recalling its failure to give effect to the re-
commendations of the committee upon the overw'ork-
jng of school-children. The report of this committee
was startling and terrifying:
"They reported it to be proved that a substantial
number of children, amounting probably to 50,000, were
being worked more than twenty hours a week in ad-
dition to 27i hours at school, that a considerable pro-
portion of this number were being worked to thirty or
forty, and some even to fifty, hours a week, and that
the effect of this work was in many cases detrimental
to their health, their morals, and their education, be-
sides being often so unremitting as to deprive them of
all reasonable opportunity for recreation."
They recommended that power should be conferred
upon Municipalities and County Councils to make by-
laws as to the employment of children. A Bill was in-
troduced in 1901, but nothing came of it.
Try Local Authorities!
What, then, is Sir John Gorst's remedy? He de-
spairs of anything being done by Downing Street or at
Westminster; his suggestion is that we must turn to
the local authorities. He says:
"Social reform, which is so ardently desired by the
mass of our people, and upon which the safety of our
Empire so vitally depends, must be carried out on the
same principle as the establishment of a national sys-
tem of education. Give up the dream of a benevolent
Central Government, which is to do everything for the
people— to diagnose the social disease, to invent and
apply the remedies, and to superintend their operation.
That may come hereafter in some future generation,
but we are in a more primitive and elementary stage as
yet. We are in the condition of towns a generation
ago, when they cleansed away their snow by every
householder sweeping his own doorstep. Let each
county and municipal authority become absolutely and
entirely, as it is already partially and imperfectly,
responsible for the health and welfare of its own men,
women, and children, for the care of its own sick and
aged, the provision of healthy dwellings and of light,
air, and water, the prevention of strikes and lockouts,
and the treatment of its own ' unemployed.' "
How to Improve the Average Man»
Some More Prescriptions from Mr, H, G. Wells.
Mr. H. G. Wells continues to publish in the "Fort-
nightly Review" his thoughtful and thought-provok-
ing papers entitled "Mankind in the Making." In
the March number he deals with the question as to
how we can best improve the training of our children
so as to make them worthy citizens of the new Re-
Improve His Home.
Mr. Wells maintains that " If we would make the
average man of the coming years gentler in manner,
more deliberate in judgment, steadier in purpose, up-
right, considerate, and free, we must look first to the
possibility of improving the tone and quality of the
average home."
How to Do It.
After describing the two typical homes of the middle
class and of the artisan, Mr. Wells says:
Review of Reviews, 20/Jf/03.
" How the economic conditions of homes may be con-
trolled to accomplish New Republican ends has al-
ready been discussed with a view to a hygienic mini-
mum, and obviously the same, or similar, methods may
be employed to secure less materialistic benefits. You
can make a people dirty by denying them water, you
can make a people cleaner by cheapening and enforcing
bath-rooms. Man is indeed so spiritual a being that
he will turn every materialistic development you force
upon him into spiritual growth. You can aerate his
house, not only with air, but with ideas. Build,
cheapen, render alluring a simpler, more spacious type
of house for the clerk, fill it with labour-saving con-
veniences, and leave no excuse and no spare corners
for the ' slavey,' and the slavey— and all that she means
in mental and moral consequence— will vanish out of
being. You will beat tradition. Make it easy for
Trade Unions to press for shorter hours of work, but
make it difficult for them to obstruct the arrival of
labour-saving appliances, put the means of education
easily within the reach of every workman, make pro-
motion from the ranks, in the Army, in the Navy, in
all business concerns, practicable and natural, and the
lingering discolouration of the serf taint will vanish
from the workman's mind."
Improve His Ethical Training.
Mr. Wells has no patience with the religious educa-
tion of our public schools. He asserts that the only
kind " of man whose insistence upon religious teaching
in schools by ordinary school teachers I can under-
stand, is the downright Atheist, the man who believes
sensual pleasure is all that there is of pleasure, and
virtue no more than a hood to check the impetuosity
of youth until discretion is acquired, the man who be-
lieves there is nothing else in the world but hard
material fact, and who has as much respect for truth
and religion as he has for stable manure. Such a man
finds it convenient to profess a lax version of the
popular religion, and he usually does so, and invariably
he wants his children ' taught ' religion, because he so
utterly disbelieves in God, goodness, and spirituality
that he cannot imagine young people doing even enough
right to keep healthy and prosperous, unless they are
humbugged into it.
" If, too, you ransack your young Englishman for re-
ligion, you will be amazed to find scarcely a trace of
School. In spite of a ceremonial adhesion to the re-
ligion of his fathers, you will find nothing but a pro-
found agnosticism. He has not even the faith to dis-
believe. It is not so much that he has not developed
religion as that the place has been seared.
How to Mend Matters.
" Now one nobly conceived and nobly rendered play
will give a stronger moral impression than the best
schoolmaster conceivable, talking ethics for a year on
end. One great and stirring book may give an im-
pression less powerful, perhaps, but even more per-
manent. Practically these things are as good as an
example — they are example. Surround your growing
boy or girl with a generous supply of good books and
leave writer and growing soul to do their business to-
gether without any scholastic control of their inter-
course. Make your state healthy, your economic life
healthy and honest, be honest and truthful in the pul-
pit, behind the counter, in the office, and your children
will need no specific ethical teaching; they will inhale
right. And without these things all the ethical teach-
ing in the world will only sour to cant at the first
•wind of the breath of the world."
Why Something Must Be Done.
Mr. Wells thinks the need is manifest. He says:
" Driving zeal, that practical vigour that once dis-
tinguished the English, is continually less apparent.
Our workmen take no pride in their work any longer,
they shirk toil and gamble. And what is worse, the
master takes no pride in the works; he, too, shirks
toil and gambles. Our middle-class young men, in-
stead of flinging themselves into study, into research,
into literature, into widely conceived business enter-
prises, into so much of the public service as is not pre-
served for the sons of the well connected, play games,
display an almost Oriental slackness in the presence of
work and duty, and seem to consider it rather good
form to do so.
" The world of the average citizen, just like his home,
resolves itself into three main elements. First, there
is the traditional element, the creation of the past;
secondly, there is the contemporary interplay of
economic and material forces; and, thirdly, there is
literature, using that word for the current thought
about the world, which is perpetually tending on the
one hand to realise itself and to become in that manner
a material force, and on the other to impose fresh in-
terpretations upon things and so become a factor in
tradition. Now the first of these elements is a thing
established. And it is the possibility of intervention
through the remaining two that it is now our business
to discuss."
Mr. Wells, it is evident, is girding up his loins for a
tour round the universe. We could not have a more
interesting guide.
The Sultan of Morocco.
The Morocco question is evidently exciting a great
deal of interest among the more thoughtful French
political writers of the day. In the " Revue de Paris "
are two articles devoted to the Near East: the one
which is anonymous is entitled " The Sultan of
Morocco," the other, by M. Berard, is simply called
"The Morocco Question." The first of these two
articles is to all intents and purposes a violent attack
on Sir Henry Maclean, of whom the writer gives the
most unflattering picture; in fact, the article is so ex-
tremely libellous that this fact makes it almost im-
possible to deal with its contents.
Of the present Sultan, who is supposed to be entirely
under " Kaid Maclean's " thumb, is given a curious
account. He is said to have no will of his own, to
be ignorant and timid, devoted to lawn-tennis, which
he plays all day long; further, that he is always sur-
rounded with cyclists, painters, photographers, and
billiard players of British nationality, while his people
watch this state of things with increasing anxiety.
They are well aware that the treasury is empty, and
they are further exceedingly indignant to note their
Sovereign's intimacy with the hated Nazarenes.
According to the anonymous writer of this piece of
very frank criticism, Morocco's revolt against her
Sovereign is only too justified. It is curious to
read this paper in conjunction with the weighty and
thoughtful pages contributed by one of the editors of
the " Revue," in which he gives an elaborate geo-
graphical account of Morocco, and attempts to foresee
the outcome of a struggle in which France could not
but be very deeply interested, the more so that while
every other country is in the position of being sellers
to Morocco, the French are buyers, in this sense— that
they employ in their North African colonies a great
deal of Morocco labour.
April 20, 190^.
President Roosevelt as ^^ Tenderfoot/'
In " Cassell's " for March, Mr. Frederick Moore de-
scribes President Roosevelt's early days in the Wild
West. He gives a vivid account of what the President
described as the ride of his life, w^hen he headed a stam-
pede of cattle, driven mad with fear by a thunder-
storm, into a corral in the pitchy darkness of the
night. Here is a characteristic incident:
" When Theodore Roosevelt went out on the frontier,
the ' bad men ' of the lawless country estimated him
another easy mark for them to bluff and bilk. One
night in the early 'eighties he had to ' put up ' at a
bordertown ' hotel,' the bar, dining-room, and sitting-
room of which were all one. After supper he re-
mained seated at one of the tables reading. In came a
bad man who was painting the town red. Marching
with considerable gusto up to the bar, he invited ' the
house ' to drink. Everybody responded to the sum-
mons but Roosevelt.
" ' Who is it?' the man asked a friend, pointing over
his shoulder at Roosevelt.
" * Some tenderfoot, just arrived,' the word was whis-
" The bad man turned and shouted to the * tender-
foot '—
" * Say, Mr. Four-eyes, I asked this house to drink.'
" Roosevelt was a little incensed at this reference to
his spectacles, but kept his head, and made no reply.
" The man walked over to him, pulled out his gun
(pistols are called guns in the West), and explained
that when he asked a man to drink the man had to
" ' I do not care for anything to drink,' said Roose-
" * Now, you just order your drink, my man, or
there'll be some trouble.'
" ' Well,' said Roosevelt, apparently submitting be-
fore the threat, * I do not care for anything, but if I
must "
" Roosevelt had risen slowly, and was now standing
full erect. As he broke off the sentence he struck
the big man fairly on the point of the chin. The
man tumbled over on his back, and before he could
recover Roosevelt had him pinioned to the floor, his
knees on the man's biceps. He stripped him of his
pistols and his knives, then released the man. Rising,
he inquired with mock politeness: ' Now, my man, may
I insist that I do not care to drink with you?'
" You can imagine the effect of this affair — how
Roosevelt stock went up."
In such legends as these lies the President's popu-
Thirty Years in Paris.
The " Fortnightly Review " for March contains a
very interesting, gossipy article by Mr. J. G. Alger, de-
scribing the events and changes he has witnessed dur-
ing a residence in Paris of thirty years. He has seen
three narrow escapes of the Republic— the first in 1876,
Avhen MacMahon dismissed the Jules Simon Cabinet,
the next during the Boulanger crisis of 1889, and the
third during the Dreyfus affair. Mr. Alger thinks
that if Boulanger had stood his trial it is very doubt-
ful whether the Senate could have condemned him;
but with his flight he threw away his last chance.
It was the anti-Dreyfus sentiment of Felix Faure
which saved the Republic from an attempt to estab-
lish a military dictatorship.
Of Presidents Mr. Alger has known many. He says
that Grevy saved at least half of his £48,000 a year.
Casimir-Perier's real cause of resignation was that
M. Hanotaux denied his right to see Foreign Office de-
spatches. As for M. Faure, Mr. Alger says he was
never the same man after he had been embraced by
the Tsar. " Such honours puffed him up, and he
fancied himself a great man."
Twenty-five Prime Ministers.
Mr. Alger lived under twenty-five Prime Ministers,
of whom he says that not one could be considered a
man of genius:
" A man of genius at the head of a democracy is
dangerous, and France has wisely copied the example
of America, if indeed either of them can be thought
to have exercised a choice and not rather to have
found no alternative. The French democracy, having
abolished personal rule, does not rush blindly after
any one man. The French are not, indeed, given to
what we should call enthusiasm for their statesmen.
Gambetta was certainly the most popular man in my
time, yet his reception at public meetings was never
such as an Englishman of equal eminence would have
enjoyed. Carnot, as I have said, was respected, but
nothing more. A friend of mine who went to see
him open a new street, waved his hat and shouted,
'Vive Carnot!' whereupon the by-standers, all silent,
stared at him with amusement."
The End of the Aristocrats.
One remarkable change that has taken place during
the last thirty years is the elimination of aristocrats.
The " de " has disappeared in every branch of the
public services:
" Not one member of the present Cabinet sports the
aristocratic particle, and the aristocracy, under the
Republic, have been more and more excluded, not
merely from political power, but from all public posts.
We are never likely again to see a duke Prime Minister
like de Broglie in 1876, or President of the Senate like
D'Audiffret Pasquier in 1876. The then Prince of
Wales, according to General Galliffet, himself the last
Marquis ever likely to be at the War Office, asked Gam-
betta in 1880 why the Republic did not employ nobles.
He might put the same question now with still greater
force. Only six bishops out of ninety possess the par-
ticle, which, however, is a good deal due to the fact
that noblemen's sons do not enter the Church. Not
a single general or admiral in active service has any
title of nobility, and very few indeed have the par-
ticle, albeit noblemen's sons still enter the army and
navy. Even diplomacy, their last remaining strong-
hold, is failing them."
The Police.
Another change has been in the police, " the control
of which has been the constant but hitherto fruitless
aim of the municipality, and which has markedly un-
dergone the influence of the Republic. It is no lon-
ger a semi-military force, and so far from being bru-
tal in the repression of disturbances, has on recent
occasions received more blows than it has inflicted.
The sergeants-de-ville, or as they are more commonly
called, the agents, are now as good-humoured as their
London brethren in keeping crowds in order — not al-
ways an easy task — and in managing the cabmen and
costermongers, who have an invincible propensity for
arguing before obeying."
Review of Reviews, 20/^/08.
Democracy and Domestic Servants.
Democracy has made great strides. In particular is
this noticeable in the case of domestic servants:
" Even in London I am told they now expect to
' have life made pleasant for them/ but in Paris they
assume a familiarity which would scarcely be tolerated
in England. Education having for twenty years been
compulsory, they are fairly well educated. Some of
these young women, coming up from the country, far
from confining themselves, as formerly, to the feuille-
ton of the * Petit Journal,* take an interest in the
events of the time, domestic and foreign. I can even tes-
tify to a case in which the bonne, on an eclipse occur-
ring, explained the phenomenon to a young English-
woman, who had been drilled in the ologies and ono-
mies, but had never mastered the motions of the heav-
enly bodies. I could also quote a letter written by
a domestic servant to her mistress, which would not
discredit a Girton graduate. Servants not merely
know all that goes on in the household, which informa-
ton they exchange with those of adjoining flats, but
allow themselves to comment upon it to their masters
and mistresses. What would an English mistress
think, moreover, of being kissed on both cheeks by her
maid on returning from a holiday, or of a departing
servant not only kissing the mistress, but offering to
kiss the master? Only yesterday I read in the papers
that a magistrate had had to decide whether a break-
age of crockery had taken place in the course of the
housemaid's usual duties, in which case the damage
could not be deducted from her wages, or whether it
took place in her attic, on one of her weekly receptions
of friends."
Antipathy to Germans has entirely died out, and
Germans now stand on the same footing as other
foreigners. Englishmen never suffer any annoyance,
except where they bring it on themselves. English
customs are largely imitated. Sunday closing has be-
come almost general in the west of Paris; and tea,
which was only taken as a medicine thirty years ago,
is now consumed everywhere. Of English ambassa-
dors in Paris Mr. Alger has an indifferent opinion.
Lord Lyons gave no entertainments, and saved half his
£10,000 a year for his nephew, the JDuke of Norfolk.
Lord Lytton had no vocation for statesmanship. Lord
Dufferin was more successful, but he made a serious
blunder when, resenting newspaper attacks attributed
to the Russian Embassy, he went off in a huff to
Walmer. Socially the English colony has fallen off.
There are few very wealthy residents, and more art
students and governesses.
The Surgery of Light.
The Truth about the Finsen Light.
" McClure's Magazine " for February contains four
interesting articles dealing with Dr. Niels Finsen and
his wonderful discovery. From the article by Cleve-
land Moffett we learn the following details about the
discovery. First came the discovery that the red
rays of sunshine have no effect upon the skin, while
the blue or actinic rays, sometimes also called the
•' chemical " rays — including violet and ultra-violet-
are the only ones that have any noteworthy physio-
logical effect upon animal life. Following this —
" Finsen offered to the world his red-light treatment,
declaring confidently that smallpox patients would
suffer no scarring of face or body if cared for in rooms
from which all light but red had been excluded. And
the curious part of it is that at this time Fmsen had
never seen a case of smallpox, and based his conclu-
sions entirely on theoretical grounds.
" In August, 1893, the first test was made on eight
smallpox patients, four of them children who had never
been vaccinated, and were bad cases. The result was
a triumph for Finsen, and was summed up thus by
Dr. Svendsen:
" ' The period of suppuration, the most dangerous
and most painful stage of smallpox, did not appear;
there was no elevation of temperature, and no edema.
The patients entered the stage of convalescence imme-
diately after the stage of vaccination, which seemed a
little prolonged. The hideous scars were avoided.'
" In ordinary cases a clear red light is sufficient to
prevent scarring, and the patient can see to read. In
very bad cases, however, tbere is neeu of a deep red
When his idea was successfully in operation. Dr.
Finsen turned his attention to the killing of the ba-
cilli of lupus by the blue and violet rays, the red rays
being filtered out. It was found that a powerful
electric light is more efficacious than sunlight, since
the latter loses much of its ultra-violet rays in passing
through the atmosphere. The writer thus describes
the first attempt to cure the awful disease of lupus:
"At first everything was very crude; a hand lens
was used to concentrate the rays from an ordinary
arc lamp, the red and ultra red being filtered out
through blue water. For an hour or two hours every
day this concentrated blue light was directed against
the atnicted right cheek, Finsen himself holding the
lens, aided by a medical student.
" The result came up to the fullest expectations.
After the first treatment there was no more spread
of the disease, but a steady closing in of the lupus
patches, and a lessening of the angry redness as healthy
tissue formed. Within six months Niels Morgensen
was free from his disease, and Finsen had done what
doctors and surgeons would have laughed at as a mad
impossibility — he had cured a case of lupus with some
blue water and a piece of glass!"
Mr. Alfred Harmsworth, the donor of the first 50,000
dol. lamp to the London Hospital, writes upon the
work of the lamps in England:
" Since the installation, in the spring of 1900, 398
patients have been treated at the London Hospital, of
whom 149 have returned to their homes completely
cured, and 232 are at the present time under treat-
ment. Of these, however, 72 are practically cured,
and do not attend regularly, but are still kept under
medical observation. Fifteen nurses are wholly occu-
pied in applying the treatment, and a large depart-
ment is now being built for it at the hospital. How
urgent the need continues to be, will be apparent from
the fact that no less than 227 patients are at the pre-
sent moment waiting to be treated. In the case of
many of these, the disease will have made terrible pro-
gress before their turn arrives."
The cost of working one of these four-light lamps
amounts to about £600 a year.
Dr. Hopkins adds a remarkable testimony as to the
value of the Finsen light when used in connection with
the Roentgen rays. He says:
" Having used the Finsen ray with good results in
a case of cancer of the skin, I decided in 1900 to prove
its results upon the deeper-seated cancer of the breast.
Here, however, entered a difficulty. The Finsen ray
has slight penetrative power. The use of the Roent-
April 20, 190^.
gen or X-ray in connection with the Finsen ray, sug
gested itself to me. The Roentgen ray has extraor-
dinary germicidal qualities, but no curative properties.
Light heals; tiie X-ray is not light, but something be-
yond light, the nature of which is an unfathomed se-
cret. Therefore, to destroy the germs, I used the X-
ray, which broke down the cancerous tissue, and killed
the bacteria. Then 1 used the Finsen tube to heal
the open sore which resulted. The Finsen ray alone
would have done the whole work had it been able to
penetrate to the core of the ailment. Under the
double radial attack the area of ulceration quickly
shrank, and after several months of treatment disap-
peared. That was two years ago; there has been no
return of the growth since. Subsequently, cases of
abdominal cancer were treated with the same result."
Who is this Dr. Finsen, and what manner of man is
he who, by his discovery, has brought new life to hun-
** Meantime, Finsen himself, in spite of his longing for
light and trust in its virtues, is a stricken man. All
that he has done for the health of others has profited
little for his own health. When I saw him he looked
weak and ill, though buoyed up by the power of his
enthusiasm, a sort of light from within. He is able
to work only an hour or two in a day. He suffers
constantly. He can eat scarcely anything, and, during
his bad months, sits at table with a pair of scales
beside his plate, and weighs every morsel. He has
scorned to make money from his discoveries, giving
them all freely to the world, and has patented no part
of his apparatus. He lives content on a salary of 1,200
dols. a year, paid by the Danish Government, and is
worried only because the Light Institute, which gives
its treatment to the poor for almost nothing, has a
debt of 40,000 dols. hanging over it."
How I Became a Novelist.
By Edna Lyall.
The " Sunday Magazine " contains an article by the
late well-known writer, Edna Lyall, upon her early
experiences. This article gives many interesting
glimpses of the formation of her character. She says:
" It was not until I was nine years old that the
desire to write seized me. In the meantime, however,
much of the future training of an author was going
on. We were blessed with a nurse whose sympathies
were wide and far-reaching, and I owe a great deal to
her kindly heart, and to her unfailing readiness to tell
us all that she had heard and seen. Moreover, being
the youngest of the family, it chanced that I heard
books read and topics discussed between the elder
ones and my parents, which very soon widened the
world for me."
Heroes and Favourite Authors.
Among her early heroes was Mr. Fawcett, and, later,
Oliver Cromwell.
" Politics were very real, and were somehow made
interesting to us, my father encouraging us to think
on such subjects. My first political hero was Mr.
Fawcett, and I can clearly recall the excitement of
his election for Brighton. It was partly his blindness
which made him my hero, for, suffering much from
weak eyes, I well knew what it was to live in the
dark, and my mother had told me how cleverly she
had seen Mr. Fawcett manage at a dinner-party, and
how he would not allow his loss of sight in any way
to spoil his life.
" Returning once more to the influences which in
early life did most to fit me for future work, I must
mention two which were specially powerful. The
first was the opportunity of hearing good standard
books read. My father was a very good reader, and
we enjoyed nothing better than hearing him read the
* Waverley Novels.' Jane Austen's novels, with their
delicious humour, were far beyond the comprehen-
sion of a child of eight or nine, and I confess to
having thought them extremely dull. But Sir Walter
Scott opened a whole world of delight to us, and to
my way of thinking it was a more wholesome world
than that revealed to the rising generation by the very
fascinating, but often morbid, studies of child life
provided nowadays in the countless * Children's
"Undoubtedly I was born a coward; my mother, by
infinite patience and gentle encouragement, taught me
to fight my fears. One of my greatest terrors was an
old street fiddler, with hideously crooked legs and de-
formed feet; he used to prop himself up on two sticks,
and play melancholy, tuneless music, which in itself
was gruesome.
" Though incorrigibly stupid at mathematics and sel-
dom deeply interested in science, they found me an apt
pupil at anything connected with literature or history.
" The seventeenth century always had a special fas
cination for me, and, after a brief wavering in school-
room days, when a very pathetic picture of Charles 1.
and some thrilling cavalier stories temporarily eclipsed
the grand figure of the Protector, I returned to my
allegiance, and in course of time endeavoured to show,
in ' To Right the Wrong,' that it was possible to be
an honest, God-fearing, well-bred Englishman, yet to
espouse the Parliamentary side in the great Civil War.
The Value of " Dream Children."
" From those past days up to the present time there
has always been a story on hand, and writing has
become so much a part of my life that it is difficult
quite to understand what life without a vocation wouM
be like, or how people exist without ' dream children/
They cost one much suffering, and bring many cares
and anxieties; they are not what we could wish, and
we are conscious of their faults. Still they are our
* dream children,' and when they cheer the dull, or
interest the overworked, or help the perplexed, there
comes a glad sense that it has all been worth while,
and we are thankful that the gift was given us."
" Cornhill " for March is a fairly readable number,
the most important articles being: one by Mr. Hogarth
on the Cretan Exhibition; the other, by Mr.
Carlile on the question of London's Unemployed.
The Hon. George Peel gossips lightly on the Durbar.
In a similarly light vein are sketched the travels of
an architect in search of occupation in the United
States, and there is a satire by Mr. E. H. Lacon Wat-
son on the evils of property, as illustrated by a wife's
perpetual meddling with her husband's arrangements
of his rooms and furniture. Prospects in two profes-
sions are discussed. Land agency is said to offer con-
genial employment, and a good and lucrative business.
Farming offers great chances to the working farmer,
but not to the gentleman farmer. Miss Violet A.
Simpson contributes an interesting study of servants
and service in the eighteenth century in town and
country, from which it appears that the tyranny of
domestics and their exactions had reached an almost
incredible point.
Review of Revietos, 20/Jt/03.
Venezuela: Under Which Eagle?
"German Policy in South America" is the title of
a paper contributed by Mr. W. B. Duffield to the
" Monthly Review " for March. Mr. Duffield is con-
vinced that Germany's ultimate policy is to challenge
the Monroe Doctrine. He aays that American states-
men are perfectly well aware of this; hence the folly
of our co-operation. Germany has infinitely more to
gain by annihilating the ivionroe Doctrine than by
attempting to seize any of our possessions:
"As has been well pointed out by Captain Mahan,
Germany's geographical position forces her to conquer
us or be friends with us. The latter is clearly the less
expensive course. Her international manners, like those
of the United States before the era of Mr. Hay, are,
it is true, deplorable. She has attempted to frighten
us just as the United States did with Canada in 1891,
and with the same result. Even if she overcame all the
difficulties involved in a war with us and appropriated
some of our colonies, they are already occupied and
exploited by a patriotic and hard-working population.
Can the profit be compared for a moment with that
to be reaped from a successful attack on the Monroe
Doctrine, which would in no way upset the European
balance of power, and would not expose German com-
merce to the same risks as would arise from war with
a great maritime Power at her own doors? This theory
fits in entirely with the Kaiser's reiterated statements,
and it has the merit of possessing not only solid busi-
ness reasons but also very plausible grounds in theoreti-
cal justice."
Germany wants real and profitable colonies. Mr.
Duffield points out that the subsidy given to every
German colony, save one, exceeds the annual revenue:
German Colonial Estimates for 1902.
East Africa .
Cameroons.. .
S. W. Africa ,
Togoland . . .
New Guinea
Carolines, etc..
Samoa ....
Kiao Chou . .
Total Ex-
And Venezuela is just such a promising but un-
occupied country as the Kaiser wants:
" To show the extraordinarj' fertility of many Vene-
zuelan territories, our Consul points out that a plot
in the vicinity of his own house has produced six
crops of maize in one year! t'ruit-f arming would prove
enormously productive, and coffee and cocoa, especially
the latter, are largely grown; in fact, the latter is now
the principal product of the country, which could grow
anything. Cotton, indigo, rice, barley, and india-rubber
have been produced with success. The water supply is
ample, the climate is not unhealthy, and in most parts
fit for Europeans. The mineral wealth is almost un-
touched, * iron, gold, coal, petroleum, silver, copper,
lead are found in every direction.' Eye-witnesses have
related to the writer the shipping of huge ingots of
gold on the Orinoco steamers in the best days of the
great mine of El Callao, but now mining, like every
other industry in this unhappy land, is almost impos-
sible owing to insecurity of tenure. Under a rapid
succession of Governments, the leader in to-day's for-
tunate revolution refuses to recognise the title given by
his predecessor, or constant pillage and oppression for-
bid Europeans to embark capital at such risks. We are
told by our Consuls Uiat there is nothing that can
strictly be called an industry in Venezuela, yet she could
* grow her own grain, make her own flour, grow her
own tobacco and cotton, make her own cloth and her
own wine, burn her own kerosene, make her own
leather, and have, besides all this, a surplus for ex-
port.' "
The First Cradle of Greek Civilisation.
It is a striking sidelight on the near Eastern Ques-
tion, now at the acute phase once more, that the libera-
tion of Crete from Ottoman misrule led directly to the
discovery of an early and hitherto undreamed-of civi-
lisation. This fact appears in a paper by Mr. D. G.
Hogarth, in " Cornhill " on the Cretan Exhibition,
at Burlington House. Minoan Knossos was the cen-
tre of the most significant of the Hellenic myths and
traditions of power, and Schliemann had endeavoured
to institute explorations there; but the Ottoman Gov-
ernors and the Moslem owners of the site interposed
difficulties. After Prince George and freedom came,
Mr. Arthur Evans, keeper of the Ashmolean Museum
at Oxford, had no difficulty in buying out the Moslem
owners, and in March, 1900, he put in the first spade.
The result of three seasons' work has shown this hillock
" to contain by far the most varied and extraordinary
evidence of a dead civilisation that perhaps has ever
been brought to light at one spot in any part of the
world ":
" Not only could the Knossian builders pile storey
upon storey of massive stonework, connected by broad
and easy internal stairways, rising flight over flight,
for the first time in the history of architecture, but
they could drain and sanitate their constructions bet-
ter than our own medieval builders.
" There are many indications here of a peaceful pros-
perity and a sumptuousness of civilisation for which
one was little prepared in wild Crete in the middle of
the second millennium before the Christian era. It is
most significant that this great Palace building, with all
its wealth in kind suggested by the presence of hun-
dreds of oil and wine jars as high as a man, and with
all its wealth in precious material — gold, silver, ivory,
crystal — whose existence actual remains, paintings, and
the many sunken treasure chests abundantly prove,
should have been wholly unfortified. Its great portals,
north and south, open straight on to the surrounding
country; and the town, clustering round, seems to
have had no wall."
The Cretan King, it is inferred, had command not
only of his own island, but of the South ^Egean.
Hence the luxurious peace enjoyed at Knossos, which
neither Memphis, Thebes, nor Babylon could ever en-
" Thanks to natural advantages of isolated position
and fertility, Crete seems to have taken the lead of
all its neighbouring lands in the third millennium B.C.,
and to have kept it till the cataclysm which every-
where overwhelmed Mge&n civilisation about the be-
ginning of the first.
" The acme of Knossian culture seems to fall contem-
poraneously with the Eighteenth Pharaonic Dynasty —
that is, in the sixteenth century, just before that epoch
to which the Mycenaean treasure seems chiefly to be-
" To the art of this Minoan age proper, stimulated by
political greatness, and encouraged by profound peace,
belongs the great bulK of the wall paintings, the ceil-
April 20, i^Q^.
kif designs, the friezes, tke sculpture in stone and
irory, the gem designs, and the ceramic handiwork
illustrated in the exhibition room."
An enormous number of clay tablets have been found
at Elnossos, inscribed in yet undeciphered characters.
The glory of this ^gean chapter in the history of civi-
lisation extended from 2,000 to 1,000 B.C., when it was
stamped out by the invader:
" A movement of semi-barbarous peoples from East
Europe and West Asia, which has left its mark on
Greek tradition as the * Dorian Invasion,' evidently
swept over the civilised lands, invigorating the stock,
but eclipsing awhile the culture. But the old artistic
race lived on, amalgamating itself with the newcomers,
and modifying its conquerors; and after general peace
was established once more, idealism revived in the
joint issue of the older and newer peoples. The
sudden appearance of high art in Hellas in the seventh
century was, therefore a Renascence rather than a
miracle of spontaneous generation; and something of
the spirit and tradition of Knossian culture inspired
the Ionian art of the sixth century and the Attic of
the fifth, and contributed to make that Hellenism to
which we of Western Europe are the actual heirs."
Gambling at Monte Carlo*
How to Lose Honestly — and Certainly.
There is an admirable article by Sir Kiram Maxim in
the "National Review" under the heading of "Play
and Players at Monte Carlo." Sir Hiram is one of
those rare individuals who have been at Monte Carlo
and watched the play without ever staking a franc;
and he now sets forth the fruit of his accumulated
observations for the benefit of persons who are not as
wise as himself. The gist of his paper is that you
must lose at Monte Carlo, provided you play long
enough; that no system whatever will prevent you
losing; that if you play rightly you lose only a small
percentage of your stakes.
What Monte Carlo Means.
Firstly, Monte Carlo means a certain imvaryingly
annual profit for itself. The winnings of the bank, in
fact, amount to £1,250,000 a year, or £4 15s. a minute
per day of twelve hours. As the bank's average com-
mission for raking in A.'s money and handing it over
to B. is about one-sixtieth of all the money trans-
ferred, it might seem that £75,000,000 was staked at
Monte Carlo in a year. But this a fallacy. The ac-
tual amount staked every year is not more than
£1,400,000. The bank though taking only 1.66 per
cent, each time, in the end takes 90 per cent.,
which is due to the fact that the average player
stakes his money fifty-four times. This, says Sir
Hiram, he can easily do in an hour and a quarter.
The amount of money brought to Monte Carlo and
spent in residence, etc., is much greater, being about
Tke Results for Monaco.
The Casino alone employs 1,000 people, and building
operations, which have been going on for the last
twelve years, employ thousands more. There are no
rates and taxes in the principality, and for a hundred
nailes the coast line has been enriched. In Monaco land
worth £5 an acre thirty years ago now sells for £2,000
an acre.
Honest Gambling.
Gambling at Monte Carlo is the honestcst gambling
in the world. You are sure to be swindled in betting
transactions, and risk being sharped at cards. B«t at
Monte Carlo all you have against you is a small and
recognised percentage in favour of the bank; the fair-
ness of the play is above suspicion, and in cases of
disputes between two players the bank has been leen
to pay twice over rather than have any unpleasantness.
It has even been estimated that, considering the num-
ber of visitors, suicides at Monte Carlo are fewer than
in most other countries. Sir Hiram comments upon
the fact that both in England and in France honest
gantbling, such as roulette and trente-et-quarante, have
been suppressed, while dishonest gambling is allowed.
Roulette is played at Monte Carlo with one zero on
numbers and half a zero on the even chances; while in
England gambling on horse races is as unfavourable as
roulette would be with from nine to twenty-three zeros,
all of which lose.
How to Play and Jiose.
There are two kinds of games played at Monte Carlo
-—roulette and trente-et-quarante. The latter is the
rich man's game, the minimum stake being 20 francs,
and the maximum 12,000 francs. The percentage in
favour of the bank has been estimated at about 1.28
per cent. Roulette is the more popular game, the
minimum stake being 5 francs. The outer edge of the
roulette wheel is divided into 37 sections— 18 red, 18
black, and one zero or neutral in colour. The game is
perfectly honest. Playing wisely, the chances are
almost equal, the player having 494 chances out of
1,000, and the bank 496 chances. There is nothing, says
Sir Hiram, in the world that better demonstrates the
truth of the law of probabilities than the small per-
centage which the bank relies upon. Compared with
other forms of gambling, including horse-racing, gam-
bling at Monte Carlo is practically an even chance for
both parties. If 100 francs are staked at trente-et-
quarante, insured, their value is 99 francs. The com-
parative value of 100 francs staked in other gambles is
shown by the following table:
Table of Values and Percentages on Various Gambling
Chances on the Basis of Staking a Plaque (100
Francs). 3^^^,^
Value Per-
when Staked centage.
Francs. Francs.
Even chance — zero suppressed 100. .. 9.
Trente-et-quarante — insured 99. . . 1.
Trente-et-quarante — not insured 98.72 .. 1.28
Roulette — six even chances 98.65 1.35
En plein (on one number) 97.30 . . 2.70
On groups of numbers 97.30 . . 2.70
Columns and dozens 97.30 .. 2.70
American roulette — all chances 94.59 . . 5.41
Chinese roulette — all chances 89.19 .. 10.81
Petits Chevaux 88.88 . . 11.12
Horse-racing as advised by experts ... 68.00 . . 32.00
Horse-racing — straight tips 33.33 . . 66.66
The 100 francs of the man who bets on "straight
tips" is therefore worth only one-third of the 100 francs
of the man who plays trente-et-quarante.
A Game of Certainty.
Nevertheless, you cannot hope to win in a long
campaign against the bank. The percentage against
you, though small, works itself out; and "if we examine
the play from the bank's standpoint, we shall find that
it is never a game of chance, but one of absolute cer-
tainty from first to last":
" There are altogether fourteen double tables at
Monte Carlo and thousands of places where money
Itet>leu) of Reviews, 20 /^/OS.
maf be staked. The number of players is indeed so
great that the fluctuation due to occasional wins on the
part of a few players does not in any material degree
affect the steady flow of gold into the coffers of the
" Systems."
Everyone has heard of the player with a system.
All systems, says Sir Hiram, are modified forms of
what is known in France as the " martingale," and in
l^ngland as "doubles or quits":
" There are many modifications of the ' martingale,'
They all consist of some mode of diminishing the rapid-
ity of the progression, and so spin out the game and
make it last longer, in order to give the player more
play for his money. He generally gets the play, but
not the money. All of these modifications, however,
only increase the number of coups and the average
magnitude of the stakes, and consequently the bank's
percentage in a corresponding degree, for we must not
lose sight of the fact that the bank's percentage is
always multiplied by the total number of coups."
Sir Hiram denies that people go to Monte Carlo to
win money; they go there to play. He adds that most
books on the subject are absurd, and exposes the
ridiculous delusion that because a certain number has
turned up consecutively several times, the other num-
ber is likely to turn up next time. The truth, as ex-
pressed by Professor Richard Proctor, is: " If a penny
is pitched into the air twenty times, and comes down
twenty times ' head up,' it stands just an even chance
of coming down ' head up ' on the twenty-first time."
How Professional Gamblers Live.
Sir Hiram admits that a small class of professional
gamblers do live at the expense of the bank with a
very small capital. But they do not live by staking
their own money, but by dexterously moving the stakes
of bona-fide players on to another chance, and covering
it with their own five-franc pieces. There is really no
chance in favour of winningr at Monte Carlo, whether
with or without a system:
" Suppose that 1,024 players, each with a capital of
512 louis, accepted the invitation and visited his tables
and played the ' martingale.' Suppose they only seek
to win one louis per day. According to the law of
probabilities, there would be an even chance that two
of them would lose their capital, the first day. I give
in the table below the state of affairs as the game pro-
gressed, showing the probable number of survivors:
Ist day 1,024 players.
2nd „ 1,022
512th „ 512
1,024th „ 256
1,536th „ 128
2,048th „ 64
2,560th „ 32
3,072nd „ 16 „
3,584th „ 8 „
4,096th „ 4
4,608th „ 2 „
5,120th „ 1 player.
An Enormous Canal.
A writer in the " Magazine of Commerce " tells of
the proposed great canal traversing Russia and con-
necting the Baltic with the Black Sea. This canal
would start from Riga and end at Cherson, near the
Crimea— a length of 1,607 kilometres. The average
depth would be twenty-six feet. " By keeping to tkis
line some of the most important towns of Central
Russia, such as Riga, Dunabcrg, Kief, Ekaterinoslav
and Cherson, would be served directly, whilst tho»e
on the tributaries of the Dnieper and Duna would come
within easy reach by the deepening of these tribu-
The canal would enable Russian men-of-war and
large steamers to pass through the heart of Russia,
thus strengthening enormously the naval position in the
Black Sea. As to the coat of this great undertaking,
the writer says that " an American syndicate has
declared itself ready to undertake the work and finish
it in five years, and at a cost of £32,500,000. The
construction of such a network of canals would con-
stitute Russia the country best served with inland
waterways in Europe. They would bring its most
distant districts ' near to the sea,' and the enterprise
obviously means an important development of the
' world traffic ' as well as of the natural riches of the
land itself."
Motor Triumphans.
Mr. Henry Norman, M.P., in the "World's Work"
for March, indites a paean on " the coming of the
motor.' As the age of the stage-coach has given
place to the age of the railway, so we are now at the
beginning of the age of the motor. The motor is no
longer a noisy, costly, and unreliable machine. It is
silent, it is odourless, it is within the reach of all
purses, and is little likely to break down. A first-rate
two-seated car by one of the best makers can be bought
for £200, or even a little less. It can be worked by
any intelligent man or woman. The upkeep of a big
car is £116 a year; for a smaller one about £10. The
visiting radius of a family with a car of ten or twelve
horse-power is comfortably thirty miles, as opposed to a
horse radius of twelve — that is, an area of 2,827 square
miles as opposed to the 452 square miles. Mr. Norman
confidently predicts as a result of the motor the re-
vival of our country districts, of our country housts,
and of agriculture and the revolution of the passenger
traffic in cities. He also hazards the opinion that tb'
motor will kill the tramway. The railways will suff r
and will probably take refuge in State ownership. At
last, though late, England now makes some of the r.est
Roger Pocock contributes to "Pearson's IV igazine "
an entertaining article on the Grand Cannon of the
Colorado — 600 miles long, twelve miles wif?-,, and over
a mile deep. He thus describes its appf irance:
" I sat on the edge at dawn, staring ^^wn into blue
mist which had no bottom. I coukl see the other
side, though, when presently the rose flush caught the
further wall. It looked quite near, two miles perhaps,
yet I knew that the other wall was really twelve
miles away, as far as the Alexandra from the Crystal
Palace. All London and her hundred suburbs might
lie between, peopled by five million citizens. The
greatest metropolis might get lost down in that space
between the Canyon walls. And then through the
mist I saw dim shapes of mountains far beneath. They
looked like little mounds, but they were bigger than
any mountains in Great Britain. Ben Nevis and
Snowdon might lie in the shadow of these walls. The
greatest building ever raised by man would make a
little speck upon that rock tower, mighty Niagara
might lurk in yonder crack; but even then I could not
see to the bottom."
April 20, 1903.
The National Review.
The " National Review" for March — apart from its
politics, which seem to get more hopeless every month —
is an excellent number, and contains three or four
article of first-rate interest. We have noticed elsewhere
the paper on " The Kaisers," the paper on Macedonian
Reform, Sir Hiram Maxim's " Play and Players at
Monte Carlo," and the anonjrmous paper entitled "A
Final Irish Land Measure." There is therefore very
little left to be dealt with in this section.
Against the Sugar Convention.
One of the best of the other papers is Mr. R. J.
Boyd's scathing exposure of the Sugar Convention.
Mr. Boyd is managing director of the great firm of
James Keiller & Co., but he writes from the general
public point of view. He lays stress upon the fact
that the West Indian sugar industry has failed quite
apart from the damage inflicted upon it by the Con-
tinental bounties:
" Sugar still comes to this country from the West
Indies in small quantities, it is true, largely because
it is in such a very different state to the Continental
product. No two West Indian parcels are alike.
There is no standard whatever, and every parcel has
to be landed and sold by auction. In addition to this,
it loses a large amount of weight through drainage, and
reaches its ultimate end in a very different condition
to that produced by the enterprising German. Small
wonder, then, that the West Indian has been unable
to compete in this market. It must also be remem-
bered that in importing raw sugar to this country
from the West Indies, freight and charges have to be
paid on a large proportion of waste material, which
must be eliminated in the process of refining, and,
with freight at 25s. per ton, as against 5s. from Ger-
many and France, it is little wonder that the business
is unprofitable."
If the beet sugar industry of Europe were curtailed,
its place would be taken, not by sugar from the West
Indies, but from the Cuban producer and the American
sugar-refiner. Another point raised by Mr. Boyd is
that it will be quite impossible to ascertain whether im-
ported confectionery and other goods are made from
the bounty-fed article or not.
Radical Oxford.
" The Lament of an Oxford Tory," the Hon. Edwarc!
Cadogan to wit, is caused by the successful onslaught
which Radicalism and allied movements have made
upon that old centre of reaction. Mr. Cadogan is
simply horrified by the decline of Toryism indicated
by the following revolutionary changes:
" In Oxford the Opposition leaders are indeed work-
ing with a will. The walls of the University common
rooms and public meeting places are continually echo-
ing to the forcible and vociferous denunciations of Mr.
Lloyd-George, the graceful epigram and seductive per-
suasion of Lord Rosebery, the overpowering eloquence
of Mr. John Morley and the volubility of Sir Henry
Campbell-Bannerman. At one time some of our col-
leges even fostered the opinions of the so-called Pro-
Boers until the ubiquitous generals asked these in-
dividuals for something more substantial than their
sjrmpathy. Certain of our College Fellows rushed into
print in a manner which startled the stagnant feelings
of their more reserved and more pedantic brethren.
One of the first indignation meetings against the Gov-
ernment Education Bill took place in Oxford, and there
are perhaps few places in England where this measure
has met with so much hysterical animosity. The
* Imperial idea,' so far from being a term to conjure
with, is in Oxford dismissed with the sneer of con-
tempt. Even the question of Home Rule is counten-
anced as a question thoroughly worthy of considera-
tion, if not of approval. In fact, when it is said that
all sections of the Opposition find their admirers and
followers in the University, even the Irish Nationalist
party must not be excluded from the category."
There is not a single Conservative Club in Oxford
which is supported either by great numbers or by any
enthusiasm; and the Union Society discusses prob-
lems which savour of Hyde Park Socialism.
The Nineteenth Century.
The " Nineteenth Century " for March is a good
number. We quote from the article by Sir John
Gorst elsewhere.
Professor Vambery to the Rescue.
Professor Vambery, of Buda Pesth, is one of the
most interesting men in Europe. Learned, travelled,
articulate in a score of languages, he writes and speaks
Elnglish like a native. But the note is always that of
a Magyar whose Russophobia colours and distorts
everything. A sincere lover of England, he has al-
ways, in season and out of season, endeavoured—" be-
ing moved thereto by the devil "—to fill the English
mind with hatred, malice, and all uncharitableness to-
wards Russia. Mr. Knowles has given him ample
space and verge enough in the March number to dis-
course in thirty-five pages upon the agitation against
England's power. It all resolves itself into the old
cry of " 'Ware the Russian Bear!" But towards
the end of his article Professor Vambery betakes him-
self to the less objectionable task of urging the Eng-
lish, whom he loves so well, to bestir themselves. He
tells us plainly the English manufacturers ** take things
far too easily, and, trusting too much to their own
supremacy, many an advantage has been lost; the pupils
have outstripped their master, and anger and envy are
of little avail now. Nothing but an energetic pulling
of oneself together, a thorough clearance of all the old
system of education, can render assistance here."
The Average Hindu in a New Light.
In an article bearing the altogether misleading title
of " Reincarnation," a Brahmin, Marayan Harischan-
dra, describes the Hindu from an altogether new point
of view. The ways of a Hindu, he says, are as clear
as a crystal book. His motives of conduct can al-
ways be known to a certainty, and his rules of conduct
are as clearly defined as the laws of gravitation. His
entire conduct depends on his belief in the reincar-
Revieu) of Reviews, SO/J^/OS.
nation and his doctrine of Karma, which is equivalent
to the Christian doctrine "As thou hast sown so shalt
thou reap." There is very little basic difference be-
tween the principles of Brahminism and Christianity:
" But what is the average Hindu in his dealings with
his neighbour? Even this: an ideal ' Christian/ save
in one thing — where the interests of his loved ones are
at stake. Then the saintliest Hindu becomes a sinner.
He would see the whole world go to ruin, if thereby he
could bring happiness to his loved one — be it parent
or child, wife or mistress. From his earliest child-
hood the Hindu is taught one practical virtue: to love
his own people. Reverence for parents, love for bro-
thers and sisters, constitute his chief moral training in
bis youth; from that, the love for -svife and child fol-
lows in the course of nature. It becomes the key-
note of his external conduct."
Other Articles.
Sir Robert Anderson pleads more passionately than
"before for the imprisonment for life of all professional
criminals; Mr. W. F. Lord dissertates upon the Bronte
novels; Mr. L. Douglas discourses on the Real Cimabue;
Mr. I. C. Medd gives us a well-informed fact-and-figure-
crammed paper upon Agricultural Education in Holland.
The Dutch spend twice as much per head on this
as the English. The paper should be noted by all
interested in English agriculture.
The New Liberal Review^
The first article in order and importance in the
^' New Liberal Review " is one by Mr. T. W. Russell,
M.P., on Ireland to-day. He remarks on the peace
that is now prevalent in consequence of the Conference
between landlord and tenant, but expresses the very
strongest apprehension that the Government will spoil
the unexampled opportunity by refusing to grant the
terms agreed upon. Ministers, he thinks, are in dan-
ger of spoiling the ship for a ha'porth of tar. He
reminds them that the moment the State grant dis-
appears the Conference report ceases to have binding
force upon anyone, and the prospect of a settlement
The Hague Tribunal.
Mr. Charles Fox laments the foolish and supercilious
way in which the British Government has endeavoured
to ignore the Hague Tribunal. There has been a gen-
eral and sullen conspiracy among the monarchs of
Europe and the Chanceries to allow the functions of
the Hague Tribunal to lapse by neglect. In the case
of Venezuela, England ought, in accordance with the
Hague agreement, to have invoked the offices of a
friendly Power, obviously the United States. In-
stead, she delivered herself over, tied and bound, to
that worst foe of arbitration, Germany. The writer
remarks on the firm and consistent advocacy of the
Hague Tribunal by America and France.
The Cockneyisation of England.
This is the title of a very able paper by Mr. H. A.
Spurr. It is full of smart epigrams. " It seems
to be a law of nature that when two or three are
gathered together, one, at least, begins to show off."
The Cockney "is filled with the belief that to hurry
is God's chief mandate to the good citizen." Next to
kurry, the Cockney loves noise. There is more than
smartness in this saying: " Civilisation may be defined
as the practice of acquiring luxuries and dispensing
with necessities." He laments that provincialism
dwindles, and the town is more and more. He insists
on the need of children spending a year or two in the
country, to be spared "the cityfying process," which
sharpens the wit, but hardens the heart.
Other Articles.
It is significant of much that a political review feels
it necessary to give the second place to a conservative
criticism of Professor Van Manen's theory of the Paul-
ine Epistles. The writer, the Rev. J. O. F. Murray,
welcomes the theory as the reductio ad impossibile of
naturalism. Mr. R. P. C, Johnson laments the waste
of time at the Law Courts. In the King's Bench Divi-
sion last October, there were arrears amounting to
873 cases. He suggests additional judges for the Court
of Appeal and the amendment of the circuit system.
Mr. W. M. G. Williams calls attention to the alarming
increase in our expenditure, and urges the appointment
of a Committee on Estimates, which could overhaul ac-
counts in a way impossible to the House of Commons
as a whole. Mr. F. C. Benfield, late American Con-
sul, gives a lively account of Venezuelan vicissitudes.
The Fortnij^htly Review.
The " Fortnightly " for March is a good average num-
ber. We have noticed elsewhere Dr. Alfred Russel
Wallace's interesting speculations on "Man's Place_ in
the Universe," Mr. Wells' instalment of "Mankind
in the Making," Mr. J. G. Alger's " Thirty Years in
Paris," and Mr. Eltzbacher's latest contribution to the
anti-German campaign.
A New Trans-Canadian Railway.
Colonel G. E. Church has an important paper on
" Canada and Its Trade Routes," in which he pleads for
a new Canadian Pacific Railway to run at a distance
of from 200 to 400 miles of the present line. Colonel
Church lays great stress on Canada's agriculturarl fu-
ture, and upon the inadequacy of the present trans-
port system. The production of wheat per acre is
already in Canada double that of the United States;
and in the North-West Territories there are 205,000,000
acres of arable land of which not more than 900,000
are at present under cultivation. But geographical
conditions have forced all Canada's railways to run
south of Lake Winnipeg; and, strategically, her rail-
ways are in close touch with the United States fron-
tier. It is therefore proposed to build a new trans-
continental railway, which would cross the country to
the north of Lake Winnipeg. The line would take an
almost direct course from Quebec to the northern end
of Lake Winnipeg, reaching the Pacific coast at Port
Simpson. It would be 2,839 miles long, or from 250
miles to 550 miles shorter than any existing Pacific
railway. The line would also have the advantage
of crossing the mountains at an elevation above sea-
level one-half that of any other Pacific railway north
of Mexico.
The Truth About Chinese Labour.
Sir Hiram Maxim, in his paper on " The Chinese and
the South African Labour Question," appears in a
new role as humourist:
"The American working-men of the imported va-
riety are fair-minded and noble feUows, and believe m
April 20, ip03.
ffiving everyone a fair chance, not even excepting the
keatken Chinee. They sought out these misguided
Chinamen and attempted to reason -vrith them. They
pointed out the error of their ways, and did all they
could to reform and civilise the poor heathen, and to
impress upon him the principles and practices of the
white workers, but all to no purpose; the misguided
heathen still worked on liKe a machine; he would not
eren slow up. Then, again, the Chinese were not
satisfied -with doing twice as much as they should on
week days. Many of them, who were profitably em-
ployed six days in the week, acquired small plots ot
land, which they cultivated on nights and on Sundays,
and no matter how poor the land might be, they made
it produce amazing crops. It was like magic; they got
about ten times as much out of the land as ever had
been done before. This magic system of market gar-
dening did not appear a square deal to the white
workers— -it gave the Chinese a great advantage over
the local gardener, which was very exasperating. Mobs
were organised, and many of the little heathen farms
were destroyed. But there seemed to be no end to
the iniquity of these degraded heathens, for no sooner
did they find their plants destroyed, than they went
fishing on Sundays, and managed to catch as many
fish in one day as the local fishermen could catch in a
week. It sometimes occurred that a white man had
trouble with his imported white servants, and cases
are known where four have been discharged from a
single household, and one Chinaman hired in their
place, who at once became cook, chambermaid, butler,
and gardener, besides doing the family washing, and
even then he complained of ennui, as he had not suffi-
cient work to keep him going— poor fellow! As San
Francisco increased in wealth and population, there
arose a demand for 'biled shirts'; then it was found
that the Chinaman was the best ' washerwoman ' in
the world; another nail in his coffin. The fact is,
there appeared to be no end or limit to the ' cussed-
ness ' of this benighted heathen. He could work at
any trade, do anjrthing, and do it well. The profes-
sional labour agitator and the walking delegate em-
ployed interpreters, and did all they could to make
the heathen see the error of his ways, but still to no
purpose; he persisted in his evil ways, and refused to
reform. Then the eight-hour movement came, and the
white men attempted to get the heathen to join them
in an effort to get an eight-hour day. The reply they
go^ was: 'We already got him; we got him two times,
top side now. We workee, workee eight hours, two
times one day; bery good pigeon, much money, top side
now.' The poor, misguided heathen was satisfied
with an eight-hour day that called for eight hours in
the forenoon and eight hours in the afternoon."
His article is written in this strain right through. If
Chinese are imported into South Africa, he says, it is
absurd to suppose they can be kept in a state of
slavery. One result would probably be that the out-
put of the rich mines would be enormously increased,
and that the Chinaman would begin to work the poor
mines at a profit, increasing the output of gold until
the metal became so abundant that we should be glad
to accept Mr. Bryan's 16 to 1 standard.
The Rand Bewarplaatsen.
Mr. A. Cooper Key attempts to estimate the value
of these interests. They have been variously estimated
at values of £44,000,000 and £75,000,000. ' Mr. Key
goes into details, and finds the value a paltry
£2,320,180, and this he regards as the outside value.
Estimates of £40,000,000 and so forth were presumably
arrived at by multiplying the total number of claimi?
in question by some assumed average of a Rand mining
" Ai equitably might one value London from Wool-
wich to Richmond on the basis of Oxford Street, the
leading thoroughfares of the City, and the squares of
Other Articles.
Mr. R. S. Rait writes on " The Tercentenary of the
Annexation of England," the " annexation " being the
coming of James VI. of Scotland and I. of England.
There \ is a literary supplement of fifty pages, devoted
to a play by Mr. W. Somerset Maugham.
The Contemporary Review.
With the exception of Dr. E. J. Dillon's paper on
" The Reign of Terror in Macedonia," there is nothing
in the March " Contemporary Review " calling for
special note. We have quoted briefly elsewhere from
Mr. H. W. Nevinson's article, " The Chance in Ire-
land," and Mr. W. R. Lawson's article on the waking
up of British railways deserves more than passing no-
The Effect of Science on Religion.
Archdeacon Wilson contributes a paper on " The In-
fluence of Scientific Training on the Reception of
Religious Truth," from which we quote the following
" Now, the most permanent, and perhaps the most
important, effect of scientific training is to compel
the ultimate a,doption in theology of some scientific
method of investigation, and to force us to find some
firm ground in experience, and in the nature of things,
for those beliefs which have been common to the whole
human race, and form the foundation of religion. The
effect is, in a word, to compel the treatment of theology
as a science; and, so far as the method is applicable,
as an inductive science. None of us can as yet see all
that is implied in this. But this at any rate can be'
seen: that the effect is to compel us to assume the
reality of the phenomena with which religious experi-
ence is concerned, and to make them the foundation
of faith. The prevalence of scientific method demands
serious attention to the science of theology, as one
dealing with facts of the highest importance; and sub-
mits to verification every stage of the inductions of
that science. The ultimate result is to include re-
ligion in the realm of universal law."
Labour and Trades-Unionism.
Mr. Haldane, M.P., reprints an address on "The
Labourer and the Law," which he read some weeks
ago to a working-class audience. In discussing the
question of the monetary liability of trades unions
for the acts of their agents, he says that the only
way to keep the benefit funds free from liability would
be to separate the benefit organisation from the union
organisation. Mr. Haldane recommends that the ob-
scurity of the present law should be cleared up in
the following manner:
" The appointment of a small commission of experts
to report upon the state of the law, and to say what
it is, how it can be expressed, and what it ought to be.
Such a commission should be small, and, above all,
should not be representative of special points of view.
It ought to be of a judicial or scientific character. A
distinguished judge who has not manifested any par-
Review of Reviews, SO/4/03.
ticular tendencies in regard to labour questions in the
eourse of his judgments, might easily be found to pre-
side oyer it. He might be assisted by another lawyer
of eminence, selected in the same fashion. For the
third member of the commission, and I think three
would be the best number to constitute it, I should
like to see chosen some distinguished man — and there
are several alive — who has had experience, in high ad-
ministrative office, of the working out of Trade Union
questions. Such a commission would frame a report,
which, of course, would not be conclusive, as to the
remedy. But the conclusions to that report should be
embodied in a Bill and submitted for the consideration
9i Parliament by the Goremment of the day."
Russian Liberalism and the Government.
Mr, Felix Volkhovsky, in a paper entitled " The Re-
riral of Russian Liberalism," gives a very interesting
account of the open revolt caused among the members
of the local governments owing to the policy adopted
by the Government in regard to the committees re-
cently appointed to inquire into the needs of Russian
Agriculture. The zemstros which were excluded from
the deliberations of these committees protested, and
in one case held a counter-meeting in Moscow, where-
upon several of the members were summoned to St.
Petersburg to receive a reprimand from the Tsar.
Others lost their posts, were threatened with exile,
or sent to live on their estates. Little petitions
of rights were drawn up in several provinces, the par-
ties responsible refusing to withdraw them. The
Karkoff Zemstvo succeeded in passing a resolution that
a complaint should be lodged in the Senate against
the unjust strictures of the local governor and they
defeated the governor when he threatened to close
their session if they did not revoke the resolution. In
general the Liberals seem to have scored heavily.
Other Articles.
There is another paper by " Voces Catholicse," this
time entitled " The Abbe Loisy and the Catholic Re-
form Movement." Madame Duclaux contributes one
of her charming French sketches. The Countess Mar-
tinengo-Cesaresco contributes a paper entitled " The
Modern Pastoral in Italy."
The Westminster Review.
The March number opens with one of those interest-
ing reminiscent articles in the vmting of which Karl
Blind excels. Karl Blind, although a cosmopolitan, is
a German in bone and sinew, and he is " toujours en
redette " when the question of Alsace is touched upon.
Mr. Franklin Thomassen, in a solid but vigorous paper
on the Housing Question in 1903, maintains against
all comers his favourite thesis that nothing can be done
to free us from slum piggeries for human beings until
the Land Question is radically dealt with. It is curi-
ous to note the genesis of a fixed idea. Mr. Thomas-
sen tells us:
"When first I went to Kindergarten school at the
age of four. "What is the first requisite for build-
ing a house?" Up went my hand at once. * Well,
what?' asked the teacher. 'Bricks,' said I. 'No,'
was the reply, ' land.' I had not thought of that."
He has thought of little else ever since. There is
an interesting paper on the improvement of the
physique of the English schoolboy in the last twenty
" A boy of thirteen at Marlborough College to-da/
weighs, on an average, 5 J lb. more than a boy of the
same age weighed there in 1874, and he is also two
inches taller. Boys of thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, and
sixteen at Rugby School to-day are, as at Marlborough, '
both taller and heavier than they were twenty-two
years ago, while boys of seventeen average nine-tenths
of an inch taller, but are 1 lb. less in weight. A Rugby
boy of sixteen who goes in for gymnastics at the pre-
sent day is 5 ft. 7 in. tall, and weighs 8 st. 13.7 lb.,
while a Marlborough boy of the same age is 5 ft. 6.2
in. tall, and weighs 9 st. 3.7 lb. Thus the Marlborough
boy of sixteen is four-fifths of an inch shorter, but
weighs 4 lb. more than his confrere at Rugby."
There is a useful paper on the Metropolitan police.
In 1900 the police had 957,000 more people to look
after than they had in 1890, and only 122 more men
have been added to the force. " Since 1890, no less
than 202,127 new houses have been built; 2,643 new
streets and seven new squares have been formed, and
the length of these new streets and squares is 531
miles." But for the policing of this vast new city only
122 constables have been added to the resources of
Scotland Yard. The most startling paper in this
number is that of Dr. McDermott, who maintains that
late marriages are the chief causes of the increase of
insanity which is so much to be deplored in Ireland.
He says:
" Put in the simplest terms, the mass of predisposi-
tion to insanity is due to the fact that 85 per cent, of
those under thirty are childless, while under no pro-
vision for fitness in marriage all restraint disappears.'^
He denies that late marriages in Ireland result in
vice. The men are chaste till they marry, and then
beget lunatics:
" In Ireland (1891), in every hundred males between
twenty and twenty-five there were ninety unmarried;
between twenty-five and thirty the number was sev-
This is diametrically opposed to the ordinary English
notion of Irish customs in the matter of matrimony.
The World's Work.
The " World's Work " for March is full of inters
esting matter. Mr. Norman's prophecies concerning
the motor are noticed elsewhere. Major Evans-Gordon,
M.P., gives photographic sketches of our aliens at home
in their native districts of Western Russia. Major
Hume writes optimistically concerning the resurrection
of Spanish trade. The dealings of Spain with Great
Britain are increasing, while those with France are
dwindling. The cotton and paper trades are especi-
ally prosperous. He urges that " out of Spain's dis-
asters has arisen an unanticipated good; and that the
country is entering once more into a life of enterprise,
activity, and industrial prosperity." Mr. M. D. Chal-
mers deals with the state of the Statute Book, which
now fills 22,000 pages; 1,800 judicial decisions form the
judge-made law in connection with the Licensing Acts.
He contrasts the happy condition of the Frenchman^
whose law is in three tiny volumes. Germany has a
Civil Code which goes into a single handy volimae.
Mr. H. A. Humphrey describes a new fuel gas for
manufacture and agriculture, which he thinks may solve
the smoke problem in cities, and supply cheaper heat
and cleanly streets. Glasgow is the city chosen for
description. Mr. A. Maurice Low contributes a eulogy
of Senator Hanna, who he thinks may be President.
April 20 y 190^.
Track athletics are illustrated with strange and gro-
tesque instantaneous photographs of athletes in ac-
The Monthly Review.
The " Monthly Review " for March is a good number.
We have noticed among the leading articles Mr, W. B.
Duffield's paper on " German Policy in South America."
The series of articles by Austro-Hungarians on the
future of their empire is continued this month.
Count Banffy's Views.
Count BanflFy agrees with last month's contributors
that there is not the slightest foundation for the belief
that the dismemberment of the Empire is probable.
Both Austria and Hungary are aware that, failing the
common bond which ensures them twofold indepen-
dence, neither could survive except through the hard-
est of struggles. He refuses to take the Pan-German
party seriously, and cannot imagine the realisation of
its ideas at any distance of time. Dr. Ritter von
Starzynski, leader of the Polish Conservative Party,
urges that what is required is the reconstruction of the
State on its natural basis, that is, provincial autonomy
and equality of national rights; and the restriction of
business transacted in the Reichsrath to the legis-
lative labours common to all provinces.
" The Restoration of Oxford."
The Rev. James H. F. Peile has an elaborate article
under this heading, in which he makes some sugges-
tions which will probably be regarded as revolutionary
in University quarters. He points out that the age at
which boys go to college has risen steadily; with the
result that the modern undergraduate is too old for the
rules and restrictions of a school; while on the other
hand duty and responsibility are not yet presented to
him in ^ae convincing form they wear in actual life.
He proposes that:
" (1) Boys should go to the public schools at eleven
or twelve at the latest, and proceed to the University
at about sixteen. The age limit for open scholarships
should be fixed at sixteen instead of nineteen.
" (2) There should be a three years' course with
residence (Honour and Pass as at present) for the
Bachelor of Arts degree. The curriculum would have
to be modified somewhat to suit the young students,
but not, I think, as much as might be supposed. Able
boys are quite fit at sixteen to read Classics and His-
tory, and certainly Science, on an intelligent and com-
prehensive system; and any attempt to lower the pass
standard would land the explorer at once on the bed-
" (3) There should be a further three years' course
for the Degrees of Master of Arts and Bachelor of
Divinity, Law, Medicine, Science, and Letters. This
course would be confined to those who in the earlier
course had shown themselves capable of serious study,
not all those or only those who had been placed in the
first class in any examination. The second Degree
would be given (not necessarily by examination) on
work done by the student, and selected within wide
limits by himself, especial importance being attached to
original work in any branch."
The majority of men would pass out of the Univer-
sity into active life at nineteen instead of at twenty-
two or twenty-three.
Mr. Bull and Mr. Balfour.
This month's stock of satirical verse is devoted to a
dialogue entitled " The Stock Exchange," between
John Bull and his Prime Minister. Mr. Bull protests
against the indolent gambling spirit of the age; and
Mr. Balfour retorts that it is not the business of
the legislator to guard public morals.
Other Articles.
General Brabant replies to that part of De Wet's
book which deals with the siege of Wepener. Mr.
Andrew Lang reviews Mr. Myers' "Human Personal-
ity." Mr. Sidney Colvin writes an article on Keats'
" Ode to a Nightingale," and reproduces in facsimile
for the first time the manuscript of the famous poem,
which, it appears, recently passed into the hands of
the Earl of Crewe. The changes . subsequently made
by Keats in the original draft are few, but all are dis-
tinct improvements.
Blackwood's Magazine.
" Blackwood's Magazine" opens with a retrospect of
the Delhi Durbar, the writer of which tries to explain
the remarkable fact that, from first to last, there was
an entire absence of enthusiasm. There is a very
touching war story, apparently written by " Lines-
man," entitled " Cedric." Charles Hanbury Williams
writes a delightful travel paper describing Vancouver
and Victoria. He concludes his sketch by declaring
"there may be lovelier cities than Victoria in the
world, but it has never been my luck to see them."
Mr. Wyon's Montenegrin Sketches is another capital
description of unfamiliar ground and primitive people.
The article on " The Needs of Oxford " is also worth
Page's Magazine.
The March number contains several interesting
Slow versus Rapid Vessels.
Dr. B. W. Ginsburg writes upon the present position
of British shipping. Commenting upon the supremacy
of Germany as regards speed, he says:
" It is not altogether difficult to see why shipowners
prefer the slower vessels. In the first place they cost
much less to build. The ' Ivernia,' for example,
would not cost half as much as the ' Kaiser Wilhelm
der Zweite.' She has accommodation for a good number
of passengers of all classes, but owing to the more
popular rates which she can charge, and to the large
numbers she can take, she will all the year round get
a remunerative list.
" The * Deutschland's' experience has shown that from
November to April it is not worth while to put to sea.
The * Ivernia' again carries a great cargo — probably
some 10,000 tons— besides her passengers, whilst a fast
mail boat can only find room for her coal, her mails,
and a few hundred tons of measurement goods."
The article points out how much foreign Govern-
ments do for their shipowners, and how little the
British Government does.
The Future Express.
Mr. H. C. Fyfe contributes an article upon express
passenger travelling in the future. He says that very
Review of Reviews, 20/^/03.
iiigh speeds on present day railways appear to be un-
attainable for two reasons. One is the unsuitability
of the two-rail track for great speeds, and the other is
the " mixture of speeds." Mr. Fyfe then describes
the mono-rail (Behr) system and the suspended rail-
way system. The former has been used for some
twelve years between Listowel and Ballybunion in Ire-
land, and the Manchester and Liverpool mono-rail line
will shortly be opened. The speed is to be 110 miles
-an hour, and the journey will be performed in twenty
instead of forty minutes. If this railway proves a suc-
cess many more may be built; and certainly the pros-
pect is alluring, for Londoners would reach Brighton in
twenty-five minutes, Birmingham in an hour, Edinburgh
in 3^ hours, and Holyhead in 2^ hours! The sus-
pended system is used between Barmen and Elberfeld
in Germany. No great speeds have been attained, but
there appears no reason to doubt that they could be
reached. The chief advantage of the system, how-
ever, is that the track can be slung up over streets,
rivers, canals and railway lines well out of the way ot
all ground traffic.
The modern torpedo is dealt with by Mr. Gustave
Hubert. The article is illustrated by a series of very
fine photographs. There is always a fascination abou.
these uncanny death-dealing instruments, and Mi.
Hubert's minute description of how they are made an(i
how fired makes interesting reading. It will, howevei,
surprise most people to hear that a torpedo is depend-
able and likely to hit the object aimed at:
" Thanks to the hydrostatic valve, the pendulum, and
the gyroscope, the Whitehead torpedo is almost certain
to hit the object at which it is aimed. In peace man-
oeuvres the Whitehead has often been run absolutely
dead straight, with no divergence either up or down,
or from right to left, to a distance of 2,000 yards. In
1898 the range of the Whitehead was officially placed
at 800 yards, so the value of the gyroscope is quite
evident. By means of the gyroscope the torpedo
can be made to turn to any given angle from the direc-
tion of discharge, and then run in a straight line."
The Engincermg Magazine.
The March number contains several interesting ar-
ticles. Mr. Emerson's article dealing with the Ameri-
can overland transport to the Orient is noticed at some
length elsewhere.
Modern Dredges.
Mr. Robinson contributes an informing article upon
excavating and dredging machinery. The paper is illus-
trated with fine photographs of different dredges at
"In ten years the paying load carried by a represen-
tative ocean cargo steamer, and by a representative
freight train, has about doubled, and a similar rate of
increase is observed in the capacity of dredges and
steam shovels. It is safe to say that this growth will
continue, limited only by the conditions of each case.
The limiting condition in the size of steamships is only
in the capacity of harbours and channels and the means
of supplying and trans-shipping cargo. The limits to
the size of a dredge are only in the magnitude of the
work it may have to do to ensure that it shall be pro
fitably employed for a sufficient length of time, and alfio
in the facilities for disposing conveniently of the ma-
terial dredged."
Almost Human.
After describing many dredges for various purpose>,
Mr. Robinson gives the following account of the dipper
" The home of the dipper dredge is on the Grea '
Lakes. There it flourished, and in the smaller sizes and
in non-tidal fresh water at 20 ft. depth was marvellously
efficient. A good wooden dredge of ten years ago which
cost, say, $30,000, would do 1,500 or 2,000 cubic yard-
per ten hours with a crew of six men on three tons of
coal. It could lift its spuds, move up, and reset again
in ninety seconds. It stands alone like a table on iti
legs, with no moorings to obstruct navigation. By
means of its dipper on the bottom it can move itself
about crab-fashion in any direction, and by the same
means can push the barges about which it is loading.
It can manoeuvre itself in any direction, load scows, di^-
foundations, pull piles, lay concrete blocks, deposit laac-v
filling, lift boulders, raise wrecks, dredge hard or soft
material, and do nearly everything but vote. Its great
simplicity made it light in repairs. With tools like
these, and suitable for their work, the marvel is not
that American contractors do not use the big and costly
European ladder dredges, but that these useful Ameri-
can tools do not find a wider recognition in Europe and
The British Naval Engineer.
The vexed question of the position and rank of the
engineer officers in the navy has been the cause of Lord
Selborne's new scheme. Discussion has been raging
over it ever since it appeared, and Mr. Charles M. John-
son adds a further contribution to the literature on the
subject. This article is, however, more a review of the
controversy to date than an expression of his own
opinion. The engineer officer of the future will have
executive rank and authority, so that he will be able to
give an order to any man in the ship without the pos-
sibility of its being disobeyed or even questioned.
Whether the engineer officer of the future will be as
good an engineer as his predecessor is a question time
and experience alone can solve.
Other Articles.
The remaining articles are more technical. Mr.
Buchanan continues his papers upon Foundry Manage-
ment. Mr. A. Williams, jun., gives another paper upon
the Management of Metalliferous Mines, and Mr. Wm.
Magrutor writes upon cost-finding methods for moder-
ate-sized shops.
The Pall Mall Magazine.
The " Pall Mall Magazine" contains an article by
Mr. Robert Machray entitled " The Prime Minister a*.
Whittingehame," which is noticed at length elsewhere.
There are a number of other articles of interest. Lady
Randolph Churchill writes on " The American Woman
in Europe." She says that their success is greatly due
to the wonderful adaptability which they display with-
out at the same time losing their individuality. Ameri-
can girls are much better read than English girls, while
on the whole the American woman is perhaps the best
dressed in the world. Mr. Frederick Moore wTites on
" President Roosevelt, the Man of Duty." His
article is admirably illustrated with photographs of
the President on his tours. Mr. Moore mentions that
President Roosevelt and his wife do not attend the
same church, the President attending a little Dutch
Reformed Church in an alley off Fifteenth Street.
April 20, ipos-
wkile his wife is a member of what is kno\rn in Wash-
ioffton as " tke English Church." Mr. Frederic Lew
contributes an illustrated paper on " Paul Cesar Helleu,
Etcher and Pastellist." The chapter of Literary Geog-
ntphj deals with George Eliot's country, and is con-
tributed by Mr. William Sharp.
The North American Review.
The " North American Review" is by no means keep-
ing up to the level it maintained during the last two
years. The February number contains no single article
of first-rate interest, unless it be Mark Twain's con-
tinued strictures on Christian Science. We notice
elsewhere Mr. Sydney Brooks* paper on " The King of
Italy," and Mr. Charles Johnston's article on " Mace-
donia's Struggle for Liberty." There is hardly anything
else in the number which needs quotation. Justice W.
J. Gaynor continues his attack on Police Lawlessness,
and Mr. Howard Gans replies to Mr. Gaynor's former
The Origin of the Monroe Doctrine.
Mr. W. L. Scruggs writes on this subject. He deals
with the origin of the Doctrine, chiefly from the point
of view of showing how little Canning had to do with
it. Canning opposed the particular schemes of the Holy
Alliance, but there and then his Monroeism ended:
" Thus disappears the historical fiction that Mr. Can-
ning * inspired,' if he did not originate, the Monroe
Doctrine. So far from that, he distinctly disapproved
of it, except in so far as it related specifically to the
designs of the Holy Alliance. He was ready to take
steps to prevent the Allied Powers from interfering on
behalf of Spain in her contest with her revolted Ameri-
can colonies, and he was equally anxious to prevent the
partitioning of those colonies among those Powers.
But he was not willing to go the length of recognising
the independence of the new republics; nor was he will-
ing to concede the main point in Mr. Adams' note —
r.amely, that the American continents were thence-
fortn :o be considered closed to European colonisation.
On the concrav'-. he held distinctly, as his biographer
tells us, that ' the United States had no right to take
umbrage at the establish n^ent of new colonies from
Hurope on any unoccupied parts oi the American con-
tinent.' "
The Industrial Crisis in the Philippines.
Mr. Brewster Cameron writes on this subject. His
suggestions are: First, a stable currency; secondly, a
further reduction of the Dingley tariff; thirdly, the
amendment of the Philippine Act of Congress in certain
particulars. He says that the Philippine Government
has already lost over $1 ,000,000 directly from fluctuations
ia the Mexican dollar. One of the laws which Mr.
Cameron protests against is that limiting the ownership
of land by corporations to 2,500 acres. A 2,500 acre
plantation, he says, Avill not furnish enough cane to
operate economically a modern sugar-milling plant, and
this provision has prevented the legitimate development
of the islands.
Other Articles.
Dr. Washington Gladden writes on the late Phillips
Brooks. Mr. T. F. Ryan, writing on " The Political
Opportunity of the South," protests against Federal in-
terference with State rights. Professor Brander Mat-
thews writes on " The Art of the Dramatist."
The Atlantic Monthly.
In the March "Atlantic," President Arthur T. Hadley
continues his discussion, begun last month, of "Aca-
demic Fi'eedom in Theory and in Practice." So far
from accepting the view that higher education must be
controlled by the State in order to secure freedom of
teaching. President Hadley holds that "the tendency
to jeopardise the freedom of the teacher is probably
more conspicuous among State Universities than
among endowed ones." It is conceded that the placing
of the administration of the University in the hands of
an independent board, as is done in many States, is a
far better method than more direct control by Governor
or Legislature ; but, says President Hadley, " if the
board is really independent, you have put the possi-
bility of control as fully out of your hands as if it were
a private corporation; and if you have not made it thus
independent, you have the pretenct) of freedom without
the reality."
A World-Legislature.
The occasions for international conferences on various
matters have been so frequent of late that Mr. Ray-
mond L. Bridgman is able to make an argument of no
little force and plausibility in favour of a world-legis-
lature. He maintains that, as a matter of self-interest,
the nations must soon have a permanent legislative
body as a means of establishing regulations for the
benefit of all. Woi'ld-legislation has already occarred
repeatedly, although no world-legislature has been or-
ganised. Special meetings have been held for special
purposes. The only instance of absolute world-legisla-
tion thus far is that of the International Postal Union.
The establishment of the Hague Court of Arbitration
may also be regarded as an act of world-legislation, so
far as the signatory nations were concerned. Mr.
Bridgman's proposition involves the organisation of a
permanent system for dealing with all such international
problems as now require the convening of separate
bodies of delegates.
Other Articles.
Captain Mahan contributes a broadly philosophical
paper on " The Writing of History," and an excellent
resume of recent nature books is given by Mr. John
Burroughs, under the title, " Real and Sham Natural
History." The story of " Santa Teresa " is charmingly
retold by Annie Fields.
Lippincott^s Magazine.
Eben E. Rexford contributes to " Lippincott's" for
March, which is largely a fiction number, a brief,
practical article on " Rural and Village Improvement
Societies," his object being to show some of the bene-
fits brought about by local-improvement societies and
the means by which they can be realised. " Individual
effort," he says, " is the great factor of success in an
undertaking of this kind. Improvement, like charity,
should begin at home before it undertakes the broader
work of the community." He advocates the planting of
American trees and shrubs on the village lots, gives
the preference to hardy plants for decorating the home
grounds, and lays especial stress on the lawn.
A pleasant peep into the Idler Club, as conducted by
Jerome K. Jerome, is given by his assistant editor, Mr.
G. B. Burgin, in the March number of the *' Younft
Revieuf of Revietoe, 29/^/03.
The Century.
Tke subject of European immigration to the United
Stat^ is discussed in a group of three articles. The
picturesque phases of the matter are treated in a char-
acteristic sketch by Jacob A. Riis, entitled " In the
Gateway of Nations." Mr. Riis graphically describes
the experiences of the immigrant as he lands at Ellis
Island and is put through the various formalities pre-
liminary to admission as a prospective citizen of the
great republic.
M. Gustav Michaud analyses the complex question of
races with a view to determining some of the features
of the coming American type. Professor Franklin Gid-
dings, commenting on the statistics brought out by Mr.
Michaud, reminds us that the English people, at the
time when the early settlements were made in America,
was itself the product of a racial admixture quite as
startling as that which is foretold with regard to the
United States, and which, in fact, we are now witness-
Why Capital Should "Organise."
Apropos of recent issues between labour and capital,
Mr. Herman Justi raises the question whether there is
not at the present time, after all, greater need of an
organisation on capital's side than on labour's. He
makes a sharp distinction between organised labour and
consolidated capital. This distinction clearly appears
whenever there is a conflict between unorganised capital
and organised labour; that is to say, capital may have
been consolidated without any system having been
created which ensures the united action of the capital-
ists in a time of conflict with their labourers. The
recent anthracite strike, for example, showed the own-
ers of the mines to be really at war with one another
on various points, while the miners' union presented a
united front.
Other Articles.
Professor William H. Pickering states what has been
done during the past fifteen years by way of securing
sites for American observatories in localities where the
atmosphere is "steady." By steadiness of the atmo-
sphere Professor Pickering means the absence of waver-
ing, such as is indicated by the shimmer in the air seen
in looking at an object across a hot stove, or along a
railroad track on a hot summer day. Sites of this
character have been secured in Jamaica, Peru, and in
a few localities in the United States, such as the top
of Pike's Peak, and Flagstaff, Arizona.
Mr. George Buchanan Fife tells the wonderful story
of the American Tobacco Trust.
Professor Justin H. Smith, in his series of articles on
" The Prologue of the American Revolution," gives a
detailed account of Montgomery's struggle for Quebec,
with numerous illustrations.
Mr. Will Paine contributes an interesting description
of the Chicago Board of Trade, which he insists is really
a national institution as a "clearing-house of opinion."
Harper^s Magazine.
and New Hampshire mountain regions and their homely
types. The number opens with Mr. Edwin A. Ab-
bey's illustrations for " Richard II.," printed in a
"Critical Comment" by no less than Algernon Charles
Swinburne. The poet dares to say just what is good
and bad in this first historic play of the young Shakes-
peare, and considers the play's greatest interest to be in
"the obvious evidence which it gives of the struggle
between the worse and better genius of its author."
Mr. Swinburne thinks that this first essay of Shakes-
peare's into historical drama shows even more imper-
fections than " Romeo and Juliet," the first tragedy.
This number of " Harper's " is rich in fiction and
imaginative illustration. Besides the chapter in Mrs.
Ward's novel, " Lady Rose's Daughter," there is the
second part of Maurice Hewlett's new tale, " Buondel-
monte," and capital short stories by Norman Duncan,
Margaret Sutton Briscoe, Herman Whitaker, and
In the "Editor's Study," Mr. H. M. Alden, the
veteran editor of " Harper's," discusses the touchiness
of magazine contributors concerning suggestions of
changes in their manuscripts, and agrees with Mr.
Howells that it is chiefly the second-rate young author
somewhat spoiled by a little quickly earned popularity
that shows the greatest horror at any tampering with
his most trivial sentences. Mr. Alden says, and no one
is a better authority, that the best literary workmen
welcome suggestions of changes in their works, and tells
of one author who contributed to " Harper's " for forty
years without ever furnishing a short story that was not
susceptible to easy improvement.
The March " Harper's " is almost entirely devoted
to fiction and other contributions of an eesthetic nature.
Exceptions are the second instalment of Mr. Thomas
A. Janvier's " Dutch Founding of New York," " Recent
Discoveries in the Forum," by G. Boni, and " Our
American Tyrol," a pleasant description of the Vermont
McCIure^s Magazine.
Following up the article which appeared in
"McClure's" for October last, under the title "Tweed
Days in St. Louis," Mr. Lincoln Steffens contributes a
paper to the March number on " The Shamelessness of
St. Louis." He relates all the recent movements of
the boodlers in that city, and concludes with some
pessimistic paragraphs on the supineness of the people.
In April the city votes for municipal legislators, and
since the municipal assembly has been the scene of
most of the corruption, it would seem that boodling
would surely be an issue at that election. But Mr.
Steffens hazards no prediction. He was in the city in
January, and states that at that time the politicians
were planning to keep this issue out of the election,
their scheme being to combine on one ticket — that is to
say, each group of leaders was to nominate half the
nominees, who were to be on the same ticket, making no
contest at all, and "to avoid suspicion, these nomina-
tions were to be exceptionally— yes, remarkably— -good."
Another Chapter of the Standard Oil.
Miss Ida M. Tarbell continues her narrative of the
successive steps by which the Standard Oil Trust was
built up on the ruins of its competitors. In the main,
it is a story of quiet absorption of the independent re-
fineries by the Standard, with occasional episodes like
that of the Pennsylvanias fight. The period covered in
this instalment includes the years 1874-78. So strong
had the monopoly become at this time that there was
an almost superstitious fear of resistance to any pro-
posals to lease or sell that might come from it. A
proposal from Mr. Rockefeller was regarded popularly
as little better than a command to "stand and deliver."
April 20, ipo^.
Scribncr's Magazine.
Justice David J. Brewer writes in the March " Scrib-
ner's" of " The Supreme Court of the United States,"
and of the great importance the work of that body has
for our present and future national life. The questions
of most vital import that the complexities of modern
life have brought before this supreme tribunal are
divided by Justice Brewer into four main groups: first,
those growing out of the controversies between labour
and capital; second, those affecting the relative powers
of the nation and the States; third, those arising out
of America's new possessions; and, fourth, those which
Avill come because the relations of the United States to
all other nations " have grown to be so close and will
Hurely increase in intimacy."
There is a charming account of the coronation of the
Czar Alexander III. in the letters of Mary King Wad-
dington, the French ambassadress, concluded in this
number. A picturesque contribution by E. C. Peixotto
describes the " Marionettes and Puppet Shows" of the
past and present, and there are several excellent stories.
The Cosmopolitan,
Tu the March " Cosmopolitan," Colonel Avery D.
Andrews, formerly one of the New York City Police
Commissioners, writes an account of his recent obser-
rations on the police systems of Europe. Comparing
the cities of London, Paris, and New York, Colonel
Andrews finds that the proportion of police to popula-
tion is 1 to every 307 in Paris, 1 to every 408 in London,
aifcd 1 to every 458 in New York. Comparing pro-
portions of police to areas, he finds that in Paris there
are 266 policemen to each square mile, in London 23 to
each square mile, and New York 25. The great area of
the metropolitan police district of London contains
many rural communities, as does the present metro-
politan district of New York, and perhaps a comparison
with Paris is hardly fair.
Other Articles.
Mr. Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen (2nd) writes on "Beauty
in the Modern Chorus," Mrs. Wilson Woodrow on "The
Woman of Fifty," and President Charles F. Thwing on
the profession of insurance. The second of Lord Wolse-
ley's studies of the j^oung Napoleon, and a chapter of
Herbert C Wells' on " Mankind in the Making," de-
voted to the subject of schooling, are other features of
this number.
Frank Leslie's Monthly.
Mr. Earl Mayo's article on " The Tobacco War," in
the March " Frank Leslie's," is quoted from in another
department. The number opens with an account of
the discoveries made by the Government scientific ex-
peditions aboard the "U.S.S. "Albatross" by W. E.
Meehan. A dramatic incident was the deep-sea sound-
ings about 100 miles from Guam, where the tough wire
rope went down 28,878 feet before touching bottom.
This is just about the height of Mount Everett— about
live and a half miles. Mr. Meehan tells of extraordinary
finds of manganeie on the red-clay bottom of the Pacific.
This valuable mineral occurs in a pure state, in the
form of nodules and discs, some of them as large as
cannon balls.
Mr. Frederick Street gives a description of the " Dis-
Bial Swamp/* the vast waste of spongy, thickly over-
grown black soil that begins within twenty miles of
Norfolk, Virginia, and extends twenty-five miles into-
North Carolina. This interesting wilderness was the-
favourite refuge of runaway slaves during and before
the war, and it is still the best chance for escaped
criminals. Its 800 square miles of area is as inaccessible-
and little known as in the days of Washington, who
laid out a route through it. In the centre of the wilder-
ness is Lake Drummond, three miles long and two miles
wide. The waterways flowing from this pond offer the
only means of access to the heart of the swamp. A
company has been formed to reclaim a large portion of
this waste area.
Gunton's Magazine.
In Mr. Julius Moritzen's article on the new mint at
Philadelphia the safeguards of the great money vaults^
are described. In the old mint, occasional visitors
were granted admission to these vaults, but now not
even the mint officials, except those directly connected
with this department, are permitted to enter. The
vaults are said to be the largest and most perfect of
their kind in the world. " Each is protected by a set
of three doors. Of these, the outer door is of a ball-
bearing construction in use nowhere else. The four
combination locks, and the immensely thick armour
plate of which the doors are made, are proof against
whatever attack. The vaults, in fact, are invulnerable.
" Further safety in the mint is guaranteed through
the complete electric-clock system. There are thirty
of these time-pieces scattered throughout the building,
besides forty others connecting with a master-clock.
Fifty-one telephones, an ink-writing telegraph register,
which indicates an alarm from any or all of the thirty-
five alarm boxes, and the wonderful switchboard on
which are mounted the fuse block, fire-alarm recorder,
American District and Western Union call-boxes, the
police telegraph and city fire-alarm boxes, are features
of protection and convenience no other mint can boast."
Foreign Reviews.
La Rcvac.
The numbers of " La Revue" for February are not
quite as English or American as usual. The most im-
portant article in the number for February 1 is Dr.
Kaethe Schirmacher's on " The Regulation of Female
Labour and Feminism," in which the writer considers
the question how far Feminism in the various European
countries is in favour of special restrictions upon female
labour. In general, women workers themselves are in
favour of State regulation; but the Feminists are di-
vided. In England, France, and Scandmavia the ma-
jority of Feminists oppose restriction; while in Germany
and in Austria Feminists favour restriction. Feminist
opposition is based chiefly upon the principle of indi-
vidual liberty and of the equality of the sexes.
" Resurrection."
In the same number Dr. R. Romme, writing under
the title " Resurrection and Longevity," deals with M.
Kuliako's claim to have reanimated the heart of a dead
child twenty hours after death. Dr. Romme's paper is
devoted to skowing that there is nothing new in this at
all. The repulsation of the heart of dead animals by
Review of Reviews^ S0/4/0S.
various means has often been achieved, and it has been
accomplished also in the case of human beings, the
chief difference being that the revival, in the case of
human beings, was generally for a much shorter time.
The heart is by no means the delicate and fragile organ
that is generally supposed, and with a current of ar-
terial blood, or a solution of salt saturated with oxygen,
it has always been possible to set it beating after death.
Another means which has been adopted is massage,
the exposed heart being taken in the right hand and
rubbed rhythmically. Professor Prus, of Lemburg, has
succeeded in fifty-five cases out of one hundred in re-
animating the heart by this method. M. Batelli, of
Geneva, by combining massage with electrisation, has
levived dead dogs, and kept them alive for as much as
twenty-four hours. This method has been adopted in
the case of human beings, but it is found impossible to
keep the revived person alive for any time.
French Authorities on Alcohol.
The number for February 15 opens with a symposium
contributed to by eminent French doctors and others
on the question whether alcohol is a food or not. Dr.
Roux says that while it may be admitted that alcohol
iiiay be a food under certain conditions, that does not
limit the need for fighting against it, as those who
drink alcohol will never consent to drink it in small
quantities. There is no doubt whatever that alcohol
is harmful in the way it is taken. Professor Metch-
iiikoff says flatly that alcohol is merely a poison. Dr.
IJrouardel denounces alcohol as an element of physical
decadence and moral ruin for the greater part of the
European nations. Dr. Richet says that alcohol is a
food; when taken very pure, in small doses, it is prac-
tically inoffensive. But from the economic point of
view, it is a food without any advantages. Professor
Lancereaux says that alcohol is dangerous, but that he-
thinks as much wine as three litres a day may be
drunk without harm. Dr. J. Hericourt replies by
considering the cases of three men — an abstainer, an
ordinary drinker, and an alcoholic — attacked by the
same disease. The abstainer will recover easiest, the
ordinary drinker will have the next best chance, while
the alcoholic will have no chance at all. Dr. Faisans
says that alcohol is one of the most potent factors in
the propagation of consumption; he mentions that out
of twenty-four alcoholics under his care fourteen are
tuberculous. Professor Joffroy is of the opinion that
a certain quantity of alcohol may be taken with im-
punity, but he nevertheless declares that it is a poison.
]>r. Legrain says that alcohol may be a chemical food,
but it is not a physiological or hygienic food. The con-
clusion seems to be that alcohol may be a food, that
depending on the definition of the word food; but that
practically all the leading authorities in France regard
its consumption as at best useless and at worst ruinous.
The True Gospel of the Doukhobors.
M. P. Birukov contributes a very interesting paper on
the Doukhobor, P. V. Veriguine, whom he met in Lon-
don. The replies which Veriguine gave to some of the
N questions put to him are enough to explain why it is
the Doukhobors find it as hard to live under the free
government of Canada as under the rule of the Tsar.
The following are some of the questions and replies:
" Do you think that to serve God is compatible with
submission to government?"
" In no way. I recall the words of Christ : One can-
not serve two masters. . . ."
"Can Society exist without government?"
" I think that a troop of horned cattle has need of
a strong bull which will maintain order with its horns;,
but human beings, gifted with reason, must live freely."'
"Do you consider Christ the Son of God?"
" I consider all creatures as children of God."
" What do you desire from the Canadian Govern-
" We wish to be allowed to live freely, without harm-
ing our neighbours. We want land so that each man
may have as much as he can work, and we want this
land in common. We wish that no one may violate our
In regard to the qaiestion of vegetarianism, the reply
is simply amazing: " I think that it is right to eat meat,,
but to kill is wrong." According to this theory, it
would be a right thing to gnaw one's dinner from the-
hide of a living animal.
M. Georges Caye contributes a very interesting paper
on the use of water poM'^er in France, for which he sees
a great future. Count Wodzinski describes the works
of the Polish poetess, Madame Konopnicka. M. Georges
Pellissier writes appreciatively of "Verite," in which he
sees Zola's fecundity, his amplitude, his power, and all.
the fervour of his rhetoric.
The Nouvelle Revue*
The " Nouvelle Revue" contains one very remarkable-
article, noticed elsewhere — viz., a lengthy account of
the life, the theories, and the political ideas of Cardinal
Rampolla, who, it is widely believed on the Continent,,
will be the next Pope.
Historical Articles.
As usual, there are a considerable number of historical
articles, of which the most interesting concerns the
curious Gallic inscriptions which have been found all '
over France, and of which are given many reproductions.
Those concerned in the fascinating study of the origin
of languages will find it worth while to glance over this
article. M. Toudouze continues his reminiscences of the
Commune, and as these are based on a diary kept by
him during those eventful days, they have a consider-
able historic value. To a different order of historical
student will appeal a paper describing Madame de
Stael's social successes during the Consulate.
Other Articles.
Other articles consist of a long review of Mr. Henry
Norman's "All the Russias," of a pitiful account of the
island off the coast of Brittany, where the sardine fish-
ermen are now slowly starving; of an analysis of St.
Simon's political and social theories; and of a short
paper on Satanism, a subject which seems to be attract-
ing more and more attention every day.
The Revue de Paris.
The " Revue de Paris" for February contains a
great number of interesting articles, of which we have
noticed elsewhere two dealing with Morocco, the
French lunatic question, and an account of Juliette
Drouet, Victor Hugo's lifelong friend. Mr. Morton
Fullerton, the new Paris correspondent of the Times,
contributes two very charming papers, the result of a
tour made by him in Burgundy.
April 20y igo^-
The Business Value of the Rhine.
Yet another series of articles, which may be said to
be more or less geographical in character, commence*
in these same numbers. This is entitled " The Ger-
man Rhine," and has for object that of showing to
what excellent practical use modem Germany hat
known how to put her famous river. Twenty-three
years ago the Rhine was still regarded simply from the
picturesque tourist point of view, and she only bore on
her broad waters something like a couple of hundred
thousand pounds' worth of merchandise; but in twenty
years — that is to say, by the commencement of the
new century— the busines done had increased to six
times as much, and at the present moment the Rhine
is, from a productive and economic point of view, more
valuable to Germany than all the rivers and canals of
PYance put together! This happy state of things baa
been of extraordinary value to commercial Germany,
and has brought increased prosperity to every town
And hamlet situated on the mighty stream.
Other Articles.
Other articles concern the role played by education
in tbe French Revolution. For those who regard that
period as having been wholly composed of disturbing
and destructive elements are, of course, far from realis-
ing that the French Assembly made a desperate effort
to reform and create as well as to destroy, and M.
Barthou certainly proves that Free Education in a
modern sense was first thought of and put into prac-
tice by the leaders of the Convention. M. Breal at-
tacks the oft discussed problem of who was Homer, and
at what period of the worldjs history the Iliad was
composed; and M. Chavanne attempts to analyse the
philosophy of Confucius, whom he considers to have
been the first of the great Socialists, though in no
sense a revolutionary.
The Revue 61^ Deux Mondes^
Both the numbers of the " Revue des Deux Mondes"
for February are excellent. Of tirst-rate importance
are i.i. D'Avenel's paper on cabs and omnibuses; M.
Thoulet's on submarine volcanoes; M. Dastre on old
age and death; M. Dastre again on the question
whether alcohol is a food or a poison; and M. Loti's
visit to the Theosophists of Madras.
Village Industries in Russia.
Madame Bentzon has an excellent article on village
industries in Russia. The communistic organisation
of the " Mir" naturally exercises a profound influence
upon these industries. She shows the difficulties
which beset the workers, and the way in which they
are oppressed by the middleman who buys their pro-
ducts. It is the opinion of the economists that the in-
tellectual faculties of the people must first be raised in
order to enable them to realise the benefits of co-
operation. She draws a terrible picture of the ex-
aggerated scientific idealism of the Intellectuals in
Russia, side by side with the deplorable obscurantism
of the Conservatives; and over all a Government which
makes for every step in advance two steps in the rear.
Happily there exists an elect body of patient and
strong Liberals, who work in the cause of elementary
education, and strive to organise rural credit on solid
foundations, to encourage and stimulate the spirit of
initiative, and to teach the peasants to count on them-
The Tripolitain.
M. Pinon, in an article on the Tripolitain in the firtt
February number, expresses the opinion that France,
since the value of the African vilayets is small, could
without injuring herself cease to be interested in them
if the Tripolitain problem led to no complications as
far as the Soudan, if it did not imply a change in the
balance of power in the Mediterranean, and, finally, if
it did not involve the risk of reopening the burning
question of the integrity of the Ottoman Empire. He
notes certain action on the part of the Sublime Porte,
by the way of encroachment upon French spheres,
committed at the moment when France was occupied
in the direction of Lake Chad with the Senoussi, as a
revelation of common action between the Sultan and
the most powerful Mussulman organisations of North-
em Africa. He sees in all this a remarkable proof of
the solidarity of Islam in the face of a divided Europe.
The Dutch Magfazincs*
Passing the novel of G. van Hulzen, "In Lofty
Regions," with which "De Gids" opens, we come to a
remarkably readable critique of another novel; this is
"Jorn Uhl," by Gustav Franssen, which has lately ap-
peared in Germany. Franssen was a pastor, but, like
some other ministers, he appears to have seen a greater
field of usefulness in literature, and has produced this
book. It is not a book of sensational mysteries, or a
sex novel, or, in fact, a book of up-to-date theories or
passions; its good qualities consist in its being devoid
of all that, and in being an entrancing study of life
of the ordinary kind. The book has had a tremendous
success, and many writers have coupled the name of
Franssen with that of Dickens. A book to be turned
into English this, surely!
" Onze Eeuw " goes literally from grave to gay. 1 he
first article in the current issue is an essay on Statis-
tical Physics, dealing with deep facts, experiments and
theories; further on is an equally learned essay of
quite an opposite character, " Humour and Literature."
Humour is not intended merely to amuse; it has the
other, and probably higher, task of instructing. It
serves to increase the importance of the serious obser-
vations of writers as well as to force home a truth more
effectively than grave exhortations can do. Humour
is to be found in the tragedies of Shakespeare, in the
Psalms (where the most serious matters are touched
on), in the sermons of Luther. Most great writers,
however deep their subjects may be generally, go in for
the humorous also. A political article on the new
Cabinet and a good story are among the other con-
" Vragen des Tijds " contains four articles, which is
one above the usual number. The two which most
interest foreigners are those on Agricultural Boards
(written with the usual thoroughness of Dr. Bruinsma.
an expert on agricultural matters), and on the Law
Relating to Accidents. The new law on the subject of
accidents to workpeople contains certain provisions that
require careful study on the part of those who have to
carry it into effect, and the writer takes the opportu-
nity to point them out.
" Elsevier " describes the kingdom of Djambi, with
M'hich the Dutch Government has had some trouble —
it forms a part of Holland's colonial empire. In " The
Wisdom of Old Spain" the writer gives some interesting
details of medieval literature and its authors.
Aerleip of Rwiews, to/k/os.
There has again been considerable improvement in
the position of Australia, good rains having fallen
throughout the month over the best part of the eastern
half of the Commonwealth, The result is that pros-
pects for the new agricultural and pastoral year have
considerably improved, and if the early promise of the
season be borne out by winter and spring weather, there
is every probability of large yields of all products.
In the meantime, owing to the unfortunate decline
in production last year, trade everywhere is quiet,
though, considering all things, fairly sound. Con-
ditions of trade of late have been improved, for credit
has been curtailed, and the disposition to carry on
weak firms and traders by financial institutions, or
wholesale houses, has almost entirely disappeared. In
fact, the opportunity for a general " clearing up " in
commercial circles is being availed of. The position,
as far as we are able to gauge at the moment, gives
Eromise of considerable improvement in trade in 1904,
ut for the balance of this year we must be satisfied
with quietness, small turnover, and probably compara-
tively trifling profits.
A§fi*icultufal Production.
The complete returns of the agricultural production
of New South Wales have been issued by Mr. Coghlan,
and show results no better than expected in our early
writings. The figures are as follow:
Grain :
Wheat (bushels) 14,808,705
Maize (bushels)
Barley (bushels) ,. ..
Oats (bushels)
Rye (bushels)
Hay (tons)
Potatoes (tons)
Onions (tons)
4,808,705 .
3,844,993 .
103,361 .
687,179 .
37,610 .
490,348 .
39,146 .
1,330 .
lue figTires relating to the production of Victoria
are certainly not nearly so unsatisfactory as those of
New South Wales, but they are bad enough in all
conscience. ]Vir. Fenton's figures are appended:
Wheat (bushels) 17,847,321
.. 12.127,382 ..
Oats (bushels) 9,582.332
.. 6,724,900 ..
Barley (bushels) 1,215,478
694,851 . .
Maize (bushels) 604,180
615,472 . .
Rye (bushels) 11.989
14,418 . .
Peas and beans (bushels) 146.357
.. 169,971 ..
Onions (tons) 12,766
20,859 ..
Potatoes (tons) 123,126
125,474 . .
Hay (tons) 677,757
.. 884,369 ..
The remaining States have so
far not issued
full re-
turns, except for the wheat crop. The enormous de-
cline in the production may be
seen from the
ing comparison:
Victoria 17,847,321
. 12,127,382 ..
New South Wales.. .. 16,173.771
. 14,808,705 ..
South Australia 11.253,148
.. 8,012,762 ..
Queensland 1,194,088
. 1,692.222 . .
Western Australia.. .. 774,176
933,101 . .
Tasmania 1,110,421
963,662 ..
.. 38.537,834 ..
1900-01. To those who have had anything to sell,
of course, high prices have greatly reduced the loss;
but this applies almost solely to producers in parts of
South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania. In
Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, and the north
of South Australia, the crops, as a whole, did not re-
turn seed. Not only was the expenditure on plough-
ing, harrowing, rolling, seeding, etc., lost, but in many
cases absolutely not a grain of wheat was obtained
back. It is estimated, on the official records, that
1,750,000 acres of wheat in South Australia, Victoria,
and New South Wales failed to produce anything at
all, and that a very large additional area gave yields
varying from only 10 Z&s. to 60 168. per acre!
As a result of the wheat deficiency, large importa-
tions of breadstuff s are being made. Approximately,
equal to 10,000,000 bushels of wheat have been ordered,
of which 3,500,000 bushels have arrived. The total
cost of importations will run into about £2,750,000.
The duty of 10. 8d, per bushel on wheat is being rather
keenly felt, especially as, with wharfage added, ex-
penses increase the cost by nearly Is. Id. per bushel.
The hay production of Australia also suffered a very
serious decline, the official figures admitting of the fol-
lowing comparison:
Victoria 677,757
New South Wales 526,260
Queensland 78,758
South Australia 353,662
Western Australia .. .. 103,440
Tasmania 94,198
1.834,075 .. 2,002,865
The decline is 26,303,790 bushels, compared with 1901-
02, and no less than 36,118,881 bushels compared with
tSTtkia^ttb 1732
Fire Losses Paid Exceed £23,000,000.
Premium Income Exceeds £1,100,000.
April 20, Tpo^.
MELBOURNB— «0 Market Street.
SYDNEY— 78 Pitt Street.
ADELAIDE— 71 King WlUlwii Strecl.
BRISBANE— Greek Street.
PERTH— Barrftok Street.
HOBART— Oottini Street.
LONDON-^-St. MiekMl'i AUey, OomkUl, l.a
For Life Assunmce on th« flutual Principle.
Annuities and Endowments for Children.
with Offlcee In all th« Aueiralian State*
and in New Zealand.
VICTORIA: 459 ColUns-st., Mell n„rne.
NEW ZEALAND: Custom Hon Quay. Wellington.
QUEENSLAND: Queen-st., Brisbane.
SOUTH AUSTRALIA: 23 King WilUam-st^ Adelaide.
TASMANIA: Elizabeth and Collins Sts.. Hobart.
WESTERN AUSTRALIA: St. George's Terrace. Perth.
Accumulated Funds
Annual Inconne -
The OldeS'. Mutual Life Offlcn in Australasia, and the largest
and most liberal in the British Empire.
Amount of '^a^h surplus divided among the Members for the
fcingle year, 1901, was £538,725 ; yielding EeTersionary Bonuses of
about £1,000,000.
GsNBBAi. Manager and Aotuabt: E. TEECE, F.I. A., P.P.A., F.S.B.
The drop, compared with 1901-02, was 654.164 tons, and,
compared with 1900-01, 485,374 tons. The very high
prices now ruling to some producers mean enormous
profits, even on the short yield; but those profits are
merely being taken out of the pockets of their less for-
tunate brethren in the droughty areas, and therefore,
for the industry as a whole, tnere is no gain from them.
When the final figures come to be made up it will
probably be found that the agricultural production of
these States fell by something like 3i millions last
year, or at least the industry suffered a loss of that ex-
tent. When the huge losses of stock throughout the
" droughty east " are added it will probably be found
that the agricultural and pastoral losses last season
exceed £10,000,000. It is not to be wondered, in the
face of these figures, that trade throughout the eastern
half of the Commonwealth is quiet, and still declining.
Decliningf Wool Exports^
In dealing with the wool exports in our March issue
we gave the opinion that there was every probability
of the returns showing a decline for the whole season
of anything between 300,000 and 350,000 bales. The
figures compiled by Dalgety & Co. Ltd. for that portion
of the season ending on March 31 bear out this state-
ment. The returns show the following movement:
New Aus-
Australian. Zealand. tralasian.
• Decrease. Increase. Decrease.
Bales. Bales. Bales.
July 5,368 .. 1,835 .. 3,533
July-August 9,772 .. 5,504 .. 4,218
July-September .... 25,998 .. 9,886 .. 16,112
July-October 62,900 .. 10,860 .. 52,040
July-November .... 100,559 .. 16,664 .. 83,895
July-December .. .. 201,529 .. 39,294 .. 162,185
July-January 206,800 .. 12,003 .. 194,797
July-February .. .. 282,643 .. 34,476 .. 248,167
July-March 301,115 .. 49,874 .. 251,241
The Australasian wool exports from July, 1902, to
March, 1903, inclusive, are appended:
1902. 1901. Increase. Decrease.
Victoria 311,421 .. 379.748 .. — .. 68,327
New South Wales .. 398,226 .. 587,489 .. — .. 189.263
South Australia .... 93,323 .. 106,057 .. — .. 12.734
Queensland 43,900 .. 70.640 .. — .. 26.740
Western Australia .. 31.671 .. 30,981 .. 690 .. —
Tasmania 8,045 .. 12.786 .. — .. 4.741
New Zealand 336.623 .. 286,749 .. 49,874 .. —
1,223.209 ..1.474,450 .. 50.564 .. 301,805
The New Zealand increase is a healthy one, but the
Commonwealth is fast losing her proud position as a
wool producer, and, allowing for the large percentage
of " dead " wool which has been shipped this season,
we must expect a still further considerable drop in
1903-04. The position of the merino and fine wools
market must continue very strong, in the face of this
enormous decline in exports, and we can only reiterate
the opinion given previously that, high as are present
prices for G.^e wools, tney must be still further ex-
ceeded in the next season, owing to the shortage in
Incfcasingf Gold Yields*
One very satisfactory leature in the present position
is the rapidly increasing gold yield of these States.
Western Australia takes pride of place, and the in-
dustry in that State is gradually getting on to a very
sound basis. The days of the wfld cat, for the time
being, have gone, and the industry is being carried
on with considerable profit to those immediately in- •
terested. In South Australia the prospects favour
the establishment of good permanent fields. We are
by no means carried away with the rumours of rich
finds at Arltunga, nor, on the other hand, can the
careful observer be depressed by the official report on
the field, which gives evidence of calm investigation.
But what is plain is that, so far as surface indications
go, the new field is decidedly worth prospecting pro-
Review of RevieioB, tO/k/OS.
perly, for few fields, except the old alluvial areas of
Victoria and New South Wales, gave so much early
promise. Whether the gold " goes down " has yet to
be settled. If the reefs are found to be permanent,
and improve in size with depth, the distance of Arl-
tunga from the seaboard will not prevent the estab-
lishment of a big inland mining field.
In Victoria gold-mining is progressing but slowly,
partly due to the lack of confidence displayed by in-
vestors in Victorian mines. This lack of confidence is
the direct outcome of a faulty system of working and
bad management. Half the mines floated annually
are little better than frauds, and about 75 per cent,
of those being carried on have little show, as at present
managed, of getting gold in payable quantities. Whether
the gold industry can be considered an asset in that
State is questionable, for, to the people as a whole, the
cost of raising gold far exceeds the value of the output.
There are many good mines, it is true, and many more
are likely to be discovered and worked, but many im-
provements are necessary before the general public will
come forward with its capital; and, particularly, these
improvements should commence at the Stock Ex-
ciiange end.
The Queensland gold yield is rapidly advancing, partly
due to the passing of the drought, and partly to the
good results obtained on the established fields at Char-
ters Towers (which we regard as one of the soundest
fields in the colonies), Croydon, and Gympie, stimu-
lating fresh enterprise.
In New South Wales there has been a retrogression;
but it is likely to prove temporary. The figures, mostly
official, are appended for the yield for the first three
months of the year:
1902. 1903.
Oz. Oz.
Western Australia 498.356 .. 597,570
Queensland 174,207 .. 203,136
Victoria 179,014 .. 196,124
Other States 90,000 .. 68,000
Commonwealth 941,577 .. 1,064,830
New Zealand 98,727 .. 118,107
Australasia 1.040,304 .. 1,182.937
The increase for the three months is 142,633 ounces
over 1902. This rate of increase appears to indicate
that Australasia will produce considerably more than
4,750,000 ounces of crude gold for the current year. If
this is obtained we will probably again hold the proud
position of chief gold-producer of the world, and, m ad-
dition, exceed all the best previous records.
Government Loans«
Since our last, the Queensland Government has an-
nounced the result of the local Treasury Bill issue.
£600,000 was required, at 4 per cent., at a fixed price
of £102 accrued interest, reducing the cost to the
investor to £100 ISs. The entire emission was taken
up at the fixed price of issue, but the loan has not
passed off without trouble, inasmuch as it is asserted
in Sydney that special terms or special commissions
were allowed to the Queensland National Bank. We
regard these statements as not likely to be productive
of good. The Queensland National Bank is a Gov-
ernment institution, and probably an arrangement was
come to prior to the issue of the prospectus for com-
mission to be allowed to them. In any case, we
see no reason why a private arrangement between the
Treasurer and the Government Bank needs to be dis-
closed in the prospectus. The actual net proceeds of
the loan, allo^ving for accrued interest and expenses,
were equal to about £99 15s. per cent.
The West Australian Government has announced two
small 4 per cent, issues, one for May and the other for
June. The issues will be made throughout the States,
and interest will be payable, and prmcipal repayable
(free of exchange) in any capital. The loans will carry
4 per cent, interest^ and will be issued with a tenure
of ten years, at a ftxed price of par, and each will be
for £260,000.
The Queensland Government has been forced by the
comparative stringency in London to withdraw from
that market for the present. The Treasurer hopes to
successfully float a 3i per cent, long-dated loan in Lon-
don later in the year.
The New South Wales Government is grubbing along
with an emp^ Treasury, and finds great difficulty in
borrowing. It has £2^400,000 of 4 per cent. Treasury
Bills yet unissued, available for the London market;
but it is undertood that an attempt will be made to
float a small sum — say, half a million — locally, at an
early date. We have no faith in the financial ability
of the present administrators of New South Wales,
and it seems to be impossible to expect that a Minis-
try which thought it correct to land the State in such
a muddle as it is at present, could possibly carry
out a policy of reform and retrenchment sucn as is
South Australia is not advertising its 34 per cent.
Treasury Bills (they are reaUy equal to 3| per cent.
Bills), and from this we infer that, for the present at
least, no more money is required. But the Treasurer
has an eye to London, and hopes to float a fairly big
issue there later in the year.
Victoria has sufficient money in hand to meet cur-
rent wants, but the 5J million conversion is gradually
wearing the Treasurer to a shadow. The work of suc-
cessfully converting this amount is a big one, and it
is regrettable that it did not fall to stronger hands than
those of Mr. Shiels. It is to be hoped, however, that
the best advice will be obtained and followed, for on
the successful conversion of this loan much depends.
The London semi-financial critics, such as they are,
have apparently tired of their game with Australian
credit for a bit, and stocks are all quoted better than
the lowest rates touched. But anything less than a
3J per cent, issue in London will be impossible for
some time. From private information we glean that
the Victorian Treasurer anticipates making an issue
of a 3i per cent, loan in August next, special terms to be
offered to holders of the old stock to convert. Whether
NEW SOUTH WALES: CitucM' Boildinff, U»on 9mA
Castlereagh Streets, Sydney.
VICTORIA: atizena' Building*, OoUins St., MelboiinM.
QUEENSLAND: atizena' Buildings, Queen Street,
SOUTH AUSTRALIA: atizena' Buildinii, KJBg Wil-
liam Street, Adelaide.
NEW ZEALAND: Citireas' Chambers, Cwtom Hooae
Quay, Wellington.
WESTERN AUSTRALIA; Hay & Barrack Sta., Perth.
TASMANIA: Liverpool and Murray Streets, Hobart
UNITED KINGDOM: Qtizens' House, 24 and 25 King
William Street, Loadon, B.C.
Freehold City or Suburban Properties, Good Dairy Farms, A^-
oultural and Grazing: Lands (Freehold or G.P. and G.L.) or GoTem-
ment Stock of any of the Auatralian States or New Zealand,
At tho Lowest Current Rates of interest.
Loans may be arranged for a fixed term or r«payal><« toy
Instalment*, without notice or payment of aay flna.
April 20, IQOS.
any opportunity will be given to local investors to sub-
scribe, is not stated.
New Zealand is still a borrower, and is willing to
sell 4 per cent. 5-year debentures in this or other
inter-State markets at par. Fair sales are said to
be making.
The Royal Bank of Australia*
This comparatively small Melbourne institution is
making very satisfactory headway. The last accounts
are most favourable, and show that under every heading
the bank's business has expanded. We compare the
figures of the last balance-sheet and profit and loss
account with those of five years ago, in the following:
March, March,
1898. 1903.
Capital paid £150,000 . . £150,000
Reserve Fund — •• 30,000
Net profits (5-year) 3,865 . . 7.380
Deposits 242,438 .. 690,303
Liquid assets 102.847 .. 253,061
Advances and discounts 281,435 .. 607,428
The record is one the management may well be proud
of. The bank now conducts its business in the lately-
f)urchased premises at the corner of Elizabeth and Col-
ins Streets, the building being very imposing. The
dividend to shareholders for the last half-year ab-
sorbs £3,-o0, being at the i-ate of 5 per cent, per an-
num; a sum of £7,500 is added to reserve, and the
balance of £2,095 carried forward.
A Rise in Deposit Rates.
The Queensland National Bank is attemi)ting to raise
Australian deposit rates. From May 1 it will allow
4 and 4J per cent, respectively on twelve months' and
two-year deposits. There is certainly a tendency to-
wards dearer money in Australia, but the Queensland
National appears to us to have acted prematurely.
So long as the other banks continue to lend at present
rates, it will be impossible for the Queensland National
Bank to profitably raise its deposit quotations. The
Australasia, Union, and Wales can all borrow cheaply
in the other States, and are not likely, therefore, to
increase either their deposit or lending rates in the
same manner as the Queensland National. Active
trade and Government borrowing combined would ad-
vance the rates ruling for money here.
Trustee Companies v. Solicitors*
The old feud between these two parties was raked
up a short time back by a prominent member of the lat-
ter profession, who really siiould know a great deal
better. The remarks made publicly on the question
of trustee companies displayed considerable ignorance;
but as the companies have to some extent interfered
with a portion of the business of the legal fraternity—
especially that of a particular section — some allow-
ance must be made. It was asserted, among other
things, in the discussion which raged round the innocent
Trustees Companies Amending Bill in the Legislative
Council of Victoria, that these companies paid little
heed to the estates entrusted to their care, so long as
they got their commission, and, in fact, existed almost
entirely for the benefits of their shareholders. These
assertions are entirely incorrect. The trustee com-
panies supply a long-felt want. The losses which have
been made by beneficiaries through the frauds of pri-
vate trustees, laymen and lawyers alike (in many pro-
minent cases particularly the latter) really created the
want for public trustee companies, and they have
grown up and are prospering greatly. By prospering
we do not mean that they are growing fat on the in-
come they derive in commissions from estates — far
from it. We find, on looking through the last ac-
counts, that the average dividend per annum on their
paid-up capitals is only five and one-third per cent.,
and that the total dividends had in 1902 reached the
comparatively trifling sum of £15,400 per annum. If
they do not jjay away their much-exaggerated incomes
in dividends it must go into expenses. Yet we find,
on examining the position, that no financial institution
can conduct its business as cheaply as our trustee com-
panies. The following comr^arison shows the cost of
managing the funds of various institutions:
Ratio of
Per cent.
(a) Bank with £7,250,463 of funds £15 1
(b) Bank with £8,915,S^i of funds 137
(c) Bank with £6.968.952 of funds 108
(d) Pastoral company with £3,845,351 of funds.. .. 1 12 11
(e) Assurance society with £16.074,740 of funds . . 0 14 2
(f ) Trustee company 0 3 9
(g) Trustee company 032
Note.— Funds of trustee companies excluded for obvious
The trustee companies are the lowest on the list, the
management expenses being a mere trifle.
A company is entitled to commission on corpus and
income. The corpus commission is chargeable legally
on the net value of the estate as sworn for probate,
and is due immediately, but in the case of well-managed
companies the commission on the corpus is spread over
a series of years. On any fund up to £50,000 two and
a half per cent, is charged on corpus and income. If
the fund be in hand, therefore, for ten years, this is
equivalent to only 7s. per cent, per annum on the capi-
tal fund, and if for twenty years only 4s. 6d. per cent.
We think we have shown, in these few remarks, that
the charges made against trustee companies are totally
uncalled for. These companies present many advan-
tages over the private individual or lawyer. First and
foremost, their expert knowledge limits the expenses
incurred legally and otherwise in the conduct of an
estate; secondly, their charges are low, and do not add
up like a lawyer's bill; and, thirdly, when they make
mistakes, they cannot get out of the way of the con-
sequences, and every beneficiary who loses thereby may
obtain reparation. How different from the private in-
dividual, who packs his bag simply and leaves for Fiji!
It is to be trusted that legislation furthering the inte-
rests of trustee companies will ic introduced.
At 4} per cent.,
In Sums of £500 to £15,000 on Town Properties,
And £2,000 to £25,000 on Broad Acres,
With option of paying off part Half-yearly.
Loans from £60 to £2,000 at 4i per cent., for 31i years.
GEO. E. EMERY, Inspector-General.
29 Market Street, Melbourne.
Insurance News and Notes.
" Life assurance without medical examination " has
an attractive sound, but until late years appeared im-
practicable. We mentioned in these cofunms some
time back that the Sun Life Assurance Society (Eng-
land) had put forth a bold scheme, doing away with the
medical examination. Should death occur in the first
year, half the policy money 'was paid, if in the second
year two-thirds, after that the full sum was payable.
The scheme was an experimental one at the outset,
but the management is now satisfied that the experi-
ment has been a complete success. Naturally, pre-
cautions are taken to select the lives as far as can be
gleaned from the statements of friends, the proponentrs
Review of Reviews, W/^/03.
medical attendant, and the agent, and, so far, the mor-
tality has been no heavier than under tables where
the insured has undergone medical examination. If
the new departure were extended and taken up by
other companies, a great increase in business might
be expected.
at it >t
Sydney has been visited, during the past month,
with another serious fire, entailing a heavy call on
the funds of the insurance companies. It occurred
on the 20th ult., in Hentzch's Bond, situate in Kent
and Windmill Streets, Miller's Point, and broke out,
about 7 p.m., on the fifth floor. The bond was fully
stocked with assorted merchandise at the time, and
contained goods to the value of over £100,000. The
buildin was divided into two sections by an iron
partition, which naturally afforded only a slight hin-
drance to the flames. Soon after the arrival of the
brigade the building was well alight from top to
bottom, and at 9.30 p.m. the northern wall fell out
with a crash, followed, half an hour later, by the
southern wall. Very little salvage was effected, and
the loss was about an eighty per cent. one. The
following were the insurances: Building and fixtures-
Sun, £2,360; South British, £2,360; New Zealand,
£2,360; Mercantile Mutual, £2,360; Royal, £1,180;
Standard, £1,180. Total, £11,800. Stock— Aachen
and Munich, £2,200; Alliance, £4,900; Australian Al-
liance, £9,500; City Mutual, £1,030; Colonial Mutual,
-.9.450; Commercial Union, £1,600; Derwent and Ta-
mar, £1,300; Guardian, £3,800; Lancashire, £1,310;
Yorkshire, £150; London, £2.650; Magdeburg, £1,760;
Manchester, £1,000; Mercantile Mutual, £200; Na-
tional, £4,000; New Zealand, £4,275; North British
and Mercantile, £3,300; North Queensland, £3,.500;
Northern, £4,000; Norwich Union, £7,000; Palatine,
£2,000; Patriotic, £4,075; Phoenix, £9,650; Royal,
£2,300; Royal Exchange, £1,540; Scottish Union,
£2,350; South British, £3,500; State, £300; Sun,
£7,780; Union, £5,000; United, £5,250; Victoria,
£1,000. Total, £111,670. The insurance loss was ren-
dered greater owing to the effect of fixed Customs
duties. On some of the goods the fixed duty per ton
would have been considerably more than the value of
the damaged goods. These, consequently, were carted
out to sea and destroyed, amounting in value to some-
thing like £10,000.
9i Hi 9i.
Admiral Sir John Ommaney Hopkins, of the Royal
Navy, is advocating a scheme by which the Govern-
ment should, on the outbreak of' war, gratuitously in-
sure all vessels and their cargoes against war risk5.
He declares that the late Admiral Sir George Tryon
approved of the proposal. We think it will be found
that such a proposition will meet with little favour,
for, in event of war, the cost to the country might
be enormous, and the risk is better left with com-
mercial concerns such as the marine insurance com-
H It »t
The annual meeting of the Citizens' Life Assurance
Company was held at the head offices, Sydney, on the
12th ult. The report and balance-sheet for the year
ending December 31 last discloses a very satisfactory
position, the addition to the funds being £171,900, the
largest yet recorded, and bringing the total funds up
to £962,348. At the date of the meeting these had
increased to over £1,000,000 sterling, a fine achieve-
ment for a life company sixteen years old. The new
business completed for the year amounted to £1,055,100,
and for five years in succession the new business has
exceeded the million. The funds were well invested,
and returned £4 2s. 8d. per cent, interest for the
year. The ordinary branch business was valued on a
3J per cent, and a 3 per cent, basis. On the 3^ per
cent, basis there was a surplus of £62,940, and on the
3 per cent, basis the surplus was £36,303. The
directors therefore decided to divide the sum of £31,996,
which returned the following handsome reversionary
bonuses to policyholders:
Keep Cool I
It is a difficult thing to
do; but you can reduce
the temperature of your
room, and create a strong
and pleasant breeze, by
the use of our
but buy one now. It consists of motor, 8-inch
fan, four special batteries, wire and requisites.
Will run forty hours at a cost of Is. Runs
noiselessly at a high speed. One dozen extra zinc
battery-rods given to the first fifty purchasers. Full
directions with each fan.
Price £3 3s.,
which includes freight to any railway station in Vic-
toria; 58. extra if sent to any other port in Australia
or N.Z.
We have a simpler fan, which gives just as stronc
a breeze, but is less ornamental; price £2 2s. We
specially recommend this cheaper style as being
thoroughly effective. Freight same as stated above.
The Cycione Electric Fan Co,,
"MESSRS. HALE AND SON'S FIRM has distinguMiied xtself
in the development of ELECTRICAL SCIENCE as a MEDICAL
AQkNT. By an entirely NEW METHOD of application they
have succeeded in producing an ELECTRIC BODY BELT,
unq[ue&tionably far superior to any previous invention. Yet the
whole appliance is so compact that it only weighs a few ounces.
In this age of shams it is something to get an article that has
some power apart from imagination." — •' Medical Monthly."
the most OBSTINATE cases of NERfOUS and other DISEASES
after all other remedies have FAILED. OUK SPECIAL
HAS NO EQUAL. Catalogue and Price Li=t gratis. CON-
HALE & SON, Medical Galvanists,
Model" Paper Patterns
1, are «sed by 500,000 American woman. You may "i*
»J« buy them now in Australasia. Price, Nlnepence ''
each, post if
JL Catalogue of 200 designs sent post free, on receipt ^«
4. of Id. stamp, by T. SHAW FITCHBTT, 167-9
April 20, QO^.
To whole-life policies which were 10, or more than
10, complete years in force on December 31, 1902, £1
158. per cent, of sum assured.
To whole of life policies which were less than 10
years in force, £1 lOs. per cent, of sum assured.
To endowment assurances which were 10 or more
than 10 complete years in force, £1 lOs. per cent, of
the sum assured.
To endowment assurances whicn were less than 10
years in force, £1 5s. per cent, of sum assured.
The management of the Citizens' has to be congratu-
lated on the excellent result of the year's work.
The figures of eleven British marine insurance com-
panies who have closed their accounts for the last
year show that a good profit was realised. The net
premium income amounted to £2,981,252, and interest
received to £215,387. After paying losses and expenses
there remained a surplus of £643,581. This must be
very gratifying to the companies concerned, inasmuch
as of late years the profits of marine underwriting
have been very low indeed.
A fire insurance case was brought before the Vic-
torian County Court on the 20th ult., when Messrs.
Brewer Bros., of Clifton Hill, sued the Colonial Mutual
Fire Company for £150, the amount of a policy taken
out by them on a building undergoing alteration. The
Colonial Mutual Company disputed the claim, on the
ground that the insured had effected an additional in-
surance of a like amount with the Standard Insurance
Company, without notifying tlie defendant company,
and, in addition, contended that the plaintiffs were
not entitled to bring the action until the matter
had been submitted to arbitration for the assessment
of damages. After hearing the evidence, the presid-
ing judge entered a non-suit with costs.
Amongst British Fire Insurance Companies trans-
acting business in America, the North British and
Mercantile secured the largest premium increase in
1902, from business in the United States, viz., $4,040,000.
The Commercial Union stands next, with $2,855,000 to
its credit: then the Northern Co., with $2,124,000; Lon-
don and Lancashire, $1,916,000; London Assurance Cor-
poration, $1,477,000; Manchester, $1,387,000: Palatine,
$1,276,000; and Royal Exchange, $1,002,000.
A disastrous fire is reported from the Bluff, New Zea-
land, on the 20th ult. One of the finest blocks in the
town was practically destroyed, including Messrs. Hud-
£250 "^ ^^'z^s FOR
The New Idea,'
the New Woman's Home Journal for Australasia, **
offers the above amount in prizes during 1903. II
You may campete if you are willing to slip ten Y
leaflets In your letters! A card marked " SNOW-
will bring you full particulars by return post.
dart, Parker & Co.'s offices. The damage amounted to
£7,000, of which some £5,000 was covered by insur-
^ 9^ ^
A novel plan has been adopted by an American
agency to advertise its accident business. A bulle-
tin is placed in front of the building, where the ac-
cidents of the day are chronicled for the benefit of
»l X >(
The owners of the steamer " Michigan " have been
awarded £4,125 for towing the steamer " Waikato "
into Cape Town, in July last year, a distance of 453
miles. The master of the Michigan " has been
awarded £450, and the crew, £925. It will be remem-
bered that the "Waikato" left London in June last for
New Zealand, via the Cape, broke her tailshaft, and
was towed into Cape Town by the " Michigan."
The Aberdeen liner " Damascus " went ashore on the
South African coast at the beginning of the month, be-
tween Durban and Cape Town, and was compelled to
jettison a portion of her cargo. She was subsequently
K H »t
A London cablegram states that the Court of Appeal
has ordered the Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association
of America to rescind a policy taken out in England,
and to refund the payments made by the holder, to-
gether with interest. The ground on which the order
was made was that tricky and misleading statements
were made by the company with regard to periodical
mortuary premiums. The Mutual Reserve Fund Life
association is a large company, with a premium income
of over £1,000,000 stg.
>l II It
Mr. Joseph Abbott has, in consequence of ill-health,
resigned his position as a director of the Australian
Mutual Provident Society. His resignation has been
accepted, and the directors, in terms of the Society's
by-laws, have appointed Mr. James Bums, of Messrs.
Burns, Philp & Co., to fill the vacancy.
The "Lady's Realm" for March gives the place of
honour to the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland
at Sion House, as sketched by Mrs. S. A. Tooley. The
life of the Crown Princess of Saxony is sympathetically
sketched by " Intime." Mrs. Arthur Witherby gives a
pleasant idea of her experiences camping out on the
desert in Egypt. Some interesting specimens of the
art of Miss Lucie Kemp- Welch are given.
In " Everybody's Magazine " Stephen French Whit-
man contributes a picturesque paper on the elephant-
catchers of India. Elizabeth Robbing Pennell writes
entertainingly on English culinary art in the seven-
teenth and eighteenth centuries. J. W. Ogden de-
scribes the " River Gamblers of Old Steamboat Days."
Lillian Pettengill, a graduate of Mo«nt Holyoake Col-
lege, has the first of four articles, " Toilers of the
Home," describing her experiences as a domestic ser-
vant. Interested in social questions, she undertook
to " look upon the ups and downs of this particular
dog-life from the dog's end of the chain." " The Auto-
biography of a Life Assurance Man " is the personal
narrative of the vice-president of one of the largest life
assurance companies. Booker T. Washington has the
fifth instalment of his autobiographical paper, " Work
with the Hands," describing the manual work at Tus-
April 20, 1903.
Our Story this
month is about
Did it ever occur to you, who have perhaps listened with pleasure to a Baad Com-
petition, what a contest between the most famous Bands of the whole world would
mean? For instance, suppose we take such numbers as— *«The Soldiers' Chorus" from
" Faust," or the Finale of the Overture from ''William Tell," *» The Tannhauser March,"
or •« Light Cavalry Overture," by Suppe, and wonder how «*La Qarde Republicaine,"
<< Banda riunicipale," of flilan, '*The Kaiser Franz Qarde Grenadier" Regiment, "The
Qarde Kurassier" Regiment, *<The Russian Imperial Court Band," **5ousa'8 American
Band," *«H.n. The Grenadier Guards," or " H.M. Coldstream Guards" would render
these pieces? If you appreciate all the technicalities of combined orchestration, would
not such a competition afford one of the most interesting musical studies imaginable?
To-morrow — this evening, if you are really anxious— you can compare the most
celebrated Bands of the world in your own home. We have been to these countries
and made the records; you have only to order them.
The Gramophone brings the world's music to your home.
style No. 3 £ 4 0 0
„ No. 4 5 0 0
„ No. 5 5 10 0
Monarch Junior . . . . 6 10 0
Monarch 10 10 0
Double Spring 13 0 0
,, Triple Spring 14 0 0
On receipt of a post-card we will send
you Catalogue and Price Lists,
together with name and address of the
nearest dealer in Qramopliones.
Monarch Junior.
£6 10s.
Writ* for
Oataloffue A."
VICTORIA: The Lainbert Depot, 3 Block Arcade, MelbourDe.
TASMANIA: Messrs. Werthelmer, Benjamin & Anderson, 71 Collins Street, Hobart.
WE8TRALIA: Messrs. Nicholson &. Co., Perth.
QUEENSLAND: Messrs. HeindorfF Bros., 210 Queen Street, Brisbane.
SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Messrs. S. B. Hunt &. Co., GrenfeU Street, Adelaide.
NEW SOUTH WALES: The Gramophone and Typewriter Co. Ltd., Head Office
for Australasia, 163 Pitt Street, Sydney.
April 20, IQ03.
The Biggie Farm Library,
A Complete Library for the Farm, edited by Jacob Biggie, one of the greatest American authorities
on farming in all its branches. Price 3/6 each, post free any address in Australasia.
No. 1.— Biggie Horse Book.
Telia all about breeds, about feeding and watering, about
stable and road management, of whims and vices, of har-
ness, of breeding, of colt education, of shoeing. The chap-
ters on Ailments and Remedies and Doctoring have been
prepared with special care, and are full and compre-
hensive. Biggie Horse Book covers the whole subject In
a concise, practical, and interesting manner. The book
is full of horse sense. It contains 128 pages, is profusely
and beautifully illustrated, and handsomely bound in cloth.
No. 2.— Biggie Berry JBook.
All about Berries. A whole encyclopedia of boiled-
down berry lore, after the manner of " Farm Journal."
Tells about varieties, about planting, growing, mulching,
under-draining. Irrigating, cultivating, picking, and mar-
keting. It gives practical pointers from the pens of scores
of leading berry growers. It discusses truthfully the
merits and demerits of all the leading berries, showing
which are best for market or for the heme garden. Many
of the leading American growers of the country tell in it
what to do and what not to do, giving infermatien which
has cost them hundreds of dollars in praetical experience.
It has coloured representations of berries, true to size and
colour, and thirty-five other illustrations, handsomely
bound In cloth; 29 chapters, 128 pages.
No. 3.— Biggie Poultry Book.
This is the most comprehensive and helpful poultry book
ever gotten out, for in addition to the vast amount of
valuable information covered in its seventeen chapters,
there are sixteen beautiful coloured plates, showing, true
to colour and shape, twenty-three varieties of poultry.
Chickens, ducks, turkeys, and geese are all shown in
their proper plumage, and with comb, beak, and shanks
as true to nature as it is possible to produce. Also
forty-two handsome engravings in half-tone, and sixty-
one other helpful illustrations of houses, nests, drinking
vessels, etc. The chapters on the use of incubators and
brooders, on the care of young chicks, on eggs and early
brooders, are practical and instructive. Pigeons for mar-
ket are also treated fully.
No. 4.- Biggie Cow Book.
The Biggie Cow Book is elaborately and beautifully
illustrated in wood -engraving, in half-tone, and in colour
Eight of the principal breeds are shown in colours.
No expense has been spared on these portraits, and they
must certainly gratify and please. There are twenty-six
chapters, covering the whole ground of the dairy. Those
en Ailments and Remedies are worth the whole price of
the boek to anyone owning even a sBall dairy.
The villager with one cow will find the work a great
The Creamery chapter is up-to-date, and will interest
It contains 144 pages of type matter, and 120 1»eautlful il-
No. 5.— Biggie Swine Book.
A practical, concise and common-senM b«ok, without any
padding or humbug about it. It U profuaely illustrated
with photographs direct from life of the ditterent breeds of
hogs, etc.
Much attention is given to practices In the diseases of
hogs, especially to cholera, to feeding, breeding, butcher-
ing, and the carving of meats for home use and for
market. There are 144 pages, printed on the best paper,
and bound in cloth. Some breeders have thought it was
not possible to make a good photograph of a hog, but the
score or more of handsome engravings made directly from
photographs will go far to dispel this illusion. All the
leading breeds are shown and briefly discussed in the text.
No. 6.— Biggie Health Book.
This book is written in a clear, concise style, and con-
tains that which will interest and instruct in health mat-
ters to a wonderful degree. It is not intended that it
shall take the plaee of the family doctor, but to enable its
readers to avoid his too frequent visits, and to aid him in
his laudable efforts in your behalf. Something is often
needed " before the doctor comes," and this little book will
fill the place.
There is not a bit of quackery in it; neither the Judge
nor his wife, who aided in the work, the publishers, nor
anyone else, have anything in the medical line to propa-
gate or sell; they have no fancies, nor fads, nor hobb^s.
Here is Just what most families need; a plain, common-
sense monitor and guide to good health, whose teachings
are certain, many times, to do great good. While the
Biggie Health Book will not ensure good health to the
family, it will greatly aid each member to know what the
laws of health are, and how to obey them.
No. 7.— Biggie Pet Book.
This book has been prepared especially for young people,
but it will interest every lover of dumb animals, young
or old. Nearly all the leading breeds are shown by en-
gravings made from photographs of the animals them-
selves, thus showing them as they really are. The list
of chapters is as follows: Dogs, Varieties of Dogs; Best
Dog for the Country Home; The Collie or Sheep Dog;
Training the Collie; Tricks for Dogs; Cats; Varieties of
Cats; Diseases of Dogs and Cats; Ponies, Ooats, Sheep,
etc.; Rabbits; Rabbit Hutches and Rabbit Diseases;
Guinea Pigs; Squirrels, Rats, and Mice; Other Pets;
Pigeons; Bantams; Canaries; Other Birds.
Biggie Pet Book will make a delightful holiday gift, one
that will be prized by every recipient; Biggie Pet Book
contains 144 pages, is printed on coated paper, and eon-
tains over 120 illustrations prepared expressly for the text.
No. 8.- The Biggie Sheep Book.
The Biggie Sheep Book is the very latest volume of
the Farm Library published. The first supply for the
Australasiam market Is new en the water, with a large
suyply ef the etker velmnes. It Is undoubtedly the
most coamon-s«ue, cemieased, aad helpful book en sheep
yet published. It Is Wlled-dewm praetlc*-not Inflated
theory. Its Illustrations— which are profuse— are worth
the 38. 6d. asked for the volume. It contalBS 144 pages,
printed ob stout white paper, booBd la cloth.
3/6 per Volume, post free any address in Australasia. The Complete Set of 8 posted for 24/-
Send Monoy Order, Postal Notes or Cheque, with exchange, to
T. SHAW FITCHETT, Representative in Austraiasia for tiie "Farm Journal of
America," 167a Queen Street, l\/ieibourne.
[A SUOGMTION.— Bend a penny stamp for a copy of the " Farm Journal of Aaerioa." It alreadv has 2,0M,000
Printed by T Shaw Fitchett, 167-9 Queen Street, Melbourne, for the Review Printing Company Proprietary Limited, and Published «>/
T. Shaw Fitchett for the Review of Reviews Proprietary Limited, at 167-9 Queen Street, Melbourne.
Review of Reviewfi, 20/4/OS.
f «
$ Womants Home Journal For Aushdasiai
1f®rtirAE0 ©tMpT^®
Mall0d to any addromm In Aumtralamla for 12 months for 31-
In addition to some dozens of regular departments, such as *' Mothers' Page," *' Talks to
Girls," " The Amateur Dressmaker,'' etc., the following appear :
metic Extraordinary ; A Pound a Week for Three People ; How to Dive.
WORK FOR DAINTY FINGERS (illustrated), conducted by the Instructress of the Work-
ing Men's College, Victoria.
It In doubt, sond Throe Penny Stamps for a sample copy to
T. SHAW FITCHETT, Publisher, 167-9 Queen Street, Melbourne,
Pmr mutual mtntmmtmm* wh«n y*u writ*
to mm mOvrUmmr >f«» m«ntl«n tiM R«vl«w of Rovlowtt^
Review of ReiHeieg, tO/^/OS. /
•O3T30l\ti35 S3A»r
James Service & C°
CuO^^ or THt 'Ofy
RoBUR Teas
aA7l0 i3L April /^Oj\
Dear Madam,
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^'"' 'at. «... c r> '' ''o,-e
If you have it in
your mind to try 'Robur'
Tea, why wasle lime ? If
il is worth trying at
all — and it is — the sooner
you do so the better for
both of us.
If your grocer
does not keep the Grade
you require, let us know
and we will induce him
to stock it, or make such
other arrangements as
^111 ensure your being
suppl led
Yours truly,
The •*Robur'* Tea Company,
', Manager.
For mutual advanta«« wh«n you writ* to an advertiser please mention the Revie<w o' Revl€V**!